Nine Elements Group 12 members · 10 stories
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Group Admin

Yeah. She uses her fire magic to melt the windigo ice.

Possibly. And maybe Discord, in this universe, is a bit less crazed and lonely than in the G5 comics (since he might still keep in contact with Celestia, Luna and Flurry Heart [and possibly Sunset] via communicators and might also have at least one or two of his and Celestia's kids with him as company to keep him from going too far off the deep end).

So, how do phoenix alicorns like Sunset fare when they are in cold and snowy environments like Yakyakistan and wet environments like Seaquestria? Do they feel a bit weaker from the colder and wetter environment making it harder to start a fire?

Group Admin

Well, when in Yakyakistan, she’s inhibited by the cold, which can be overcome by being near a heat source. In Seaquestia, she can’t use her fire powers.

Group Admin

Discord personally oversees Equestria’s safety.

Makes sense. Another reason that it would make more sense for her to NOT be on the team going to the Hippogriffs for help - in addition to buying her friends who ARE going to the Hippogriffs more time since Twilight and Sunset (who are the ones Tempest is after and they would all know that) would be on teams going to either the Dragons or Changelings for additional help, she would know that she would be at her weakest in water. And, even on the later stuff involving trips to Mount Aris, she would know to stay clear of water beyond bathing and drinking, so she would be handling the land end of things.

And, yeah, being near a heat source would be a logical way to fend off the cold - which would be another reason for Sunset to help Celestia, Luna and Flurry Heart handle the Windigos (An alicorn in charge of the Sun could definitely provide a very good heat source - kind of a Required Secondary Power as it were).

Group Admin

Sunset would still occasionally engage in becoming a seapony. Though, not very often.

Good. So does Sunset have an increased heat tolerance as a phoenix alicorn? I know the Christmas story shows she can handle spicy food better than the rest of her friends likely because of that, but is Sunset more capable of surviving lava and fire with her phoenix alicorn abilities than the average pony (meaning she probably won't get serious burns if she does touch lava)?

Group Admin

Yes, she has increased heat tolerance as a phoenix alicorn.

Did Majesty exist in your version of G1? Because a couple things that just hit me:

  1. Where is Majesty in the entity of the My Little Pony 'n Friends (your version, obviously)?
  2. If Majesty existed, could she beat Tirac, Grogar, etc.?
  3. Unrelated, but in the G4 comics, Scorpan is a gargoyle and G4 Tirek's brother. Does the same apply in your version?
Group Admin

Majesty exists as Star Swirl the Bearded’s mother.

  1. Occupied maintaining the balance of magic.
  2. She could, but, she prefers to keep out of conflict.
  3. Yes. Tirek’s father married a female gargoyle and their children didn’t hybridize.

What about Lucky (a mail order Baby Pony)? In the G1 comics, Majesty created him with magic.

Group Admin

I’m not sure.


And, on another note, I could see Discord talking to Celestia on a smart phone making a comment about how he thinks he found FIVE of the new Guardians and, from what he's seen of them, if they can do that well NOW, imagine how well they're going to do when they eventually find the sixth.

Honestly, for me, I would make a lot of changes to G5.

For example, what if Opaline corrupted the magic in Equestria, so it vanished in an effort to heal itself. The lack of magic caused tension between the tribes, resulting in the seperation. However, maybe it wasn't forced, but chosen, like Pegasi chose to live in sky towns, and such.

Sunny and her friends come alone, and give the magic the final purification it needs, so it can return to all creatires, letting the tensions fade.

Group Admin

I’ll think about it.

Out of curiosity, are Ember and Smolder also still alive with Spike during the Gen 5 time period?

And by extension, how likely is it that Gen 3 Spike is still alive during the Gen 4 events?

Group Admin

Firstly, maybe. Second, pretty high considering he looks so young despite sleeping for centuries prior to his debut.

Yeah. That latter one might make for a good Season 10 crossover episode. G3 Spike meeting G4 Spike (and the former possibly becoming like a Cool Uncle to the latter).

And, if Ember IS still alive, Thorax probably is too - though Ember might have enough on her plate helping Thorax raise a set of Dragon-Changeling hybrids that she might have to share the "Dragon Lord" title with Spike (who only accepted the job to give himself something to do to help him work through the grief of Twilight's death).

And Smolder could be Spike's second (and current) wife.

Group Admin

So out of curiosity, what would happen if Sunset, Starlight, and Trixie were ever exposed to poison joke? How would it affect them?

Group Admin

Not sure, honestly.


While I am not sure about the second 2, I could see it giving Sunset an Ice Version of the Midas Touch, like things she touches turn to ice.


Yeah. I could see that. Especially the cruel irony concerning Sunset.

For Starlight, perhaps she gets turned into an Earth Pony (albeit one who has massively super-equine strength [to the extent that she can't even walk without causing an earthquake or hug her friends without accidentally breaking every bone in their bodies], is near-invulnerable [to the extent that she literally can't feel anything physical, making it even harder to control her strength] and can grow giant plants at a super-fast rate). Not ony does she have to learn to do things the Earth Pony way instead of the unicorn way, but she has to do it without any sense of feeling to help her learn to control it.

Still trying to think of something for Trixie.

Group Admin

That makes sense.

Maybe Trixie could end up turning invisible (ironic for the pony who was a bombastic stage performer) with Poison Joke.

Possibly. Of course, if she gets the Element of Humility, she could gain invisibility as a power connected to the Element anyway.

Of course, losing control of the invisibility and also being made inaudible would be a good one at that.

Group Admin
Group Admin

Interesting idea.

Group Admin


I feel Sunset, having lived in the Everfree Forest for a while, would know well enough to avoid Poison Joak.

So, did Sunset ever go to the Grand Gallloping Gala before she left for the human world (assuming Celestia gave her tickets like she did for her other student Twilight)? Or did she skip out like Twilight did pre-season 1, due to a mix of being too wrapped up in her studies and the bullying she faced in magic school (especially by Moonrise)?

Group Admin

Sunset wanted to go, but, Moonrise ripped up her ticket before Sunset could receive them when nobody was watching and made up the story of Sunset's ticket getting lost in the mail to Celestia.

Since Queen Chrysalis is over 2000 years old in this version and indicating Changelings have a longer life span like dragons do, is Thorax still alive in Gen 5's time (albeit likely in hiding like Spike, Smolder, and Ember were)?

Well, Sunset will FINALLY get to be able to go in Season Five (in fact, she and Twilight will be helping PLAN it).



Yeah. I could definitely see that. Along with a fair number of Changeling/Dragon hybrids with Ember.

Group Admin

Yeah. Though, she’ll have heard stories about the experience of the original six guardians and Spike.

Group Admin

Also I forgot to bring it up in that question, but would it also be a safe bet that Ocellus and Pharynx are also alive in the Gen 5 time period like Thorax?

Group Admin

So, how did Pony Sunset spend both her Hearth's Warming Eves before leaving for the human world and then Christmas during her time in the human world ? Did she usually go back home to visit Sunburst and Stellar Flare during Hearth's Warming Eve before she left for the human world?

Group Admin

Well, she’d visit her family for Hearth’s Warming before leaving and when she was in the human world, her human friends would invite her to their Christmas parties.

Just a suggestion, you don't have to include it if you don't want to, but:

In G2, there's a Princess Pony named Princess Silver Swirl, who has a child named Baby Swirly (they're both unicorns, btw). Princess Silver Swirl's backcard story, according to MyLittleWiki:

Princess Silver Swirl is a Guardian Angel. She is full of wisdom and mystical powers.

Fanon has Silver Swirl be immortal, or at extremely least long-lived. Think you might do anything with the duo?

Group Admin
Group Admin

This idea just occurred to me: Crystal Ponies have earth and light elemental magic.

Fascinating. I mean the only thing they got going is a different kind of coat and mane that look paler, but when the Crystal Heart activates the ponies shine like crystal.

Group Admin

Yeah. Since natural Crystal Ponies are earth ponies, the earth magic makes sense.

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