The Barcast 1,118 members · 2,312 stories
Comments ( 28 )
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Group Admin

Sup ladies and gents! It's that time again! The time to ask some rocky questions to Ca3V10O28·17H2O! (Pascoite) !

Just like always, if you happened to miss last weeks cast, We've got it on youtube! Give it a listen!

Like always, make sure to tune in at 7pm -5gmt/6pm -6gmt/5pm -7gmt/4pm -8gmt over on our twitch page!

Also give our side project, Writers Workshop a look!

Hot off the presses, the first Mug Shots cast on the Barcast youtube! Give it a look and check out some art by our very own Ravvij and crew!

Group Contributor

What's your funniest anecdote?


1) What is your fetish? It's okay, you're among "friends" here. We won't* judge you for being turned on by the thought of getting a filly pregnant and fucking the fetus while it's being born.

2) What's your all-time favorite collection of horse words?

3) Adopt Scootaloo(other filly/colt of choice) and stay single forever, or marry waifupone, but never adopt or conceive?

4) hi

5) In Equestria. Be a unicorn with ed, a pegasus with arthritis, or an earth pony with the pony equivalent of HIV? (all of them are incurable with magic or anything else)


What is your favorite non-MLP franchise?

Have you written anything for anything non-MLP?

Comment posted by The Lunar Toaster deleted Sep 18th, 2017

Make up a pony slur for zebras, griffins and minotaur.

If I were to make a golem out of your namesake mineral, what are the odds that it would have your personality?

Why is Fimfiction better than EqD?

Site Blogger

Which of your stories are you most proud of?

  1. Whats your favorite video game ?
  2. Whats your favorite boss fight ?
  3. Have you accepted Skeletor the master of the universe into your heart ?
  4. You are in itty bitty equine city what business do you start?
  5. what kinda rock would you take as your waifu?
  6. I need to know for a friend how long does it take to die of laughter?
  7. Do you even Praise Bro?

\ [+] /

Hello pacsoiteh, time for questioning:

If a jogger runs at the speed of sound, can he still hear his iPod?
Why aren't blueberries blue?
Do infants enjoy infancy as much as adults enjoy adultery?
Do pyromaniacs wear blazers?
If you don't pay your exorcist, do you get repossessed?
Why do we kill people for killing people to show that killing is wrong?
If tin whistles are made of tin, then what are fog horns made of?
Why is it that your feet smell and your nose runs?
And lastly; why does Goofy stand on two legs while Pluto is on all fours, they're both dogs?

Which of your stories do you consider your best writing?

As a reviewer, how do you balance subjective and objective opinions?

Why choose pascoite out of many others?

If you like a person, and yet you know that person is never going to like you, do you think it's best to just stop trying to make that person like you?

What would you do for a Klondike bar?

If Eve doomed the entire human race for an apple, what would she do for a Klondike bar?

Do you think Hitler did nothing wrong if he did it for a Klondike bar?

What do you think of parents who use bleach enemas to cure their children of autism?

You are Anonymous, and you are having alone time in your bedroom when Princess Twilight Sparkle teleports into your room suddenly. You totally didn't scream like a little girl and frantically hide your shame.
"Anonymous! The world is ending! You need to cum inside my magical pony pussy to save the world!" Princess Twilight declares.
Will you accept her offer or will you kick her out of the bedroom to continue your quickie with your girlfriend, Miss Hand?

You are a necrophile, and you are fucking the freshly embalmed corpses of your family when Rainbow Dash comes over and begs you to share your father's corpse with her so you can punch the gut of your father and make its decomposing juices explode inside her. Will you let your dead father cum inside Rainbow Dash or kill her to add her corpse to your fetish collection?

Would you rather let me christen your newborn baby with a jar of my clotted period blood or let it hump me instead?

What is your favorite school subject? Why?

Fuck, marry, kill: palladium, peridot, pyrite?

TO EVERYONE (including Pasco):
Are you hype for the MLP movie?

To Pascoite:
1) If someone stole your trademark, violating your unique right to profit from that piece of intellectual property and causing you significant damages and mental distress, what name would you call them?
2) Can you call ChappedPenguinLips that name, please, for stealing the idiosyncratic genius of my 'What's your funniest anecdote?' question?
3) Pascoite... did you tie down this foal?
4) Ball hairs. Who has 'em, who doesn't, and what is the general opinion here of nutsack hair?
5) Is putting tits on a dog worse than putting tits on a dragon?
6) Do you have a fishsona? If so, what is it?

From all of your experience pre-reading, what are some of the most common mistakes you see writers in this fandom making?

What is your approach to pre-reading and editing stories?

Would you agree that crystal ponies are superior to all others (with the exception of alicorns)?
What advice would you give to writers?
What is the question you'd like to answer that no one has asked you?

Wanderer D

1) So, you're a name among names when it comes up to fimfic for both quality of writing and judging of quality. Given that everyone's a critic and people tend to disagree with what doesn't necessarily fit their expectations of what is good and isn't, what would you say to them regarding the subjectivity and validity of any criticism of their work?

2) Besides very specific cases, why should people use passive voice? We know all the reasons they shouldn't, so when is it a good thing?

3) According to wikipedia:

Pascoite was discovered in the Ragra mine near Cerro de Pasco, Peru, where the mineral formed on the walls of an exploratory tunnel after its excavation.[6] The specimens were transported by D.

Does this mean we are fated to work together?

Questions for the guest:
1. Would you thing pone?
2. if you know what a food pony is, which food and drink pony would you be friends with?
3. which story have you reviewed that was surprisingly good, despite the title?
4. what have you reviewed that made you cringe, yet you couldn't stop reading?
5. have you ever played a game back then that today would be count as a classic or arcade game, if so which one(s)?
6. who is second best and Worst Pony and why?
questions for everyone including the guest:
1. would you rather eat the following at a event with friends:
A. Homemade Italian Coffee Crumb cake that's been passed down from generation to generation with espresso, eggs and bacon for a morning get together
or B. 2 XL Homemade Sicilian style Pizza with white sauce. Mushrooms, ham, and sauté onions as the toppings. with Italian style sparkling limoncello as a drink?
now for everyone:
2. did I make you guys hungry from that last question

Hi, Pascoite! I read a few of your stories a while back. Just like thousands of other people have. Except I'm special! :D ...R-right?

When and how did you first start writing? What about reviewing?

Which episode of MLP do you hate that most others like, and which episode do you like that most others hate?

In your opinion, which character is the worst and why?

Which character do you find to be the most relatable?

Is there anything you dislike about the fandom? Cheese. Cuz cheese is good. What's your favorite kind of cheese, if any?

Fuck-marry-kill: Seasons five, six and seven of the show.

Uhhhhh, lemme think of something... Okay, so imagine you're walking home one evening from who knows where. Work or whatever. I'unno. It's pretty dark outside. Almost midnight. The streetlights are on and look really cool. Way cooler than you. Cuz you're uncool. You quicken your pace because all you want to do is get home and FUCKING SLEEP ALREADY. Who the fuck stays up stays up this late?! Since its the weekend, you have plans to sleep for half the day tomorrow. As you pass an alleyway, you hear some scratching coming from it. Being the person you are, you stop walking and look inside. You can see a cardboard box that's moving. It's pretty small. You cautiously walk up to it and peek inside. You see a little orange creature that looks like a little pony. Except its smaller. 'Bout the size of a cat. It has a little mulberry colored mane and tail. Since you're not stupid, you know it's Scootaloo. You stare at her in disbelief. She looks up at you and looks scared for her life and backs into the corner of her little box. What do you do with her?

And, don't worry. I was joking. You're cool too. Not as much as the streetlights though. *pats your head*

Priest, where are your pants?

To the quest:
Do you hate it also when you clothing is disappearing?
Why do you give a shit?
Why dose anyone give a shit?
What is your favorite Element out of the Platinum group and favorite Element out of Halogen ?
What is your favorite REM = Rare earth metal?

How do you feel about potatoes?

@flutterpriest: Do you miss us Priest? We miss you. Come play with us.

Group Admin

To the cast:
What is your favorite story by our guest and why?

To Pascoit:
Which story did you have the most fun writing?
Which story did you least like writing?
Which story taught you the most? (about writing or about the characters or yourself?

You're standing in a sewer full of grey-watter that's up to your knees, you're making your way through this filth to escape from something... what is it and how badly would you be afraid of it?

Why is Ned Flanders so gosh-darn-diddly-doo-da sexy?


How many children have you kidnapped in your panel-van and indoctrinated to say "diddly"?

to all casters: you meet your best pony/waifu/husbando. You talk a bit and he/she reads your fanfics. How would ponies react? and how will the conversation continue?

Would you eat a Negerkuss or english negro's kiss ?

Would you sleep next to a pony and endure their farts all night long?

questions for Pascoite: if you could hug a Bat Pone, would you? and if you could hug a changeling, would you?

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