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Any thoughts about this?

Group Admin


I may watch it, so long as they don't bring Starlight back. While I like the EQG movies, for some reason I'm more weary of this. Over all I don't expect much from this series, especially if they have the same writers as MLP.

A little late for it. Unless Hasbro is gonna cancel MLP:FiM ( Knowing that they f*cked up very badly and try salvage every coin they can from it. ) and focusing their efforts on the High School themed Equestria Girls marketing only.

I'm gonna ignore it.

6166157 You know, I wouldn't be surprise if it was a YouTube Red exclusive show.

But then again, I think it's best not to give Hasbro anymore ideas after the shitshow movie came about.

I might actually check this series out. As long as Starlight stays away from this universe, I'm good.

Like I said in a previous thread, I don't watch crap.

Group Admin

You know, there actually was one Equestria Girls short I enjoyed watching.

But that was only because I muted the video and played something more fitting over it. :rainbowwild:


aww heck...

Well, I guess I better keep an eye on this as im willing. that said I'm with Calinjc and DR-Fluffy. considering how little we see of that side of the franchise especially, more Starlight would piss me off- doesn't mean i don't expect it. Can't say im happy to see Timber spruce again. already. Blech.


So, Hasbro will make a series about girls that have to deal with magic stuff?
Gee, I haven't even heard of stuff like that in my life *sarcasm*.
What is the point of this show, really?
The movies at least came up once a year, but make a WHOLE SHOW about the copies of the Mane 6?
What are they going to came out to make it last more than just one season?
Also, Twilight X Timber. As if I didn't had already enough nopes about this whole thing.

6166156 Me, given that I actually like the EqG franchise, I think I'm gonna give it a chance.

But I will agree that I don't want to see (ugh) Starlight Glummer show up in any of them.

6166187 Actually, I like the original music from that.
But, to each their own, as they say.

6166169 Well, I didn't see anything other than the regular YouTube Logo on ot, so I suppose that we'll just have to wait and see about that one.

6166156 Honestly, if I have one (non-Starlight Glimmer-related) gripe about this series, it's that Fluttershy's bum of a brother, Zephyr Breeze, is gonna be in it at some point.
I hope that EqG Rainbow Dash dislikes him as much as her Equestrian counterpart does.

Ain't that fond of Timber Spruce, either, but Sci-Twi seems t, so what're ya gonna do?

I also like their new clothes and look.
(Well, at least one of them (Dash) is wearing pants in this.)

0_0. ah buggery. isnt that Zephyr at 0:17, now that you brought it up?

Group Admin

*watches to the 17 second mark*

Well, shit. Why him, of all stallions? Just no.


why does a part of me want to say "Welcome to Hell, drinks are at your left"?

EQG kept me in the fandom longer than the main series did, but 6166194 kinda has a point. while it's a worth a shot, i really wonder what the content is going to be, and how much of it will be treading ground with human versions of characters we've already seen, instead of entirely new people or differing situations, not to mention who gets put on writing it vs the main show and what splitting focus might do. one of the things i DID like about EQG 3 was the introduction of new characters in the Shadowbolt 5, even though ill say repeatedly that one bugged me, and i prefer when they keep it focused on a few characters per time frame.

color me concerned. no way to tell but to keep the ol' eye peeled. *puts some drops into a floating eye at the side*

D48 #20 · Oct 20th, 2017 · · 1 ·

I'm definitely in the meh group as well. I never cared enough to watch any of the EQG movies, so I don't see why I should care about whatever new garbage they shovel at it.

6166278 Good point.

As to all of that, according to what I just read over on Equestria Daily, we'll be getting 45; count 'em, 45 "episodes" of this beginning on November 17th.
Here's the link to the article over there so you guys can read it yourselves:
Equestria Girls Digital Series to be 45 Episodes. Starts November 17, 2017

Well, we wanted an MLP series without Starlight, and apparently, we're getting it. I take it this is their way of saying "We're sorry we fucked up"?

I don't buy it.

This better be good. And I mean damn good. Like, "better than Steven Universe" good. Because at this point, they could write my OC into the main series as a main character, design and character-accurate, and I'd still flip them off.


"Equestria Girls Digital Series to be 45 Episodes."

45 Episodes? Geez, I would rather have 12 or 26 full episodes than 45 short episodes of cliched and pointless episodes.

I don't care much about EQG but if a big company like Hasbro wants to put their cartoon on YT then hey! Zatz gud! Maybe this can start something or its just wishful thinking.

Hopefully is going to be just that.

To me, with the quality drop of the main show, my hatred for EQG diverted to the FIM based stuff. But that doesn't mean that I have forgiven Equestria Girls natures and how, in the deep end, is a product born out both wanting more money and to rival Monster Girls.
The main problem with EQG are not the plot-holes, the forced romantic interest, the shallow songs, but the concept.

Think about it, the main show was centered about a magical world filled to the brim with myth and lore which main protagonists were ponies.
And then there is EQG. The introduction itself is a problem, wasting the potential of alternative worlds and sacrificing it for a human world which only settings are highschool!
The fact that now magic is common in the human world doesn't make EQG better and, in fact, it just another play of the whole teenage girls with magic power that we have seen other times (Sailor Moon, Winx, Witches, Madoka) without any of its quality (especially about Madoka), with copy and paste of the same characters of the other show just that they are humans.
That's why I just can't stand EQG.

Not to mention that equestria girls is just bootleg monster high with mlp characters.

6166369 I could write a Blazblue displaced fanfic set on Equestria Girls and I would still make something better than whatever they're gonna come up in this shitty series. In fact, that's exactly what I'm gonna do.

Go for it. I don't know what that is, but after a quick Google search, I'd probably read it. :twilightsheepish:

Yeah, Zephyr is a leech.

Spike's still a dog so no. Also I read somewhere that Ember is gonna be in the show but she's gonna be human.

Hasbro making Spike a dog was enough a slap-in-the-face to his character. They don't need to make other dragons human to add even more insult. :pinkiesick:

Spike is already the whipping boy of the franchise, so it's not surprising in the slightest.

But still, it's a huge middle finger to his character. I mean, the guy literally has deal with Twilight and Starlight's shenanegans 24/7, asking for nothing in return might I add, yet the universe still feels the need to constantly kick him while he's down. I really pity the little guy, he's pretty much the Cosmic Plaything (in which the universe constantly makes a character suffer for no reason whatsoever other than he/she exists) in this scenario:fluttercry:.


what 6173343 said on this one. but hey, apparently things just happen on this show. so really, im not even surprised if this is actually the case.

I don't know what to say right now. you guys not wanting to see more Glimmer in EqG makes me wanna check the YouTube series out myself. hopefully Hasbro doesn't ruin it by making Sunset a huge drama weenie.

eww! Zephyr Breeze looks awful! he's a lot worse in EqG than in FIM!

yeah, bring back my fave girls (Aria, Sonata, and Adagio) and get rid of Sunset while you're at it! besides, they're much more interesting, dynamic, and flexible than that special little snowflake/cinnamon roll.

6167949 I think you mean "a letch", as in a "lecher", there, m' friend.

6203294 We did?
Well, good for us!:raritywink:

6203294 Yeah, so I noticed.
I didn't like him in FIM, so this is a major double "Ewwww!" for me, too.

I know what I said.

6203364 Okay, cool.
Sorry if I offended you.

If you offended me, you'll know about it.


no idea what they are going to do with it. still not caught up, likely won't. sorry though, ill give them at least a season before they finish backseating Sunset for someone else.

definitely not rating a Dazzling return highly if they do in fact do it though. but it's a giant thing they might actually go for, so yeah, will probably happen as well.

Mlp doesn't know how to do good villains. They need to use the villain throughout the season to both establish and develop them, rather then the show up at the end like they have been doing.

Has anyone tried to watch some episodes of this?

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