The Disney Chronicles 135 members · 5 stories
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Group Admin

Hm. I'll give it some thought.

Group Contributor
Group Contributor

do your thing!:raritywink:

Group Contributor

Great, although i think that the ponies should perform some sort of concealment charm to obscure their horns and wings. Soot or not, it would be a dead giveaway.

Group Contributor


Group Contributor

Hmm....Im listening....:raritywink:

Group Admin

We're taking your word on it. Just because you'll 'think' about it, does that mean you're going to do it. We're all adults here, we know better.

I guess I didn't think about that.

Group Contributor
Group Contributor
Group Admin

And the one time when no one makes a big fuss about using this technique. Least it helps them sneak past those dopey kidnappers and that maniacal fur-obsessed fashion icon.

Group Contributor

Glad he like the idea of Applejack in the archery tournament.

Group Admin

Well sure Applejack would take part in the archery tournament. The E.G. version is a natural with a bow. Who's to say the pony version doesn't have the same talents?

The Black Cauldron

Getting the Caudron

Taran-The Black Cauldron! It's ours!

Rainbow-Wow, that's some pot.

Pinkie-One can serve 100 bowls of vegetable soup in something like that.

(Taran walks toward it and he hears the laughs of the witches. He looks up to see them watching him from the clouds.)

Orddu-I say, what funny little ducklings! Don't they know the Black Cauldron is indestructible!

Twilight-What? What are you talking about?

Orddu-Now listen carefully, the Black Cauldron can never be destroyed. Only its evil powers can be stopped!

Taran-Then there is a way!

Fluttershy-But how?

Orddu-A living being must climb into it on his own free will!

Gurgi-Gurgi is bold and brave! He will climb into the evil cauldron!

Orddu-However, the poor duckling, will never climb out ALIVE!


Fflewddur-Now look here madam, don't forget we have an agreement!

Eilonwy-Yes! You said we could have the Cauldron!

Applejack-Yeah, you said so.

Orgoch-Of course we said you could have the Cauldron. It's not our fault you can't do anything with it!

(The witches disappear.)

Orddu: Goodbye goslings! And remember we always keep our bargain!

Group Admin

The Witches do have a point. It was one thing they could give away the cauldron for something to borrow, but deep down they knew that the Black Cauldron cannot be destroyed by mortal means (A Dwarf's best axe couldn't even destroy the 'One Ring To Rule Them All' manually) but what can be done with it's power is a willing sacrifice. Otherwise, it really is just a worthless piece of junk and ultimately one of the biggest mistakes in Disney history with Taran already giving up the one sword that could 'destroy' The Horned King and save Prydain.

Well, technically destroy 'Arawn', since the sword was specifically crafted for the Death-Lord's destruction. Nothing in the movie suggested that the Horned King was anything like his sealed master. He even cursed out at Arawn as the Cauldron absorbed the Horned King into itself (likely a sign of Arawn's vengeance against his treacherous former second-in-command).

Group Admin

Well even if that weren't the case, if the sword could at least kill The Horned King, that's one less evil-driven King to worry about in terms of seeking to use the Cauldron's power for their own desires. But if what you say is 'true' and the sword was initially crafted to kill 'Arawn', it makes you wonder what it was doing buried with some later warrior beneath the castle of the Horned King.

Well, if likely, the Sons of Don (the warrior of Summer Country and the ancient enemies of Arawn) crafted the sword in secret, foreseeing a possible return for Arawn should the Cauldron's power that contains his spirit be undone (likely from a certain deal to raise someone who sacrificed themselves from the Cauldron). They would have then gifted the blade to a strong noble family to hold onto (likely that of the king whose castle was taken over by the Horned King and what remained of Arawn's Huntsmen of Annuvin.

I mean...even if a great evil was trapped for a long time, wouldn't YOU want to leave something behind should that evil ever return? Samurai Jack's father had that contingency plan to prepare his son for facing Aku after his eventual return. So why not the Sons of Don?

Group Admin

I do see your point and hear what you are saying. Samurai Jack's father always knew that one day Aku would eventually return after their initial encounter and had spent years preparing his son to take up his sword in the event their kingdom should fall. It's just disappointing that the last we see of that blooming sword is when it was finally offered back to Taran in exchange for the now useless Cauldron. Except, while Taran could've easily taken back the sword and achieve his destiny to finally be a warrior, he decided to accept the fact that a sword won't change the fact he's still a pig keeper even if it does have magical powers. But he would not leave empty-handed, for he agreed to give up the Cauldron... in exchange for Gurgi.

Good thing they didn't ask for specifics and brought that little guy back spirit and all or else they could've just as easily left them with a hollow shell.

Still, this is where we, the members of the Disney Chronicles, come in. Where we can help DisneyLover by offering ideas to tweak the inconsistencies with the original film and provide a more cohesive storyline than what was produced in the original film.

BUT! That's for when that very Chronicle is worked on.

Anyway...they ALSO didn't ask about any prices to raising Gurgi back from the dead. Which means...they would not be aware of what else they might unleash from their deal.

Group Admin

That is true. Those witches were hesitant over bringing Gurgi back from the dead, as even the lead witch said, 'It's not possible'. And yet they went ahead and did it anyway only to prove they do have the power to bring Gurgi back, both in body and spirit. But suppose there 'was' a cost to trying to cast a spell to free Gurgi? That if during that time, the gateway between the mortal and spirit realm was open just long enough for Arawn's spirit to slip away and thereby be free to roam about.

But rather than declaring to finish business with Prydain after being imprisoned within the Cauldron, instead it decides to expand a new empire by following the ponies and venturing outside of its world.

Group Contributor

Can you do one for sleeping beauty or 101 dalmatians

Group Admin

Just like the cover of the Blu-ray I currently own. Only with the ponies included.

Coincidentally, Poster 1 is inspired by the 2019 poster, so yeah.

Group Admin

Oh yes, it is quite a coincidence to say the least. The overall design speaks for itself.

Maybe something else.

Group Admin

Excellent work! I am looking forward to reading this in the future! :)

It’s really good, in terms of artistic detail.

Group Contributor
Tim Ribbert
Group Admin

Like the fact their shadows

Group Admin

The shadowy silhouette approach definitely adds a nice touch with 'Peter Pan', definitely gives it that bit of foreshadowing.

Group Contributor

Who do you think will guest star

Group Admin

That movie's been casted in the guest department forever-ago. Phantom-Dragon had the list right here:

The Young Six
Captain Celaeno

You know when I look at it, it seems a bit too much. But, Dino can work this out, I hope.

Group Contributor

What about Sleeping Beauty?

Group Admin

James and the Giant Peach
Jack Skellington's cameo

Centipede and Pinkie Pie were exploring the sunken ship, when they happened to pass a room, with a pirate skeleton, sitting at a desk.

"A Skellington?" Centipede asked.

"Jack?" Pinkie swam up to the pirate. "Is that you?"

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