MLP: Hard Analysis & Criticism 257 members · 72 stories
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I wasn't happy with how Season 3 was going and was hoping the next season would be better. That was before the news about Alicorn Twilight. I wasn't content from the start with Twilight becoming an alicorn. When came MMC came on, it took me a few days to realise I did not want to watch Season 4 anymore. The experience was ruined for me.

If Alicorn Twilight was introduced at the end of Season 4, I still would've hated it, but I would've coped with it better. Because there would've been 25 more episodes that featured Unicorn Twilight. Season 3 was the first season I watched live in real time and seeing Twilight become an alicorn princess at the finale, is very sour. With Equestria Girls and the comic book introduction of Alicorn Twilight made it even more sour.


I can share those feelings as well. Although I might still watch season four, because it has been touted to be better than season three, I was just shocked at the finale of season three.

For me, the reason why I don't like Alicorn Twilight because it was a major Ass Pull. Sure, there might of been a little foreshadowing on Twilight Sparkle ascending to alicornhood status, which brings to another problem. They made her an alicorn too early. If My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic never achieved the huge periphery demographic of bronies we have today, then Twilight ascending to alicornhood in the season three finale (do know that it was originally going to end at the third season like Transformers Prime) would be okay, because its the finale and it wouldn't be that much of an Ass Pull.

Then again, maybe Twilight Sparkle being an alicorn won't be permanent. Maybe she'll have to sacrifice her wings and large size when a powerful chaotic evil comes. I always think that there might be something like that happening in the show canon.


Then again, maybe Twilight Sparkle being an alicorn won't be permanent. Maybe she'll have to sacrifice her wings and large size when a powerful chaotic evil comes. I always think that there might be something like that happening in the show canon.

To be honest, I've always said that if that happens, it'll honestly just make the problem worse.

See, the thing is that even if it gets reversed, it still is a thing that happened, so we'd have the comic book problem of status quo being reset which then would make the cartoon's universe feel stagnant and at conflict with itself, a place that doesn't want to be a static nothing-ever-changes universe but then always undoes every change, which would make all character development since then absolutely pointless.

Just for example, comic readers have put up with this problem for decades and it really came to a head with One More Day. Just to be safe, I'm going to assume you haven't heard of it even though you probably have: It's an infamous Spider-Man story arc whose whole purpose was to reset the status quo of the Spider-verse to what it was in the 60s and 70s--Parker is a student, lives with Aunt May, has no romances, does freelance photography for J.J....

Taking away the wings would give us the same issue in MLP: Now Twilight's a student again, and is learning friendship again, and it would just feel really arbitrary, like if you were forced to re-do college after already having had your diploma for a year. The show has already passed a thematic plateau and to undo it you have to go back down to the previous one, which would just feel wrong. Like Rocky V. Yes I do know a lot of examples of this kind of thing don't I?

Anyway, that's what really sucks about Twilicorn: not only was it a bad idea in the first place but there's also no really satisfying way to fix it, and in fact most of the cures are worse than the disease since they result in an even worse situation.

Really I can only see two possible outs:

1) It turns out that wasn't really Celestia and the whole Princess thing was actually part of a villainous scheme to dispose of Celestia and take over Twilight via the grafted-on wings, and there's no way to stop it. Now knowing that the wings are bad, Twilight goes back in time to the day she got the book with the spell and destroys it, explaining the situation to her past self just before she smooshes out of existence.

2) Twi wakes up and the whole Twilicorn thing was all a dream, however it gives her a potential future goal... or allows her to think about whether that's what she wants or if she'd rather do something else.

Anything else would just be scratching the scab.

What was a relief for me when I found out about Lauren Faust had other plans for Twilight and never intended to make her an alicorn or a princess.

I would've approved of "The first lady of Equestria" Twilight Sparkle more. More than the princess title. Because Twilight has no royal blood. Unless they make Twilight's parents into her foster parents all of a sudden and Celestia is the true mother. But would cause more problems.

The writers REALLY dug a huge hole for themselves. A hole that is impossible to fill at this point.

I really want to see how Lauren Faust would have done it. Alicorn Twilight is bull:yay: and while season 4 is better than season 3, it could have been better without wings.


I don't agree. I saw the entirty of Season 3 and even though it had still Unicorn Twilight, I was really bored.

If Season 4 still had Unicorn Twilight, I would watch it in a heartbeat. Would I have liked it? Well I have read Kirb's Season 4 reviews and I have to say, no.

Oh well. I'm not going to argue with your opinion.

Alicorn Twilight Came Abruptly

Shortest bad clopfic ever.


You said that Season 4 could've been better if Twilight didn't have any wings.

The point I was trying to make was that an episode with Twilight without wings, doesn't make a better episode. It's quality that is always the deciding factor.

I was a little tired so I just wrote that anyhow.

i wish lauren faust would still continue with the story because season 1 is amazing! but as time went on... things are going downhill because twilight became a princess suddenley, season 3 has been the worst episode i want the old twilight back!.

Of the gigantic pile of screwups that is Magical Mystery Cure, AliTwi takes probably number 3 or 4 for me.

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