The Writers' Group 9,329 members · 56,816 stories
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Hello fellow Internet horse writers. I am the Amusmentist! Also known as Infinitron200, and Mr. Explody Dude, or simply God Dammit Infini! I have been apart of this horse world place thing for about a yearish. Someone by the name of Dark-Ali asked me to join this place, as I needed help with a story I am currently writing. I hope I can be a good part of this little community.

Hi yall, I finally worked up the nerve to actually say hello in here. I was asked by my subscribers to start writing at Trotcon and I wrote a terrible awful piece that was just me getting my feet wet.
One of them keeps telling me they see something in there and then do so many edits it makes my head hurt. I know she has my best interests in mind.
In the mean time, Hi everyone! I've taken on a few writing challenges when I'm not making YouTube videos or when I'm doing my late night hang out streams.
But in the mean time, I hope to get to know a few of you.

Hi everyone,

I suddenly realized that I started butting in on threads without having first introduced myself. Sorry about that. In any case, I find myself in an odd place, since I've kind of looked down on fanfic for years, and yet I suddenly find myself writing one for the first time. One that's shaping up to be long and involved, and now I've gained new respect for the authors around here who put in the effort to venture beyond 3,000 words. Whatever issues I might have about content, that still shows dedication.

In any case, I've been a fan of FiM since the summer of 2011. I suppose that my favorite stories are the ones involving emotional processing more than high adventure. I'm also a lot older than the average fan here. My writing style favors outlining and a certain amount of pre-plotting, and like my Simpsons namesake, I like to start by first thinking of the ending and working backwards from that. My job actually does involve writing, but this is the first time I've ever attempted any fiction of my own.

I hope that I can add to the community here, and look forward to chatting with you all.

Group Admin


Hi everyone,

I suddenly realized that I started butting in on threads without having first introduced myself.

You think that's bad. I haven't introduced myself here and I help admin this group.

Well, now I don't feel so bad.

Group Admin

6282748 It's what I do. Make people feel better by comparison.

Is there anyone willing to help me out on writing my story? I'm a new writer and am having trouble going from a sequence with dialogue to a full-on story and would like to learn how to make that transition.


I'm new here. I'm an autistic indie game developer with degrees in studio art and multimedia. Constantly searching for employment...

Been here since 2013, but I'm MIA so much I might as well be considered a new member.

The name's Deep. Pharmacy student and currently writing a novel, which is why I'm barely on this site anymore. Writing goals include publishing my novel (and maybe a sequel) and writing/ animating a grand MLP fanfic idea I've had for years. The idea is actually what got me into writing in the first place.

Favorite shows: Dragon Ball Z, Code Geass, Death Note, Bojack Horsemen, Boondocks, South Park

Favorite Sport: MMA (Currently dealing with injuries but I want to fight in MMA in the future too. Have a bit of boxing training also)

Hey, Writer's Group! I've been here since 2012, but have been largely confined to my own corner. I also had a two-year period of inactivity while I was going through writer's block. I'm an English student at university right now where I'm studying literature and language structure. On this site, I'm hoping to sharpen my skills and make some friends. If you've got any questions that pertain to the aforementioned subjects, I guess I can assist. I just want to chill and have fun to be honest with you, though. Life is short in supply, and not to be wasted. Being stupid is better than being nothing, too. Right?

Hello, my name is Clean Karma, although that is an ironic name. I am a changeling and I...
What do you mean I have to tell about myself IRL?
S###. fine. I'm a guy who doesn't like people but prefers spending time with them. I tend to not "beat around the bush" as some may put it so if I have an opinion and I feel confident enough to tell you, it's gonna straight statement stating my state of mind. I like mystery, romance, and comedy (especially all together). Also, I'm straight (don't know why I told you that but okay).
(ahem) (cough) (other clearing throat noise)

Hello everyone! I’m a new writer here and I look forward to working with you all! I mostly write adventure stories and I’m open to suggestions from the massive community

I'm Dracochangewing,

I am an avid reader and amateur writer who is working on their first fic and floundering at it. I have the main story plot points but can't seem to get from plot point b to plot point c.

I have a strong respect for all writers on this and all sites who can crank out chapter after chapter week after week or month after month.

Hi, my name is Popcorn Pony. I've been a part of this group for a while, but haven't really said anything to anyone until now. Honestly, I don't quite understand how forums work, but I am making an effort to learn. So, here I am! :D

I like to read pony stories about ponies doing cute pony things like giving each other hugs, but I read other stuff too. I need to read more horror, but finding good horror is a little tricky since horror isn't the most popular genre on Fimfiction.

I am a horror writer. I like to combine elements like mystery and thriller as well as a little bit of Dark overtones. Right now I am working on my OC's novel, but I plan to branching out to short stories and, maybe, pony poetry.

Outside of MLP, I'm currently reading classic horror stories. Frankenstein, Dracula, stories about Werewolves, etc...

Princess Celestia is my favorite princess, Fluttershy is my favorite pony and I think Pinkie Pie is best pony (Since she likes cheer other ponies up.) I also really like the Starlight Glimmer and Trixie Lulamoon combo, I think they go so well together.

I like to chat with bronies on discord, but I have trouble talking in discord servers. I prefer to chat one on one so private message me and we can chat about whatever. I enjoy PC games like Starcraft, Civilization, Dawn of War and DOOM. I also like Games Workshops tabletop game Warhammer 40k. I have a very large Tau army and a work in progress Imperial Guard army.

Also, if people have tips about the website or how to participate in groups, even if you think it sounds really simple, tell me! I'm very open-minded and could use the pointers, even if they sound obvious!

Joined just now. I hope to at least have some interesting discussions in here while improving my writing skills in the process.


Just joined the group! While I myself dont dabble in fanfiction, I am interested in talking with people who are writers for their perspective on the show and on writing in general.

Hail!, I am Minaren, last known scion of the house of Ren. Also known as Jaycren on Fanfiction and AO3. I enjoy writing and finding weird uses for otherwise everyday things. Like did you know that you can get liquid Nitrogen using a solar induced composting rig combined with a compression coil. Fun times, just remember to clean out the white phosphorus crystals that form and you're fine. I am an avid gamer, entirely on my mobile at this point as I am always on the go, damn watch lists am I right?. I've served as an editor before and would be happy to do so for others. I am currently going through my backlog of incomplete and on hiatus stories and finishing them to the best of my abilities. I love comments of all sorts and try to reply to as many as I can.


I'm the Jedi Master Ed. I'm a Linux programmer's beard which attained sentience when its accretion of Cheeto crumbs and spilled Red Bull reached critical mass. When I'm not on this forum I spend most of my time plotting to take over my host.


The name's Blade Trail. Been on FimFic for a few years now, but never really did much of anything besides read. I've a few stories under my belt at this point, but I've never commented or joined any groups - joining here is my first step to try and change that!

I'm a simple pony with simple tastes. I like slice of life the best, and comedy, to be sure, but I won't balk from a good ol' fashioned adventure. I tend to shy away from sadder/darker stuff, though. Nothing wrong with it, just personal preference, is all.

Also, I am madly in love in Princess Celestia.

Hope we can all get along! :twilightsmile:

Hello everyone! I am quite new, dont let my profile fool you, I made the account years ago but only just started using it.

Like many of you I am sure you have had those stories that just keep popping up in your head and growing and grown but you never actualy act on them. Lately i have tried my hand at writing and I find it to be fun and satisfying. One day I wrote an entire snippet from one of my stories and shared it with some people, with lots of critical feed back and a decent amount of positivity I was able to pressure a creative writing class.

A good year later and hear I am, ready to share my stories with Fimfiction! At least the pony related ones anyway. Anywho, I look forwst to talking with some, if not all, of you and learning from you all!

Good morning! I am a grumpy old coot with an obsession with reading and too much time on his hands. Faced with spending entirely too much money on books, I was fortunate enough about a year ago to follow a rabbit trail from DnD green texts to psychicscubadiver's Harry Dresden stories. I've been reading constantly since then, and made an account to start talking.

I've a particular fascination with (fictional)magic, and many of my in-depth comments focus on this topic. I might eventually write something, everyone I've ever known has urged me to at one point or another.

Other than that, I'm an idea-monger. I've a talent for sparking other's imaginations, and I've always got more nonsense squirreled away in my head. While I make a terrible editor, I'm more than happy to help someone move their ideas along.

Good day or evening!

I'm a Christian fan fiction writer and reader who's often and almost always interested in getting those creative juices pumping. I've read a lot of books, both fiction and non-fiction, and now, I think of writing as more of a creative outlet than anything—it's quite difficult these days to just bottle it up inside of my head without putting something out there.

While I read books for entertainment, I also read to better myself, to challenge myself even. If I write, I don't want to just give you an experience; I want to make you think, even to challenge you.

I like what-if's. That may sound cliché, but I still think it's worth saying. I'm fascinated with the fanfic fuel generated by Starlight's timelines, the Gift Givers of the Grove, inter-dimensional relations and daily life... that sort of stuff.

Well, I've posted a few times in the forum without saying hello here, so... Hello!

I'm the Cloptimist. (Obviously.) You might know me elsewhere as Dazzleships. In real life, I'm a lawyer who lives in Wales, UK. Here, I mostly write NSFW stories, but not exclusively. I have no OCs, ponysona, or anything like that, but I do like to smile and stay super positive!

(Meaning my favourite pony should by rights be Pinkie, I guess, but I've always loved Applejack.)

I love to write, and I don't believe that I totally suck at it, though I suppose that's up to you really! I made this account so I could join in the fun too. It's good to be here. Thanks for listening!

Good morning all!

Although I've been a member of the group for a little while I haven't dropped in to say hello or comment in any thread. What I have been doing is reading through all the topics and picking up tips and pointers. Now that I've gotten back into the writing game I wanted to formally introduce myself.

The short version of my bio is that I'm a military officer, a part-time woodcarver, an avid gamer, and I have a tendency to prioritize the next story on my reading list when I really should be working on my own tales. I used to go by the name Stormy Seas but shifted over to Kaipony to avoid issues with a very first OC which used the same name. I recently published two stories, the first ones I've finished in many years. The second one was received far more favorably than I anticipated so I'm focusing on further improvements so I continue to produce works that are enjoyable.

Oh...and if there are any fellow fans of Zoids and seaQuest DSV, you are automatically my favorite people. Unless you think Fuzors was the superior "season" of the series.

Then you're dead to me.


Hi, my name is ArtistFire. It’s nice to meet you

I'm Marezinger Z. I've been on the site for about a month now, having just gotten back into writing after a near 3 year break. I've been writing off and on since Jr. High and I'm glad to finally be doing it again. The decision to get into MLP fics was fairly out of the blue, but I'm enjoying it a great deal. I'm pretty low key, but always willing to try and help, answer questions or contribute to discussions if asked.

Hey all. Name's The Voice in the Water. Been lurking on the site for a few years now, and figured I'd like to contribute. I'm a Life Science PhD student with an artistic streak, and figure that maybe doing some fanficts might be a good outlet for the stress of trying to finish my degree.

My literary inclinations are generally dark/horror/sad, concepts of social isolation and loneliness, and unrequited love not being fulfilled. This seeps into everything I do, including my attempts at lighter stories. I want to craft narratives where the morality of the characters tends towards shades of grey rather than clearly "good vs. bad", and I consider it a triumph if I can make a reader care enough about my characters that they worry about their fates.

Many of my inspirations come from the manga/anime community, and include Rumiko Takahashi (specifically her Mermaid Saga), Yoshiki Takaya (Bio-Booster Armor: Guyver), Junji Ito and the legendary Go Nagai. Occidental authors that inspire me include H.P. Lovecraft, Algernon Blackwood, J.R.R. Tolken, Anne McCaffrey, and C.J. Cherryh.

Group Admin

6908587 Hello there! Always nice to see another doctoral student. Mine is in Medical Devices! I've found writing (and thinking about writing) is a nice way to flex the brain muscles in ways I typically wouldn't on a day-to-day basis.

Howdy! My names Whirlhoof, with an extra Da because I always need more than necessary. I like to read half of an incomplete story then get bored and give up on it. I'm also a fan of starting to write a story and publish one chapter, then abandon it for eight months. On the off chance I actually update, it's something completely insubstantial that makes me feel terrible about myself!

Oh, and I recently graduated, but that's not important. Nice to meet you all!

I'm Beatriz and I go by Beebee. I enjoy writing and reading. I have had a couple profiles on fimfic before, but lost them for reasons. I hope to find good stories here and to share with others. My favorite pony is Pinkie, a close second is Twilight. Hope to have fun:pinkiegasp:

Sup. I am breads.

Hello there! Names Tythen. Been a long time member of Fimfiction since I started writing on this site for High School.

I really enjoy writing, but I'm a bit awkward when it comes to talking or showing my stories, just wanting to let the site do the job, rather than bother people. When people do get interested in it or leave comments, that's what gets me talking.

As you can tell by my profile pic and description, I'm a big fan of anime and also most video games too, from the popular, and to the especially the niche ones. Because of that, I always, ALWAYS write Crossovers. Any other genres come with the Crossover I'm writing about.

It took me some while to get a grip on reading and referring on source material, but step by step, I'm trying to focus more on that so both sides of the fandom can understand. I also write stories just so it can branch an understanding franchises that I love, but are not as popular.

As for the Pony world, I've firmly believed that each character, be it flat or round, all play a part in this massive universe, and it was thanks to the introduction of Equestria Girls that I can branch out that sort of my writing. Of course, I do have some 'favourites' of mine, and such include Fluttershy, Scootaloo, Applejack, and Flash Sentry to name a few. But whenever I start writing more about other ponies, the more I look into them, the more I like and enjoy them more as I write it out.

Outside that, I enjoy games from Nintendo, Level-5, Inti Creates, maybe some shows like Fairy Tail, Assassination Classroom, Gintama (most things from Shounen Jump) and plenty of seasonal animes like Blend S, We Never Learn, etc.

I'm not new here but its been a while since I introduced myself and I have not been on here in like forever so here we go.
I'm Prime Jeremy and I love writing and reading stories on here. The stories I like to write most are random comedy stories, my OTP is TwilightX her armchair. Don't ask I don't even know why. My favorite pony is Big Mac, and Starlight Glimmer is a super close second, which is ironic because I hated her at first. I also love Roblox, I play it all the time. Gmod is fun too, I used to play Diablo 2 and FATE but haven't played either in a long time.

Good day!

I figured I would take a bit of time to introduce myself, I am WalkerOfVoids, and just recently have I come to publish my fanfiction about some cartoon horses. I have followed the general story of MLP for quite some time, but unfortunately I have only invested time into watching these past few weeks. I am looking forward to reading and contributing to this website, and I wish you all the best of luck!

Hello, everyone. Although I have used this site for quite some time, this is only the second time I actually commented (or third, I forget). With the show's conclusion, it is high time that I begin contributing something to this community of writers. It is the very least I can do to repay them.

I look forward to refining my writing skill and discovering new stories here.

Hi! *waves hoof at hyperspeed*

Well, an intro to this group? It seems pretty illustrious, but here goes.
My name is Vis-A-Viscera.

Think it was Loved and Lost and the Cupcakes spinoffs - specifically Forensics is Magic - that convinced me to get onto this site and leave my mark. Something amazing, something well versed out, something that made something out of an amazingly dark yet true--to-canon story inspired me to do the same. And I've already got to 50k words on it, three chapters in. Planning to make it an epic - something to show that the complexed massive storyverse didn't stop out when the FiM series did.

We gotta talk about favorite ponies? Well, mine - and I think it might be a spoiler for some elements of this great project I'm going for - is Cheerilee. Seriously, the length of time it took for a teacher to get some positive spotlight in a show not normally focused around them, instead of being a stick in the mud at best, resonated with me. Add in the fact she's damn amazing with pom-poms, and I can't get enough of that mulberry mare.

Take two guess who's my second favorite. :trixieshiftright:

Good grimdark and lore-fodder stories get my goat every time (no offense Grogar), so of course the original Fallout: Equestria is something I have on tab.

And if I have a style, it'll likely be a slightly lighter dark/black humor story. Being an Investigation Discovery addict, something that pulls together a complex plan or shows the complexity behind obvious villians is a big draw.

Hi everyone, I'm kazamacat though I prefer to go by Cat or Cathy. My other handle in various sites is SonKitty, so I go by Kitty sometimes too.

Anyway, I'm a huge Rainbow Dash fan after getting back into the series back in October/November 2018. Before that, I was into it in 2012 and just kind of lost interest. I liked Rainbow back then, but it wasn't the obsession level it is for me these days. As such, I like to read fanfics about her and have a long one of my own I've been working on.

Hiya, lovely peeps!

ʼSup, fellow Bronies and Pegasisters? Nameʼs Uz Naimat, and before you ask, yes, thatʼs my real name. Been a Pegasister since mid 2014, and discovering this show is among the best things thatʼs ever happened to

My favorite things about MLP are the EqG franchise, Sunset Shimmer and anything in between. Most of my stories will be on that. So, hopefully weʼll get to know each other better since Iʼll be a very active part of this group.

See you soon! :twilightsmile:

I'm Cosmas the Explorer.

I have a hard time coming up with the words for this introduction.:applejackconfused: Alright let me start with what I want to do.

When it comes to this fimfiction site, I like the idea of exploring characters and their relationships with each other and creating different situations with each other. For instance expanding on the friendship between Spike and Rarity or maybe how Rarity and Applejack were rivals with each other at school.

I also like worldbuilding (especially done in a unique exotic way like in Elder Scrolls) and hopefully I can also get into the adventure genre.

Honestly I'm a little confused about what to do on fimfiction. But I guess it'll start with forum discussions and then writing fanfics.

I'll probably start with slice of life fictions now but one day I would like to make an epic adventure fanfiction. Maybe be a more mature retelling of FIM or something like that. We'll see where I go.

Well I guess all I have to say is greetings my fellow writers! :pinkiehappy:

I still a lot to say about myself but I'll keep it at that for now. I hope we get to know each other more.:raritywink:

Group Admin



Honestly I'm a little confused about what to do on fimfiction.

A few things you can do:

* Read fics. Lots of fics. The front page shows you what fics are currently popular, although you can search for any kind of fic you want.
* Comment on fics. Authors love to get comments! Every fic has its own comments section. (Although, keep in mind that if it's an older fic, there's no guarantee that the author is still active on Fimfiction. You can check the author's user page to see when they were last active, although that doesn't work on mobile).
* Write and publish fics. Publishing your fic will make it appear on the front page's newest stories for a time, until it gets pushed off by newer ones.
* Promote your fics. Fimfiction does not have a native story promotion feature, but there are some groups which specialize in this - The Shameless Self-Promotion Bureau and I Just Want A Comment are good places to start. It can be tough for beginning authors to get off the ground, but these groups are here to try to give people a bit of a boost.
* Join some discussion groups that interest you. Fimfiction's groups are, admittedly, quite variable when it comes to activity - it's worth checking the group's forum before joining to see if it's active or not.

I know I'm really late to the party but hi! I'm Honeyontoast and I recently got into writing, as well as this show (again). I like a variety of stories, from cute snuggle oneshots to dark and gory novel-like stories. I'm currently working on my first story and I hope to make various contributions to this group as well as others. I enjoy reading, writing, and cartoons a bunch so this group really caught my eye. I hope to make some good memories here.

Group Admin

Ah! I actually started reading your fic earlier but got distracted. Will have to finish it in a bit. :) Welcome!

Comment posted by LyraAlluse deleted Dec 19th, 2020

This is literally one of the absolute worst cases of spam I've seen. The only reason I don't rank it higher than the fat-trixie guy is because you didn't post coprophilic images alongside it. I would tell you that you should feel ashamed for what you did, but seeing what a desperate and lunatic attempt at self-promotion this is, I don't believe you can feel shame anymore.

7396395 What's wrong with introducing myself? I help promote people in my groups and on my YouTube channels. So I was just introducing what I do and what I help others with.


I would tell you that you should feel ashamed for what you did, but seeing what a desperate and lunatic attempt at self-promotion this is, I don't believe you can feel shame anymore.

Man, when I am right, I am RIGHT.

Good job, me.
Thanks, me.

7396404 Well anyway, they are resources for people to post and promote anything they like and it's what I like to help people do here. :3 That's a little about me.

Group Admin

7396391 I am struggling to not be utterly furious.

This is a thread for introducing oneself. I do not want to see it get hijacked just to plug some groups. I do not want to see people not want to use this thread to introduce themselves because someone might use that comment to spam their feed under the pretext of 'introduction'. This is self-promotion, and spam.

Do not do that again, or my struggle may become a losing one.

6) We don’t like spam.

This largely falls under common sense, being on topic, or self promotion, but if we see your post as spam, we will lock it or delete it.

7396406 I'm sorry I didn't mean to make anyone mad. I was just trying to introduce myself and tell people what I do which is to help promote people on my sites, groups, and YouTube channels. No offense meant. :)

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