Transgender Bronies 1,109 members · 759 stories
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How so? Should race really matter? :rainbowderp:

3902796 With D&D which all my characters are built with it does matter because races kind of provide personality to the character. I was thinking halfling or human but neither feel right.

Divine Path
Group Admin

Oh, I see then. Try whatever is the most accurate then.:yay:

Group Admin

3864881 Hi Cy! Thanks for administrating this great group. I have meet a lot of neat friends here. Dealing with mental health low points is never fun. If you ever need someone to talk to my PM box is always open.

Hey all :)

My name is Johanna. I'm a transgender woman and live openly as my real self since spring. I'm on hormones (Estradiol & Androcur) for 6 months now and doing increasingly well.
Fimfiction, especially tf/tg stories here, have been a big influence on me realizing how deep my feelings went and to accept my identity as a transsexual with the need to transition.
I still read lots of fiction and have been doing a little writing on-and-off, but nothing in the mlp area.

I find this community inspiring and heartwarming.
It would be nice to organize a place where people interested in mlp and especially fimfiction could chat, with maybe a seperate room for transgender bronies. Does something like this exist?

Divine Path
Group Admin

Welcome amongst friendships and joy. I hope you will enjoy your stay here.:twilightsmile:

Group Admin

3915484 look in the form there is a thread for a Skype group. Post your Skype name and they'll add you.

Group Admin


Ah, another demigirl. I use that term as it is sort of the approximation of the giant fluid smudge that is my gender. Also, unusual piece of history, while I did not coin the terms demiguy or demigirl, I was the first person to actually adopt the term demigirl shortly after its coining (yeah, I used to be on AVEN). It always makes me happy to see this term spread.


Thank you very much. Yeah, mental health issues can be tricky, that is for sure. Mine are still a bit unpredictable, but I am steadily working on getting the few areas worked on that will allow it to be predictable as well as allow me to live pretty healthily. Still adjusting to some of it. Yeah, adjusting to discoveries with regards to identity that have a bigger impact than being trans takes a while.

Group Admin

3922792 Yeah. Its amazing how many layers there can be. Seems every issue that is worked through reveals something else. I am finally at the point where most of my sessions are just mental health check ups. I am still seen once a month but I used to go every week for years. Stay strong. Exercise has proven to be invaluable for stability in regards to my mental health.

Group Admin


Thank you again. For me, well, my current therapist is the opposite of what I needed. Lesson learned. Do NOT tell one's gender therapist about other mental health issues if they are the ones that can get one excluded from trans gender medical care. One can get lucky, but it can end badly because you need them for letters and you definitely don't want that on your record (considering that some surgeons won't work on autistic people at all, you can imagine how many won't work on people with this issue) or to be passed on to your next therapist. Right now, I am just trying to keep my therapist from digging deeper and making it look like I am making slow progress with ups and downs so it is believable and they don't pry further. I mean, yes, I am making progress but it is way more complicated and it is a bit difficult striking it out on my own, but I must keep the current therapist from putting anything on my record or screwing up my letters. I really should seek out another therapist who is more specialized, but I worry about the possibility my gender therapist finds out and then there will be hell.

Group Admin

3922885 Been through that hell. I have 2 therapists for that reason. One is a gender specialist one is a regular therapist. I am autistic my regular therapist is the one that actually diagnosed me. Fortunately I have very good relationship with her. She does not specialize in trans or anything like that so she is very good to talk to about everything else. She worked with some of her peers and found my gender specialist for me. After about 2 years of working through my issues I was able to get my letters from both of them. My Endocrinologist required that my mental health be stable for at least one year with my 2 letters. It sucked. Hang in there. Make the changes you can and the rest will fall into place.

Group Admin


I managed to get hormones luckily, quite a while ago in fact (21 months). But I am worried about them getting yanked out from under me. Yeah, that will so help my mental health considering that skipping for two days on accident and not knowing it caused me to want to curl up into a ball and cry every single moment during a conference (would not have gone well if I had). Also, letters to a surgeon. That will be messy. At least my therapist won't put down autism because I have been very clear that I never want a formal diagnosis due both to how it would get in the way of bottom surgery possibly and make it hard to hold a driver's license where I live (also, I would never do the tests for a formal diagnosis). Another problem is that the medical community's recommended process to handle my mental health issues has a point I disagree with. Also, I don't fit the model very well. The process has 4 main steps. I don't even need to bother with step 1 since the issues it is meant to address aren't even present. Steps 2 and 3 run in parallel, but step 2 also does not even apply since the issue it is meant to address is not present. I am working on step 3 myself since I can't find any reason to disagree with it. Step 4 - not doing it, PERIOD. When these issues flared up last time several years ago, I did that step. It hurt my mental health rather than help. Due to that and other reasons, I am kind of wary of finding another therapist at all. Though I could really use help with step 3.

Group Admin

3922950 congrats the hormones. Hmm I do not fit any model well either. Hormones are a mess for sure. It took along time for the moodiness to stabilize after I started on them. I get mine injected. It helps me not forget to take them. The problem I ran into was the staff giving me the injections. I am on lupron and estradiol. The lupron is an intermuscular injection and the staff always managed to miss the muscle some how and hit a vein or something end result being that the lupron got absorbed faster than planned. That really plays hell with your testosterone levels. Fortunately the estradiol injection is into fat which is easy to administer. I am glad I am having my orchiectomy on the 6th. I ended up facing a review board to fight for my operation. I wrote a nine page letter outlining what I went through to that point and what my plans for the future were. I spent weeks of soul searching and journaling to write it. I feel your pain. Initially they denied my operation. Which is what prompted my letter. I was suicidal after I got the news. Instead of acting on my thoughts I poured them out into my journal and surrounded myself with my friends. Like i said before I have turned to exercise as my outlet for my negative thoughts and feelings. These kinds of issues are rough and no one should have to face them alone.

Group Admin


That sounds like an awful ordeal to have to fight through just to get surgery.

Group Admin

3924578 Fighting for what you need is always worth it. I am finally getting the body I want one step at a time.

Comment posted by Twiface deleted May 27th, 2015
Divine Path
Group Admin

Welcome to the group then.:raritywink:


Well, my name is DH7 or Deathhound, whichever you like. I'm not trans or even LGBT, but my inbox is always open. I'm mostly ignorant, but I'm willing to listen. If you are a who person needs advice, then they probably need someone else, but if you need someone to listen without that judgement bullshit, I'm your man.

Comment posted by Twiface deleted May 27th, 2015
Divine Path
Group Admin

You are very welcome.:yay:

Hey, all! To get the obvious out, I'm a transgender MtF. Pre everything. I actually doubt I will ever be 'post,' but one can hope. Regardless of that, I still consider myself a girl, or at least a girl at heart. I dunno, something like that. :raritywink:

Divine Path
Group Admin

Welcome to this place amongst friendships and joy. May your stay be pleasant~

3945825 I haven't had a poor interaction with a brony, yet. Men tack så mycket! :twilightsmile:

Divine Path
Group Admin

You haven't had a poor communication? Um, that's good then? Uansett, bare hyggelig.:derpytongue2:

3945838 I sure hope it's a good thing. It would suck to meet a brony who acts like a complete ass. Det skulle vara helt fruktansvärt.

Divine Path
Group Admin

Indeed it is. I just found the phrasing a tad unusual. Not that there is anything wrong with that. Do you feel comfortable around here, then?:twilightsmile:

3945865 I wouldn't have announced my biggest secret if I wasn't. Seriously, no one in my entire family (except my sister) has any idea. :twilightblush:

Divine Path
Group Admin

I see. Then I will wish you the very best of fortune on your endeavors.:raritywink:

Aww... Do you think they wouldn't understand?

3945906 I don't think they would. My dad might think I'm crazy (he already thinks being a brony is weird) and my mother would panic. She already tells me I'm her best son, and how handsome I am, and all that. Makes me cringe every time. I have tried hinting at things. For instance, she might comment about 'If you were a girl,' and I'll reply, "One day..." My sister was cool about it, though. She actually embraced the idea because having another sister would be awesome.

Divine Path
Group Admin

How do you know your mother would necessarily react with panic? She certainly does seem to dote on you. Whether those are misguided ways of showing her love for you by listing the qualities she perceives and think you'd like to have, or simply because she's heternormative shouldn't necessarily mean she would read negatively. The only way to determine that would be to learn her general opinion on LGBTI people, non-gender conforming people and gender roles in society. If you suspect she won't understand you can either explain it to her or ask for your sister's help on the matter.

One day her best son will be a fantastic daughter. :twilightsmile: Just make sure she knows that you're still you, and you're still her child.


I suppose. I've always been a bit too worried about bringing it up since I suck at this kind of stuff. Even if I do, I doubt anything will happen transformation-wise. That's probably another reason.

Divine Path
Group Admin

Then you'll just have to do what you can to convince them and gain their support. Try reading a little bit on things and prepare a presentation or a brief speech of sorts. Consult with your current ally too if you need help~

3945975 I could probably get their support, but anything other than that would most likely be up to me.

Divine Path
Group Admin

I'm assuming you're not a legal adult yet, so their support can still mean much for what you are allowed to do. You'll be significantly less hindered from being diagnosed and getting permission to transition and the like, at least from the legal aspect.:twilightsmile: Then again, I have no experience with this kind of thing, and how critical the system is varies from location to location.

As if that's a bad thing. :twilightsmile: You know what you want, and I'm sure that someday you'll be able to reach out and take it. Perhaps your family's insurance will cover gender therapy sessions and hormones. It's worth asking when you're ready.


I'm 21, so I don't know how that'll work out. I've never inquired about this stuff before.

3945808 hello my friend and i am Drayco Meowfoy at the moment (might change to a different aspect of me at some point), and welcome to this wonderful place of stuffs.:yay:

In that case, you should be alright! :twilightsmile:


My mom looked through my FiMFiction feed and saw all of the news from every group I've joined. She saw that I joined the LGBTQ group and this one, yet she didn't ask why or anything. It's like it didn't even occur to her. I need a freakin' beer... :facehoof:

Divine Path
Group Admin

That, or she chose not to ask about it. Either way, this possibly a good thing. It suggests her perspective is not negative.

Does she... Does she know what these terms mean? I mean, yeah, they're pretty common these days but you never know with some people.

She knows. I know she knows.

I suppose. Today has kinda sucked. She's been in this weird mood where she keeps addressing me by name and referring to me as her favorite son. One would think all my groaning and cringing would suggest something.

I suppose this weird mood started after she saw your notifications, didn't it?

3948889 No, she's been like this since forever. It usually happens about two or three times a month. She does the same thing to my sister. She was in this weird mood all day. Incredibly annoying because she also gets all clingy and whiny.

I wonder if telling her when she's in a mood like this would make it better or worse... All I can suggest is to wait until it feels right, or to keep sneaking little clues in here or there like you already are.

3948909 I have to go for a bit, but my sister just walked in. I told her about how I hoped my mom would find out, but she said, "Mom's not that smart.."

Haha! Aww.

Alright, see you next time. Good luck!

3948930 She (my sister) said a few minutes ago that if our mom ever leaves, she'd like to practice make-up on me. Not sure I'd wear it even if I was biologically a girl, but it seems like fun. :twilightblush:

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