All-OC Stories 2,267 members · 2,923 stories
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hello I just joined this website. :3 I came here to post my first ever fanfiction of my little pony with the main character being my OC. However, it is mostly just my OC slotted into the first episode and a few things changed. I used the first few episodes as a basis to build my OC and creativity and things got more complex from there but I have only finished the first chapter so you can't see that yet. However, I would love some feedback anyways if you can spare the time. I write in my spare time and I am not the greatest writer so bare with me. <:) I will try to read as many fics on here as I can as I don't want to end up being a spammer and there are so many creative minds here it is amazing. I'm spoilt for choice! ^u^

Hi! I just joined this group in the hopes of sharing a few of my stories!

I go by Peekaboo, and while I could be described as a bit timid, I'm not scary or unfriendly to talk to, I promise! So don't be afraid to start a conversation! I'm always happy to get feedback on stories and stuff too, so it'd be awesome if some people would come take a look.

Anyway, to tell a little bit about myself, I've got an imagination that feels like it goes on FOR DAYS!! I've had characters and stories swirling around in my head for as long as I can remember, but never really got into writing much until high school. But even then I never really applied myself to it until fairly recently. So I'm still pretty new to writing seriously, and have a lot to learn still I think. I have written a few short stories that I've posted here: an unfinished short chapter story, as well as am working on a longer story that is still pretty early in it's development. It take me so long to write a chapter for that story, because I want it to be perfect and edited before posting.

I love writing original character stories because of how much creativity I get to put into them. I'm not against writing fanfiction about canon characters, but I have yet to make one that actually focuses on a canon character as the main character. Ponies was what finally pushed me to start writing more often, and have been a huge source of inspiration for my art, writing, and creativity in general.

I hope that is a decent enough introduction for myself, I'm not used to writing about myself much like that, so I hope it's not too awkward to read, haha. Anyway, thanks for reading and have an awesome day/night!

I don't really get why people see OCs as some kind of dirty word. I mean, well, ok, I kinda do, I guess, but I still don't.

OCs have this stigma attached because bad OCs can be really, really bad. What I don't get is why anyone assumes this has anything to do with the concept of OCs. The same thing can be said about fanfiction. It is said about fanfiction.

The reason fanfiction is amazing is because of a unique trait it has: It allows people to write stories without having to build characters or setting. Those are already all there, a full cast of characters and a fleshed out world. All you need to provide is the actual storytelling. However, I've always seen fanfiction as a launching point, not a final goal. This is where AUs and OCs come from. AU's change the setting, letting the author explore writing setting by tweaking one which already exists, and OCs allow the author to do exactly the same, but with character. Both are evidence of someone who's trying to better themselves as an author. They're sticking their toe outside the comfort zone of established characters, but apply what they learned from writing the canons to this new character of theirs.

I think the hate springs up because some people try to do it too soon. They don't know how to write or differentiate characters yet. They don't understand the place a character has to have in a story, and how that is much more important than what they actually do. And so they create their own character and shove her into a story where she doesn't belong, or they build up a story around her which awkwardly jumbles main characters and settings about, drawing them around the OC like the event horizon of a black hole. And yes, those stories tend to be terrible. They also tend to be the first instinct of someone wanting to write an OC, and so they happen quite a lot. Hence the stigma.

But stigmatizing isn't the answer. We should be encouraging this, but pointing out why this doesn't work, or at least sending the poor, unprepared author to an explanation for why their story is a giant self-serving pile of pony droppings. And then we should be helping them improve, because the only way we're going to get rid of the stigma placed on fanfiction is by getting people out there who have become successful who will say "I used to write fanfiction, and it helped me immensely." As it stands, right now if people DO manage to get a successful start, they're far more likely to say "I tried to write fanfiction, but that community is a bunch of elitist jerks."

And I posted this here, of all places, because this is me and this is how I think x3. You'll get a better idea of who I am by reading this than by any other contrivance at mirror gazing I could give.

AkumaKami64 here. Long time fanfic writer that succumbed to MLP several months back, thanks partially to the "Lullaby for the Princess" video and Discord in general. Love all kinds of strange ideas, mainly Discord ones but that's else where. My stories come in all flavors, but I make them Dark sometimes without realizing it. If you want to read any of my non-MLP stuff, its over on FF under the same name.

I joined in this group because....well, to be honest, after reading a bit, I've come to realize that the "No OC" rule doesn't apply to this fandom like it does to others. Sure, yes, some aren't fans of it, but I see more support here than I do in other fandoms. As such, I felt motivated to do a few OC-centered stories.

Which brings me to the immediate reason for joining this group. Sorry if this seems like shameless promotion, but I recently started a fic that is set to incorporate a whopping 70 OCs.

So, happy to meet you all, hope we all get along and that you all enjoy my ideas and OCs

PS My favorite OC-centered Story, and the one that inspired me, currently happens to be "The King is Dead, Long Live the Emperor!"

I'm Mocha Jon, I'm new to FIMfiction and have been writing for at least two years now. I've been a furry sense 2014 and a brony sense 2015. My stories are usually about characters getting hypnotized and enslaved. That topic has more interests in furries than bronies as I've found out... My stories aren't very well received and I recently realized my writing style is terrible so if anypony is an editor I would love to see you. Things about me are that I love pop music, comedy, badgers, coffee, red velvet cakes, etc. I'm a pretty open person so if you have any questions about me, feel free to ask.

Despite being in fandom in one way or another for about twenty-five years, I've never really published any fanfic before. I've written some zine pastisches - Lovecraft is fun to make mock of, if you're feeling irreverent - and a fair amount of horrendous poetry, but little fanfic, none of it published, and all of it... OC. I might have a problem.

So I noticed that although there's tons if war pony stories out there, some of it great, there wasn't anything quite along the lines of Glenn Cook's Black Company or Tyranny of the Night books, of which I'm a great fan. So suddenly out of the blue, I found myself writing the story of a zebra surgeon and his beloved eldritch mercenary company. The story demands a crapsack world setting, full of injustice and death and ugly, muddy, inglorious warfare. And, despite how much I like dark epic stories like The Chase, Split Second, and the Celestia Code cycle, my headcanon of Equestria isn't one filled with dark corners and constant warfare. So it was necessary that the Company either operate in the distant past, before the long Celestial Peace, or somewhere far, far away from the sugar bowl sweetness of the domination of the multiverse's kindest Xantos Gambit chessmaster. Either way, my smart-ass OCs would be flying without Mane 6 or even background pony interaction for the majority of the story. At some point in the future of the story, my bloated hellfish will need to swim back upstream to spawn in Mother Equestria, but until then, they're going to be burning shit and breaking stuff five portals down Glory Road, mostly in the war-torn and lich-haunted imperial heartlands of Tambelon. But ponies and pony-ajacent critters have spread over a pretty impressive swathe of this corner of the multiverse... they might have stayed out there in the black forever, if it weren't for the essence of the Company, its unchanging core. After all, they were founded with a purpose, a plan... even if none of them remember what it was.

Hello everypony, I am Snowliasion or just Snow for friends. After looking for the correct group for me I stumbled onto this one and to be fair I think I found the right group for all my OC heavy stories here today, I do hope you all will enjoy my writings and for me to enjoy yours. :twilightsmile:

A Well Writen Introduction

I'm new to this "group" thingy because I thought it'll be like one of those useless perks in video games, but because some sandstorm came to me, I thought I should try being in a group. Since my first published story is purely about my OC, I should start my experience here.

Hi, I'm the Infamous Mystery, a former TwitterPony Roleplayer and currently a Senior High School Student on the strand of Accountancy and Business Management, which means I'm preparing for college related to those 2. I'm currently working on GREAT BRAND!!! and it's my first attempt at being a writer on this website.

In my whole writing career, I've only published 2 including GREAT BRAND!!!. The other one would be entitled " Legends of Ino " which is purely an original story, but due to the lack of development, I set that on hiatus because why not?:ajsmug:

Other hobbies? I'm purely a jock, but I do write sometimes whenever I feel meh. I'm also trying to self-study programming and music making. Perhaps also tackle being a YouTuber or some sort like that.

Yeah, that's all I can say to this introduction and I hope I'll enjoy my stay here. šŸ˜ƒ

Additional Note: There's this drama going on in TP. So if any of y'all see some hate comments about me, it's probably coming from them. Forget about them because I ain't going in to their corrupted style of Roleplaying. It's their problem after all.

Hi iā€™m BlueHibiscus and Iā€™ve always loved writing. I wrote my first ā€œnovelā€ when I was about 7 years old and found that I really loved writing, even if I wasnā€™t very good. Iā€™ve always loved OC stories (human or otherwise) fan fictions because I love seeing what people do with the world. I only ever write OCā€™s because I can make their personality consistent easier and I love coming up with new ideas. my ā€œdreamā€ Iā€™ll call it, is that when I finally write a full novel and get it published, is to stumble across a fan fic about it. Good or bad, I feel like itā€™s a beautiful way to show love for someoneā€™s work.
I hope you all like the story I've added as iā€™m quite proud of it.

Hello, I just started writing stories again and am looking for readers and comments. Be warned, I only wrote one other story and it was a short one. What I prefer writing (and have been preparing for more than a year to do) is write long, "realistic" stories not short little one shots. So if you like stories about adventure, serious tones and a not so perfect world my writing just might be for you.

Also I took up writing after my threshold for HiE BS reached critical mass for them acting like crybabies, idiots, manwhores, unbelievably impossible or worse.

I am new here but I can't write a story for the life of me, but I have a couple of OC's you can use but you have to talk to me about using them.

Hiya. I'm Randimaxis, and I try writing stuff.

I think I do okay, but I hope it's entertaining enough for everyone to enjoy. I've always liked entertaining others (I've been a big ham since I was a bacon bit), and I am trying my best to stick to my writing until it's where it needs to be.

Hopefully, I'll do a good enough job for folks to enjoy my style of writing enough to ask for more... but if not, as long as a few folks like what I do, then it's all worthwhile in the end, right?

Thank you for your time. *bows humbly*

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