The Disney Chronicles 134 members · 5 stories
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This is a thread for how certain scenes from stories could be acted out. Suggestions only, nuff said.
This is my most recent one, and if i can dig through my comments on Dino's user page, i'll post the rest.

Rescuers suggestion:

Rufus: Next thing i heard, Penny was gone.
Rainbow: Well, isn't anyone like the police still looking for her?
Rufus: No, no, no, no, they, they gave up weeks ago.
Rarity: This is terrible, that poor little darling.....
Bianca: I agree, darling.
Applejack: I don't know about you girls and boys, but something in this applesauce smells fishy. I just can't believe Penny would run away, based on what you said. Nothing you said makes sense or adds up,
Twilight: Are you calling Rufus a liar?
Applejack: Twilight!! Of course not! Im just inferring that maybe there's another factor, issue or whatever that maybe none of us know about or enough about.
Bernard: Yes, I agree. Mr. Rufus, please think, there must be something else!
Rufus: Well...come to think of it, there was....uh, ah, no, no, its nothing! Penny wouldn't get in with her.
Spike: Get in what, with who?
Pinkie: ...Although maybe if it were a huge bowl of fruit punch, i would invite you all.
Mane 5: PINKIE!!!!
Pinkie: Sorry! Back to you, Mr. Rufus
Rufus: Oh, a weird lady trying to give Penny a ride, but she wouldn't have anything to do with trashy people like them.
Spike: 'Trashy' people? Who?
Rufus: Well she and her partner run a sleepy pawn shop down the street near the poorer parts.
Twilight: Everybody, we must go down there and investigate. Be ready, I've seen the skid rows of Equestrian cities, and they are NOT the most friendly places to be.
Fluttershy: That's not exactly encouraging....(whimper).
Rufus: Suit yourself, you'd be wasting your time going down there.
Spike: Maybe you're right, Mr. Rufus, but she could be in real trouble. We're taking every lead we can to find her and help her.
Rufus: Yes, but....2 little mice, 6(+) multicolored ponies and a dragon! Wha...what can you do??

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For ichabod and mr. toad. My original twist ending.

After the covered bridge incident, just as Brom was about to kiss katrina, two unknown men burst into the chapel, marched down the aisle, and pointed two accusing fingers at Brom, and said in deep menacing tones, "We Accuse!" The two men told a tale of them witnessing the whole escapade from a nearby glade, that they saw Brom bury Ichabod after he died of fright from the flaming pumpkin head of the headless horseman, that Brom's horse was a spitting image of the Horseman's, and they stated passionately, that ghosts do not really exist, so the horseman had to have been a real person in disguise. When they finished, Brom left Katrina at the altar dashed outside onto his horse, and galloped away, never to return. The men fervently denied any conspiracy, yet had a somewhat satisfactory glint in their eyes to see Brom leave, and then shortly got on their own horses and galloped into a shadowy part of a nearby forest. ....So now a new question arose with this legend.
Did Brom leave out of cowardice because he knew he had been found out....or did he leave because he could never live down this insult to his name and honor??

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Comment posted by MarioBrony deleted Oct 9th, 2018
Comment posted by MarioBrony deleted May 23rd, 2022


To be honest, Brom Bones isn't actually a bad guy. The movie said there was no malice in his mischief. People today say that Ichabod is more of a villain since he wanted Katrina for her money and even wanted her dad to die. Is that a good guy? Designed Hero indeed!

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Nice one! Looks real great!

Group Contributor

oh, i did not know that.:rainbowderp::twilightoops:

Group Contributor

thanks, post any others you make up here!

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101 dalmatians:

The Evening Neigh (Yeah I know. It's corny) was triggered along with the Twilight Bark. From Clydesdale to Thoroughbred, to Collie to Newfoundland, the message of the puppies and alicorn's disappearance spread like wildfire from city to town to river. A dog on a river barge and a work horse grazing in close proximity sent the message to Old Tower and his friend Lucy the goose, and Charles the Quarterhorse.

Lucy: Towser, Towser, Charlie, whats going on, what is it? Whats all the gossip?
Towser: Aint no gossip, Lucy. It be all the way from London. And 15 puppies stolen.
Charles: Along with a baby Alicorn.
Lucy: Theres no puppies around here, not since Nellies last litter and they're all grown up. And an Alicorn...? Those are just myths.
Towser: Well, for this message to come this far unchanged makes the myth notion questionable. Well we best send the word along. It be up to me to reach the Colonel!
Charles: And me to reach the Captain. Old mates we are.

Transition to message receiving:

Colonel: Its from London!
Sgt. Tibbs: Then it must be important!
Colonel: Yes, and theres another message along with it from the Evening Neigh. I believe its your old buddy Charles, Captain.
Captain: Well so it is, well lets see what they want.
Colonel: Sounds like a number! 3 fives is 13.
Tibbs: Thats fifteen sir.
Colonel: 15, of course 15. Dot, spot, eh spotted, puddings, poodles....No, no, puddles!
Captain: Im getting...whats this...?, infant,, no, unicycle!
Tibbs: Sirs....?
Colonel and Captain: Fifteen spotted puddles and a baby winged unicycle stolen, ol, Balderdash!
Tibbs: Better double check it sirs.
Colonel/Captain: Oh ok.....
Tibbs: It sounds like 'puppies' and 'unicorn' sirs.
Colonel: Of course puppies!
Captain: Yes, a baby winged unicorn!
Tibbs: Colonel, Captain, I just remembered. Two nights past, I heard puppy barking over at Hell Hall. As for a baby...Alicorn? Those are myth. There must have been some form of misunderstanding during the sending.
Captain: Horses are excellent listeners, Tibbs. Charles has never led me astray before. There may be more to this than meets the eye.
Colonel: And did you mean the old DeVil place? Nonsense Tibbs, no one's lived there for years!
Captain: Hold on, there's smoke coming from the chimney!
Colonel: By jove that's strange, strange indeed!

Transition back to Towser and Charles:

Lucy: What do they mean by that?
Charles: Eh, not sure.
Towser: Oh, maybe the old boys have found something!
Lucy: Oh, I do hope so!

What do you think?

Group Contributor

Oh. Heres another one. After the Puppies and Flurry Heart are taken, the owners and parents call the police.

Scotland Yard: This is the inspector, may i ask who this is and how may i help you?
Roger: My name is Roger Dearly, our family dalmatians gave birth to 15 puppies who were dognapped last night.
Inspector: Can you describe how it happened? (Cut to Nanny describing the crime) Afterwards...
Roger: We have some friends who were staying with us, and one of theirs was taken as well, I'll put them on as well.
SA: (holding the phone with his magic) I am Shining Armor, husband to Princess Cadence and co ruler of the Crystal Empire in Equestria. Our daughter, Flurry Heart was taken along with the puppies in the same way. She's a baby alicorn.
Inspector: Alicorn, Crystal Empire...Equestria, Cadence, Flurry....what poppycock is this?
SA: EXCUSE ME?! Does it sound like poppycock to you!? I know it sounds strange, but our daughter was foal-napped! We are devastated! Please help!
Inspector: ...... (Awkward silence) O.....K.....Maybe a talk in person will be more prudent, We'll be expecting you at our main station.
Cadence: Thank you so much!
Inspector: You're.....welcome.....:rainbowderp:

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Cruella: Fifteen? Fifteen puppies? How marvelous, how marvelous, how! Oh the devil take it, they're mongrels, No spots.....etc.
Cruella: Oh, well in that case, ill take them all, the whole litter, as well as the little baby horse. Just name your price dear.
Anita: Im afraid we cant give them up. Poor Perdita, she'd be heartbroken. As for the baby alicorn, she doesn't belong to us. Her parents are staying with us.
Cadence and Shining Armor: What do you take us for, FOOLS?!? Flurry is our pride and joy.
Cruella: Don't be ridiculous. You cant possibly afford to keep them. You can scarcely afford to feed yourselves. And they are just horses, bound to obey humans.
SA and Cadence: What?!
Anita: Well I'm sure we'll get along.
Cruella: Yes, I know, I know, Rogers...Roger's songs! AHAHAHAHA!
Her laughing made Roger, Pongo, Cadence and SA's brows furrow deeper and deeper. Rainbow was irked: "She's really getting on my nerves."
Cruella: Ill pay you all twice what their worth. Come now im being more than generous, blast this pen, blast this wretched, wretched, pen....
She shook it so hard that it sprayed all four opposite her with ink. They were now fuming.
Rarity was aghast: Oh i hope that isn't permanent!
Cruella: when can the babies leave their parents? Two weeks, three weeks?
SA slammed his hoof on the table: Never!!!
Cruella, coming to his face: Whaaat...?
SA spoke in a dangerous tone, his eyes narrowed to slits: Im going to say this just ONCE. We are NOT giving up our daughter.
Roger: And further, we are not...not...s...selling the..the puppies. Not a single one. Do you understand?
Cruella: Anita, is he serious? I really don't know roger and this horse.
Anita: Well Cruella, they seem...
Cruella: Oh surely they must be joking.
SA: Are you deaf!? What i said was FINAL!
Roger: Yes, I mean it too. You're not getting one. Not-not ONE! A...And that..that's f-f-final as well!
Cruella: Why you horrid man and you filthy animal! Keep the little beasts for all i care. Do as you want with them. Drown them!
Cadence and SA charged their horns: Get...out of this house. Now. OR ELSE!!
Cruella: I'll get even. Just wait, you'll be sorry, you fools. IDIOTS!
She slammed the door so hard the window pane shattered.
Twilight: You'll be getting a bill for that window, you old parasprite!
Fluttershy: For the first time this adventure, i'm glad that that's over!

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Voice: Is Anita there?
Roger: Who?
Voice: Anita!
Anita: Hello...?
Cruella: Anita darling!
Anita: Oh, Cruella!
Cruella: Oh, Anita, what a dreadful thing, I just saw the papers. I couldn't believe it.
Anita: Yes, it was quite a shock.
Roger: What does she want, is she calling to confess?
SA: Yes, she might as well.
Cadence: Her tone gives her away.
Anita: All of you please:
SA:Oh she's a sly one!
Cruella: Have you called the police?
Anita: Yes, we've called Scotland Yard.
Cadence grabbed the phone with her magic: WHERE IS OUR DAUGHTER!? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH HER, YOU...
Anita: You idiot!
SA's and Cadence's face went beet red following that outburst.
Anita: All of you, i admit she's eccentric, but she's not a thief!
Roger: Well she's still number one suspect in my book!
SA: She's the only suspect in our book!
Anita: Oh, she's been investigated by Scotland Yard, what more do either of you want?
Roger: Oh, I don't know Darling, I don't know.
Cadence began to weep softly, and Shining Armor brought a comforting hoof to her and she cried into his chest.
Twilight: now what do we do?
Rainbow: I don't know. Our options are growing increasingly fewer in number.
Pongo was listening and went to talk to Perdy:
Perdy, darling, im afraid its all up to us.
Perdy:Oh Pongo, isnt there any hope?
Pongo: Yes, theres the Twilight Bark and the Evening Neigh.
Twilight had caught that word: Evening Neigh?
Pongo: yes, they are gossip chains in the animal community here. And if our puppies and your niece and dragon are anywhere in this city, the London dogs and horses will know. Now Twilight and I will both send the word tonight when we take a walk in the park.

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Perdy: What is it Pongo?
SA: Do you hear something?
Pongo: Shh....its the great dane and a city park horse. They have news for all of us!
Rarity: Thank Celestia!
Cadence: How will we get out?
Pongo: Uh, the back bedroom window. Its always open a wee bit. C'mon.
Cut to park at night.
Great dane and horse: (barking and neighing)
Shortly, a response came.
Great Dane: Pongos and Royals you made it! Good! My companion is Reginald from the Hyde Park horse riding center.
Pongo, SA, Cadence, Perdy and other ponies in unison: whats the word? have they found our puppies, dragon and baby alicorn?
Reginald: They all have been located somewhere north of here in Suffolk.
Cadence: Oh, sweet Celestia!
Reginald: Can you all leave tonight?
Rainbow: just point us in the direction, and we're rainbooming out of here!
Great Dane: We'll take you as far as Camden Road and give you instructions!
They raced through the streets of London, passing many sights until they crossed a bridge over the Thames.
Reginald: And when you reach Withermarsh, contact old Towser and Charles. They'll direct you all to the Colonel and Captain who will take you all to your loved ones at the De Vil place.
Every creatures blood froze and eyes went wide as soon as they heard those words. "De Vil!?!?" "The De Vil place?"
It then imediately dawned on everydog and pony. "It was her!"
"Oh, someone you all know?" asked their guides, intrigued.
"Sorry good sirs. We cant thank you enough for your help." Twilight said while giving a quick bow. "But theres no time to explain."
Both dogs and ponies bounded through a tunnel towards the countryside as fast as their legs and wings could carry them.
"I hope were not too late." wimpered Fluttershy as she pushed herself and flew harder than normal, even on par with Rainbow Dash.
Voices called back after them. "good luck Pongos and Royals. If you lose your way contact the barking and neighing chains. They'll be standing by!"

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Perdy: Oh Pongo, its her! Its that devil woman!
Cadence: Who?
They all came to the window.
A car driving the like the wind came screeching up.
Spike: And you guys said Rainbow was reckless!
Perdy immediately dashed for hiding cover under the stove.
Roger: Oh. Must be Cruella. Anita's dearly devoted old schoolmate. Cruella De Vil. Thats it.
Rainbow: She kinda does look like a spider through the glass.
Rarity: Rainbow Dash! Where are your manners?!
Anita: Let her in Nanny.
Cruella came in: Anita darling!
Anita: how are you?
Cruella: Miserable darling as usual, perfectly wretched.
Where are they, Where are they? For heaven sakes where are they?
The ponies were taken aback.
Anita: Who Cruella?
Cruella: The puppies the puppies!
Roger continued playing his song on the trumpet, causing some of the ponies to snicker.
Cruella: No time for games, where are the little brutes?
Twilight: Why are you so interested in them?
Cruella's eyes widened at the sight of a talking horse but then immediately composed herself. "Who are you all?"
Rounds of introductions were given, and then Cruella was allowed to feel their own coats. Flurry's was the softest, causing Cruella to gaze craftily at her, making Cadence and SA wary.
Anita: As for the puppies, it will be at least 3 weeks. no rushing these things you know.
Cruella: Anita you're such a wit.
She beckoned to Pongo, who gave a loud growl.
Fluttershy: I think you should leave him alone, Cruella.
Rarity: Is that a new fur coat?
Cruella: My only true love darling, i live for furs. I worship furs! After all is there a woman in all this wretched world who doesn't?
Rarity: Well, furs are always in style for me darling, but there are also other types.....
Yes, Yes i must say such perfectly beautiful coats. And the little baby has fur as soft as velvet....yes...
Anita: Wont you have some tea Cruella?
Cruella: No, I've got to run darling, let me know when the puppies arrive. You will won't you dear?
Anita: Yes, Cruella
Cruella: Dont forget to promise! See you all in 3 weeks! Cheerio, Cheerio darling and little animals!
She then slammed the door.
Anita: Oh!
Rarity: She seems a little too attached to furs.
Rainbow: You think? She's crazy!
Twilight: Easy, everypony. We've only just met her, maybe theres more to her than meets the eye.
Applejack: I dont know Twilight. theres just something off about that woman.

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Sleeping Beauty

Fauna: What do you think of the cake?
AJs eyes went wide: Do you want an honest answer?
Twilight: Be nice, AJ, she tried her best!
Rainbow whispered: it looks like one of my first rock towers, only more gooey.
Flora: well, its a very unusual cake isn't it?
AJ: took the words right out of my mouth Flora!
Fauna: Yes, of course it will be much thicker after its baked!
Flora: What do you think of the dress?
Rarity had to excuse herself to refrain from using unnecessary descriptions.
Fauna stammered: Well its-s-s, not exactly the way it is in the book....
Fluttershy: it could be better...?
Flora: oh i improved it!
AJ: Well...your definition of improved is not the same as mine.
Rainbow: Ummm...i agree
Twilight: Im speechless...words fail me.
Flora: maybe if i added a few more ruffles...
Fauna: What do think merry weather?
Rarity and Merryweather: I think we've had ENOUGH of this nonsense!
Rarity: EVERYTHING is a disaster, the cake, the decorations, the dress looks like it went through a shredder! Rose is going home tonight, and do you want her to look like a shabby peddler?
Merryweather: I still think what i felt before. Im going to get those wands.
At this time the cake had melted.
Fluttershy: You know, i think she's right!
Mane 6 simultaneously: I agree!

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Robin Hood
Nutsy: One o clock and ALLS WELL!
Rainbow: Either that clocks fast or that bird's slow.
AJ: Beats me.
Sheriff: Nutsy, you better set your brains ahead a couple of hours.
Nutsy: Yes, sir. Uh, does that mean adding or subtracting?
Sheriff: Oh lets forget it.
Twilight: yeah, forget it. I would get a headache from that bird.
Nutsy: yes sir! yes sir!
Sheriff: Nutsy how am i gonna sleep with you yellin' ALLS WELL all the time here?
Pinkie pie had brought along her party cannon as part of a distraction
Trigger: sheriff, everything aint alls well. I got a feeling in my bones theres gonna be a jail break any minute-
Sheriff: CRIMINENTLY, Trigger, point that peashooter the other way!!
Trigger: dont you worry none sheriff. The safety's on Ole Betsy-TWAAANGG...
and his crossbow fires, the arrow bounces around, and hits the party cannon trigger, causing it to fire, but the commotion was so great, it was thankfully not noticed.
Sheriff: WHAT in tarnation you trying to do, you birdbrain?!?!
Trigger: just doin my duty sheriff!
Rarity: a little too well!
Sheriff: You and that itchy trigger finger of yours.
Twilight: And pinkie, you need to put a protective cover on your cannon fire button.
Pinkie: Okie dokie lokie!

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Robin hood:

Little John: Ah, mila! My esteemed royal sovereign of the realm. the head man himself. You're beautiful!
Rarity: (quietly) thank you, darling!
Twilight: here, here!
PJ: they have style, eh hiss? (speaking french)
LJ: you took the words right out of our mouths PJ
PJ: PJ! i like that, you know i do? Hiss, put it on my luggage. P.J.!
Hiss: and you, who might you all be, ma'ams and sir?
LJ: I am sir Reginald. Duke of Chutney. These are my lady fairs, lady Regal Purple and Bold Wisdom.
Rarity with her magic: and dont stick your tongue out at us darling, where are your manners?
LJ: And now, your mightiness, allow us to lay some protocol on you!
Rarity: Indeed, a royal one deserves all the necessary traditions!
PJ: No, uh forgive me, dear ladies, but i lose more jewels that way...
Twilight under her breath: I wonder how much tax money those ones cost.
Pj: please, sit down, all of you.
LJ: thanks pj! cant get a better seat than this could you the royal box...Hey what the....? Oh, excuse us buster.
Hiss: BUSTER?! you sir, have taken my seat!
PJ: Hiss with you around, who needs a court jester?
Twilight to Rarity: He is rather amusing when need be.
Rarity: Indeed, darling!
PJ: Now get out there and keep your snake eyes open for 'you know who'!
Hiss: You...You...You mean I, I am being dismissed?
Twilight: You heard his highness, move it creepy, get lost! Be gone, long one.
Rarity: Yes, Au Revoir, you slithery devil!

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Pinkie: I've set my cannon from Surprise to Blitz!
Woody: Oh, great, great idea Pinkie, yeah and if anyone attacks us, we can party 'em to death!

Little green aliens: you have saved our lives. we are eternally grateful.
Rarity: Will you just LEAVE ME ALONE?!?!?

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Cinderella: Oh, well. Whats a royal ball? After all, I suppose it would be frightfully dull, and boring, and completely....
Rainbow/Spike: You know, you're not fooling anyone, you know that?
Cinderella: ...Oh completely wonderful.

Group Admin


Alright! Disney Chronicles: 101 Dalmatians is as good as done! Keep it up!

Group Admin

I've watched Sleeping Beauty before, and I've memorized the scenes and all......but I don't get why Rarity couldn't have just made the dress with Merryweather and Flora. Obviously, she's better at it. And how come Applejack didn't bake the cake with Fauna? Surely the cake would've been much better.

Shouldn't the Mane 6 be doing something, besides standing on the sidelines and watch the fairies ruin everything?

Group Contributor

this is just a suggestion. Maybe it will be changed when it is finally written!:twilightsmile:

Group Contributor

thanks, and post any scenes you think up as well!

Group Admin

Okay then. Great suggestions by the way. Keep it up!

Group Admin

In that case:

The Lion King
Timon: ".....Hakuna matata. What a wonderful phrase..."
Pumbaa: "Hakuna matata. Ain't no passing craaaaaze~"
Spike: "It means no-"

:pinkiesmile: "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Stop right there boys! I've got a better idea! Let's do a sing-along!"

Timon: "Oh you pink horsey genius. I love a good karaoke!"

*Cue the song*

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Pete's Dragon

"Wait! Wait!" Lena Gogan screamed, as she frantically ran away, catching up to the Gogans in their get away cart.

"Oh no you don't!" Rainbow Dash snarled, dashing in a blur of rainbow, landing in front of the Gogans, stopping their horse in its track. In the meantime, Twilight's horn burned in her pink aura as she froze the Gogans in their tracks, while Elliot quickly retrieved Pete, who was still tied in the sack.

"Pete?" Applejack began, as she pulled the rope, untying the sack and freeing the boy. "Ya alright, Sugarcube?"

"I am now," Pete smiled happily at his friends. "Thanks, Elliot! Thanks girls!"

"Oh, we're just happy to see you're okay," Fluttershy smiled, nuzzling the boy affectionately.

"HEY, YOU JUST LISTEN TO ME!" Lena shouted, to the heroes who looked at her in displeasure. "THAT THERE BOY BELONGS TO ME! I paid $50 for him, plus legal! And I've got a bill of sale right here, RIGHT HERE TO PROVE IT!!" With that, the miserable woman showed the piece of paper with a smug grin on her face.

"Oh really?" Rainbow began. "GIVE ME THAT!!" She snorted, snatching the paper away with a lighting fast swing of her arm, gave the paper a quick read, before she turned to Elliot, "Care to do the honors?" She grinned, to which the dragon nodded with a small burst of fire that burned the paper to a crisp.

A/N: I find the Gogan's retreat too merciful a penalty for child abuse. So here's my preference for their defeat.

The Gogans ran for their lives, as they chased after their frightened horse. However, the Gogans all crashed into two more figures and they fell back. They looked up, and their eyes widened to see, not one, but three more dragons. One is Spike, while the other two are his friends, Smolder, and Ember.

"So, you're those Gogans who've been giving our friends the trouble, huh?" Ember scowled. The Dragon Lord looked down to see Spike beating his fists together.

The Gogans were later tied to a tree, while covered in several burns and bruises.

Group Admin

Like this?

The Lion King 11/2 - Hakuna Matata

Group Admin

101 Dalmatians

*This'll be for the scene where the heroes are staying at the Dairy Barn for shelter from the winter*

"Spike?" Twilight muttered drowsily. "What is it? What's wrong?"

Spike quietly sobbed, "I...I..I don't want you to leave me...again," He cried.

"Oh, Spike," Twilight wrapped her hooves and wings around the little dragon. "There, there, Spike. Shhhh...It's okay. I'm here now. We're together again. I've got you. Everything's going to be okay."

Maybe when they're in the car chase scene, the final battle could play out like that of Super Mario Kart? By that, I mean maybe Pinkie Pie could throw a banana and Cruella slips on, while driving her car?

Group Admin

The Incredibles

Edna: "No capes!"
Rarity: "My goodness! I never thought of that before!" *conjures a notepad and quickly scribbles* "No capes."

Group Contributor

In Cinderella where the boy mice are forced to leave the room as Cinderella washes up, Spike is asked to leave.

Twilight: Spike, you better step out of the room too.

Spike: What? Why am I always getting singled out?!

Group Admin

That's amazing! I'll totally use it.

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Group Contributor

nah, she'll have a shotgun like once upon a time!

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I was thinking of a scene in Atlantis the Lost Empire. Where Kida is being called by the Heart of Atlantis, Cadence is called by it as well as her cutie mark is glowing. When they tell the others everything will be okay Cadence speaks Atlantean with Kida before they merge with the crystal, much to Twilight and Shining Armor's shock.

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That certainly would be something but the heart only chooses one host of Atlantean Royal Blood I don't see how it would need two hosts

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Cadence is a princess and ruler of the Crystal Empire. I thought that since the Heart of Atlantis is a crystal and Cadence's cutie mark has a strong resemblance with the Crystal Heart, maybe the Heart of Atlantis would sense Cadence's cutie mark because it counts as a crystal.

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Beauty and the Beast

Twilight, focusing her magic, changed herself human as she walked out into town and was met with strange looks from the villagers, because of her appearance. Nevertheless, they greeted her with a simple, "Bonjour."

"Bonjour?" Twilight returned the greeting.

Jimmy whispered in the girl's ear, "That's french for hello."

....(At some point, after walking, Twilight met Belle)

"Hello there," Twilight greeted the woman.

"Oh, hello," Belle greeted the stranger.

"Did I hear you say something about an ogre and a beanstalk?" Twilight asked curiously.

"Why yes, I did," Belle smiled, holding up the said book. "It's called Jack and the Beanstalk. Have you read it?"

"All the time, when I was a kid," Twilight beamed. "I think it's a wonderful story!"

"You really think so?"

"That, or maybe the story of Alice in Wonderland, King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, I don't know. There are just so many books, how can I pick just one?" Twilight giggled.

"Wow, this is fantastic! I'm so happy to meet you!"

"I can concur. Oh, how rude of me. I haven't introduced myself. I'm Twilight Sparkle."

"Twilight Sparkle? That's an unusual name. You must be from far away. I'm Belle."

"That's a lovely name! Nice to meet you Belle!"

*While traveling through town, and singing Belle*

Twilight and Belle finally arrived at the bookstore as they walked in, "Ah, Belle!" The bookkeeper greeted the girl kindly, before he noticed Twilight. "Oh, I see you've made a friend."

"This is Twilight," Belle introduced her new friend to the kind man. "Twilight, this is the bookkeeper, Père Robert."

"Bonjour sir," Twilight smiled as she shakes hands with the kind man. "It's so wonderful to meet you."

"Charmed, my dear," Père Robert returned the gesture with a smile.

"Anyway, I've come to return this book I borrowed," Belle said, handing the said book from her basket to the man who took it back.

"Finished already?" The bookkeeper chuckled.

"Oh I can't put it down. Have you got anything new?"

"Not since yesterday."

"That's alright. I'll borrow this one!"

"That one? But you've read it twice!"

"Did she really?"

"But it's my favorite! Far off places, daring sword fight, magic spells, a prince in disguise."

"Wow, count me interested," Twilight smiled.

"If you like it all that much, it's yours," The man offered.

"But sir..."

"I insist."

"Oh thank you! Thank you very much!" Belle then turned to Twilight, "Would you like to read it with me?"

"Of course!" With that, the two girls walked down the street together, reading the book, as the villagers resumed their musical.
Later, after the two found Twilight's friends

"Oh great," Rainbow moaned. "Now we've got two eggheads."

"Rainbow Dash, be nice!" Rarity berated the pegasus.

Group Contributor

That's a great idea! However, I think that maybe Twilight should be in her pony form.

Group Contributor

Well maybe. It'll still be a good long while before the story is written

Group Contributor

In concurrence with cheerful9s agreement I think that Twilight should remain in her Pony form

Group Admin

Fair enough. It is still Dinodisneylover1's series after all. But it's gonna be hard for me to picture Twilight and Belle hitting off with other without freaking out almost immediately.

That, and imagine what Gaston and the other villagers would say about Twilight and Belle together. Some crazy people would quickly accuse them of witchcraft.

Group Admin

Beauty and the Beast
Twilight and Belle continued on their way, when someone leapt off the rooftop and landed before the two bookworms.

"Hello Belle," The man greeted.

"Bonjour Gaston," Belle replied, before she and Twilight resumed reading the book.

"My, that's a lovely horse you have there," The man, identified to be Gaston, pointed.

Twilight was about to say something, but Belle already beat her to it, "Actually, Twilight's a pony," The intelligent woman corrected, with Twilight nodding her head in agreement. "Now, if you-" Belle was quickly interrupted when Gaston snatched the book away from her, "Gaston, may I have my book please?" Belle asked sternly.

"But how can you read this?" Gaston asked, as he continued to skim the pages. "There's no pictures!"

"Not all books come with 'pretty pictures' you know," Twilight scowled, which Gaston ignored, not realizing Twilight just talked.

"Some people use their imaginations," Belle explained.

"Belle, it's about time you get your head out of those books," The man began, tossing the book in the air. Thankfully, Twilight caught the book in her aura before it hits a puddle of mud. Again, Gaston failed to notice as he continued, "And pay attention to more important things."

"Like what?" Twilight muttered under her breath.

"Like me." In response, three nearby blonde women all swooned lovingly at the man.

[Gaston's attempt to propose to Belle]

"I'm sorry Gaston. But....but...." Belle quickly found the door knob, just as Twilight finished charging. "I just don't deserve you!" With that, Belle opened the door and slipped past Gaston.

"Expalliarmus!" or "Azarath metrion ZINTHOS!!!" Twilight fired her spell, blasting Gaston out of the house.

"AAAAHHHH!!!" Gaston screamed as he flies out the house.

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Beauty and the Beast

Twilight and Belle were both racing to the smoking house, opening the basement doors, in which a mushroom-shaped cloud of smokes erupted from the cellar, into the girls' faces.

Suddenly, there was a series of loud banging, which revealed itself to be an old man who got blown up and somehow ended up in a barrel.

"Papa?" Belle coughed, asking in concern.

"How on earth did that happened?" The man asked, as he struggled to get himself free from the remains of the barrel he was trapped in. "Doggone it!" He grunted, pulling himself away from the remain, while inadvertently revealed a large white pink heart boxer, which he quickly covered with his pants.

"Are you alright papa?" Belle asked.

"I'm-I'm about to get rid of this hunk of junk," The man answered, kicking the machine he was working on, which blew up in response.

"You always say that," Belle chuckled.


"Well, what are we waiting for?" The man asked. "I'll have this thing fixed up in no time!" With that, he dons up a pair of goggles, got onto a rolling board, as he slides himself under the machine to begin his repair. "Hand me th-that dog-legged clincher there," He ordered to Belle, who complied, with Twilight helping.

"The dog-legged what?" Twilight asked.

"It's okay, Twilight," Belle smiled, holding up the said tool. "I got it."

"So," Maurice began. "Did you have a good time in town today?"

"I got a new book," Belle answered, before Twilight cleared her throat, "And a new friend," The bookworm giggled, realizing she had forgotten to introduced Twilight to her father. "Papa. I would like you to meet my new friend, Twilight Sparkle."

"Twilight Sparkle?" The man asked, sliding out from under the machine and turned his attention to the lavender alicorn he hadn't noticed, until now. "Oh, why hello there, little one," He chuckled, greeting the pony with a gentle stroke to her chin, which Twilight enjoyed.

"Oh, and believe it or not, but she can talk too," Belle added.

"Of course she can talk, Belle," The man replied. "Animals have their own languages, too. Like us humans."

"Actually sir, what she meant was I can talk just like you and everyone," Twilight clarified, startling the old man.

"Good heavens! She really can talk!" Then, Maurice took a closer look. "Incredible. She not only talks, but she has wings!....and a horn! What are you?"

"I'm a pony," Twilight answered. "Well, an alicorn pony to be exact. I'm from a land, far away, called Equestria. And I was reading a book about here, and I thought I could come over and visit."

"Oh, well my dear, let me say it is my pleasure to welcome you to our little town," The man smiled, as he shook Twilight's hoof. "I'm Maurice. At your service."

"Pleasure to meet you, Maurice, sir," Twilight smiled. "And I'd like to say, you must be lucky to have such a welcoming, but very intelligent daughter!"

Belle blushed, as the man nodded, "Yes, that's my Belle for you."

"Oh please, I'm not that special," Belle replied, before she questioned, "Papa. Do you think I'm odd?"

"My daughter? Odd?" Maurice huffed in dismay. "Where would you get an idea like that?"

"Yeah, c'mon Belle," Twilight began. "I don't think you're odd."

"Thanks, you two are very kind," The bookworm sighed. "But it's just, I don't think I fit in here. There's really no one I can talk to," Twilight looked offended, "Except you Twilight," Belle chuckled, to which Twilight smiled.

"What about that Gaston?" Maurice asked. "He's a handsome fella."

"He's handsome alright," Belle grumbled. "And rude, and conceited, and...."

"Overall obnoxious?" Twilight added. "And if there's another word, an intolerable egomaniac?"

"Exactly!" Belle agreed, before she slumped. "He's not for me."

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Lady Tremaine: "These beads...they give just the right touch. Don't you agree, Drizella?"
Drizella: "No I don't. I.....Ah! Why you little thief! They're my beads! Give it here!" *rips the beads off of Cinderella's neck*
Rainbow Dash: "Hey!" *Jumps in front of Cinderella protectively* "What's your problem huh?!"
Lady Tremaine: "Good heavens! What is this?!"
Anastasia: "Oh! Look, she's wearing my sash! My sash!" *Proceeds to rip it off, but Twilight appeared in a flash of light*
Twilight: "Keep away from her!" Twilight ordered.

Group Admin

The Jungle Book

Kaa: "Trussssst in meeeeee."
Fluttershy: "Don't you even THINK about it! You ought to be ashamed of yourself for trying to eat Mowgli!" *Stares back at Kaa*
Kaa: *Whimpers* "Sssssorry. I'm not hungry anymore." *slithers away in fright*

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The Rescuers
After their take off from New York, with Orville.

Pinkie: "Next stop! Devil's Bayou!"

*Cue the song: Tomorrow is Another Day*

Rainbow Dash, Twilight, and Fluttershy could be pulling a hot air balloon, with Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie riding in the basket, and they all followed Orville, Bernard, and Bianca.

A/N: To me, it's sort of awkward for the heroes to be in a story, where the main protagonists are very small and are the size of a real mice in real-life, in contrast to Mickey Mouse, of course.

Medusa: "Stuck tight? You get that diamond or you'll never see daylight again!"
Rainbow Dash: "I'd ought to press you into jerk cider!"

Maybe somewhere in the story, Spike would say, "Where's Elliot when you need him?"

Group Contributor

I like it! But what about Spike, the rest of the Mane Six, Cutie Mark Crusaders, and Mistmane? Where are they?

Group Contributor

Maybe Twilight could use her shrinking spell to shrink herself and her friends.

Group Admin

That could work.

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