Cool Group Bro.... Needs More Ponies 53 members · 11 stories
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Seeking Dusk
Group Admin

4799481 4799550
... Angela. It might have come from her. *quickly organizes his thoughts* Nature's Uprising is a massive spell designed to completely change the face of a continent, destroying the marks of civilization, transforming the entire population and shifting the very nature of the chi flow. Angela interrupted it and replaced the 'mindless animals' part of the spell with the ponifying circle, but that still leaves the 'transforming the physical state of the land' and the 'transforming the nature of the land's chi' portions of the spell.

Considering Archterra's reaction in removing itself and finding a new haven while it's power stabilizes, and the ability of chi to infer all the needed biology, morphology, diversity, capabilities and such for the simple base level transformation circle, we can only assume magic is more intuitive than we would expect. Nature's Uprising (Modified) might have drawn on Angela's expectations of what Equestria is/should be, and transformed North America to match it.

Which also raises the question, did the spell alter machines and buildings to be somewhat more pony friendly? The Epilogue clearly states people were still going about live as normal, driving and working and such, even as ponies. It wouldn't necessarily have to be major changes either... just enough. Now, I know there is a bit of difference between 'erasing the products of civilization and replacing it with qualities of the natural world' and 'subtly change the products of civilization to meet criteras A, B and T', but it's a thought.


Oh... dear. That's a good question; The epilogue doesn't read one way or another, exactly.

Considering I'm writing a story about the immediate aftermath and going from there, that would be an important bit to be on the same page about.

A few comments then?

1) Taharis. Was he transformed or not? He is not shown transforming, and is in fact not mentioned again until after the epilogue. The only comment before then is that he had completely exhausted his chi, which is why I am wondering if he was transformed, or not. I mean, there are a great potential for one or two additional scenes with him in the aftermath, especially when he finds his daughter was affected by the spell (when she had been put in an area protected against it), and if not for Angela's intervention, she would have suffered the same fate to become animals as everyone else.

To make it clean, I'd assume he was also transformed, else he would be an extreme danger with his mastery over magic.

2) As I said in the other thread, I think while DISPEL would be allowed to exist for a time during the transition, it would soon be dissolved as the administration would consider it's existence tainted. There would be a, pardon the term, witch-hunt for everyone responsible for the conspiracy. I think most of them would be pardoned, but I imagine there would be a kangaroo court involved just to give many of the unhappy people justice about this.

Plus, its mandate no longer is necessary, and in fact should be reversed. To embrace and expand magical knowledge instead of suppressing it. Another organization would absorb the remains, I think. Plus, there is a lot of things to correct the organization did. We know for a fact that by the time the epilogue came about Lyle and friends were not in custody of DISPEL anymore, even though that would have been their fate had Taharis not set the entire thing in motion (they would have been basically imprisoned for life). There are probably a bunch of other cases of suppressed and detained people by DISPEL that would be rectified. I imagine Taharis' daughter would be found and cared for, but not allowed her to suffer indoctrination like Taharis was originally afraid of. Mostly because DISPEL wouldn't exist.

Still, in a way Taharis' daughter is one of the few powerful magic users in North America, just like Taharis. Does that have any important meaning going into the future? An open question. Also open if their descendants will have chi or if all their descendants will be classified as 'humans - transformed" for all time.

3) It'd take away some of the drama if everything changed to accommodate ponies, but now that that possibility is brought up, I can totally buy it happening. Still, it's one of those major things that we should agree upon or not. Are things unchanged, structure/item wise for ponies, and they all have to adapt? Or was everything changed in size as if they had been ponies for all their lives?


I don't believe the man made objects and machinery would have changed after the spell had taken effect, while yes, the 'Nature uprising' was supposed to bring everything back to a state of pure nature and magic, Taharish never said anything that it would literally bring it back like that, but rather change whatever was still part of nature and change it around anything that was around or underneath it, hence why he said buildings would collapse and fall.

Think of it this way, if the spell had affected everything, as in everything, wouldn't that mean changing all man made objects to fit with this new land? And not in the sense that things fit for ponies, but the objects fit the land itself. Like chariots, houses of the Victoria century and even trains of steam. If the pony change was based on the knowledge of what the caster had of said change, then wouldn't it target this things as well? I believe the spell only affect what was still part of nature, as in not altered or affected by man's actions. One exception could be parks, but that's not important right now.

And even if the spell had changed everything to accommodate ponies better, wouldn't Lyle comment about it in some small way? Yet he mentions cars like nothing was different about them, like size, or interior design to fit ponies better.

Of course, I can be totally wrong and you could point out why, but I like to think only nature itself was affected by the spell, and not objects created by men. I mean, I think people would feel more awkward with trying to adapt to a new way of something working for their new bodies, than learning to reuse stuff that they know how to work with.

And for Alex's point, I'd like to think that they do have their parts still, but they are only visible when aroused. I doubt people will feel normal walking behind others ever again if their parts showed 24/7. So the idea that their parts are hidden from view by magic, sound like a totally plausible reason to avoid even more awkward social moments. Unless Angela decides to troll about it a bit. :rainbowlaugh:

Seeking Dusk
Group Admin

Okay... this is going to be a long post filled with quotes as I make reference to various points in the story as it pertains to things we have been discussing. Basically, I was bored and did a couple skim/reads of the Trilogy and plucked out a bunch of quotes and will add some musings to make it seem smart and less like spam :rainbowlaugh:

Edit: I did up this post in word, and when it reached three pages I decided to split up.

First off, further comments on the Nethers and Biology issue/clothing issue. [4799550 4800658 4799401]

:Cool Story Bro, but it needs more ponies:

True, Lyle might have called himself a ‘cartoon horse’ he was also not a brony at time, and only knew of the concept second hand. On the other hand, he also made references to the actual biology.

:Yeah, it needed more ponies:

Now, these snippets aren't clear either, but it hints that the pony shift doesn't come with a mind rewriting and such, but it does come with new subtle underlying mentalities. Lyle strips because it's far more comfortable that way. Emily does because she has a fur coat. Both also do because layers on fur is uncomfortable. But there was still that moment of awkwardness, so take from that what you will. The hints are also there that there is *ahem* ‘sensitive’ bits down there too.

:Cool Story, bro. Moar Ponies:

Now, my final point is the scene from the last instalment. Definite hints that there are stuff kicking down there coming from Fiora. But Shadow seems to have written this from the ‘fur preserves all modesty’ angle that a lot of people hold to. In a way, it kinda does. Like tight clothes, low cut blouses, short skirts, bicycle shorts… So long as you’re not deliberately trying to steal a peak it should be fine? Just bearly…

On to the epilogue… it’s really unclear if clothing was universal or not. Lyle seemed to have been only wearing a hoodie. Emily was fully dressed, but the throw away description of the school crowd seemed to go with a lot of exposed fur.

The general concession seems to be that regular clothing over fur is more of a nuisance than anything else, going by Lyle, Emily and Fiora. And fur seems to be a relatively acceptable modesty preserving factor.

(wow this is a huge post… O.o Damn I'm long winded... It's like half the length of the page*... I'm not even sure I stayed on topic... Most of it was the quotes though...)
*- at time of posting.
EDIT: replaced the quotes with pictures of the quotes. For economy purposes, since images don't always autoload.

Seeking Dusk
Group Admin

Post Two:- Species [4780292]
Earlier on we more or less concluded that Crystal ponies wouldn’t be likely or possible. But then I came across this:

But even still, the transformation for him had made him a dog, just a different subspecies... just like those ponies. All of them had transformed correctly, but one had become a different subspecies.

Years of Taharis' experience with the workings of chi trickled through his mind as he turned away, making his way up to the main floor of the building. Chi, the energy in every person that carried the very essence of souls, differed between each individual. Everytime the warlock had used his own chi, none of these sort of complications came up...

... But for these transformations, he wasn't using his own... Could that be the reason this problem was occurring? Were their souls retaliating from the drain of power he placed on them?

Going by the principles of the spell, Crystal ponies might be possible. The essence of the soul would still likely follow family lines (like Lyle’s family and their strong earth pony traits.) Of course, that’s just an idea. They might lack the translucency of the crystal ponies under the effects of the Crystal Heart, or just look like earth ponies with different eyes and ‘stiffer’ coat. Again, just tossing ideas out there, but from the Crystal Empire pt.2, it seems the sustained translucent and glittering is linked directly to the connections between emotions and the heart. They can do it without the heart, but keeping it up on the other hand…

Anyway, that’s just a possible idea on the subject.

Seeking Dusk
Group Admin

Post Three:- Nature’s Uprising [4799707 4800658]
I’ll admit, this one can go either way, but as the one who proposed the idea in the first place, I am obligated to stand firm in support of it! To arms, my brothers! To arms! (Wow I’m bored… I should really write something…)

Anyway, the epilogue was rather vague on a lot of the setting details. Nothing there 100% supports either idea, so it’s either status quo or conjectures. There are a few throw away lines…

Mom had taken to being a pony well... er, well enough, I mean. She was pretty pissed while she relearned how to cook and write using her fingerless appendages and her mouth. At least being a pony didn't impact her teaching job too badly, besides all the paperwork. – Story 3

Flight definitely was faster than driving short distances, better traffic and all, so it was rare to see pegasi driving vehicles, unless they needed the cargo space their own wings couldn't carry. – Story 3

Now, very vague and not that useful to be honest, but after my previous posts I didn’t feel right not having a more quotes. Anyway, these are about the clearest ‘support’ for my theory I could find. Particularly considering the comments Lyle made in the first and second story about losing size.

Admittedly, there was also that comment Lyle made in the first story about the how it was harder to use a computer or his iPod as a pony, but that seems to have either been some Early instalment weirdness or him unable to use ‘hoof magic’/general hoofability properly at the time since he had a long smash bro’s competition with Emily in the second and had little issues calling Angela in the third.

Now, going back to the Nature’s Uprising; why consider humans not a part of nature? Just because we build? We might be the most impressive builders on earth, but other animals do too. Are beaver dams not a part of nature? Or termite mounds? Or the massive nest constructions of sociable weavers? Or the warrens of meerkats?

To quote Taharis:

"Once I activate this ritual, everyone on the continent shall see their world crumble back to a world before man dominated the land. Buildings will become buried beneath the earth as stone, machines shall shatter into nothingness, all of man's work to 'develop' this land will vanish before their eyes. And as for the worthless people of this land, they will become animals of any kind, in both body and mind. Every shred of their humanity will be gone, completely forgotten. This continent will return to its most natural state, one where magic will be able to exist freely and spread like it was meant to.

Considering his earlier rants about how the modern world fostered a fear of magic, it doesn’t really sounds as if man was considered separate from nature by his criteria, only that man developed nature into what he personally considered to be an antithesis to an environment that would support open magic and sought to change it. He mentioned the ritual would crumble the world, bury buildings and make them stone and shatter machines. So… yeah. (Taharis was seriously wack…)

I was more thinking the spell would alter the current world to an equivalent, just one more conducive to ponies. Still, this comment has (once again…) dragged on WAY longer than I thought (sheesh… I could have turned all this boredom into a chapter…) so I’mma stop here. It’s not really an important thing, just an idea I figured we could consider. A proposition. A Grey Proposition.


Hmm, while I knew about how clothes can make one feel uncomfortable in different ways, seeing as tails would feel trapped and yes, one would feel hot by the extra layers, it does seem that nudity is mostly a subconscious thought mixed with the human one. So it would seem that while now people as ponies don't perceive it as they did as humans, or as much, it still exists. So the question now is, how would humans that may come to this new America will react to this new level of nudity? Maybe not by much since we aren't bothered like that with our actual equines, although the whole view of sentient equines may affect it somehow.

But to those of us in the group that won't see this as the case, then how would you explain the ignorance to the nudity situation amongst the whole land? Because the only way that one could ignore that without it being subconscious would be if they weren't there or visible all together.


That would be a very interesting concept as to how new pony species may start appearing, or even non-pony ones. We did see how Lyle's brother came to be a bat pony, and the original ritual never had that special in mind. Although one could go and say its because its still in the pony pool of transformation based from whatever the spell gets the transforming aspect from. But it would be very interesting if species like Minotaurs, Deers, Diamond Dogs or even Dragons came to be. Of course, I believe they would have needed to be from those that got transformed and not bother after it, as I feel it would be impossible otherwise.


So, the Archterra would have affected literally everything in its radios, not leaving anything unaltered to some degree. So, seeing as cars and houses didn't alter to be resembling to that of the show, maybe it altered them to respond better to ponies in general? Like allowing that hoof magic to happen easier? It could make the usage of things like keyboards or phones nearly as easy as fingers, should one practice enough. After all, Lyle did mention how her mom had to relearn how to write with her "fingerless appendages and mouth." Meaning that one can use a hoof almost as well as a hand, almost seeing as his mom still struggles.

This change would make it so jobs that require more hand precise action can still be done, even if one has to learn and practice how to do it with their hooves, magic or wings; hooves requiring the most practice. We wouldn't want to see people being unemployed simply because they are not unicorns or pegasus.

4806512 Just to add, this does not change the possibility that heat season can be a thing, or at least the impulses that come from it individually, meaning that it doesn't need to be an event that affects all mares during the same time of the year, but rather happen differently for each mare.

(Oh I'm having so much fun discussing about the possibilities for this world. :D)

Seeking Dusk
Group Admin

I think doing nude has just become another form of dress for the ponified population. 'The yellow top, blue shirt or au naturel... hmm...' Of course, the question of how appropriate nudity is seems like it's one that would strike everyone as some point. Every character we've spent time with had encountered it. Some got over it fast, Lyle, Emily, Angela, Emily's sister, other's took a bit more time, such as Fiora. A coming of age of sorts for all the transformed XD

The reaction of the still-human would be an interesting thing to mention, whether directly or in passing. And something people would have to get used to. Just one more thing on the GIANT list. We should publish a book. 101 Things to know about being a Pony. Useful for both the transformed and humans.

Now, it's less and ignorance of nudity and more a general acceptance of it. There are quite a few nations that are nudists. Hey, here in Canada people regularly march nude in parades. Just gotta adapt and trot on. Basically, it's a case of not being a prude, and not being rude. Nudity is only an issue if you insist on making it one. Otherwise, it just is. Like people and the older generation claiming younger folk dress like sluts when we consider it relatively normal dress.

To continue on this comparison, look at western dress compared to things like the concealing things like saris. Just gotta get used to it. Will make for some deliciously awkward moments while people adapt.

The spell used was the pony version, so that locks them down... Not sure how ethical it would be to transform others again... North America's Human Style Magic is pretty much lost, though there is still the possibilities around... But human magic is still pretty awesome.

As for batpony, what in particular makes it special? It's another type of pony, and unlike Crystal ponies they don't have a magic origin. It was even said by the crew that they are a tribe of mountain and cave dwelling pegasi, where as the Crystals were changed by exposure.

I would love to see other Equestrian races, but getting them in would be tricky... It was a pony spell ritual, and now those in the know can't use human style spell rituals... *scratches head* And a permanent transformation isn't possible on the new ponies anymore...

Continuing the human style magic again, it does seem to have a fair amount of convenience built into it, even when it goes against it's caster's wishes, as Taharis experienced.

Even considering a subtle physical adaption spell, it would still be a transition period while the new skills are learned. But it's honestly the only way I can see 'life as normal just with ponies' being possible in the time frame we have working with.

Oooo... Biology talk! I love this stuff! Gives me a chance to flex all the stuff I learned in uni!

It's a little known and not widely published fact, but there is research that shows human females do have something of a heat period, despite being on a menstrual cycle. Just a subdued one. Females tends towards 'sexy thoughts' during it, and they 'smell' sexy. True fact. But as I mentioned, it's subdued, so it's easy to overlook and such.

As for pony heat... There is reason to think their heats would be subdued as well. First off; they are sapient. Much like humans, they would have developed beyond a lot past the instincts.

I have evidence too! Equines tend to sleep standing, spend only a small amount of time resting on the ground (laying down, sitting) and tend to be unable to sleep alone. Ponies have been shown to sleep by themselves, and sleep more towards human standards.

Now, I'm not saying they won't have heat, but they would be more polyestrus than seasonal, mainly due to their ability to control the sun, moon and weather. With that much of the natural cues and conditions under their control, they likely just cycle through it rather than being triggered by length of day and season.

So closer to human female cycles. They would just have to get used to new impulses. Flirty mares, maybe clingy stallions? On the bright side, no need for tampods and pads.


So we agree that nudity is a subconscious thought as well as acceptance to it, which means that the only times it could become a point of issue is if a still-human brings it up, if the pony is still very taboo minded about (I feel there can a few like this) or if the pony gets, ahem, excited; I mean, even if one is a pony they can't ignore something like that! For different reasons I suppose.


I think that human magic could still be possible, but it would require a still-human who knew about magic, maybe making it possible for a temporary human transformation, assuming they know how to do one in the first place. I doubt that the one transformed will have accessed to their chi in the same way they would have before, but it could allow him new ways to manipulate that chi since his chi behaves in a whole new way now. That is up to you to decide I guess, and whoever makes stories on this universe.


It sounds like you are saying that the spell would have changed objects in a physical manner, or at least that's what it sounds to me when you try to say what I said previously.........don't worry, I find that sentence confusing as well. But the skill learning curve is still a thing that will happen, I'd say that us assuming that they will have an easier time using stuff that works best with hands, using it with hooves is ok, if you want to.


So that means that mares will behave differently as well as stallions, although from the few stories in the site that address the heat, some point that mares release a scent which makes stallions eager to ride them. I'm not sure that should be an actual thing in this universe, but its worth put into consideration. So imagine how Lyle will be when Emily has her first heat, oh the poor guy, I'm certain he doesn't want the relationship to move that forward and has to keep away from her. :rainbowlaugh: But that could present an issue later, as there could be a high increase in pregnancy on the first year of the change, seeing as everyone is still getting used to the change and not everyone will be able to tell why the mares are acting so different, or even why some stallions want to get clingy to them.

(Man, I feel like we should just try to do a colab for the first fan-story based on this universe. Seeing as we are both so into this discussion. :rainbowlaugh:)

Seeking Dusk
Group Admin


Oh my~ :heart: Flirty flirt and those poor colts
Taboo minded ponies would be hilarious and stuck up.

Going by dispelled actions, it doesn't seem as if it will... I'm not sure though. The pony magics are clearly something outside the bodies natural chi. Human magic seems to run on just having more of natural chi to work with. Taharis didn't speak of 'magic' seperate from his chi, but he seemed t where as pony magic seems to be something additional to the body's chi... No clue of the rituals are chi specific. Or if chi has species specific flavours though.

.... we'll go with yay XD

I'll admit, it took some work, but I finally found three concrete references to the fact that mares give off a mild scent that would alert stallions to the fact that they may be receptive. Mind you, it's not a 'drive you insane' scent, but just enough that a male might be a bit more eager, a bit on the raunchy side...

But that first year will be awkward. So many little things to get used to. 'Responsible' colt friends trying to avoid their significant others while they try to deal with a whole new kind of drive.


Oh yes, those poor colts and stallions, I have to wonder how will they have to deal with their mares. XD
And yes, taboo ponies would be hilarious at times, and annoying at others, plus it fleshes out the world more.


Then I guess human rituals and chi magic can only be performed by humans, but new types of magic can be discovered by unicorns now, although I'm sure any unicorn who used to be a Warlock or witch will think that it's a new type of chi magic, while others will just call it magic. But I do have to wonder what would happen if a Warlock or Witch had become an Earth pony or Pegasus. Would they be able to use chi in a certain way? Or will it be the same as every other pony?




I wonder what will Lyle think when he first smells that scent. Will he find Emily even more attractive? Want to hold her more? Snuggling? Could the two of them get a bit too passionate if they kiss? Who knows. But I'm certain only those people that have seen animal anatomy, vets, stable owners and possible a large amount of the Brony community will know about the heat. Although, they could teach about this before it even hits them, and only those who didn't learn it or disregarded it will not know what to do once it hits. Hmm, why am I thinking that police officers will now have to have that in consideration when dealing with sex abuse cases? I think I go too dark sometimes. -__-

Still, up for a bit of a collaboration or would you rather let another one work with this for a story?

Seeking Dusk
Group Admin


Those frantic 'what to do on a date' moments will certainly be interesting. And... we just figured out how socks and lingerie work :rainbowlaugh: They draw attention and chip away at the status quo.

We have the opportunity to explore the real of Earth Pony Magic, a vastly unexplored field! As for the witch or warlock... They might have the unusual outlook needed to make the most out of what they have, simply because they 1) are used to having magic and 2) don't have the limited 'only unicorns do magic' a brony might have.

Poor shoe stores... Gonna need to come up with new styles for ponies. And size charts... I wonder what a hoof size chart would look like... I don't think they would use the same sizes as the horse chart... Actually... would all four hooves be the same size? I should check that out... I mean, pony forelegs are different in anatomy and use than their hindlegs... hmm...

On one hand, they are sapient thinking people, but it's still that rush of the moment. And people make all sorts of bad decisions in the heat of the moment*.

A lot of the brony community has mistaken ideas as to what a heat would involve, but it's still a leg up on those who have no idea at all. Getting handy Health 101 pamphlets out their will likely be top of a city's public health department list. Not just heat, but the new diets to balance and such... Florist now double as snack shops! Business will bloom!**

But I'd say no. Giving someone that kind of excuse will set a bad president for the future. It's worse than the 'I was drunk' defence. Self control is still self control. It would be an interesting dark story for the group though.

*-No pun intended
**-That time was on purpose XD


And now I can picture Lyle watching Emily decide to dress up, and finds her extra attractive as she puts on socks. :rainbowlaugh: or poor Dale with Lizzy. :rainbowlaugh:


I could see pegasus warlocks/witches able to manipulate weather and clouds with just their will, and Earth pony versions having earth based magic. I can so see vines being created from the ground as well as accelerating the growth process of plants. While maybe unicorn types have a more direct control or bigger magical strength than they previously had as humans? Hmm, could do for a way for Taharish to escape if he became a unicorn.


Well, I feel they would still fall in the category of optional clothing, maybe more for the fashion section? And now you got me thinking of stubborn ponies who still try to walk on their hindlegs, using wathever method to do so. It sounds stupid, but if taboo ponies may exist, what stops at least one pony from trying to go against nature and walk on hindlegs 24/7?


True, but we will have to see if it will have a huge effect on the first year, seeing as everyone needs to get used to it. Also, I'm sure Shadow made a point that flowers tasted in a particular way, but what if certain flowers can make those turned remember the taste of some meat? It would ease the fact they are pure vegetarians, minus the bat ponies. But what am I talking about, let them suffer by never being able to taste meat again! >:D

You know, I have to wonder if barber shops and hairdressers will have to raise or lower their prices. Seeing as now everyone has fur and manes, it will certainly impact the industry. Oh, and soaps, what good are those if what they need is shampoo now? Hmm, I have to wonder how sports will adapt, if at all, and what new ones could be created.

Seeking Dusk
Group Admin


Everything going fine until the blush slowly and quickly starts building before they have to excuse themselves and race out of the room.

Not just accelerating, refining. Increasing everything from yield and vibrancy, to potency of the chemicals and nutrients (depends on the purpose) found within the plant. Affecting things like water levels and purity, maybe even drawing water from the soil? Pegasi could have more precise control, manipulating air flow, humidity, temperature. Maybe even pulling off crude 'blind sight' like effects from reading air flow.

Unicorns are harder because their magic was already flashy XD

Largely optional, but some jobs would need it. Food services, maintenance and mechanical work, those sort of high danger careers... Winter boots too. And as odd as it is, not only are their likely to be those biped adherents, but there would actually be cause for it at times. Depending on jobs and activity. But those who insist no doing it all the time? They would be weird. And have back pain if they don't exercise and develop spine strength and flexibility...

Hark! My inner biologist desires to be heard! It wouldn't be an easy thing, but it is possible for a pony to teach themselves to handle meat. As in full out meat like beef and pork and not the pansy stuff like eggs and maybe fish*. Mind you, it wouldn't exactly be the healthiest diet for them, but it is possible. Not easy either, but if you're determined to have that bacon and ribs again...

*-If you like fish and eggs, you're not a pansy. I love 'em. But it's more impacting to say it that way. Eggs and fish are awesome.

That's a good question... Tails add an entirely new end that need to be cared... fur may or may not need much care... Unless you're that unlucky pony that got a thick coat. I know horses can get winter coats, but how many will need to trim it because of their work or habits? Hmm... coat treatment when it comes to shedding time might be needed too...


Soaps would still have their use. Shampoo is still a soap, just fancy and liquid. Hard soaps might sud better without using most of the bottle to get it into your coat. Shampoo would be easier to use though, and likely the better choice before hair treatment soaps start coming out. Regular soap may cause dry skin. May. Not sure.


The sports issue is also a good one. Somethings can be adapted no issue, like football/soccer. Football/rugby would be trickier but also possible with a few shifted rules. Equipment sports like tennis, hockey, baseball, cricket, badminton, lacrosse... those would be a bit trickier to adapt. All boils down to allowed grips and postures I suppose... baseball and cricket could allow both a quadruped mouth hold and a biped arm hold... but hockey and lacrosse would be more difficult for that... same for racket sports...

Including/excluding the tribes would be interesting too. Would rules prohibit magic and wings? How would they account for earth pony vitality and stamina in comparison?


And the mares are just like, "what is wrong with him?" :rainbowlaugh:


It would certainly make the life of warlocks/witches more interesting as they wouldn't need to abandon magic too much. Can you imagine how valuable they would be in certain jobs? A farmer could boost their business just by having one earth pony one, and weather management or even air traffic for goods transports.


I guess you could say that, but developing flexibility for pony bodies seems like it would require a lot of treatment. Maybe having some kind of body therapy from health centres? I still have to wonder how much time would they need to discover all the crucial needs and health issues that ponies will need. Because it will require more than just applying equine biology to figure it out. Also, if ponies were to start going biped, I'm pretty sure they would be target of taboo ponies even more, stallions more than mares really, seeing as they expose their parts more.


That is a good point, I actually read once in here that hinted that ponies could eat meat, and no, not Fallout: Equestria, a story where they showed some ponies having canines, this case Luna, which shows that at one point in the evolution of equines, they ate some meat. Is this true or was this just made for the story?


Especially those that got transformed into work ponies types, at least if they live in the city or in a hot area of the country, not to mention some of them have long trails of fur growing from their hooves, which could make working in some cases harder, or be a nightmare to clean every day. Which now Raises another question, hygiene, in the show we see ponies grab stuff with their mouth a lot, things that could be contaminated, like money, and sometimes eat food using their hooves, which stomp the floor almost all the time. So, does that mean that they have a higher immune system? Or do they take medicine to stop anything from developing?


I guess soap can still be used, but I think it would dry out the fur rather quickly, although they would be ideal for cleaning bat pony's wings, seeing as they are basically skin, and only need some body oil to keep them hydrated. Although I myself have no idea about bats biology.


I think sports that utilize more equipment can be adapted in a sense, they can still hold it with their mouths and they prohibit the use of magic and flight to make it more fair for earth ponies in some cases. But regarding earth ponies stamina and vitality? I think it will be like men and women football, having to divide them for reasons that I myself don't understand. Although I don't know if that would be applicable for Paralympics, hmmm.

Also, I have to wonder what will science do now that it has the field of magic to work with. Could things like prosthetic parts which work and feel like real limbs be a thing? Could they make body armour that could stop armor piecing rounds? Could they make light speed exploration possible? Who knows!

Seeking Dusk
Group Admin

One shot ideas for the verse! Though, to be honest, I'd rather work with OCs than Shadow's charries for it. Just verse expansion.

Farming, mechanics, weather management, life management, world hunger... Terraforming arid lands? They could form little seminaries on magic. Or at least teach people to teach others. There are likely a lot of magic users out there who didn't know their had magic thanks to the pruning of knowledge through the ages, and DISPELL wouldn't have been able to track everyone, especially when you consider people who immigrated from outside the States, or just people outside the states, period. (Gives me an idea, actually...)

Stubborn people are known to be very determined to maintain their stubbornness, no matter how much effort it takes. Poor taboo ponies... making life difficult for everyone...

It would take time, but people are dedicated. A few focused studies, examinations, biopsies. Should be able to figure out what enzymes and metabolic process the new bodies have kicking inside, and from their (with a bit of... messier tests) they would be able to propose what essenstial dietary nutrients and minerals the diet would need.

Ponies are omnivores with a strong leaning to herbivore is all. It might just be for the sake of ease of animation, but there has never been a gap shown in a ponies dentition in the show (the best argument can be made about super teeth colt, but even that wasn't that clear...). Even our horses have canines at times. They aren't just for carnivores. Some herbivores have them (like the sabretoothed musk deer) and might use them for defense. Plus, ponies eat regular meals, breakfast, lunch, dinner, etc, rather than the grazing horses do. With regular chewing times. Hints at a near human digestive set up.

Ah, untrimmed fetlocks, or those who lucked out and got gorgeously feathered fetlocks Sorta like a bushy beard, I guess? Trim them if you want to? Suffer the consequences of not doing so?

That's a wonderful question that the fandom has no solid response to.
- It could be hoof magic has a slight protective field that repels the worse of dirt. Seen it and variants in several places.
- Their saliva might include fairly potent antibacterial/microbial factors that helps keep it sanitary
- They may have a stronger immune system
- Their digestive tract just might be hella unfriendly to standard invaders for dirt and such, which would make them still vulnerable to airborn and contact, just resistant to oral contamination
- We might need to pop the antibacterials.

If you look at it though, people really underestimate the immune system. Look how many stuff kids up in their mouth. And how often to pets and horses and other animals get sick from carrying stuff around in their mouths?

Grab the Dove, Olay and other such female marketed moisturizing soaps! Maybe that's why tubs seem so common in Equestrian houses. Easier to get clean in them. Bat wings are think membranes, so yeah, soaps that moisturize would be recommended.

Take the sporting world by storm! The Paralympics, at least for those who lost the use of legs, would be a lost more similar to regular sports at least... Those missing arms and such would have it harder.

Games might be adapted to include rules that play to each tribes strengths. Variant rules a group can put into play depends on team composition.

Science and magic will hopefully get along fine. So long as some people get over the 'it's magic!' and 'pseudoscience' hurdles. Actually... I wonder how many pseudoscience will be debunked. The existence of a soul is what Taharis' spell ran on for one... Chi is real... how much else would be right?

Teleportation spells are a thing, and pegasus magic has inertial dampening/force neutralizing/force redistribution properties... And earth pony magic seems to have spatial warping considering pretty much every home in Ponyville is bigger on the inside and they primarily had earth pony contractors and builders... Exploration will be revolutionized.


Maybe we can both work on that one shot. :twilightsmile:

I do have to wonder that now that magic is a normal thing, will warlocks and witches feel more at ease revealing who they were before hand? That they were capable of magic before the transformation? I'd say no, but there is always one yes.

Well, we didn't learn everything we know about the human body in just a few years. But I like to believe that having equine anatomy and biology will help us speed up the learning process a bit. And it just occurred to me, but wouldn't it be possible to technically change the body of ponies to resemble humans in some degree?, at least let wise to help the balancing for those biped ponies. We managed to figure out how to do hearth transplants, reattachment of body parts, and even freaking changing someone's own sex! I think changing the limb or bone structure can be done, if not take a long time to figure out.

Huh, and here I thought Fallout: Equestria just added the meat eating part for plot and character development. The more you know.

Hmm, I like the saliva one, at least to me it makes the most sense for the whole world changing bit, plus, while obviously exaggerated, we see ponies tend to salivate a bit much, so it could be in response to them going to eat and making sure to protect the body from harmful invaders? I don't know. :applejackunsure:

But I don't know about you, but if I were to become a pony with feather fetlocks, I would never shave them, only trim them. They are just so fluffy!

Yeah, sounds like it, so I wonder how will the shower owners have to deal with it? At least until some invention is made to help with that. And lets hope Lyle's brother realizes the soap part, before he has a bad experience with dried bat wings.

I can only imagine the years of debate before US and Canada are allowed in the Olympic games. Oh politics.

I guess so, who knows what doors has magic opened to.........did you say spacial warping abilities? No wonder Pinkie is Pinkie, and why the Doctor is an earth pony. The findings!

Seriously, why haven't we started trying to work on a story together? :rainbowlaugh: But, I feel a bit sad that it seems only you and I are exploring this universe's possibilities. Where did the others go? :fluttershysad:

Seeking Dusk
Group Admin

Begon demon! *holds out holy symbols* Depart from me with your vile temptations, for my platter remains laden with prior with duties and obligations!

I see no reason for them not to. It's not like they had anything to do with what happened. Except maybe to the Stubborns, but aside from them. Wait... there is a reason: stigma... and I'm assuming people will be logical... Silly Grey... people are never logical XD

Pff no. They won't learn everything, but they would at least be able to say that the balanced diet should need. Gonna be a while before they learn everything. Gonna need a few dead people too, to be honest. Imaging and such can only get you so far. We have nothing to go back for the new species... what organs do they have? Seriously. And where are they... Okay, maybe not that bad, but still...

As for changing the body plan? Yeah... that's way outside our capabilies. Best we could do is maybe a brace or so. We can mod soft tissue, but bones? We can reorganize/change the structure of those fully yet. Reset? Brace? Partially replace? Sure. but that's... changing the pelvic bone, adjusting the spine, adjusting the neck and collar bones...

The funny thing? I just did some reading and found out this already is a thing :rainbowlaugh: Saliva legitimately contained antibaterial and antiviral compounds.

Fluffy and elegant, my friend. Fluffy and elegant.

Carefully... Fitting in the shower will be tricky. Bathfitters and the like might see a boom in business.

Dried and cracked membrances will not be fun... flaking and maybe itchy... *cringes*

Well... they do have cause... they may have to field non-pony athletes... There would be justification for not allowing ponies. The magic factor, the different body types... lots of outrage likely.

No clue where the rest are... 4777860 is scared by the big posts, the wuss. I guess 4777908's been working on the banner. Not sure about 4799707 though.

Subtle attention poking is subtle

Group Admin


I ain't scared; I'll just let you two do it

Seeking Dusk
Group Admin

4818121 Damn, lad! That was fast! You can still toss your two nickles in. (We don't use cents in Caneighda anymore so...)

Group Admin


What about in limestone?

Seeking Dusk
Group Admin

4818144 No money in general :p

At least we use plastic currency in Caneighdaland. Better fit for the ponies than the US's old and ancient currency.

Group Admin


Hey, nothing wrong with old fashioned.... Though I wouldn't put a one dollar bill in my mouth

Seeking Dusk
Group Admin

4818227 That's my point. Those things are nasty. And taste funny.

Group Admin


Yeah. They are dirty arse money

Seeking Dusk
Group Admin

4818247 Caneighdidian dollar is superior. It's maple scented. (That one was an urban myth.)

Group Admin


Well we both have it better than Mexicolt pesos >~<

Seeking Dusk
Group Admin

4818296 Here's a question. Would they redesign the currency? I know they tend to show the image of past figures, but now that the sheer majority of people are Equus Sapien rather than Homo Sapien, would they redesign the currency to match the new face of the nations?

Group Admin


I... I have no idea......

4818113 Correct about the banner! And now that I've delved back into this thread, I have one thing to say.
:pinkiegasp:HOT FLIPPING CAULIFLOWERS do I have a lot to catch up on! You guys work fast!

4818354 Honestly I don't see that happening on the imagery, but I do see it happening in a way. A majority of us American's would more then likely get sick of putting dollars in our mouths and mob protest petition for a change plastic copies of the original bill, while the other half would be a giant stubborn arse about it and want to keep the original bill.

My Little America: Controversies are Politics <----- (Reason I stay the heck out of it)

Group Admin


Same mate

And I'd be in the latter category myself

4818435 Yeah, I don't think I could get rid of the bill either. I was pissed enough when Obama changed the penny, and that's literally just 1 cent. I don't want to imagine the uproar that changing anything bigger would do.:twilightoops:

An army of angry American ponies..... The end is neigh.
:facehoof: Darn it I made a pun.

Group Admin


Wait? When did he change the penny?

4818442 Replaced the "tails" side with a flipping shield instead of the Lincoln Memorial. All pennies printed after that have the shield instead.

Group Admin


Oh.... I never really noticed that shield:rainbowlaugh:

4818450 It just really grinds my gears when they did that. There used to be such a level of artistic detail in each coin before hand. If you looked hard enough, you could even spot a tiny Lincoln statue between the pillars. The shield they put in it's place is just so..... meh.

Group Admin


Yeah... And I used to think you could read some of the states names too

Seeking Dusk
Group Admin

4818414 It's Grag! But yeah, Ray and I got HYPED. And it shows XD

4818456 4818460 There were mixed reactions here in Caneighda when they switched to the plastic, and when they discontinued the penny (it cost more to make a penny than a penny was worth...) But we all all polite here so our protests were mostly civil. Switching to plastic money would be the best move though. Thicker coins might be easier to pick up too, but that would be WAY too much trouble. Changing out ever coin machine in the continent? So much nope.

Think they would start printing bills with ponies on it instead of people? Or mix them? In Canada's case, some of our pictures are just pictures on the back (like the Canada2arm) and historic people on the front...

Group Admin


Those whacky Canadians can't even protest like us Americans XD


Never! Join me in the quest for one shot literal wonders! So we can conquer this whole site!

I would love to see warlocks and witches slowly appearing around, either because they knew or not, it would make it seem that not all were like Taharish, in the vengeful and crazy sense; powerful? Maybe.

I feel that with or medical advances on medicine, that they could learn most things, or at least to the human level of things we know about the human body, in a few decades, maybe three or four, but I can still see it taking near a century even.

And I did not know it was that dangerous and hard for bone rearrangement and repairing. Maybe I'm letting the magic part get to my head a bit too much and making me think a lot is possible. But if we go with just learning to walk on normal pony hindlegs, and they do manage to learn, even if they may look a bit off doing it, do you think that those whose choose biped can make their descendants evolve in the next couple of milena to become anthros? Dun dun duuuuuuun! Nah, I doubt it............ I wonder. No! Bad Ray! No interspecies offsprings! No!

I give it a century or two before they let the first pony compete alongside humans. Damn politics, not letting us prove our countries!

And I just got a facepalming realization. How many Brony fathers who will have a foal will name their kids after the characters from the show? :facehoof:

Seeking Dusk
Group Admin

4818550 That's no something to brag about... Now I'm imagining the Surgeon General pleading for people to not become violent since the doctors are still trying to learn how to treat ponies...

*beats Ray with the Broomstick of +2 Ideabane8

Gah... I already had plans for the main story contribution story I had for this verse now I'm getting more... GAH! *waves the +2 broomstick at Ray again* An interesting point; not every warlock and witch would be powerful. Or even trained. It could just be strange family traditions and stories handed down that seemed meaningless until now too.

Medical advances are sure to be interesting. Particularly considering the three tribes. Well, four, considering batponies have a totally different wing structure to pegasus, even if their magic would work the same. Wing specialists will be important. Might have to appropriate vets for a few months to years, actually...

Developing pony medicine... Okay, while bio is one of the subjects my knowledge base and research is in, actual medicine is a bit less solid. XD I know enough though. Hmm... I would think at least the basics would be established rather quickly. If only from necessity.

Now... your thoughts of inter-species offspring isn't that far off. What about, say, the wife (or husband, let's not be stereotypical) and child of a solider overseas? Now... would crossbreeds be possible? Or cross fertilization? I mean... magic... And Angela...

Nah, I'd say a decade or so. A decade is a surprisingly long time.

Considering the appearance/species change, they would likely be issuing new IDs for everyone. How many people would adopt pony names? And the pony naming convention isn't exactly limited to MLP. How many new parents would take this chance to go for more fanciful names? *doesn't look at North West Kardashian*

Group Admin
Seeking Dusk
Group Admin

4819051 Seriously though... considering Angela is around and the plethora of magic on the continent... would crossbreeds be possible? Or cross breeding, with the offspring being the mother's species? Hmm....

4824123 I don't know, I'd like to think yes, but I think it will take some time before it actually happens for the first time. And if they do, I think magic will be involved in deciding which species it would be born as. Human from a pony or vice versa. Either that, or we go with hybrid offspring...........OK, maybe not the hybrid one unless we want to complicate this universe with the possibility of anthros. :facehoof:

Seeking Dusk
Group Admin

4824143 Not anthros. Satyrs! MLP does run on more Greecoroman and Mesopotamian mythos. True anthros tend to be more Later Western culture, Asian and... the Americas... Damn... both are as likely XD

4824150 Satyrs? Well, I can see that happening. But would it truly be half pony and half human as Greek mythology depicted them? Well, its technically half goat, but that's not what this universe's Satyrs will be like. :rainbowlaugh: the second part of what you said confused me. You are saying that the real versions of anthros come from those cultures, or that anthros as a terminology comes from them?

Also, if anthro were to be a thing, which variation do you think would be the most common? I picture true biped ponies who actually have leg joint as humans, pony anthro, meaning that they nearly seem human but lack feet and hands, and still have pony heads, fur and even tails; human pony anthro, basically the only things pony they posses is the head, fur and tail; and humanized pony anthro, who are those that have small pony parts like ears and tails, or even manes. I myself would go with the third and fourth options. X3

Seeking Dusk
Group Admin

4824317 Nah, the half goat thing is a common mistake. That would be fauns, which are the roman... *contemplates* not quite version, but homage to the satyr myth. Somewhere alone the line people started calling Faun's 'satyrs' and now most people forget that they are two different things.

As for the anthro part. The name comes from the Greek, yes, but what we have as anthros? Full body fur, more or less perfect blending of human form and animal features? Those are more from the myths of Asia and the Americas. The myths of the Greek and region and their neighbours were more of the patchwork kind. Lion with the face of a man, man with the head of a bull, that sort of thing. Not to say the blend wasn't there (it might have been, though I haven't really found them, expect maybe that one about the pirates turned part dolphin/shark...), it was just far less common. Of course, it doesn't help that a lot of the Greek myths were a tad sparse on the description... I really should get around to reading more of those...

Okay, anthro analysis time! Huzzah! There is a second version of human pony anthro, which keeps the unguligrades hind limbs rather than the plantigrade ones humans have. True bipedal ponies... seem a little less likely to me for some reason. Same for pony anthro. Three and four sound the most idea, though four seems more later generation thing than first gen.

4824517 Huh, and here I thought I was a fan of Greek mythology, heck! I used to play Age of Mythology when I was a little kid like none stop! Well, only on normal, but still! Hmm, now I'm starting to think if Nordic and Egyptian creatures could become a thing. But nah........ I think.

I also didn't think the first two versions would be very common, or maybe even possible? But I hope to see human pony anthros in the decades to come, but I still want to see one humanized pony anthro, I just squee in adoration imagining a human having little pony ears, especially when they go down in shyness, eeeeeeeeeeeh!.......... *cough* yeah, that. But human pony anthros with the unguil...drades...... thing.......... It would be interesting, but they would be far different. They would still need to walk like AT-STs, hopefully without the wobble.

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