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Mark your calendars everyone! Maximus_Reborn has officially announced the release date to Spiders and Magic IV: Fall of Spider-Mane. The final story will be published on the 25th of September, which about is about a couple of months away from now.

Here a few things confirmed by Maximus himself that will be vital to the story.

1) Along with Discord, Tirek and possibly Starlight Glimmer, the main antagonists of the final story will be the Sinister Six. Consisting of Green Goblin, Electro, The Dazzlings (Adagio Dazzle, Sonata Dusk and Aria Blaze) and Carnage.

2) Mayday will play a bigger part in the final story. Maybe even follow in her father's legacy.

3) Spider-Gwen, an alternate version of Peter Parker's dead Ex-Girlfriend, Gwen Stacy, from a reality where she was bitten by the spider instead of Peter and became Spider-Woman but then her world's version of Peter died when he became the Lizard, will have a big role in the last story. Ironic that it all began with Peter trying to get over Gwen's death and moving on with his life and family and now she's coming back into his life but in a way he didn't expect.

4) Twilight will be corrupted at some point and become Twivine Sparkle (A corrupt form of Twilight, infused with the dark magic of the Plunderseeds, created by Delta Brony).

5) The Death of Spider-Mane and the possible return of Nightmare Spider! Was the Death of Spider-Man really prevented, or was it merely postponed? Will Peter die a hero, or will he live long enough to see himself become the villain?

It has been such a good run reading through these stories. But then again, all good things must to an end. I look forward to see how Maximus sends this off.

In the meantime, checkout Masterob's spin-off story Spiders and Magic: Capcom Invasion now finally on fimfiction, to keep you occupied.

If twilight gets corrupted that doesn't mean she'll be killed off does it?

For 1) I knew about Tirek, Discord & The Sinister Six, but I'm excited to see that Starlight will probably appear :pinkiehappy:

For 2) Good for Mayday, daughter of the most powerful couple in Equestria & Marvel (I think they are, unless there's another couple stronger :trixieshiftright: )

For 3) I'm pumped to see Spider-Gwen, probably not as much as you, but I will credit you for being the one that got me interested in Spider-Gwen

For 4) Sweet, evil Twilight, makes me wanna see an evil power couple in Peter & Twilight (Equestria's Triple H & Stephanie McMahon for those who follow WWE)

For 5) Peter better not die or I will rage :fluttershbad: , but I do welcome Nightmare Spider-man :yay: (I've said it before, I enjoy seeing my favorite heroes go dark once in a while).

Also, appreciate the plug there, hope I can keep people entertained until the new story comes out, I'll be eagerly waiting myself :rainbowkiss:

(Too many emotes!)

so freaking hyped!

Group Admin

4580468 :fluttershysad: Hopefully, that won't be the case. Peter has already suffered too much tragedy in his life.

4580957 :twilightsmile: You're vey much welcome, Masterob. I look forward to see how you're spin-off turns out while we await the publish date for Spiders and Magic IV.
:trollestia: You can never not have too many emotes! MUHAHAHA! :pinkiecrazy:

4581828 Me too! :pinkiehappy:

4583500 dude if she does I will ball like a baby lol no joke

Just sitting around and excited about the house and I started wondering whats gonna happen in Spiders and magic 4 and a thought accrued to me and I beleive it would really suck if this were to happen now this question is for anyone who can try to answer it.

When peter arrived in equestria he'd just lost Gwen fastforward years later he's married to twilight and they have little mayday. Fastforward another year peter ends up in a disturbed futuristic version of equestria and realizes that everyone of his loved ones has died including twilight he than returns home and they have little Ben.

Now my big question is when spidergwen arrives in equestria do you think peter is gonna fall for her all over again will this effect his and twilights marriage and children will peter and twilight get divorced or if twilight becomes twivine will she be killed off and will peter stay loyal to twilight or will he lose his wife forever. So many questions.

Group Admin

4594439 That is a very good question! One I'm sure we'll have the answers to once the story is released.

The following words is merely my speculation.

Peter has had years to move on from Gwen's death and settle in with his family. Even though he deeply loves Twilight, it is clear that he still loves Gwen even more and her death has been a constant reminder of his failures, a example like when he watched future Dinky get kill in Spiders and Magic III and he briefly thought back to what happened to Gwen. To see her again, even though Spider-Gwen is not the 'Gwen' he knew, would be the happiest and miraculous thing that ever happened to him. Therefore, he would become over-protective of Gwen to make sure no harm comes to her. Sooner or later though, he would have to make the hard choice that would affect both him and his family. Either stay with Twilight or be with Gwen.

Twilight hasn't met or known Gwen personally and has only seen her in Peter's memories including her death. When she saw a memory of Peter with Gwen in the crystal ball and again with Future Sweetie Belle, a clear expression of jealously sank through her heart. Twilight had grown so attached to Peter since she first summoned him, to the point that their love grew strong and spawned a family, that she could not bare to see the likes of another woman or mare with him. When Spider-Gwen arrives, Twilight may see her as a friend to the Parker Family who will help them against the Sinister Six, or she may see her as a rival out of jealously, over-protectiveness and fear that Gwen's presence may cause a splinter in her family, which may be one driving factor that changes her into Twivine.

While Spider-Gwen's origins was skimmed in Edge of Spider-Verse, it is implied throughout her comic series that she and her world's version of Peter (who died after becoming the Lizard because he wanted to be special like her) were very close and she blames herself for what happened to him and so vowed to be more responsible with her powers. At this point, it is not known how established Spider-Gwen is in Spiders and Magic in terms of character history and development and if this is the same Spider-Gwen from Spider-Verse or an entirely different depiction made for the story. While she would be happy to see Peter alive, she too would have to the face the same challenges that Peter would have to face involving his family.

4595856 I'm hoping that he stays with Twilight and his family it would be terrible to see him build this new life and family just to see it destroyed and who knows gwen might tell him that he needs to be with Twilight but she might want peter for herself too so again I hope he chooses Twilight.

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