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The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000

Rainbow, bedroom, now!

"Come on Rainbow Dash, keep grinding." No kidding, this is what Twi told her.

Canon TwiDash

Okay, I watched this episode again today (obviously). THIS SHIT IS WHY I HATE APPLEJACK

There's a cider shortage. yet she sells them on a first come first serve bases. does not raise the price, does not limit customers to one cup each. (Epic business practices here, Yeah, don't buy the 'business pony' excuse.)

Her entire family is involved in selling it, yet when she runs out she says "We'll have more tomorrow." HOW!?!? You were all involved in selling it as opposed to making it and selling it at the same time.

When she gets her friends to help, they go from making 1 barrel for Flim/flams 6 to making 5 for each their three (for the record, that's a 1000% increase), yet at no point before this did she think about asking them for help? There never would have been a problem in the first place had she said, "hey girls, cider season is coming up, my farm is counting on this money to stay afloat during the winter, would you mind helping out? I'll give you all the cider you want afterwords on the house."

They worked for thirty minutes and had more cider than the apple family probably produces all season. What would they have accomplished in two hours? The town could have been drowning in cider!!

After her friends bust their flank helping SAVE THE BUCKING FARM, she makes them stand in line to get cider. to the point where RD almost did not get any. (Pinkie finally thinks of Rainbow at the bucking end of the episode.)

And the moral of the story, "I didn't learn anything!" DAFUQ?

Buck you Applejack, buck you and your whole bucking family! (actually, I like her family) Here's a moral. WHEN YOU BITE OF MORE THAN YOU CAN CHEW, ASK YOUR BUCKING FRIENDS FOR HELP! YOU KNOW, LIKE YOU LEARNED BACK IN APPLEBUCK SEASON!!!!!

AND WHEN THEY DO HELP, LOOK THE BUCK OUT FOR THEM! GIVE THEM A FREE GLASS OF CIDER FOR SAVING YOUR BUCKING FARM ON THE HOUSE WITHOUT MAKING THEM STAND IN LINE! (Otherwise known as being grateful to your friends for saving your house, farm, and business.)

If you like Applejack, I have NO IDEA WHY. She's a horrible friend. (okay, the last part is probably more hyperbole on my part than a legit argument.)

Episodes like this... the title of best background pony is an insult to background ponies. <--this I stand by. I WANT to watch episode 100 (the background pony episode), I'll probably skip the next Applejack episode.

Think I'm being to harsh? Here's the analogy for what just happened here. Your friend finds out Friday night that they got evicted from their apartment and has to move out by the end of the weekend or all their stuff goes into the trash. You volunteer to help, give up your entire weekend to help them move. Sunday night, you two finish. You go into their fridge to grab a beer and celebrate a job well done. They look at you in all seriousness and say, "Hey, don't drink my beer."

I don't know about you, but for me that friendship would be OVER.

Okay... my rants done.... Well, until I get to Somepony to Watch Over Me. (On second thought, you couldn't pay me to watch that episode again.)

Group Contributor


If you like Applejack, I have NO IDEA WHY. She's a horrible friend.

All of the M6 have done questionable things to each other. Rainbow sold Fluttershy into slavery for some Daring Do, for example, and has done other things that have a fair number of people calling her a bitch. Then there's Mare-Do-Well. Everything about that episode is pretty awful in terms of setting a good example for how friends should treat each other.

Does what AJ does make her a horrible friend? I'd say no, but if you look at this episode and say AJ's attitude in it does make her horrible, then I think it's only fair to look at the entire series and see that they've all treated each other pretty awfully from time to time. Then, it's also fair to look at all of the good, sweet thing that they've done for each other too. I'd argue that Applejack has done plenty more that shows she is a phenomenal friend than to show that she's an awful friend.


Yes but none of them take pride in what they did. They all learn from it. RD realized she bucked up. Fluttershy realized she overdid it when she told Pinkie and Rarity off.

APPLEJACK celebrated in learning nothing. "I DIDN'T LEARN ANYTHING!"

Look, we all mess up from time to time, we're not perfect. But you admit your mistakes, you learn and grow from them. Applejack does not. She learned nothing and took pride in the fact that she 'knew what to do'.

Meaning, given the exact same set of circumstances, she'd do the same damn thing.

I can forgive Shy for telling Rarity and Pinkie they're lives are worthless because SHE figured out what she did was wrong. Shy apologized and tried to correct it.

I can forgive RD for selling Shy into slavery because SHE figured out it was wrong. Rainbow apologized and tried to correct it.

MARE-DO-WELL... well I do my best to try and forget that bucking episode because they were just awful to RD. (If anything RD gets props for staying friends with them after)

This is a sticking point for me because not only does AJ not realize she did something wrong, she LEARNED NOTHING, and TOOK PRIDE IN IT.

No, just no.

And this is not unique to this episode, AJ, almost always has this 'holler than thou' attitude to her. It's her condescending nature that makes her unbearable to me.

Group Contributor


I disagree. I personally found Pinkie being a bigger ass than AJ in this particular episode for flaunting several mugs of cider in front of Dash, who very obviously (and vocally) wants some.

And you can't disregard Mare-Do-Well. That episode happened, and in it everyone was awful to Rainbow, the same way that everyone was awful to Twilight in Canterlot Wedding. In both of these instances no one apologized to Rainbow or Twilight for pulling the stunts that they did. In both of these instances no one learned anything from their actions.

My point here is that the show writers do what they will with these characters, and it's not always good. If you're arguing that AJ learned nothing from this episode, I'd ask what about Pinkie who consistently does borderline asshole stuff to the entire group all the time? Or Rarity, who never seems to learn from wanting to hog the spotlight? Again, for any of the dickish things that any of the M6 do, they make up for it by being awesome the rest of the time and by doing really touching and spectacular things for each other.


awful to Twilight in Canterlot Wedding

This is forgivable as Twi was acting rather narcissistic, never fully explained her issue, and had cause to hate 'Cadance' other than for what she was saying. Plus, and here is that kicker again, THEY ADMITTED THEY WERE WRONG! You can make mistakes, you just have to own up to them.

Pinkie who consistently does borderline asshole stuff to the entire group all the time?

Pinkie is naive, she literally knows no better. They know it so they let it slide. (It's like calling a retarded kid out for double dribbling.) She's a kind heart she just does things without thinking them through. That can be forgiven.

Rarity, who never seems to learn from wanting to hog the spotlight?

Can't fault this one, Rarity can be that way at times. However, she goes out of her way to be generous to all of them and she admits when she's in the wrong. <-- there's that kicker again.

time and by doing really touching and spectacular things for each other.

I have to ask, and forgive me if this is condescending, what does AJ do for the group like this?


I disagree. I personally found Pinkie being a bigger ass than AJ in this particular episode for flaunting several mugs of cider in front of Dash, who very obviously (and vocally) wants some.

and yet you let AJ off the hook for not SAVING HER FRIEND A CUP?!

Or letting ponies buy more than one cup when there is a shortage?

Or not getting her friends to help out when there is a shortage?

Or not getting her friends cider for helping save her farm?

It's the ONE THING (I can think of) she contributes to the group, yet she couldn't even hook her friends up after they helped her keep her farm.

no one apologized to Rainbow or Twilight

Incorrect, they apologized to Twilight. I can find the time stamp if you want proof.
Remember Twilight's line: "It's not your fault, she fooled everypony."


Sorry... rants done...



I have to ask, and forgive me if this is condescending, what does AJ do for the group like this?

Hi. If you don't know me, I'm pretty quick with the "lol, stupid mudpony, best background pony" kind of remarks in regards to Applejack.

Here is a decent list I came up with, with only a little bit of research needed.

In E1S1, AJ is pretty hospitable to a (then) stranger. Twilight leaves her farm over-full from generous gifts of food.

In episodes like Applebuck season and Over a Barrel, AJ's stubborness is on display, true, but what are her motivations? To help out her town and friends. She's fairly selfless in those things, putting others above her own health and sanity.

She often acts a voice of reason, reigning in the crazy of her friends and looking out for them.

Rather than leave her behind, AJ dragged Fluttershy up the mountain in Dragonshy.

Rather than being blunt or cold to him, she put up with Spike's enthusiasm and respected his "dragon code" even when it was obvious that not only was it sort of silly but detrimental to everyone involved. It was important to him, and she once again put herself out to try and abide by it.


I can see it now

I want free cider for helping save your farm.

We're not friends anymore.


Group Contributor


Incorrect, they apologized to Twilight. I can find the time stamp if you want proof.
Remember Twilight's line: "It's not your fault, she fooled everypony."

I just checked, and yes, but it was Applejack who apologized to Twilight :ajsmug:

Or letting ponies buy more than one cup when there is a shortage?
Or not getting her friends to help out when there is a shortage?
Or not getting her friends cider for helping save her farm?

I never said I let AJ off the hook, just that I was more irked at Pinkie Pie. And... yeah? Applejack is a business pony. You could argue that business comes first. I'm not saying that it would have been awesome for AJ to have saved some cider, just that I don't see it as that big of a deal. Why didn't Rainbow ask AJ if she could put some aside for her? (If she did, I take humbly take this point back).

And... again, yeah? The business is her family's business. Sure, when she really needed help she got her friends involved, but AJ's a proud pony. I see nothing wrong with her wanting to struggle on without the help from others.

Group Contributor


I love you, Minds.

Ugh... I really didn't want to continue this. but here goes.

AJ is pretty hospitable to a (then) stranger. Twilight leaves her farm over-full from generous gifts of food.

as was pinkie and Rarity.

She's fairly selfless in those things, putting others above her own health and sanity.

and in doing so she poisoned the town, made her family sick with worry, almost gave RD a concussion, Etc... Etc...

She often acts a voice of reason, reigning in the crazy of her friends and looking out for them.

This I'll give you, she's the stable one... Yeppy!

Rather than leave her behind, AJ dragged Fluttershy up the mountain in Dragonshy.

At any point in time Rainbow could have flown her up, or Twi teleported her up.

Rather than being blunt or cold to him, she put up with Spike's enthusiasm and respected his "dragon code" even when it was obvious that not only was it sort of silly but detrimental to everyone involved. It was important to him, and she once again put herself out to try and abide by it.

I'd argue this is not unique to AJ, most of them would have done something like this. *not all, looking at RD here*




Okay, I can't really do that.

But come on. Points were made. Counter points were made. Counter-counter points were made.

Maybe this could move to the Applejack group?

Group Admin

So you're disregarding all the legitimate good qualities Applejack has simply because ...

as was pinkie and Rarity.
I'd argue this is not unique to AJ, most of them would have done something like this.

Ah, of course. Because all of the main characters are good ponies. Yes, that's a good reason to discount someone. I see your wisdom, and I challenge Tim to match.

You asked for instances of AJ being "touching/spectacular." Instances of her doing friendly things. Not that she was the only one, or the best in execution, or that someone could have performed her deed better. She did these things. They're examples that her heart was in the right place, and often turns out well.

Group Contributor


At any point in time Rainbow could have flown her up, or Twi teleported her up.

But... they didn't. Which I think was the point of Cryo's comment. Twilight could have teleported her up (possibly, the extent of her teleporting power is unknown). Rainbow could have flown her up, but she was too busy being frustrated with Fluttershy being a scaredy cat. Applejack however stepped up before anyone else did and offered to take 'Shy up.

I'm sorry if I'm dragging this out longer that you wanted it to. I'm happy to stop at any time and just agree to disagree.

We disagree to worst pony!


Agree to disagree.

We all have our most/least favorites for different reasons. Someone's fav pony is someone else's least.

In the end it was never going to go anywhere, but hey, I stand behind my reasons.

That's funny

Also debating five people is an exercise in futility lol

Thanks though :)

In the episode 'Mare Do Well', I'd say everypony else has an excuse for.... betraying Dash like that.
Pinkie might have thought it was a prank.
Applejack... her and Rainbow don't really have the smoothest friendship...
Rarity might think of it as an opportunity to test her creativity in fashion.
Fluttershy may have been too shy (hence her name) to speak.
Twilight. She doesn't hold anything against Rainbow. She had to be smarter and a bit more mindful for Rainbow's feelings. She is able to speak up and object against the idea. And she isn't blinded by andything at all. So... why?

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