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But, I understand your point. It was foolish of me to even bring it up in the first place.

Since you have taken it upon yourself to edit your comment to acknowledge your understanding, you may forget my second comment pertaining to this conversation. Peace, comrade.

P.S. I wouldn't mind discussing religion elsewhere, tbh. Lots of intricacies and nuances that can be talked about over such an enduring subject.


Can you ignore the laws of physics? Create something out of nothing?

And where did you get the idea that gods are supposed to be flawless? Look at Greek Mythology? Their gods were messed up pretty good.

Gods by definition are supposed to be flawless. Greek gods seemed flawless to the people who made them, but we now recognize them as dicks. Ponies see the Princesses as flawless, but we know they are not.

4103061 crusades. No offense, Christian also. Still.

And did the Crusades kill more than the Nazis did? Also, Roman Catholic. As a protestant, I've already said that because they don't hold to scripture, they don't technically qualify as Christians. Many people call themselves such.

Well, humans have now adopted secularism while Equestria is still worshiping its princesses. They are the dogmatic ones.


Gods by definition are supernatural beings of infinite power. Where does it say they are supposed to be flawless?
Gods were often shaped by our own perceptions, they had flaws and virtues just like everyone else.

4103112 nukes, flamenwerfers and napalm.

So you're saying that gods are supposed to be human? Because that completely ruins the point of having a deity or any higher power to have faith in.


Eat the nuke before it's launched. Same thing for everything else.
I would like to see you nuke a city when there are civilians in the way. Furthermore, I don't think the country whose territory you're nuking will be happy about that.

4103219 It's a date, then. If I don't forget, then we could possibly arrange it sometime when I am not aimlessly floating around for the sake of aimlessly floating around (don't judge me, it's a hobby of mine), and set up an environment that is a safe distance from any furnaces to prevent any flames from setting us alight. I'd like it to be a discussion over why we pursue the beliefs we pursue or a debate at most, not an argument that devolves into a schoolyard fight leaving the both of us sour for the time afterwards.

Anything with limitless power has no excuse to be flawed.

You still however, are alluding to the notion that Equestria is a theocracy. If you believe the Princesses are flawed as well, then they can be defeated. You just ruined your own arguments.

So they're not vulnerable to radiation?
Also, you clearly said earlier that Equestria wouldn't invade earth, so we'd be nuking the enemy, wouldn't we?


No. I said, that gods were shaped by human perceptions. They had flaws and virtues like everyone else.
The only difference is that they are infinitely more powerful and immortal.


Can you ignore the laws of physics? Create something out of nothing?

No, and neither can/does Discord.

Since magical energy is within every pony or magical creature in Equestria, and this also applies to Discord, he doesn't just make shit appear out of nowhere.

His magic is just different from others in its properties and functions, as seen in the season 4 finale. Whenever he casts a spell to create something, he simply utilizes his chaotic magical energy to create it. Pretty much, he is turning his magic into a physical manifestation of the object he wants. More magic is needed to make more extravagant things, less magic is needed for less extravagant things, etc.

It all works out with conservation of mass and energy, I assure you.

He also doesn't have a bottomless pit of this energy either, also shown in the season 4 finale where Tirek was able to take all of it.

So no, Discord isn't that special.

If HUMANS (united) are going to war with Equestria, then yes, we will nuke them if that's what it takes. However, the fear of nukes will cause ponies to surrender.

at the nuke before it's launched. Same thing for everything else.

Are you still dancing around the issue that we can control Parasptrites ourselves? Furthermore, you are talking about a parasprite vs human war, not a pony vs. human one.

4103222 cool. Lets poke fun at the west baptist church.
4103223 when did I say anything about us being dogmatic? I'm Christian was what I meant.
4103234 eh, fuck em. Greater good and all that. No really we would probably evac everyone and turn Canterlot into ground zero of the Equestrian Wasteland.


I'm Christian was what I meant.

My bad.

4103250 no problem. I'm not a hater, unlike someone whom shall not be named.

Oh. I thought you meant the Crusades were Christian. My mistake. I'm actually a protestant, hence my views on Roman Catholicism.
What denomination are you from?

4103255 technically the first three were and the rest were political. And Christianity is the bucket term for any religion that believes that Jesus Christ is the son of God. It all depends on what you call yourself that makes it different.


Anything with limitless power has no excuse to be flawed.

Yet they are. Mythology is full of gods and dieties who had flaws.


Regardless, he still is more than capable of turning everything we throw at him into amusement.


Furthermore, you are talking about a parasprite vs human war, not a pony vs. human one.

If humans get to use their toys and equipment, there is no reason why Ponies shouldn't get to do the same. Turning Parasprites into weapons is fairly easy.


Well, I don't know. We don't exactly have a scenario to go by here. That was the point of my first post: Non of us have any idea what we are talking about.

Who is the aggressor and who is the defender? Is the goal to conquer enemy territory or just kill as many on the other side as possible? How much do they actually know about each other? Did either side have time to prepare and gather intel, and if so, how much? Is this purely a military thing or are the civilians involved as well? Are we talking about Equestria vs this entire planet, or are the numbers equal? If the humans start out on Earth, do they even have a way to reach Equestria? Is there a King of Earth? Who can say? All of these things are mysteries to us!

We don't even know how ponies fight wars, or how many ponies there actually are, or how large their army is. We don't know what kind of hellacious magical artifacts they have stashed away. We don't know how many highest level unicorns* there are. We don't know the full extent of Celestia and Luna's capabilities. We don't know any of that stuff, and yet everyone seems to know exactly how this is all going to go down.

*You know, the ones who are implied to be more powerful than Twilight Sparkle.

Yeah, I would like to hear you when your loved ones and family are sacrificed "for the greater good".


If humans get to use their toys and equipment, there is no reason why Ponies shouldn't get to do the same. Turning Parasprites into weapons is fairly easy.

And we can do it ourselves. We wrote pony music, we sing similar songs and use it to our advantage.

Yet they are. Mythology is full of gods and deities who had flaws.

Oh you're fucking hopeless. The flaws are there because we notice them now. To the worshiper, deities are flawless.
You have still admitted that the Princesses are flawed, therefore, they can be defeated.


Yet they are. Mythology is full of gods and dieties who had flaws.

You're still claiming that Celestia has flaws. That which has flaws can be defeated. Saying otherwise makes your arguments oxymoronic and moronic. If you claim she is unbeatable, that means that she is unflawed in your eyes, despite the fact that she consistently gets the shit kicked out of her.

Regardless, he still is more than capable of turning everything we throw at him into amusement.

But because he's flawed, we can kill him. Yet, if you then claim that he's a god and therefore unbeatable, that means that he is unflawed, in contrast to everything the show has demonstrated.

If humans get to use their toys and equipment, there is no reason why Ponies shouldn't get to do the same. Turning Parasprites into weapons is fairly easy.

The ponies do not control the parasprites, and therefore probably can't weaponize them.

The greater good is a fundamentally good premise (at least to a socialist like me). The ends justify the means, provided the end goal itself is justified.


Regardless, he still is more than capable of turning everything we throw at him into amusement.

Well that depends if he is faster and smarter than... well, human engineering, tactics, stratagem and adaptability.

For example, a sniper's bullet from a good kilometer out is going to simply be moving way too fast for him to react to.

A missile travelling at about mach 2-3 will be too fast for him to react to as well.

I do though have no doubt at how he can fuck up an army on the move with some sabotage, but other than that I see no real good that he can do in a conflict against humans.

Pretty much, he'll just annoy those that need to manage logistics.


Wait, humans being the creators of MLP franchise is considered a valid argument?


In that case if flawed means you can be killed, how many mortals have been able to kill gods?

The ponies do not control the parasprites, and therefore probably can't weaponize them.

They don't need to control them. They just have to unleash them. (Thank you, I have always wanted to use that line)


And we all know that logistics is what wins wars.

Well, you're under the impression that ponies know a lot about humans, so why wouldn't we know a lot about them before the conflict? And I didn't mean creating the show, I mean creating the type of songs use to control Parasprites.

Not always. That's a very generalized statement you made there cyka.

Wait, humans being the creators of MLP franchise is considered a valid argument?

You're using meta knowledge of humans. We can use meta knowledge of ponies.

In that case if flawed means you can be killed, how many mortals have been able to kill gods?

In mythology, the gods are not killed because the ancient civilizations saw them as being perfect. See where I'm going with this?

They don't need to control them. They just have to unleash them.

And we can still use napalm and nukes. Regardless of what the parasprite do, we'll have a way of killing them. Also, the parasprites would just as soon turn on the ponies.


To be honest, not really.

If you follow the Art of War, you need not worry about logistics as much as you may think. If you simply just raid and take the enemies supplies, there's no constraint on your own state's supplies and capability of war.

Plus, like I said, a simple sniper can kill Discord, let alone a convoy of light vehicles or a squadron of fighters, all of those we use to scout out areas and clear prior threats to a main force.

And if we really wish to, we can just shell the shit out of ponies and not have to really bother with fighting them. That way, logistics are much easier to manage and there's literally no risk to the lives of soldiers.


I was going by the assumption that both sides where equal when it came to knowledge about each other.


Fine, try to fight when you're freezing, hungry, naked and without a weapon. Have absolutely no idea where to go and how to get there.
Oh, we're calling each other names now? How mature.
You're not the only one who knows Russian.


I was going by the assumption that both sides where equal when it came to knowledge about each other.

That's what we just said. They can use meta-knowledge, so can we.

Fine, try to fight when you're freezing, hungry, naked and without a weapon. Have absolutely no idea where to go and how to get there.

When the fuck did we lose weapons, clothes and the way? Also, Russians in WW2. Logistics are not always the key to victory, although they are still important. You are exaggerating Terran's statement.


Perhaps we can both agree that we have different ideas who/what Discord is and how effective he would be?


Fine, try to fight when you're freezing, hungry, naked and without a weapon. Have absolutely no idea where to go and how to get there.

I'm pretty sure not even a pony would fare well in that situation. This came out of nowhere.

If that's the case, we have different ideas of how strong ponies are and this debate is useless. However, my side has been trying to stick to show canon as much as possible.


It's rather fucking evident we have different ideas of his capabilities in a combat scenario. It also doesn't help that we have no real example of Discord in actual combat to understand what he can do.

So yes, agreeing to disagree is about the only real logical thing we can do here.



You lost them the moment Discord decided to have fun with your logistics.

Also, Russians in WW2.

... what?

I was referring to Terran's post.
Cyka means "bitch" in Russian.

Yes, and I was referring to the whole "logistics" question. Context means everything. Note that I didn't quote the whole "cyka" thing.

He was referring to your post about people being unable to fight in cruel circumstances. We Soviets (not just Russians) did that against in WWII.


Ponies have the advantage of being able to graze. And their inherent abilities makes doing a lot of things easier. Therefore, I think ponies would fare better than humans if both sides lost their logistics.

And we have the ability to eat the ponies (I mean, they're fucking horses). Problem solved. Also, the psychological impact of seeing us eat their fallen would make them turn tail and run.

We also have a natural capacity to withstand hardship. The ponies run away from fucking rabbits.

We humans are known for adaptation. We can fare on our own in desperate situations, while ponies would lose hope given how emotional they are in the show.


Ponies have the advantage of being able to graze.

And humans can eat tree bark due to our appendix and digestion. That means during winter (when grass is dead and covered with snow) humans will have the advantage.

Not to mention we can also eat meat for nutrition, meaning after any battle with ponies... well, let's say the pony causalities will provide quite a bit of help to the humans.

And their inherent abilities makes doing a lot of things easier.

We can also engineer many things while out in the forest if we're given nothing. Look at those that practice primitive survival skills like our nomadic hunter-gatherer ancestors.

I wonder how excited you would be when you have to eat a fully sapient being, who is on the same intellectual level as you are. Honestly, I highly doubt I could do that.
Yet they always come out on top.

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