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Group Admin

Well, it's up to you which voice fits Myst the most.

I could see Devora Wilde fit Myst well since you said she is snarling-type girl and you wanted her to be more of a barbarian and I don't think Uma Thurman can delivery roar part... maybe you're right, Thuman is too calm for someone like Myst.

Thank for sharing the idea. :twilightsmile:


Any particular voice Yuri used? Like, would he sound more like Sasuke or Spiderman?

Well it's hard to choose. Currently my favorites are Spider-Man, Marth, Corrin(Male), Ben 10, Cornelius, just to name a few. But out of those five would fit Aura the most. It is hard to choose since Yuri's voice is so iconic that it doesn't need to be altered that much.

And to be honest, his voice as Sasuke doesn't fit. Now if I had Yuri be Inanis or Talos' voice actor, then Sasuke would definitely work.

Group Admin

Always happy to share. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin


Currently my favorites are Spider-Man, Marth, Corrin(Male), Ben 10, Cornelius, just to name a few. But out of those five would fit Aura the most. It is hard to choose since Yuri's voice is so iconic that it doesn't need to be altered that much.

I imagine Wing would love him sounding like Spider-Man, since he's one of her favorite superheroes.

And to be honest, his voice as Sasuke doesn't fit. Now if I had Yuri be Inanis or Talos' voice actor, then Sasuke would definitely work.


Thanks for sharing. :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin


Okay, I think I got the perfect voice actress for Myst: Courtenay Taylor, the voice of Jack from Mass Effect 2

Jack and Myst both teach the same lesson:
'mess with someone's head enough, and you can turn a scared girl into an all powerful witch.'

And while Jack did take some time to get there, she eventually shows the same loyalty and devotion to those she considers family as Myst does to her pack.

But what do you guys think? Can you see the similarities between Jack and Myst? And does that help with making Courtenay Taylor's voice work for Myst?

Group Admin

Well, Courtenay certainly got the aggressiveness that Myst knows for.

I could see similarities between Jack and Myst.

I feel not many folks realizes that Myst's most important traits is having a loyalty and devotion to her pack... I don't get that with Uma Thurman... where's the devotion or loyalty in Kill Bill?

Thank you for sharing with this. :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin


where's the devotion or loyalty in Kill Bill?

Broken. Bill betrayed Beatrix since he thought she betrayed him, and it results in an endless cycle of violence.

Thank you for sharing with this. :pinkiehappy:

Always happy to share. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin


I've been on a bit of a Mass Effect crusade lately, and it's made me consider another Mass Effect voice actor for my OCs.

For Lucifer 'Luke' Lionheart, how would Adam Baldwin as Kal'Reegar in Mass Effect 2 fare?

Group Admin

Hmmm.... very interesting.

Considered how serious Luke gotten lately, I could see Adam Baldwin voices Luke when Luke is in his serious mode.

Just saying... Adam Baldwin does sound serious in my opinion.

Group Admin

Very true.

Plus, Kal'Reegar often mentions how he doesn't consider himself smart and mainly follows orders as a good soldier does, which is a philosophy Luke follows, especially when he's serious, even though both of them are capable of being pretty insightful when they need to be.

Though it sounds like if I want to keep the more boisterous and happy Luke from the past around, Adam Baldwin isn't the best choice.

Thanks for your feedback. :twilightsmile: 👍

Group Admin

You welcome. :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin

I think I found good voice for Ada, my femme Fatale Dragon-Wolf Hybrid.

Tia Ballard as Zero-Two from Darling in the Franxx.

I knows Tia Ballard knows for voicing cute characters but she surprisingly can do deeper voice and I think this fit Ada well.

Your thought?

Group Admin

I think that works for her; yeah, Tia Ballard does voice cute characters, but that deep voice definitely has a seductive quality to it that would work very well for Ada.

Nice choice. Thanks for sharing. :pinkiehappy: 👍

Group Admin

Always happy to share. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin


Had another idea.

Not sure if it works, but what if Fox Hound had the voice of Yvette Nicole Brown - the voice of Helen Dubois from Drake and Josh.

(1:40 to 2:21)

Not going to lie, I would not expect Fox to have that voice.

But I can kinda see it. Just would take some getting used to.

Group Admin

Agreed. I'm not sure if it fully works, but Fox is meant to have that sort of 'tough, sassy strong woman' vibe that Helen brings to the table.

Plus, she is pretty similar in how once she finds out someone she loves is in danger, she drops everything to help them.

Not sure if I'll commit to this being her voice yet, but I thought it was cool.

Thanks for sharing. :pinkiehappy: 👍

Group Admin

Very interesting.

I could see Fox being similar to Helen... both of them may be a bit jerk but they do have heart of gold.

Thank for sharing it. :pinkiehappy:

Yeah, I think I can see that being a good voice for Fox. I'm sure there are better voices out there that'd suit her, but for now Helen's will be fine.

Group Admin

I can also see her reacting to Rash being in trouble the same way Helen did for Drake.

Fox: Rash is in trouble?! (Makes a bee-line to his location, ready to whoop whoever's bothering him)

Always happy to share. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

Thanks. I kinda liked how she had the whole 'sassy strong woman' vibe going. And yeah, there might be better voices out there, but it was funny to imagine Fox saying some of Helen's lines.

Anyway, thanks for letting me share. :pinkiehappy:

I just watched Raya and the Last Dragon for the first time the other day, and hearing Awkwafina as Sisu made me think of Star Wing. What do you think about her being Star's voice actor?

Group Admin

You know, it actually does sound a lot like Star Wing.

She's got that same sort of quirky goofball nature to her.

I'm not quite sure if it captures how hyperactive she can be - especially when she's had caffeine - but it definitely works when she's being more laid back.

Thanks for sharing. This was a cool comparison to make. :pinkiehappy: 👍

No problem. And if you haven't already, I suggest giving the movie a watch when you get the chance. It's a pretty solid movie.👍

Group Admin

Oh yeah, I saw the movie. 👍

Wasn't perfect, but like you mentioned, it was solid, and had some really great characters - Sisu chief among them. :twilightsmile:

For my OC's.

For Amadeus Drake: The one who voices Phineas from Phineas and Ferb.

For his sister Nicolette: The one who voices Isabella from Phineas and Ferb.

For their father Jacob...I can't really decide. Either Nolan North, or the one who voices Ezio Auditore from Assassin's Creed.

Group Admin


For Amadeus Drake: The one who voices Phineas from Phineas and Ferb.

Vincent Martella.

Fun fact, Martella also voiced Jason Todd in the Batman movie 'Under the Red Hood.' Guy's a good choice for a voice actor. :twilightsmile:

For his sister Nicolette: The one who voices Isabella from Phineas and Ferb.

Alyson Stoner; who also played Kairi in the Kingdom Hearts franchise.

For their father Jacob...I can't really decide. Either Nolan North, or the one who voices Ezio Auditore from Assassin's Creed.

Roger Craig Smith, who also played Chris Redfield from Resident Evil, as well as Sonic the Hedgehog.

These are great choices for voices. Thanks for sharing. :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin


So, I've got a new OC in the works; Leviathan, better known as Lev, the Sea Serpent Pirate Queen.

Originally, I planned to have her voiced by Carrie-Ann Moss, the voice of not just Trinity from the Matrix, but Aria T'Loak from Mass Effect 2.

But then I found this video where Melissa Medina did a rather chilling performance as Elaine, the Pirate Queen of the upcoming game Billie Bust Up.

I like both voices, but I'm not quite sure which one to go with. Melissa Medina's voice feels a little too hostile, since Leviathan is meant to be a true neutral character - neither good nor bad. But Carrie-Ann Moss' voice also feels a little too dispassionate, like she's too stoic.

For extra context: Lev is called 'The Pirate Queen' because a noble who lived on the seas tried to capture and tame her when she was still a hatchling. She drowned him using power over water and took over his castle, sharing his riches with his former slaves and allowing them to live like royalty. When other pirates found out about her takeover, they started trying to challenge her. Any who tried got drowned as well, for Lev's ability to control water essentially allowed her to wield the sea itself as a weapon.

Though she's brutal to anyone who tries to hurt her or her crew, as she calls them, she's not unreasonable, and is willing to talk, negotiate and barter with those who are willing to do the same. And if she considers someone a friend, that friend is going to be set, since she knew what it was like to be poor, hungry and starving, and wants to make sure those she cares about don't go through that.

But at the same time, she also has had to keep a tough front up due to dealing with pirates and bounty hunters constantly, so she'll have an element of caution to her, like she's constantly sizing up whoever she's talking to. Like a coiled snake, she'll be ready to strike the second she thinks someone is undermining her authority or planning to overthrow her.

Which voice do you feel works better for this type of character?

I'd go with Carrie–Ann Moss. While I agree about her voice sounding stoic, it could be interpreted as Lev simply keeping up a facade of tranquility yet also determination at the same time. It reminds me of UprisingAttourney's work as Mela from Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (11:38 onward), except a bit more expressive.

Group Admin


Yeah, I was thinking that stoic could still work for Lev, since, as you mentioned, she's keeping up a tough front to make sure she's not taken advantage of.

Also, nice reference to Mela. :pinkiehappy: 👍

Thanks, I was just trying to think of a comparison, and that's one of the first ones that came to mind.

Group Admin

I'm agreed with Kelduo, King.

Medina's voice sound a bit too villainous in my opinion... stick with Carrie-Anne Moss.

Sound like Lev care about her friends and crews since she almost turn into a slave by a noble... I wonder if she would bond with Star Wing since Star was mistreated by nobles a lot to the point her mother becomes Nightmare Moon due to this.

I could see why she would get along with Star well.

Thank for sharing with us, King. :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin


Medina's voice sound a bit too villainous in my opinion... stick with Carrie-Anne Moss.

Yeah; can't go wrong with Trinity.

Sound like Lev care about her friends and crews since she almost turn into a slave by a noble... I wonder if she would bond with Star Wing since Star was mistreated by nobles a lot to the point her mother becomes Nightmare Moon due to this.

Lev would definitely bond with Star Wing; I kinda liked the idea of the two being old friends who went on some adventures exploring the seas together while Wing was still exiled from Equestria.

Thank for sharing with us, King. :pinkiehappy:

Always happy to share. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

I'd say it worked very well. 👌

Group Admin

I was thinking about Everest.

Considered he is meant to be the most stupidest out of my OCs, I wonder if Matt Hill (voice of Ed) should be a better voice for him?

Group Admin


Either Matt Hill or Curtis Arnott, the voice of Nappa in Dragon Ball Z Abridged.

Both play the stupid goofball trope pretty well.

Group Admin

Also, reason I mentioned Nappa's voice actor was because I was considering switching Luke's voice actor to Lawerence 'MasakoX' Simpson

I thought it'd be a unique reference, since the guy who voiced canon Goku also voiced the Lucario in Smash Bros. But since Goku is an idiot in the Abridged version, it might translate well over to how Luke's also kind of an idiot - albeit one who is capable of getting smarter when the situation calls for it.

Group Admin

Why didn't I think of that? Curtis Arnott would make a great voice for Everest! :pinkiehappy: He got the tone of stupid goofball that Everest is known for.

Also, reason I mentioned Nappa's voice actor was because I was considering switching Luke's voice actor to Lawerence 'MasakoX' Simpson

I thought it'd be a unique reference, since the guy who voiced canon Goku also voiced the Lucario in Smash Bros. But since Goku is an idiot in the Abridged version, it might translate well over to how Luke's also kind of an idiot - albeit one who is capable of getting smarter when the situation calls for it.

Make sense, considered you revamped Luke into his original stupid goofball self and MasakoX would be fitting voice for him since Tom Hopper doesn't have a stupid goofball tone in my opinion.

And it would be a nice reference as well.

Thank you for your opinion, King! :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin

Always happy to share. :twilightsmile:

Thank you for your opinion as well. 👍


Miss Chevaux Ciella De La Frise also known as Miss Chevy is voiced by Teri Hatcher who did Dottie in the Movie Planes and its sequel Fire and Rescue

Group Admin

Thanks! In a way it would be so ironic since Charm is voiced by Julie Brown who plays Minerva Mink having a softer and more feme fatale seductive approach to other characters but she is the lesser evil her and Miss Chevy who is more hyperactive, outgoing and loud. Fun Fact though King, before Miss Chevy arrived at the School of Friendship, she and Charm already met each other a week or two ago back in Canterlot. Miss Chevy doesn't really like Charm either like most of the other sensible characters in this universe. :pinkiegasp:

Group Admin

Considering Charm put a bunch of guys in jail for fake sexual harassment charges and stole their stuff, I'm not surprised. That was despicable behavior. :ajbemused:

Group Admin


So, I've been thinking more about how I can make Shiva more unique and less of a stick-in-the-mud, and I just thought of something:

Considering she's going full digital avatar, and Luke's a big muscle-boy... what if Shiva incorporated some traits from Cortana of Halo?

Specifically, she'd get Cortana's voice actor, Jen Taylor, as well as becoming more sassy and snarky like how Cortana is?

What do you guys think? Could Shiva work with Jen Taylor's voice and a more snarky personality? I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Group Admin

Ha! Shiva being voiced by Jen Taylor is funny because Jen Taylor also voiced Salem from RWBY! :rainbowlaugh:

For real, yeah, I can buy Jen Taylor as Shiva's voice, especially with her digital avatar.

And hearing Cortana's voice in Shiva does make Shiva more unique... and it made her more likeable as well.

I do love snarky Shiva and Jen Taylor definitely bring that to the table.

Thank for sharing. :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin

:raritystarry: Awesome. I'll add her to my voice cast then.

Always happy to share. :twilightsmile:👍

Group Admin


Had another inquiry for a new OC I'm planning to introduce on Mother's Day: the Mother of all Gaian Dragons, Khaleesi.

Given the name, I feel that it'd be expected to have her be voiced by the Dragon Queen herself, Emilia Clarke, aka Daenerys Targaryen of Game of Thrones fame.

But at the same time, Khaleesi (that is to say, my OC Khaleesi) has a bit more snark to her, as well as a bit more age. Something that I feel Diana Rigg delivered quite nicely in her role as Olenna Tyrell, also from Game of Thrones.

Though considering Diane Rigg's unfortunate passing :ajsleepy:, I'm also curious if Cate Blanchett can deliver the same power and ethereal nature she delivered as Lady Galadriel in Lord of the Rings.

And then again, I was considering combining Khaleesi with the plans I had for another OC in the works - Leviathan - who would've been voiced by Carrie-Anne Moss, specifically in her role as Aria T'Loak in Mass Effect 2.

It's a bit of a conundrum, and I was curious what you guys thought. Who do you think would work best of the Mother of all my Gaian Dragons (a dragoness that is on the level of a goddess, and is regarded by even General Drake - her lover and the commander of their children - with both respect and fear)

Honestly, whatever works for you.

Picking a voice can be difficult, but they all sound like good choices.

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