Filly Fantasy VI 280 members · 0 stories
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Group Admin

5496601 Thank you very, very much.

Sadly though I have more news related to the glitch it seems using the last of any healing item triggers it, again with the Card Trick. I tried it again this time with other items as it felt strange that only status healing items would cause it.

I saw that you posted my video to the FF6Hacking folks, I modified the title and added a description hopefully that'll get their attention. :P

Group Admin

Let's hope. I suspect the glitch of enemy items doing nothing, and this, to somehow be related, but I can't imagine how.

The Light Salong, from the description, should provide a boost to Evade, but the stat screen says otherwise. Same with the Parry Dagger. Unless there's some hidden effect I'm unaware of.

And Crunch, at least when fought in the Crystal Palace, has a messed up/garbled sprite. Pretty sure i have the latest version of the hack...

Group Admin

Unless there's some hidden effect I'm unaware of.

Yes, there is.

Thanks for Crunch.

Eyup, anytime. A page ago, someone mentioned an issue with the Wind Cutter proccing a poison elemental aoe. I can verify that, was trying it out in the sealed cave and said attack healed a couple enemies in there.

Group Admin

Yup. A new Rom with lots more fixes is coming within the hour.
Found a glitch on the overworld where the land doesn't quite sync up.

Group Admin

5498221 Is that from the beta just uploaded earlier today?

I dunno if it was intentional but after victory, the battle against the Dazzlings can be repeated by interacting with the Crystal Mirror again.

5498525 from the last beta, updating very soon, and will check again.

Edit: After updating, this problem seems to be fixed, ignore it.

Another Edit: In this newer patch, I was exploring Ponyville just before going to the floating continent, went to Zecora's house, where a mare is waiting for her and says, "Peace has been restored, but my husband never returned." ;p

Group Admin

5498726 Yes, that is intentional, they and the other bonus boss can be fought repeatedly.

5498841 Whoops.

Not sure if I should report this one because, it looks like something that would be in the original, and something that can't be fixed. It's still pretty funny though!


Dazzlings? Is there a new Super Boss?

5500039 Sigfried is playable in this mode!? Cuz I thought that's who Trixie replaced.

5500282 Sigfried, the thief from the phantom train, and later on in the land of ruin?

5500331 Oh. Actually, Trixie replaces 3 different characters. The 1st being the character you mentioned. The 2nd being the treasure hunter who wanted the Gold Hairpin, where you can choose to either get that or Pinkie Pie/Mog. And then the 3rd being Gogo, which is the part of the character you recruit.

Trixie's not the only one who takes the role of multiple different characters.

5500338 I've noticed. I also noticed that even Trixie had, but when I looked at a character chart, Trixie was listed for Sigfried, so I thought she'd just not join the party this time around...I mean, Applebloom doesn't even join, andher other two friends DO.


I mean, Scootaloo doesn't even join, andher other two friends DO.

Uh... Do you mean, Apple Bloom?

5500357 Yup, and already Edited the fix for that. ;p

5500360 Yeah... First time I played this game, I was beginning to think, 'for a game named Filly Fantasy 6, are they not gonna have any of the fillies playable characters?' ...Then I reached Scootaloo... and shortly after, learned Apple Bloom's new role. Even today, I still wonder why this game had to have an incomplete CMC playable character set.

I know her role in Pony Fantasy 6 was often shamed upon due to what she and Trixie goes through, (despite the hacker saying it was platonic), but at least it made all 3 of them playable.

5499563 Ah fair enough.

5500039 Yup, they appear after you've gotten the Falcon in the World of Ruin in the basement of Figaro Castle. Each has about 65,000 HP and has some rather nasty spells. It took me 16 minutes to beat with a Level 50 party with equipment won from the Warring Triad. Think of it as if you're fighting three different versions of the Kaiser Dragon in the GBA version, at the same time.

5500368 For flavour it would've been nice if you could recruit Apple Bloom in the World of Ruin after talking to her in Maranda with Applejack, Sweetie and Scootaloo in the party, even if temporarily for say the Dream Scene in Doma. Something I liked doing in the original Pony Fantasy VI was to send the crusaders for the two scenes that focus on Applejack and Rarity (Doma and Ebot's Rock). But that would require a good chunk of effort to modify the game code so I get why that wouldn't be done in reality. :P

Group Admin

5500368 I wouldn't mind having Apple Bloom playable, but my difficulty is in seeing her in any of the other playable roles. Maud as Umaro with Pinkie and her clones, IMHO, is the most perfect casting choice I made for this game. :raritywink: But even the others, I feel they all fit their roles well enough that replacing them with Apple Bloom wouldn't be as good an option.

That said, I did look to see if anyone has hacked the game to add a 15th and 16th character, since the party select screen famously has two empty slots. To my understanding it's still being looked at because it needs a lot of work with stuff to make possible - have to make the characters show up in the shop menu, have to give them code to be able to learn magic, code to define their equipment draw, etc.

However, if it happens within a reasonable timeframe, even after this hack's release, I've already decided to add Apple Bloom and Shining Armor as the two additional bonus characters. Apple Bloom would join after finishing Applejack's nightmare, while Shining Armor would be revived using the Phoenix/Sunshimmer magicite. Apple Bloom would have Steal as a nod to Pony Fantasy 6, while Shining would have Weapons since in the lore Weapons are the skill of the royal guard.

However, those are merely plans - as I said, the hacking to make it happen does not yet exist.

In addition to the stuff listed above, you'd need to add new stuff to the ending scene or they won't show up in it. (Difficult - needs new shelf graphics and some event writing)
They'd need a spot on the Falcon (easy) and should be given a spot on the Rainboom as error handling (Also easy. Fluttershy, Trixie, and Maud have this, even though they can't normally be on the WoB airship.)
The ending might need music changes too. I'm not sure what happens with the music if you complete the game with missing characters.
As for abilities, you could also remove Possess from the ghosts, rename it, then replace the code it calls to do something different.
You could also do this for an item granted ability that people don't use much (GP Rain?) to get a second command. These would likely require new animation, though, unless the new command can repurpose an existing animation.
((EDIT: Or not. Shining Armor already has a command, so we'd only need one.))

Also, Apple Bloom would need to be given a full battle sprite sheet. I can do that, but ideally I'd also need to swap some sprites around to avoid making the battle sprite table use a ton of room for unused characters. I'd want to move her to the slot after Daring Do.

Comment posted by Skylight77 deleted Sep 20th, 2016


Think of it as if you're fighting three different versions of the Kaiser Dragon in the GBA version, at the same time.

Well I checked that, and, that was a very easy battle, just time consuming. With the way you described, I thought it would be harder than that. But then again, I never did play the GBA version, so I don't know how difficult the Kaiser Dragon is. Plus, this was after I already beat Sombra anyway. And no, I wasn't using his cloak during the fight. I was just using Ribbons, and my party was level 40-43.

Then again, that fight is available directly after getting the Airship again, so I imagine it's meant to be fought way earlier? But with what it gives, it doesn't seem worth fighting, other than getting Pinkie's missable Party skill.

P.S. It gets very confusing when people only use the original names of the characters and places.


Is it possible to make a switch-around character? Basically a way for a character to temporarily take the place of another character, rather than trying to add a new one entirely. So you could have like, Flash Sentry, (or maybe Applejack since, according to those flash backs in that dream, she's been training Apple Bloom) be taken out of the party roster in place for Apple Bloom, even switching their skills and names to match their role, and then have the ability to switch back at anytime.

Is something like that possible? I know that solution would make it impossible to have both of them in the party, but it's better than nothing. Just an idea.

(To be honest, having Apple Bloom playable isn't really all that important to me.)

Group Admin

Impossible, probably not, but impractical. All those things are data the game permanently saves and calls up when it is needed. It would be possible to tell it to call up alternative data, but at that point Apple Bloom might as well be a 15th character anyway because she'd need all that data for the game to use her properly either way.

5500626 Well, she has the sprite sheet in PF6 to work off of.

Again, this is all conceptual, to the best of my knowledge it's not even possible yet.

It's possible - the original game does that all the time. For instance, Sweetie Belle starts the game as a Pinkie Pie clone, then turns into ghost, then turns into Sweetie Belle.
However, you'd need custom code to store their name and they'd have to be able to use the same equipment as the original. Also, you'd have to make sure that there's no way to save while you have the other character, or save screen will glitch out and the replaced character's name would be permanently lost (and either become gibberish or "&&&&&&"). The game is designed to replace guest characters with full PCs, not the other way around.

Didn't the rom hack Final Fantasy VI Return Of The Dark Sorcerer have additional party members?


Then is it possible to just make Apple Bloom a guest character then? Rather than just being in the airship, you could recruit her outside of it, then when you're changing party members, she's removed and you'd have to recruit her again, but can't if you have a full party?

5500666 I've not played through the Dragon's Den far enough to fight the Kaiser Dragon myself, but I know how the battle works of a sort via videos like yourself. It was the simplest thing for me to compare to when it came to HP. I wont say that it's recommended to fight them right after you get the airship, but I'm going to say it's not doable either.

There are other ideas I'd like to post for the mod post-1.0 release mostly for flavour but I'll save those for another time.

As for why I personally refer to places and characters by their FF6 names is because those are what I'm familiar with, and they serve better for debugging when the FF6 Hacking tools would refer to a place name by it's normal FF6 name, so using those means that DrakeyC can scan reports and his tools and modify the code that he needs to at a quick glance.

5501063 Well there's a lot of things that become available after getting the airship, not all of which is recommended to do right off the bat. (The Final Dungeon, the Magic Tower, screw the Magic Tower, and not because of its difficulty.) I think the Dazzlings are more comparable to the 8 Wraths/Dragons in the game, only you're fighting 3 at a time.

But yeah, I only played the original FF6 once so I don't remember a lot of things from it. But, that reason makes sense.


Yeah, in the WoR, two additional party members could be called in to an empty slot with an item. Gotta have three characters in your party to start with, or said items won't do anything.

Group Admin

5500760 Again, she has to have all that playable character data.

Group Admin

5501216 There's also a couple other technical shortcomings, as detailed here.

5501401 You would think with how many guest characters there are in the game, (Like all those Pinkie Clones) adding a guest character wouldn't be too hard in comparison. But oh well. I'm gonna stop pursuing this because it's not really important to me.

Back to other business, Crunch's sprite in Rainbow Falls/Thamasa is still a little messed up, his back paw isn't aligned with the rest of his leg. I'm already past that point, forgot to get a screenshot.

Group Admin

5501827 thanks, no worries there, it's a simple fix.

The music in the world of ruin is a bit disjointed...rather, the background howling wind on the world map. Just got to the world of ruin, stepped out, and the wind effect for the background kept starting and stopping. The dirge that accompanies it seems to be fine, just that bit there, but it is noticeable.

Group Admin

Send me a save file, please.

This might be the last set of glitches I show here and a little note at the end. Most of these I believe are from the original though.

Group Admin

5504136 The ones with Fluttershy leaving, I'm unsure if there's much to be done for them, but I may be wrong. The last is simply not a glitch, it's how Shadow works. That said to avoid that I can probably set Fluttershy to not appear in Fillydelphia once Zozo is visited.

The ones involving Discord, check. Thanks.

Any overall thoughts to share, preferably praise? :raritywink:

The glitch with Fluttershy leaving in Neighsh is in the original game.
Perhaps a check can be performed before Fluttershy leaves when you enter Neighsh that bypasses the event if she's the only party member?

With Fluttershy leaving when everyone's dead is expected behavior - there are a few other ways to get a full dead party. You have until the next battle to revive them. Same goes for Zecora being dead out of battle.
Fluttershy leaving in the Opera is normal, but should probably have text that fits her better.

With glitches from the original, no one has mentioned the Airship glitch:
At the beginning of the same, save outside Neighsh. Then, play through to the Floating Continent without saving again.
When you can jump down to the airship, do so. Fly around for a bit without landing, then return to the floating continent. Now die.
You'll be back at the beginning of the game, but with the airship.
If you land the airship, it will vanish, and if you enter the airship, you can't get back out, but it allows a lot of sequence breaking that will create strange glitches, like a party full of Pinkie Pies. By changing when you initially save, you can do other things, like keep Zecora long or bring back Shining Armor.
This one probably isn't fixable, but it's also not something you'll pull off by accident.


Fluttershy leaving when everyone's dead only works during the Luna segment. If you try to do that in Neighshe, when she leaves, everyone gets revived and fully healed. It's odd that it the glitch happens here because, when Luna and Applejack jump down the waterfall, they get fully healed anyway.

Fluttershy leaving the Opera, I didn't mention it as a glitch. I was only pointing out that the text at the end didn't make sense for Fluttershy. Although I imagine if she said something like Angel wanted her to leave, it would make more sense.

Also, the Discord one, he has 2 blank attacks during that battle, one of them I showed in the video.

Perhaps a check can be performed before Fluttershy leaves when you enter Neighsh that bypasses the event if she's the only party member?

Well if that happens, the character would have to move away from Neighshe. I imagine the reason that event is there is so that the player can't access the party members that are in Neighshe. (Access the add/remove party option, allowing you to add/remove Fluttershy at will...)

I tried to test the extra battle added into Doma using a vanilla FF6 save game since I had already beaten it, (it gives characters the vanilla skillsets but doesn't effect much other than that), but when I interact with what I assume is the trigger from the Squizard sprite, all it does is bark. Still a Work in Progress?

A simple text error where Solaris refers to herself as a Pegasi, which is the plural version of Pegasus. Again, a super minor thing, and also, I don't know how to share a save to show you the sound mess up I reported earlier.

Group Admin

5505324 PM me a download link of your .zst or .srm file.

5504856 Rom updated, thanks for that.

5504717 I'll see what I can do about the Fluttershy stuff over the weekend. Reviving the party shouldn't be a problem, and I can probably add an event to Neighshe where she automatically leaves the town if she's the lone party member.

5505473 Actually, that just caused battles to crash the game outright.

Group Admin

5505522 PM me a save file if you please. I'll have it fixed promptly.

5505533 Okay battles crashing the game is now fixed as per the PMs.

The Squizard battle launches and works fine, but on both victory and loss, the game black screens with Cyan's Theme playing. For loss, it doesn't go to Game Over.

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