Transgender Bronies 1,110 members · 759 stories
Comments ( 290 )
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Well... I'm pretty sure I already introduced myself. But... That was a long time ago, and I'm different now.

My name is Grace (Who would have thought?) I'm a 17 year old MtF, who has been on HRT for less than a month. I'm an artist, and I plan to go to school for graphic design when I graduate. I love to game, listen to music, draw, watch cartoons, and cuddle with my girlfriend <3

If I had to name one thing special about me it would be my synesthesia. I know it's one of those special snowflake things... But I really have it, and while it can be distracting, it is pretty cool.

4422932 Thanks silvah! ^-^

Well, I guess I'm here now. I really have NO idea what I am, but physically male, and definitely not mentally male. Name's Nic. Note the lack of a K at the end.

Vinyl Scratch is my fave, but I fit in better with Thestrals. My life effectively revolves around computer this, computer that.

-Ave Machina, Hail the Machine, and Drop some Beats.


My name is Katrina. That is both my writing name and the name I want to be known by. I am transgender (m2f) but not sure how far that goes. I used to find my answers in writing, although I had a lot of stress placed upon me a few years ago so now I'm not sure what I can do. I'm 42 and have known deep down I was TG in some method since I was about 20. Each time I've run away from myself and convinced myself I was just CD or something not as severe (to myself at least) as being TS/TG. I've realized though that I am TG. I've only seen one therapist once about several years ago and was diagnosed with GiD at the time. I found the pony fandom after watching the series and realizing I enjoyed it more than the original and was surprised at the amount of TG stuff here as well. I havent written or drawn anything in over 3 years and am trying to force myself back into both. It isn't easy. I hope to make many friends within the Brony/Pegasister communities. Bah, I've never been good doing the introduction thing. :/

Lady Froey
Group Admin

Best of luck with writing and/or drawing, welcome. :twilightsmile:

Lady Froey
Group Admin

Feel free to make threads asking for help, I and plenty of other members have experience if you need any advice.

hello, names tim; timthebrony, i'm bi, male (some day mtf), nothing much more to say about me :pinkiehappy:

Well, I'm a straight cisgender man. I'm not going to apologize for that. But I've had a vested interest in LGBT affairs for quite some time, and I've been giving more attention to the T ever since my best friend came out as female.

So just... lump me in with the droves who are joining the group in an ally capacity.

Usually when I write an introduction like this I end up having to redo it at least once before I like it. This is no exception. By the time I think I'm done I think that I sound stupid and keep adding on needless details. Then I start rambling and I hat it even more.

So now I am going to properly introduce myself. I'm 16 years old. I'm questioning my gender. Although last year I thought I had a pretty good idea of who I am, I don't know anymore. I was assigned male at birth. I'm perfectly okay with that sometimes, but other times I feel like it's not right at all. Whenever I try to put a label on things I usually end up drifting towards genderfluid before being unsatisfied and trying to do it all over again. Just using genderqueer also seems to be a popular word to use with myself. I really just need to talk it out with people to help better understand myself.

Enough of that stuff and on to what really matters. My biggest passions are music, video games, board games, and friends. Not necessarily in that order. Music has dominated my life for about 5 years now. I have played the trombone since I was 11. About 2 years ago I picked up the piano. And most recently (for my birthday earlier this year) I started the guitar. I have been obsessed with just listening to music for a long time as well. If I had to pick a favorite album, it would have to be Trouble Will Find Me by The National. However, my favorite band is Matchbox Twenty. As far as video games go, I have been playing my entire life. The earliest memories I have playing of video games are of me playing Halo and Fuzion Frenzy. I was a weird child. I didn't have any Nintendo systems when I was younger, except for the DS. If you were to ask me what my favorite board game is, I would never be able to tell you because I love just about every board game I've ever played. Also, the web series, Tabletop, hosted by Wil Wheaton is one of my favorite shows to watch. Friends are what I value above all else. If I had no friends, I wouldn't have anyone to play video games or board games with (other than my family, of course), nor would I have anyone to discuss favorite bands and songs with. Family is of course way up there on my list of most important things in the universe, but that should really go without saying. Wow, the changing between those topics was really seamless (obvious sarcasm is obvious). Which is another thing about me, I'm usually very sarcastic unless it's about something personal like this post. If there is anything else you would like to know about me, just PM me. I won't bite. I will probably get back to you at some point in time.

Greetings everyone. I am a 18 year old, physically male high school graduate on my way to college and during the previous year and a half or so I began questioning my gender. Lately I have begun to feel more comfortable with the of becoming a transgender and finally told my closest friend about it ( and she has been very supportive thank Celestia). I want to transition but I'm still scared to tell my parents and I wouldn't feel right starting without telling them. I'm hoping that by joining this and other similar groups I will be able to gather the courage to finally tell them who I really am. Also if any of you would like to PM me (don't know why you would but if you do) my name is Octavia (no connection to the pony, it was a name I had chosen before becoming a brony in November 2014). Although now that I know of Octavia, I love the connection.

Lady Froey
Group Admin

Welcome! If you ever need any advice or anything feel free to start a thread. :twilightsmile:

I'm a (I have no fucking clue what the hell I am. I'll just call myself a human. :P) human and a bisexual 17 year old male, and I'm in this group because a few people close to me are trans. I'm here as an ally, of course. I guess... that's really all about me. So, um.


Hello, I'm TG and have been lurking around FIM for a while and saw this group and thought cool!

Thank you for welcoming me here. Maybe someday I'll figure out what the fuck I am and be able to edit that hello post. xD


Thank you, for the welcome! :heart:

Lady Froey
Group Admin

Not much to say other than welcome to the club, don't know why you would bring up a random persons trans status.

3736052 Hello Lady Forey I'm (agron989 on here) but My name is Daniel and I'm 21 years old and I'm also unemployed and I live in Texas. (oh and I apologize that I forgot to say that I also take care of my mom as well)

Although I'm not a transgender I'm writing this to let you know that you and all the others Have my deepest respect you all might be transgenders but you are all still good people and that's where you all still have my respect and I know you all do have great happiness in your lives and with good friends too


Lady Froey
Group Admin

Well, thank you. :twilightsmile:

4608398 Your welcome I'm glad I could help you all and like I said you and the others have deepest respect for now and forever

your not alone i feel the same way as well

Hello. I'm anycent. My name is mandy. I am a 19 year old MtF pansexual trans girl. I'm pretty nerdy and pervy. I hope one day to move out of the United States. My waifu is rarity, Glittershell is a huge inspiration for me. Also I am very girly yet nerdy. If anything I fit the teenage female stereotype. The only problem is I can't express it. I'm trying to save money to move out on my own and be myself. Thank you all. :)

Hi, my name is Keam and I'm a cis gender girl who's currently dating a MtF pre-everything. :)

Hi. I recently admitted to myself what I have known for some time now. If you want details then you can see my blog.

I have chosen the name Rachel, and I am a pre-everything trans woman. I can probably be described as a basic nerd. I like books, videogames, good cartoons, and anything to do with dinosaurs or mythology. I am currently unable to transition at all because bills and life take priority. For now I am dependant on family for a place to live, and while I am sure they would be ok with me they have there own things to deal with.

Right now the plan is to pay off my car so I don't have almost 300 dollars disappear from my check every month. After that I can start planning for my transition, which will NOT be including a certain operation because I cringe every time I picture something sharp going near that part.

I would also like to introduce my pets. Curly a male bearded dragon. Jay a male leopard gecko and Gorgeous a female albino leopard gecko. And two nameless anole lizards. :)

Group Admin

4770829 Nice to meet you! I'm not too far from your position myself. :twilightsmile: Consider this group a place to talk whenever you need to. It's very nice~

Hey, I'm Sev. I'm FtM.
I'm socially awkward and extremely timid. I know my own mind, I'm just really really not into hurting other people's feelings, some kind of extreme unfocussed empathy thing that comes from my autism. (Yes, officially diagnosed, yes we do come in the extreme-empathy-flavour as well. No, I can't read other people's emotions/faces/body-language at all. Ya'll are a huge mystery IRL.) One of the reasons I love My Little Pony (Other than the fact that I am old enough that I grew up with Gen 1.) is that cartoon faces are a hundred times more readable, even in pony form.
I'm only out to a couple of friends, as I have family obligations that get in the way of, well, everything really. My family relies on me to be the no-nonsense, no-drama, no-frills, supporter-of-everyone-elses-drama, as unfortunately there is a lot of that around here.
I'm pleased to meet you all.

Lady Froey
Group Admin

Welcome Severn. :twilightsmile:

I'm MtF. I have not begun hormones. II have had to sever so many people since I came to know my gender. People doubt my autonomy in all matter because of my autism and this impacts my ability to transition greatly.

Hello every pony! I go by Lily (which I consider a neutral name as it means something important to me). I'm in my late twenty's and came out as FTM ten years ago but more recently that label has not defined me very well. I have no idea what I am now but I dress very fluidly and generally ignore the existence of gender in it's entirety (it's kind of like cosplaying every day to me). I have schizophrenia, bipolar, and ADHD so I'm unstable at the best of times but I try to make do. I'm an avid crochet artist (look for TeamCrafty on deviantart!) who writes when they don't have orders to fill. I'm a gamer whose favourite system is Nintendo 3DS, and I also enjoy any PC based games. I'm also a fan of Harry Potter, Pokemon, Doctor Who, and many many anime series. I draw sometimes and aspire to create my own card game and retro RPG. The short description of me is Geek 3.0+. Sorry if I rambled but it's nice to find decent people on here!

Lady Froey
Group Admin

Hi, I noticed you are bumping inactive threads that are months old. While I do appreciate people being active on the forum, there is not much to get from inactive discussions. Could I please advise you check how old the posts are before responding to them? Thanks.

Yeah, sure. Sorry about that. Sorry but How do I know if it's inactive or too old? Most of the posts are from well over a week ago.

Lady Froey
Group Admin


How do I know if it's inactive or too old?

You can find the date of the original thread post next to a users name when browsing the forum.

and there are time stamps for each post as well.

I don't mind if you reply to a post that is a week old, but some of the threads you have bumped are back from July and August. Bumping threads that old tends to be frowned upon in forums unless it's say a pinned thread like this one.

I gotcha. My most sincere apologies for the faux pas.

Lady Froey
Group Admin

Is fine, thanks for listening.

So, time to stir up some surprise, eh?

I'm known as the Stampede, or just Dash, but my closest friends, and those to whom I've trusted a secretive part of myself know me as Alice.

The beard and curled 'stache really throw people off when I bring it up, but I think I have a thing for facial hair :V

I've been struggling with the inevitable issue of having friends and family stumble upon the little slice of heaven I've been constructing, and the act of damage control has been wreaking hell on my mental and social state lately... It's all so new and scary, and I'm always finding myself at a loss - either in friendships or personal goals, so I'm not going to sit by and let my life fall apart because I can't reach out.

Reaching out is the hardest part for me, because it opens up the truth that this is who I am and challenges the image my family and friends have had of me for the past many years..

It also loses me most of my friends pretty consistently, so I'm shaking in fear over this little act of self-confidence. Fear that I'll never be able to be the strong and courageous girl I know I have inside, because I'm too scared of the what-ifs and the thought that maybe I'll lose another friend today...

Hopefully, now that I've opened my windows and let the sunlight in, it won't burn me like all the other times I've tried. I just want to find my own sunlight to guide me through the darkness..

So many of you here have much more serious struggles than I, and I cannot begin to fathom the stress and pain you've felt - but I hope that by opening my wounds, we can all heal one another through a web of unfailing support.

I've come out to friends IRL, but not in a form quite so public as this...I'm scared shitless...

And yet, it's got a new fire burning in my heart, pushing me to succeed, and to fight for the woman I have inside. I know this is the right step to take, even if I fall down again.

At least I'll have help to get back up, right?

Lady Froey
Group Admin

Welcome to the group Alice, feel free to make a thread here if you ever need advice. We are more than happy to help.


Thank you, for anything and everything you have to offer in the future. It's a tough road, but I'm feeling optimistic.

I was so scared to post even that intro, but it feels like the right step. I know that if I reach out, I can become who I want to be.

Being scared never felt so satisfying before. :twilightblush:

Maybe it sounds hollow, but, well... Don't think of the friends who might not stay; think of those who will, and the times you'll share when all is said and done. Think not only of what you could lose, but what you'll gain. Think of Alice, and think of everything you want to be. Those who truly deserve your friendship will stay no matter what your name is. You're still you, after all, from frills to 'stache. :twilightsmile: See you around.

A sentiment I often remind others of, yet fail to use in my own life, I really should look into following my own words of advice one of these days. :unsuresweetie:

Every offered hand is an immense blessing, and I'll be sure to use it to look forward and ever-upwards. Thank you for your support:twilightsmile:

Hi everyone
Dave my name and I recently revisited my story "A truth so Elusive" and noticed that there this group here exists.
Now, I am a good old Demisexual but you guys deserve some support. If I am tired of gender-norms and societal stigmata for being different, then you must be really in dire need of a hug.
So... yeah, that's basically it. Hi everyone, you guys should be whatever you feel you are.

Lady Froey
Group Admin

Uhhh... Care to explain?

Lady Froey
Group Admin

I am not familiar with your environment and current situation, so I will just give some minor advice:

Wherever life takes you, be sure to guide yourself and not others have others do it for you.

Whether you stay here or go, that's your choice and I don't mind what you do. At the same time however do what you think is best and not what others think is best for you.

Have a good one.

Madeline L-Equine
Group Admin

Even though people will repeatedly try to frame it as such, this really isn't a "sides" issue. Who you are should never be constrained by your political affiliation. That's for no one but you to figure out for yourself.

Lady Froey
Group Admin

I think you and I might have some similarities.

Before I came out as trans, I was an individual who would basically be defined as a redpiller nowadays. I hated a lot of things including feminism, religion, certain parts of LGBT and people in general.

When I came out as trans I became a feminist, the only problem is that my introduction to feminism was from a very radical side and I basically went from one extreme to another. It wasn't until I started to mature as young an adult that I finally found a middle ground where I can stand comfortably. (I nowadays am an egalitarian feminist, it's a nice middle ground where I care about all.)

Throughout this journey I had to let go of friends from high school, college and online. It sucks losing people you sometimes depend on, but you will always find others you can rely on and truly call friends as well.

This entire MRA, SJW, Tumblr, Gamergate, fuck it all garbage to me is nothing but a waste. People like myself (and a good chunk of my friends) tend to stick in a center point where we form our opinions from what we feel is just right. We don't agree to everything (just talk to my partner 4857927 who is a libertarian. :raritywink:) and don't fall under the same label, but we know we can stand together regardless of our differences.

Madeline L-Equine
Group Admin


my partner

who is a libertarian. :raritywink:

y-yyou outed me!

Lady Froey
Group Admin


the moral of the story is fuck twitter, it ruins friendships

Indeed, I use to have one and deleted it afterwards. It's basically a platform to make yourself and others look like an ass in 140 characters or less. :derpytongue2:

I suppose that I should have done this before I started posting regularly, but whatever -- I'm Kia. I'm a 32 year old MtF veteran, and I've been on hormones for right around three months now. I came out when I was 24, and ended up losing about 85% of my family and all but one of my friends in the process. That set my plans to transition back by a whopping eight years, most of which has been spent just trying to piece my life back together. Now I'm a full-time student in the Human Services Technology program at Ohio University, and generally making my way forward in life.

I'm still struggling with a lot of things, though. There's really no therapy out there to help a person reconcile being a transwoman and a trained killer at the same time, and having a hard time forming attachments to people is one of the reasons I haven't been in a relationship since 2002. You really do get your perspective on the human condition rearranged when you see somebody literally ripped apart by a machine gun. I'm still here, though.

Lady Froey
Group Admin

It takes a lot to share personal experiences like that, I appreciate it. Hope your transition goes well.

Hey, how's it going?

Mostly copy-pasted from the LGBT introduction thread because I am posting at too-early-to-be-awake o'clock.

I am Seven Fates, a twenty-five year old transwoman in the process of coming out. I have just recently come out to my two sisters and brother-in-law; they're all quite supportive, and they all give me hope for when I manage to work up the strength to come out to my parents, with whom I still live. I'm holding off until after the holidays are over so as to not heap a stressful situation on top of an already smoldering pile of a stressors, and even then it's not going to be an easy journey for me, regardless of how supportive they are.

Being unemployed, and not in any training or education, I don't really have a lot of options, though I am finally doing some freelance work through which I can build a reference. Even the area I am in does not seem to have much in terms of transgender support/care, so once I'm finally out in my entirety, I'm likely going to be doing a lot of commuting in order to see a therapist in order to hopefully get a referral to an endocrinologist.

Despite having known I was supposed to be a woman since puberty, I've been largely too afraid to come out after an attempt/cry for help in my teens went ignored/mistaken for a phase. This has led to a lot of body image and self-confidence issues over the years. I grew tall, hairy, and broad, and I felt disgusted with myself. I did not take good care of myself, and although I am not morbidly obese, I am highly out of shape and do have somewhat of a belly.

In spite of all of that, I am getting better. Just six days ago, on my birthday, I came out to one of my sisters through a heartfelt letter on Google Docs, through Facebook, and my other sister two days later. I have also been buying myself cute underwear, and lately I've only been wearing that if I have a choice, but until more of the cute ribbon stuff comes in from china, I have little over a week's worth before I have to start wearing the male stuff. Still, they make me happy and more comfortable with myself than my maleness and overactive sex drive do.

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