Equestria Ninja Girls Clan 101 members · 92 stories
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I hated that gag.

That's what you always say.

Don't tell me. It was just a hunch for Pinkie?

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I have an idea. It’s going to be original and funny for Red Herring to tell Fred that he did not commit the crime for the fic.

Red Herring

Fred: Red Herring? (chuckles) Haven’t heard that name for quite a long time. Are you sure it’s him this time around?

Doorbell rings.

Sunset opens the door and sees a mailman.

Mailman: Package for Fred Jones.

Fred: A package? For me?

After Fred signs the paper, the mailman pushes the tall package into the house or building or whatever and leaves.

Mikey: I wonder what’s in this package?

Mikey sees a string and pulls it, opening the package and revealed to be a big Jack-in-the Box.

Fred: A giant Jack-in-the-Box? I didn't order this.

Pinkie: Ooh, let me see what's inside.

Pinkie unwinds the crack five times and the box is opened, revealing to be a grown up Red Herring.

“Red Herring?!” Everyone said.

“Still accusing me after all these years, huh, Fred? When are you going to learn that I didn't do it, ya dipstick!”

“Hold on. I did not say it was you this time around,” Fred explained.

“Really? Then who did?” Red Herring questioned.

“Um, excuse me,” Pinkie waved and Red turned around. “Hi there. If you ask me, I'm the one who did it.”

“Oh, is that so?” Red asked and Pinkie nodded in embarrassment. “Well then, allow me to give you a present.”

“Ooh, really?” Pinkie smiled in excitement.

Red Herring then threw a pie on Pinkie’s face. He laughed, “Congratulations! Looks like you’re on my jerk list and the new weenier among weeniers now,” Red turned to Fred, “You got lucky this time, Fred. Next time, you won't be so lucky.”

“Got it,” Fred nodded.

Red Herring walked past the Turtles and Rainbooms and chuckled, “Your costumes stink.” After that, Red Herring left and exited the building.

Raph growled as he drew his sais. “ Someone accuse him again! I’m gonna-!”

“Raph!” Sunset spoke. “He’s not worth it.”

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Daphne sighed, “Some people never change.”





The idea for a side mystery. Based on the Be Cool Scooby-Doo episode, Kitchen Frightmare. Except replace the Yeti with a Chupacabra.

Plot: A chupacabra has been terrorising a pizza restaurant that was about to have its grand opening. The gang also learned that the Chupacabra had been attacking restaurants that opened there for many years.

The culprit is Daniel Stevens, an elderly man who lives in the upstairs apartment. The noise from the restaurant downstairs kept him up at night, so he used the Chupacabra to scare people away, create bad reviews, and shut them down. He chose a Chupacabra because, the first restaurant that served Mexican food, so he chose it to fit the theme. And he's been using it ever since.


  • Stevens claimed not to know about the attacks but knew about the Chupacabra.
  • The gang found some wood chips on the ground and remembered that Stevens said he works at a lumber mill.

So, what do you think?

Just feeling a little down about my recent post

Well you don’t have to take it out on us.

I'm not. I'm just... as energetic as I usually am

It’s just that your comments might put people down with comments like ‘Meh’ and ‘Whatever’. People might take that the wrong way

I know. Thanks.

Pretty good.

Uh, one more thing, the Chupacabra legend originated in Puerto Rico, not Mexico.

Maybe that's something Gabby can point out, since she's Mexican and knows most people get that fact wrong.

And the owner of the shop can be Keno's cousin Dyle.

I thought of something to humiliate red herring by secretly lighting a fire on his hair like in all star Superman movie.


I couldn’t find a clip, but you know what I’m talking about.

Group Admin

Dang. You didn’t even acknowledge my post earlier.

I saw it, but I wanna them to meet Red at the Faux Ghost convention.

Group Admin

Oh okay. Can’t wait to see how that goes.

Group Admin








After the Authority’s arrest and the Ninjas saving the day with the Mystery Gang and WWE, somewhere in an undisclosed location was Renet being tied up by the Shadow King.

Shadow King: Thanks for showing me how to use your scepter, Renet. Now who should be the first to change their destiny.

He looked over the WWE website on his phone and scrolled over the roster page until…

Shadow King: Ah, you’re an interesting fella. The guy who comes from a great bloodline of Samoans, a warrior who is destined for greatness, and a chief who will rule his empire with an iron fist. You will be acknowledged and I acknowledge you… Roman Reigns.

The Shadow King goes into the portal to travel through time, imagining what could happen to the fate of the Big Dog, Roman Reigns.

This will lead into my upcoming fic, Equestria Ninja Wrestling: Acknowledge the Tribal Chief

Who is the shadow king? I know it’s not king sombra.

Group Admin

My OC’s evil counterpart.

Ok. For some reason, I never knew that the king of mean actually has another aliases. I know it’s amethyst majesty.

Group Admin

He doesn’t like that name. So, he decided to go with the name, “Shadow King”.

Ok. Thanks for telling me.

I was wondering when Renet might show up. Kept wondering if the Rainbooms would ever meet her. But how did he find her?






So, here's an idea for the oprea singing ghost mini mystery.

A running gag in the original show, A Pup Named, And Be Cool was that while being chased by the ghost or monster, the Gang, mostly Shaggy and Scooby, would disguise themselves and temporarily fool the villain before giving them the slip.

So I thought that Shaggy and Scooby, along with Mikey, Rarity, Max, Pinkie, Pervis, Fluttershy, Zach, Caitlyn, and Hana would do the same.

And I've come up with a name for the ghost, Operatina.

They fool her by pretending to be a disco act, pretending that she's one of the back up, with Mikey as the director, Scooby and Rarity as the lead, Zach, Caitlyn, Max, Pervis, and Hana as the back up dancers, and Shaggy, Fluttershy, and Pinkie as the band. And they end with Pinkie blasting her party canon and getting confetti all over the ghost.

Scooby wears his disco disguise from Monsters Unleashed and Rarity wears her outfit from Friendship Through The Ages.

And this is the song they sing...

Group Admin


A little something for the Chupacabra side mystery…

Donnie: So, you guys dealt with Chupacabra in Mexico?

Fred: Yep. It was just some guy trying to make businesses suffer and force them to sell their land.

Gabby: Well he surly didn’t do his research correctly.

Mikey: What makes you say that?

Gabby: Chupacabra is a legend native to Puerto Rico, not Mexico.

Daphne: It was still enough to scare the locals.

After they unmask the Chupacabra.

Dyle: But why a Chupacabra?

Velma: Through our research, we discovered the first restaurant sold Mexican food. So he chose the Chupacabra, and just stuck with it.

Gabby: Except, Chupacabra Puerto Rican, not Mexican.

Stevens: Their both Spanish speaking countries, same thing.

Feeling offended, Gabby got angry and tried to lunge at Daniel Stevens, but the others held her back.

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Did you guys not read my last post? What do you think of my idea? Do you have some quotes or ideas that you want to add in my thread?

Group Admin


His scepter sensed her magic staff.

Group Admin

A good inclusion of your OC and capture Renet planning to use the time scepter to alter the destiny of others

It's good.

Gabby: Stereotyping IDIOTA! Get your research right!

Oooh, that would get them mad alright, especially if you plan to make an Ice cream taco, and they would get easily offended as it is an extreme insult to their culture.

Huh, kinda reminds me of my offline writing days for Time Squad.

Me: Larry, in the future, it's no big deal, but in pre 21 century, every country takes their cultures very seriously.






When the heroes are at the Faux Ghost convention. Based on the deleted scene from Scooby Doo 2.

Red Herring: Hey!

Fred: Red Herring?!

Red Herring: Who wants to know, weenie? This is a private convention, you're only allowed here if you match these specifications... (takes out a clipboard) Are you or have you ever dressed up as a ghosts and or monsters?

Daphne: Um... yes.

Red Herring: Did you or did you not scare the daylights out of people?

Sunset: Well, yes.

Red Herring: And were you or were you not unmasked by Mystery Inc?

Mikey: Heck yeah, boy!

Red Herring: One last thing, what was the creepy creature that you were dressed up as?

(Everyone looked at each other, wondering what they were going come up with, when Hana blurted out)

Hana: We are, the phantom K-Pop crew, Sp00ky!

Mikey and Pinkie: Yo!

(Then the three did a quick dance number, spun around in place, and struck a pose. Everyone else quickly struck poses as well, some flashing nervous smiles.)

Red Herring: Hmm? Alright then. (Checked off the clipboard.) Welcome to Spooky Con, Sp00ky! You know, I was the Boogey Biker, see. (He pointed to a large poster flag.) That's me.

Ok, but didn't Herring have decent reason to be a costume monster?

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