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Please show me the flags that you have made up


The Flag Of The Ponification for the Earth's Rebirth (the P.E.R.)

"On the globe of the Earth, we see the origin point for the Emergence Of Equestria, there, in the North Pacific. On either side are two ponies, one an earthpony - though it could also be a pegasus with wings folded - and on the other a unicorn. The left pony has smiling eyes, closed tight. It is blind to all of our pasts, all of our regrets and mistakes and failings. It tells us that the PER welcomes everypony, and offers us redemption of both body and soul through Conversion, both that which we undergo ourselves, and that which we gift to others.

"The unicorn has an open eye, wide and searching, to spot any threat to the princesses or to Equestria. The sharp horn is our sharp determination and a symbol of magic - the magic of friendship which we offer to all Humans in saving them from themselves. Would not a true friend save another friend even if that friend were too far gone to understand? Of course she would!

"And below it all is a dropet - ponification serum - the great miracle that makes ponification possible. It is our tool, our method, our salvation, and our only weapon, for we cannot harm nor hurt, only heal. We of the PER heal the sickness of extinction by saving humanity from its own foolish pride. The wings on the droplet remind us that we save not merely the flesh, but also the soul.

"We do the bidding of Celestia, never doubt it! Though She denounces us in the public eye, we know that when all is done, when the earth is destroyed utterly, when no humans remain alive, She will finally welcome us with open hooves and endless praise. We are Her trusted secret agents, and She cannot embrace us until our mission is complete. But on that day, that glorious day, when all of Humanity has become Pony, then will come our reward, and we will be paraded through the streets of Canterlot, covert agents no longer, but revealed as Equestria's greatest heroes!"

A roar of stomping hooves shook the building. Cheers and laughter sounded bold and glad. Of course. It all made sense now. It was so silly to have any doubt. If Celestia openly approved, it would be the end of every value the PER had to her. She had to denounce the PER. That was how being a secret agent worked.

Ginger, for his part, still had one more concern. After the excitement had died down, he approached Secretariat and asked, simply, "How do we know that Celestia really does want us to be her secret agents?"

The secretary blinked. "Because the original, genetically altered agents told us so."

Currently, I only have this greyscale animated version of one of the merfolk/merpony empires’ flags. 

This is the flag for the Huafmunibbi or the people of the water and is a symbol of royalty and loyalty to the ‘throne’. It depicts both the royal palace and the symbols of 3 subspecies equivalent to the land ponies’ pegasus, earth and unicorn. 

The royal palace is a spiked structure within a shell of coral in the deepest ravine in the territory.

The outer oval represents the unicorn equivalent, the ice mers, which have a gem instead of a horn. The inner oval with the spike represents the earth equivalent, the water mers, which have split hooves/two toed hooves that can better manipulate objects. The ‘wings’ on the sides represent the pegasus equivalent, the vapour mer, which have large dual dorsal fins which they can use to glide on currents of the air and sea.

Fairly recently I've transferred the merfolk into its own world with two other land species, raptors and fernfolk, which I detailed more in this post.

The raptors are split into many countries and societies on land and I am not deep enough into worlding a country for this species yet. The fernfolk are either are part of the raptor countries or, more likely, in small groups in the woodland that don’t interact with others often. The species are still very much in development so details may change and not every aspect is worldbuilt yet.

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