MLP: Hard Analysis & Criticism 257 members · 72 stories
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I don't know about everyone else, but I always thought changelings were out of place enemies that don't really fit in the FiM universe in my opinion.

But I cannot deny that Chrysalis is actually a pretty cool villain, but also really clumsy if you think about it.
Disguising herself as another pony alone is not enough to fool ponies, she also needs to act like that pony to make everypony believe she is Cadence. Chrysalis did a terrible job(but good enough to fool everypony, but Twilight). She let her guard down too much for Twilight to expose her.

When Chrysalis kidnapped Twilight, why did she keep her in a cave RIGHT NEXT TO CADENCE? And later on when the changelings brought the Mane 6 back from the getting the Elements, why didn't Chrysalis make sure the Mane 6 couldn't do anything. Twilight escaped from the crystal caves before, shouldn't Chrysalis know by now that maybe she should take extra precautions?

3650249 Sadly Chrysalis is the only good villain left in the show, assuming that she didn't die from being thrown from Canterlot all the way to the badlands.

And as far as I'm concerned, the comic isn't canon and I will never accept it as canon.

Group Admin


Yup. I get tired of people who say the comics and story books should be considered canon just because they're sanctioned by Hasbro. And I for one refuse to consider the comics canon because of The Nightmare Rarity arc and especially the Shining and Cadence arc, which had absolutely no romantic build-up or meaningful interaction between them, just scenes where they crush on each other from afar.


Sadly Chrysalis is the only good villain left in the show,

:raritycry:We are doooooomed!

And as far as I'm concerned, the comic isn't canon and I will never accept it as canon.

And I for one refuse to consider the comics canon

Still, they are better than the official episodes.
And I said everything.

because of The Nightmare Rarity arc

Wow, I never saw anyone criticizing it! Why did you dislike it so much?

My opinion of them has worsen since the last time we talked about them.

The idea of Changelings isn't a bad one. Bug-like creatures that feed on love and can turn into anyone. They could've been good in a Spike/Rarity episode where some new guy comes to town and Rarity falls for him and Spike becomes jealous, but then gets worried when Rarity starts acting weird. They don't work for me if they are invading some nation with brute force. They are stealthy creatures.

But the problem isn't that don't belong in the series. They don't belong in the episode. Think about it. We have two new characters we know nothing about, and we should be learning about them. But no, we need a villain for no good reason. Our attention is no longer on the new characters we need to know but on this invasion thats distracting us from what should be the focus.Twilight's relationship with her brother. Instead we barely see the groom or the bride and Chrysalis is hogging the story to herself. Canterlot Wedding isn't about Cadence and Shinning Armour's wedding in Canterlot, it's about Chrysalis and her invasion.

It's little things like that, that remind me why she's on my worst villains list and why Conterlot Wedding is one of the worst episode I've seen(No I haven't seen MMC and after).

3650326 Honestly I doubt the comics would be canon anyway simply because different writing team and it would be neigh-impossible for the cartoon and the comic to line up everything. That said I'm already anti-comics because of the whole kitten-killing thing... so typical of a comic adaptation to try and be darker and grittier whether its warranted or not :ajbemused:

By the way, check your PMs lately?

Was the Nightmare Arc bad?

3651124 Yes..... yes it is, you should know by just hearing the name.

Not really. But to me, it would be better if it was Twilight that it took.

(No I haven't seen MMC and after)

Really? Lucky you.


I agree.

Group Admin


I forgot to reply to the actual topic! Personally, I really like the changelings, and I don't think their existence is outside the realms of the show. They're based on mythological creatures, which is an MLP staple. However, I don't like the fact that Chrysalis is a bit of an idiot. She's stupid in the comics, too, as evidenced by her plan, which ends up making Twilight even more powerful.


Wow, I never saw anyone criticizing it! Why did you dislike it so much?

I wouldn't say it's a particularly bad story arc. 6/10, perhaps. (I've only read Vol 1-3 of the trade paperbacks which include the Chrysalis arc, Nightmare arc, Big Mac arc and Shining/Cadence arc. It's unlikely I'll ever buy any more, to be honest.) It at least had Pinkie acting her playful yet intelligent self, which is something I can appreciate.

The reason I mentioned it is because of certain details that I simply don't want to consider canon. For a start, the idea that Nightmare Moon only came into being because of the existence of a separate malevolent entity poses a few problems. We're meant to believe that Celestia banished Luna to the moon for a thousand years for simply being affected by the Nightmare. Any arguments that it was just a manifestation of Luna's jealousy and spite is thrown out of the window, especially when it comes to the comics themselves. All of the ponies in Ponyville are targeted and somewhat affected by it, having recurring nightmares, but Rarity is transformed because she was chosen, because, well... Actually, they don't give a very good explanation for that. So Rarity becomes Nightmare Rarity through no fault of her own, and while Luna had the same thing happen to her and got banished for a millennia, Rarity is found and saved because she's 'a friend in need.'

Not to mention, Nightmare Rarity acts like a completely different character, sharing none of Rarity's traits at all. I was expecting her to act upon Rarity's pent up anxieties or rage, and give us some kind of insight into Rarity's character a little more, to see the things she keeps deep inside manifest themselves. But nope. Nightmare Rarity is depicted as an entirely separate character with none of the real Rarity's mannerisms, and just acts like a generic villain. Nightmare Rarity isn't Rarity's dark side. Nightmare Rarity is just The Nightmare who happens to have taken over Rarity's body. So then, Nightmare Moon was just The Nightmare who happened to take over Luna's body. Which is bullshit. And Luna got a thousand years on the moon as 'punishment.' Which is also bullshit.

I was honestly expecting something similar to Emperor Griffon from Dark Chronicle, an innocent mage who grew hateful after witnessing the woman he loved and her kingdom be destroyed by humans, and the Dark Element was a manifestation of that hatred born through his magic. The same could also be said for Queen Cassiopeia and The Tribunal from Ni No Kuni. (Yeah, Level-5 seems to have a thing for villains who aren't evil, just misguided.) That would have made the story arc a whole lot better IMO.

3653014 You buyed them? Sorry to hear that, I read the Nightmare Rarity arc online and never dared to read Chrysalis' revenge and the rest of the arcs.


I read the Nightmare Rarity arc online and never dared to read Chrysalis' revenge and the rest of the arcs.

You can read the Big Machintosh arc, it's "safe" and if you are not bothered from the Viking Princess portrayal, you can also read Luna's one.


Don't you have anything to say about that?:raritydespair:

Actually, I support the headcannon of the Nightmare being a separate entity, mainly one of pure evil like Exdeath, and target Luna because her jealousy made her vunable to it. Then again, why target Rarity? Would it make more sense to strike Twilight after she becomes a princess.

Group Admin


Don't you have anything to say about that?

Uh... should I? I honestly have no idea what point you're trying to make. :applejackconfused:


Twilight wasn't a princess during the Nightmare arc, thank god. From Issue #13 Twilight would be an alicorn. I guess she's a princess in the comic too? *sigh* why?!


Aww, I hoped that someone else noticed this!

Do you see the elements? No you don't see them; now think at how much they are important in the FiM universe, then consider that the "magic of friendship" is acceptable only thanks to those little neckles, and finally think at what consequences this power of rainbows would cause in the actual show.

The horror.

Good point. Still, even if she wasn't princess I still target her because A: She's the wielder of Magic and was the one who stood up to it. I think it would hold grudge for that. B: She's Celestia's student, and if it can't get an Alicon, it should go for the next best thing. and C: is a large body of water that can have many sea monsters.

And isn't this thread about Chrysalis. Why are we talking about the Nightmare?

Group Admin


EQG already had that set-up covered before I even read the comics, so that's probably why I didn't get what you were referring to. :twilightblush:


Actuuually, you are right, they don't really belong to FiM.
The only thing I considered good in you-know-what-episode is nothing but another flaw. Wow.

They worked well on that episode only because love suddenly became extremely important, and also some sort of magic... uuurgh love became a force of nature able to hurt creatures... anyway even this "magic of love" is out of place simply because this show has always been against those sort of things, yeah they used "friendship" to defeat Luna and Discord but only because they represented jelausy and... discord, it was symbolic, but apart from that they never used group hugs to beat up dragons or manticores, they cooperated with each other, they used true friendship to surmount obstacles.

uhmm yeah.

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