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So I really enjoy fics written about the two existing factions of the Equestrian Royal Guard. That being Celestia's gold armored Royal guard, and Luna's reptile eyed, black steel plated Dark Guard.

I would like to see some fics coming out now that Twilight has become an Alicorn involving a new faction of Pony Guards: The Star Guard. This could be a legion of mostly Unicorns that specialize in powerful magics; mostly by following their Alicorn's Goddess's training regiment. I think the writer could do all kinds of cool things with it. You could have a three way rivalry between the tried, and true Royal Guard, who has been around as long as Celestia. The Dark Guard: Who are often more feared due to their appearance, and clandestine tactics. Then the new rookies of the young new Alicorn, who have yet to earn any respect.

I would like to maybe see if Cadance ever got, or gets Guardsmen of her own. Just real hard to follow a Goddess of Love. I mean what would you call yourselves? The Heart Guard? Well that's just silly. The Love Brigade? That sounds like a bad porno flick. Just hard to be a solid military force when you have to promote love all the time.

Well, there are those identical mares that were carrying her banners during the coronation...

823801 Tough Love Brigade?:rainbowhuh:

I always guessed it would be the Crystal Guard. Though the fact that she no longer has a crystal coat like EVERY other Crystal pony bothers me. She doesn't even have her own chariot.

Anyway, I can see why some wouldn't be impressed with Twilight getting her own guard. I on the other hand really LOVE LOVE LOVE the idea. A group of new recruits that probably only know each other from basic training, and have to deal with patronization from the superior Guards. Please, if you pursue this idea, or find someone who does, tell me! :flutterrage:

823801 You have put an idea in my head, good sir

Guardians of the Crystal Heart which could be simply shortened to The Guardians for cadence.

823813 Personally I think "The Guardians" is a little bit over the top. Maybe "Heart Guard", similar to how there is a "Lunar Guard" and a "Solar Guard."

Group Contributor

Ahem. Sir of Madam, I respectfully disagree.

You've actually entirely convinced me that overly romanticized, sappy-sounding names for Cadance's guard is the Only. Possible. Thing!

Heart Guard? Sure.
Love Brigade? Save some for Fluttershy's eventual ascendance, here.
Knights of the Rose? Heart Companions?

Seriously, I can see it now. A guard company that only allows married couples. Or tends to attract the most charming of the charming. All romantic, chivalrous knights, like something out of Rarity's sweetest dreams.

I am totally digging the idea.

As for Twi's guard? You must have this many diplomas to enter.
The poor things. I can totally see Twilight haunting the barracks, squeeing over having educated people that are duty-bound to sit there and debate with her about magic until she falls asleep.

This is a really cool idea now that I think about it. I'll see if I can come up with any good fic ideas.

I was thinking about it and the guardians is a bit over the top considering no one else would have any idea what the hell they actually did. I don't know but this thread has spawned an idea.

I have it on good authority that Cadenza's guard is made up mares, fifteen or so, who specialize in a Tai Chi-esque version of Aikido with quite a few Hojojutsu techniques incorporated, and tend to dress very well, as befits a princess's entourage. Princess Cadence has a formal guard that marches in lock-step in parades, yes, but they are only for show. You see four of Cadence's real guardsmares parading behind Twilight in her coronation ceremony. Apparently they are on loan to Princess Sparkle until she can recruit a guard of her own.
Only a Princess of love would have such a subtle and clandestine--perhaps treacherous--force at her disposal. :heart:

838771 Damn...:rainbowderp: Sounds like Shining's 'ol lady is a stone cold killer :pinkiegasp: Need to keep an eye on her in season 4. Don't want her trying to send down an army from the north, ravaging all they see! :twilightoops:

823878 The "Knights of the Rose" might have some negative connotations, and the "Heart Guard" is awfully close to the Queen of Hearts' guards from Alice in Wonderland. I do love both names, however.

838905 The Changelings were pissed that she did it to them, so it is something to watch out for in the future, yes.

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