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For Ju-Long, I have to go with Jim Conrad

Since Ju-Long is a very old characters and I want a voice actor that have that old and wise in his voice and I think Jim Conrad is a good pick.

Here the video if you are wondering how Jim Conrad will sound like if he voices Ju-Long.

Go to 15:24 and you would hear him.

Group Admin

I agree; it's a good pick. 👍

Group Admin


Update for possible voice actor:

Considering Dixon was partially inspired by Kazooie from Banjo and Kazooie, what if Dixon had the voice of Taylor Grace as Kazooie from this comic dub?

It's alright, but I think it's a little too shrill and squeaky for Dixon.

Group Admin


I see. Thank you for the feedback. 👍

So... what about something like Tara Strong as Truffles in Chowder?

Hmm... *Double checks Dixon's age on Ragnarok17's age post* That doesn't sound very much like a 30–year–old.:unsuresweetie:

Actually, hold on. Are we talking about her human form or her weasel form? Because I do think that might suit her as a weasel.

Group Admin

Weasel form.


Okay-okay, otter form. Yikes. :twilightoops:

Glad that it works for her otter form. :twilightsmile: Thanks again. 👍

Oh, sorry. I'm just too used to her having her other form be a weasel that I forgot her new form was an otter.:facehoof:

Group Admin

Oh, no need for apologies, I was trying to be funny. :twilightsheepish:

I was thinking about having a running gag where people mistake Dixon's otter form for a weasel or rat or other animals associated with cowardice - much to Dixon's chagrin, as she's actually pretty dang loyal and brave when she wants to be.

Sorry for the confusion. :scootangel:

Group Admin

Update on Eki's voice!

I keep thinking Eki talking like Samuel L. Jackson and I thought what if the biggest badass motherfucker act like a manchild?

Thought on this?

Group Admin

Sam Jackson would definitely be playing against type if he was voicing Eki. But, he's a good actor, and managed to play against type before with Richmond Valentine, so I think he'd be up to the task.

Though I also wanted to add in somewhere; Eki reminds me a lot of the High Evolutionary from Guardians 3.

Specifically in how he devolves into a screaming manchild as well when things don't go his way. His relationship with Rocket also sort of makes me think of Eki and Rash's relationship.

So, now I'm left wondering how Sam Jackson would've handled the roles of both Eki and the High Evolutionary.

Group Admin

I imagine Sam Jackson's take on High Evolutionary would definitely be playing against type since it's just Jackson throwing a massive fit like a child.

Yeah, I could see the comparison between Eki and High Evolutionary.

Group Admin

Agreed. Still, a really good pick. :twilightsmile: 👍

I think this is a interesting pick since I been thinking and writing this character for sometime now.

For a young to his teenage years, Drakon is voice by Elijah Wood since I want a voice actor that make make Drakon sound like a noble character that want to help and save others, but in reality and later down the line, Drakon turn evil due to reasons

Group Admin

Elijah Wood's perfect for that kind of role.

From his time as Legends Spyro (who also has those brief dips into Dark Spyro) to his slow corruption by the Ring as Frodo Baggins, Elijah Wood initially can come across as a humble hero, but he knows how to reflect that inner darkness inside.

Great pick. Thanks for sharing. 👍

I agree since Elijah Wood have that voice of a humble hero. Also, I was planning on adding another voice actor for Drakon adult self. Since I want Drakon to become a full time villain due to his up bringing, But couldn't think of any good one.

Group Admin


If he wasn't dead, I'd recommend Michael Ansara, aka the voice of Mr. Freeze from Batman the Animated Series.

I felt he did a good job capturing how Freeze was broken by the loss of his life and his wife, and how he's processed his losses by becoming just as much of a machine as the suit that keeps him alive.

Not sure if it would work the same for Drakon, but hopefully, it might help.

That is that closest thing I have in mind for adult Drakon.

Group Admin

Happy to help. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin


Update on possible voice actors;

Considering how Red's supposed to be a sort of femme fatale, yet has shown that she can get angry and frustrated, I felt that she needed a voice actress that could nail both coy and seductive and angry and passionate at the same time.

Someone like Jessica Anne Bogart, the voice of Tela Vasir in Mass Effect 2: Lair of the Shadow Broker (see 19:30 to 19:36 specifically for a good showing of how Bogart can switch from coy to furious in a heartbeat)



Oh, and I finally found the perfect voice for Artemis.

Jay Baruchel - Hiccup from How to Train Your Dragon.

Group Admin

Good choice, King.

I could picture her voice be like this when someone disrespect her father figure, Connors or someone mocked her love for cloak.

Group Admin

:rainbowlaugh: Jay would be perfect for Artemis.

Though I imagine that Wing (who's partially inspired by Toothless) might now take a particular interest in him.

Like, when they first meet, she'd note that he sounds vaguely familiar, but that she likes his voice regardless.

"By the way, Arty, really like your voice. I'm not sure why, it just sounds like a voice that can guide me through the darkest nights."

Thanks. :pinkiehappy: 👍

Group Admin

Agreed. Sally Cahill (the voice actress I originally had for her) is way too calm and collected for angry outbursts like that.

Thanks. :pinkiehappy: 👍

Group Admin


Got some more voice actor ideas:

I keep watching SMG4 videos, and I can't help but wonder if Celeste Notley-Smith (the voice of Tari) would be a good fit for Blue Moon (Had to link the video rather than embed it, since it's a Youtube Short, and Youtube Shorts can't be embedded :twilightsheepish:)

And while we're on the subject of SMG4 voices, I also wonder if Kevin Lerdwichagul (the voice of Fishy Boopkins) would be good for Storm.

What do you guys think; could these voice actors work for these characters?

I think Tari suits Blue Moon pretty well, but I don't see Storm having the voice of Fishy Boopkins. Boopkins is one of those characters whose voice only suits themselves.

Group Admin


I like Boopkin's voice, but I do agree that it makes Storm sound a little off.

At least Tari's suits Moon pretty well. That's pretty good. :pinkiehappy: 👍

I did a retcon for one of my OCs, Stormblazer and I thought why not change his voice actor and I thought Martin Roach, who voice Grandpa Gravel from Rubble and Crew, would be an interesting choice since Stormblazer is on his older side, like in his 60s-70s in dragon years and Martin is in his early 60s.

I think Tari's voice suits Moon perfectly.

As for Boopkins', I really don't see it. But if you were to use a voice that Kevin Lerdwichagul does, you could use Axol.

Group Admin

That would definitely work for an older and more gruff kinda guy.

Nice choice. :twilightsmile: 👍

Group Admin


As for Boopkins', I really don't see it. But if you were to use a voice that Kevin Lerdwichagul does, you could use Axol.

Axol was voiced by Kevin as well?

(Looks it up)

:pinkiegasp: Huh, and here I thought he was voiced by Michael Kouvach. Guess I mixed him up with Niles and some of the other characters.

Though, yeah, Axol's voice could work as well. I mainly thought of Boopkins since I feel that Storm might share a few things in common with him - both of them are sea-based creatures, both aren't really that strong so make up for it with skills, and both can get a little obssessive over things they like; in Boopkin's case, it's anime, and in Storm's case, it's either Legend of Zelda or people he sees as brave and heroic.

Though he does try to avoid being a stalker or anything creepy. He doesn't want to risk people seeing him as weird in that aspect. :twilightsheepish:

Thanks for your feedback. :twilightsmile: 👍

Group Admin

Tari's voice is really fitting for a character like Blue Moon.

As for Boopkins' voice for Storm, I imagine this is Rash, Scarlet, Felix Phoenix and Bob Wallstreet's reaction of hearing his voice.

Bob Wallstreet looks at Rash. "Are you sure this kid is not adopted?" He asked, not believing Storm could be the son of Antenna.

"Maybe it was like Happy Feet?" Rash try to suggest regarding Storm. "Maybe Grandma messed up his birth like how Mumbles' dad messed up his birth."

Felix shook his head. "I thought Neartica Hive are supposed to be seduced and this kid." He grimaced. "He ain't bringing guys to his house so easy like his mom do." He looks at Rash. "Reminds me who was voice actors of Neartica Hive?"

Scarlet hummed. "Well, Cat Catcher is voiced by George Clooney, Antenna is voiced by Laura Bailey and I believe Winter Herald is voiced by Kara Eberle."

Felix chuckled. "Ha! Weiss' voice actress? How ironic!"

So yeah, some of my OCs would have hard time of buying the idea of Storm being from Neartica Hive since his voice isn't seductive compare to Cat's George Clooney voice or Antenna's Laura Bailey's Catherine-like voice.

The only conclusion they got was Antenna somehow messed up his birth.

Group Admin


some of my OCs would have hard time of buying the idea of Storm being from Neartica Hive since his voice isn't seductive compare to Cat's George Clooney voice or Antenna's Laura Bailey's Catherine-like voice.

The only conclusion they got was Antenna somehow messed up his birth.

To be fair, Storm's a pure sea dragon due to Antenna's recessive sea-dragon DNA matching to one of her sea-dragon lovers, so it could be argued that while he was born from a changeling, he's not technically one himself.

So, messed up birth isn't far off.

Thanks for sharing. :twilightsmile: 👍

Group Admin


So, for my new villain OC Drae Kahn Rex, I'm up in the air on voice actors.

Part of me wants to use Michael Ironside - the voice of Darkseid in the DC.

Another part of me wants to use Peter Jessop - the voice of Sovereign in Mass Effect

And yet another part of me wants to use Benedict Cumberbatch - the voice of Smaug from the Hobbit.

Which one do you guys think will work best for a Titan among Dragons that wants to enslave the entire multiverse?

Group Admin

I would says Benedict Cumberbatch's voice is pretty much how I imagine what Rex's voice sound like.

You did says he loved women and Benedict Cumberbatch's voice would suit him very well since dragons are about hoarding treasures (or in Rex's case, women)


I second that. For some reason I could definitely see Rex having Benedict Cumberbatch's voice.

Group Admin


Thanks guys.

Yeah, Benedict Cumberbatch nailed it as Smaug.

Though also wanted to clarify Rex isn't just about hoarding women; he wants entire worlds.

He's not Ubel, which I honestly think is scarier, as he doesn't force himself onto women that he captures, but instead waits until they're so mentally broken that they become willingly devoted to him.

Group Admin

So, he would wait until they becomes so traumatized or mentally broken that they become willingly devoted to him without having to rape them? Well, I can say he have one redeeming qualities… one. :ajbemused:

Anyway, I hope Aura and I helped you with finding the voice for Rex.

Thank you for sharing it. :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin


So, he would wait until they becomes so traumatized or mentally broken that they become willingly devoted to him without having to rape them?

That's right.

To him, forcing himself onto them only shows weakness, since even if he takes them for himself, they'll still be able to clearly show they resist and don't like it.

Being able to get them to enjoy it and want more from him - especially if they had previous lovers in the past - further enforces his domination over them: like, he hasn't just beaten them, captured them and taken everything away from them, but he even made them thank him for it, and left them feeling happy and satisfied as one of his thralls.

That's mainly what Rex is after; the thrill of domination. The feeling of ecstacy that he gets from taking someone strong willed, and showing that his will is far stronger than theirs.

Ironically, Wing has a quote that he would throw back in her face if he ever broke her will, "Can it really be considered rape when consent is clearly and non-reluctantly given?"

Well, I can say he have one redeeming qualities… one. :ajbemused:

Don't let it fool you. Rex is definitely one villain OC I'm going to try and have be even more terrifying and evil than Bai Long. Where I'm worried Bai Long came across as angsty and kind of pathetic when one looks at his backstory, I'm hoping Rex will be more intimidating and have the same aura of menace that Auramastermg has with his character Fenrir.

Only time will tell, but I'm excited to try.

Thank you for sharing it. :pinkiehappy:

Always happy to share. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin


So, I've been thinking...

Since Shiva is based on the Japanese goddess Amaterasu (or at least her incarnation in Okami), and I've mentioned that she is meant to have some Asian heritage, I'm wondering if Lucy Liu (specifically channeling O-Ren Ishii from Kill Bill) would be a better voice for her.

(Not sure if I need this, but warning for blood, violence and cursing)


Group Admin

Since Shiva is usually strict girl, Lucy Liu would sound about right for Shiva's voice.

Especially when Shiva get angry, I could see Lucy Liu doing angry voice for her.

Group Admin

Thanks. I agree. :twilightsmile: 👍

Group Admin

I was struggling of finding voice for Cyrus until I found the perfect voice for him.... Oscar Issac aka Miguel O'Hara/Spider-Man 2099!

I feel Oscar Isaac would be perfect for Cyrus since Miguel is a cynical character who is a realist guy who only believes in realistic stuffs... I think it fits Cyrus' personality.

Your thought on this?

Group Admin

I like it. Oscar Issac is a really good cynic, and I feel he would match up with Cyrus' personality very well.

Thanks for sharing. :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin

Always happy to share. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin


Had an idea for a possible voice for Myst:

Uzo Aruba, the voice of Bismuth from Steven Universe.


What do you guys think? Could you see Myst with the voice of Bismuth?




I can kinda see it, but for some reason it just doesn't 'click' to me.

Also on the topic, I'm changing Levi and Jason's voice actors after some thinking.

Aura is getting Yuri Lowenthal.

Levi's would be the actually voice of Lucario Bill Rogers. It just sounds right TBH.

Jason is getting Levi's old voice actor Bryce Papenbrook.

What do you think?

Group Admin

Yeah, I could see Uzo Aduba as Myst.

Bismuth did start off as a delusional fanatic who willing to do questionable action like creating a weapon that could kill a gem and have a hatred toward Homeworld.

The same way Myst have a hatred toward Humans, especially those who abuses dogs.

It's almost a good pick, but somehow I think the voice of the Kill Bill protagonist you originally gave her fits better. She is one of the more murderous wolves, after all.

Group Admin


Thank you guys for your feedback. :pinkiehappy:

Also on the topic, I'm changing Levi and Jason's voice actors after some thinking.

Aura is getting Yuri Lowenthal.

Any particular voice Yuri used? Like, would he sound more like Sasuke or Spiderman?

Or perhaps even Mercury from RWBY? I did hear one reviewer give the opinion that Yuri did provide some of the best voicework for RWBY.

Levi's would be the actually voice of Lucario Bill Rogers. It just sounds right TBH.

I can see that, yeah.

Makes me wonder if I should switch Luke's VA to Bill Rogers as well, since he's part Lucario, though I think I'll stick with Tom Hopper

Jason is getting Levi's old voice actor Bryce Papenbrook.

Recycling good voices; good idea. 👍

Very good picks.

Yeah, I could see Uzo Aduba as Myst.

It's almost a good pick, but somehow I think the voice of the Kill Bill protagonist you originally gave her fits better. She is one of the more murderous wolves, after all.

True. I was worried that Uma Thurman's performance as the Black Mamba was a little too tranquil.

Myst is meant to have some of the Hulk in her; she gets stronger when she's angry, and has a berserker/barbarian fighting style. Uma Thurman's voice is good, but I worried it made Myst sound too tranquil fury.

Though I will also admit, Bismuth's voice is also pretty boisterous, but with a touch more extroverted friendliness. Myst can be friendly with her pack, but she's not quite as extroverted as Bismuth is, tending to be a bit more stoic and reserved, though still capable of showing motherly affection.

Kinda makes me wonder if Devora Wilde (The voice of Lae'zel from Baldur's Gate 3) might be better, since she has a very snarling type of voice.

Then again, maybe Uma Thurman is the right way to go. After all, Christopher Judge as Kratos worked really well as Kratos, selling his power without having to say much. I'm not sure. :applejackunsure:

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