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maybe it got deleted so have you checked Fimfetch?

then id assume either its deleted, title is wrong/was changed, or cover image was wrong/changed

I am looking for a story that goes something like this:
Twilight has just ascended and has been told she has a year and a day to live. But she can save herself by journeying into the land of the dead. This leads her to find out, through a series of misadventures, about the secret lives of her friends.

That's as spoiler free as I could make it incase anyone else thinks this is interesting

know any tags or if completed or not?

Its completed and one of the tags is adventure I believe

Twilight goes to a graveyard and finds out that Applejack is an assistant of death. in the underworld she meets the 'boatman' who asks her to do something for him, I forget the details but the gist is he likes Rarity's fashion lines and tells Twi that if she goes to "A" on "B" she will save Rarity's life. "A" turns out to be a train full of vampires and Rarity is a Vampire Hunter looking for a cure for vampirism for Sweetie. Getting the recipe and the first ingredient leaves Twi with a debt to the Head/First vampire. The last 3/5 of the story I don't remember as well; the debt is paid by helping Fluttershy the demon/vampire/NNM cultist/worrier slay a demon. One of the ingredients is gotten from the Fay Realms with the held of Pinkie Pie Of the Fay Courts, the other ingredient is gotten from a trip to the bottom of the sea with Rainbow Dash the Mer-Pony.

looking for stories Whever it’s the whole story or a chapter or two init where the main six or over ponies/pony fights discord.

Thanks in advance.

Damn... I'm looking for a fic (I think it was a HiE one) where Celestia and Luna told the human - or the human found out - that both Alicorns were really just "mature foals" or "big foals"; an explanation for why they act silly or immature when they're not 'on duty' (i.e. at Court or doing other princess work) but I can't remember what the title was...

remember any tags or if it was completed?

I'm not sure, or if it even exists but I swear I read it somewhere in a fic...

maybe its on fimfetch or on a different site

Comment posted by LunerDerpy deleted Jun 27th, 2021

There was a story I read about some pony that was all depressed because of how much she looks like Princess Celestia.
It brought her all sorts of grief since she couldn't get a normal job and she had to carry an ID with her cause the guards kept thinking she was a changeling.
Does anyone else know which one that is?


Is it this one or its sequel?

TThe Celestia look-a-like.
There's a Pegasus in Equestria that looks just like Princess Celestia and she hates it. What happens when said mare goes to Princess Celestia to change her look? Will it happen or will something else come out of the meeting?
TheDawsonator1 · 4.1k words  ·  642  24 · 7.1k views

That's it. Thank you.

Stories with unusual ponies as MC . Examples would be ”of flame and shadow” or ”the assassins song”

Y'know the episodes where someone's cutie mark glows and the map sends them to solve a friendship problem, yeah I'm looking for fanfics that like that.


I have seen I think a crossover one where the team is sent in The Myst of Ravenloft, whisked to Barovia....

Even though I asked this a year ago, I’ll ask this again just in case no one saw my comment from last year.

I’m trying to find a fanfic, but I can’t find it. I don’t remember what it was called, but I remember what the story was about.

I remember the premise being about Twilight making a machine(Or I think it might’ve been that she found a spell, but I’m pretty sure it was a machine) that allows the Mane 6 to see different universes(or dimensions) of themselves. Rainbow Dash volunteers to see different versions of herself(She was the only one that volunteered) and each universe they see shows Rainbow Dash shipped with each member of the Mane 6 and I believe she was shipped with other stuff like a kitchen sink. They even see a universe that seems innocent at first, but when they go back to that universe later on, it then reveals that it takes place in the Cupcakes universe. Then the story ends with Twilight destroying the machine.

It’s bothering me that I don’t remember the name of the fanfic, but I remember what it was about. If anyone knows the story I’m talking about and knows the title, let me know.

Not looking for a specific story, just in general any stories with humans that end up in Equestria before the current time on the show, way back when they weren't unified.

Looking for the story where Twilight and Spike go on an adventure alone (Not rewrite the AU) (bet that no one can find this)

A story based off Disney's Hercules. With spike as the hero and applejack as the love interest.

This picture:

I’m trying to find a story focusing on a ponies discovery of a method of switching between the various pony races. Like he can switch between being an earth pony, pegasus, and unicorn. However while his discovery is miraculous, the princesses have shown interest in suppressing it in the interest of maintaining order. As they are concerned it could cause social upheaval, and potential cultural extinction for earth pony culture. In response he makes plans to ensure they can’t bury his work, as it’ represents his life’s work. Thankfully it eventually ends with the princesses relenting and allowing the discovery to be shared. More importantly it ends with Applebloom as a pegasus enjoying a nap on a cloud while AJ yells angerly. I found it rather fascinating and plausible as I could see the princesses being if not complete luddites, then hesitant to allow rapid changes. If I remember correctly Twilight voiced concerns to the researcher about her friends cultural identity going extinct, to which he says that’s just what cultures do if given time. A

Comment posted by Honor Quill deleted Sep 5th, 2021

My fanfic is just for u @Solaris Vult. The Iron Guard : Part I. A romance-free crazy thriller to fill the gap between MLP G4 and G5 in the most overkill way possible. I dislike romances too. GG my guy

Hi, I've been driving myself up a wall trying to find a specific spike-centric fic and hoped you guys could help.

Essentially the basic plot is that twilight looks into the future and sees gen 5 where all the pony tribes are at each other's throats again and laments to spike if they even made a difference at all, so in order to carry on Twilight's legacy after she's gone, spike lies in hibernation until the gen 5 cast finds him and the dragon introduces himself as a friendship ambassador.

I know I've seen it somewhere before but cannot for the life of me find it, anybody know what I'm talking about?

I'm not normally one to lose track of stories, but it seems one slipped from being added to my bookshelves. What I remember about the story is:

  • It's E or T in rating.
  • Under 6,000 words.
  • Doesn't have comedy, crossover, romance, or non-pony tags.
  • The main characters are Fluttershy and Angel Bunny.
  • The story was written sometime before 2018.
  • It definitely had cover art of some kind.
  • The idea revolved around Angel trying to leave Fluttershy's care because it wasn't that Fluttershy was cruel, but that her ability of pony magic (or her special talent, I don't recall) caused nature to bend to her against the will of the creature. Angel was seeking freedom from the curse-like effect of the magic.
  • I don't remember the title or author.
  • It was complete.
  • I've already used the site filters and search bars. It doesn't appear to come up.

If anyone knows where to find this story, it'd be super helpful!

I'm looking for a good comedy.

I dont know where else to post it this so I am
posting it here.
I am looking for a fanfic comic (blasphemous on a novelist site, I know) of MLP.
Basically, the main character is a librarian/painter whose name is tree, who falls in love with a wonderbolt who saved some other wonderbolts, but feels bad about not saving one. They fall in love, blah blah blah.
Then there is another storm, the wonderbolt goes off to help and doesnt come back, leaving tree waiting on her balcony for days. Tree is then visited by a unicorn who the wonderbolt saved in the later storm, who can feel what others feel using her magic, as in, emotions. Tree lets her in her house out of curiosity and it ends there, (for now).
Anyone know this comic? I dont remember the wonderbolts name and I last saw it on Deviantart

I'm trying to find a fic where Twilight reviews a self-insert fanfiction written by Rainbow Dash where she becomes a Wonderbolt and has sex with Soarin'. It was submitted during or before 2014.

Anybody know its name?

I'm looking for a story that has romance that involves someone that is not quite legal age and one who is an example is My Life as a Bipedal Quadruped.

Yes I've been looking for a rainbow factory story about two sisters that get sent to the Rainbow Factory. Anyway for some reason they had a delay about killing them for about a week and as all the Phillies were taking a shower I think it was thunderlane that came by and saw one of the sisters with her tail up over her back and he decided he liked what he saw so later he got her out of her cage and took her to his room and told her she could stay there for a while and play with all this stuff and everything in exchange for sex with her anyway when the week was up he took her back and put her back in her pen and then rainbow decided that she was the next one to be killed and she made her sister press the button to kill her and that was pretty well the end of it does anybody know the name of it or where it is that I've been looking for it for years

Idk if you ever found it but if not it’s called “Secrets of the Mane Six”.

Okay, so this is a little vague, but the last time I read this story was years ago. It involved Cheerilee talking to one of her students, I forget who, but she was telling them a story about her time at school. The thing was was that she was a massive bully back then. That’s all I can remember, Idk if it was actually that good but I wanna try to find it again.

I’m not a Buddhist, but I remember once reading a story on here that was a compilation of Buddhist parables…or something. I believe it took after a very specific collection of them. Though frankly I can only remember one chapter, which is when a pony comes into Sugarcube corner asking for the best pastry they have, and either Pinkie or Mr. Cake say simply “They are all the best.” Please help! It just came into my mind today!

Hiya, lovely peeps!

So I last read this stories two years ago. Let me tell what I remember.

  • Was written after 2016
  • Tagged [Mystery]
  • Around 10k-20k words
  • Centers around an police officer OC called Cop Top (or something going those lines)
  • A non-muder mystery (it was either theft or vandalism)
  • Part of a series with at least two more entries
  • Cover art: a background pony in Manehattan. Purple Earth Pony mare with an orange bun who was seen in S6’s “The Gift of the Maud Pie”, in the scene where Pinkie was trying to break inside the shop.

I cannot, for the life of me, remember the story’s name. If anyone recognizes those details, please let me know. I really want to re-read this story.

I remember reading a fic some time ago. Here these three humans slowly turn into the cmc, and get their memories of being the cmc back. They find the other fim characters on a farm after rainbow dash does a sonic rain boom over some place and it’s caught on tv, and they find the other ponies on a farm and try to get home to equestria.

Hope someone can help.


Yeah, that’s it, thanks.

I'm looking for a good Spike story where it's based on Hercules with Applejack as his love interest.

does anyone remember a fic where discord has family a reunion much to equestrias dismay

Okay if anyone's still in here, I am desperately looking for a fic I read a few years ago. In it celestia begins falling asleep for increasingly long amounts. In the end it was discord playing a prank. The only big thing I can remember is Luna was using useless pony's for power. Help?

hagwarders in which living dols not evil come to life etc

I recall reading a a fic a while back where a changeling (former human perhaps?) Had forged his own identity, he was eventually ousted as a changeling and then had to deal with the accusations of replacing his own identity, I would like to find it again and/or see if there are any similar stories


Can anyone help me find the fic where it involves Rainbow Dash getting drunk with Spitfire, then she ends up cheating on Fluttershy with Spitfire and it ends up with both Dash and Fluttershy reconciling at the end?

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