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Cinder Vel
Group Admin

Hoot, hoooot. Can't wait to watch that episode.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Picture may be a little deceptive in that it's one of the least spoily ones for the episode. Probably best to go watch it before hanging out most places Owl House-ish, as everybody is gonna be talking 'bout this one.

It's actually crazy how consistently good season two's been...

I like Willow just laying here chilling watching a stream, tho'.

--Sweetie Belle

Cinder Vel
Group Admin

Oh, silly Sweetie. I don't fear or dread spoilers at all. Quite the opposite, I consistently spoil myself intentionally for a lot of things... and am actually waiting for a friend to return from camping trip because I like sharing watching experience.

And I dunno, I think the start was a bit slow and it progressively got better and better.

Also chilling in bed and wasting time online is so relatable. I love weekends.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

I bet this'll be a fun one to watch together with a friend!

This episode was a really good one, though. I watched it and I shipped and honestly, what are they doing to me with these episode endings? And, yay, nonbinary representation!

And yeah. There's aren't any episodes that I don't like, but if I try to think of the episodes I like the least... they are all from season 1, and mostly in the first half. Something happened in the middle and they just really got good at it. Maybe practice makes perfect.

--Sweetie Belle

Cinder Vel
Group Admin

Episode endings are torture is what they are. Painful hooks that make you want to binge it but remember it is a weekly episode deal. And oh, yeah, representation or whatever... um, yeah I'm more interested in meeting that character as a unique individual in a fun story. Think everyone in the show is fairly fleshed out, or maybe I'm just fangirling. Guess this is closet thing I have to MLP at the moment. I must draw my witchsona

And the only episode I really wouldn't put in "like" category (not dislike!) would be the very first episode since it seemed like it was going to establish a bland on the nose formula. And guess few episodes were kinda filer-ish but served an important role to establish the setting and season 1 status quo (like the whole "chosen one" early episode). It is how it has to be, establish characters and dynamics, slowly introduce conflicts and then BAM on the head.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Yeah, they are. Fortunately, because there was a good while between when I watched the first episode and the rest, I was able to binge through all of season 1. Season 2, I can't do that, though.

And don't worry. I wouldn't care so much about the representation if it was a boring character, but this is a great one!

If I was putting together a least liked list, the first one & the chosen one would be there. There'd also be the body swap episode, and I guess the carnival one and Hooty's Moving Hassle. But I do like all those episodes! The bread puns and King/Luz bonding was great, and I like the guy that likes shoving kids off cliffs, for example. I'd be really hard pressed to come up with another for the list, too.

And for all of that, the first episode got me excited to watch the show, and the second dragged me in. I loved the character that writes fanfics about vegetables, the messages of the episodes are great, the puppeteer was creepy, and "the Prince of Angstmore"?

--Sweetie Belle

Cinder Vel
Group Admin

Uncharacteristically for me I was hyped back when the trailers were out. Usually I am very very paranoid and cautious but modern Disney cartoons (Gravity Falls, Wander, Star vs and Ducktales) didn't managed to disappoint me once (well apart Disney axing shows if they grow too old) and I really liked the style. And also I recognized Eda's actress from some sitcoms I used to watch when I was very little so I knew her voice would be perfect. Watched weekly since first episode and it hurts :raritycry:

And Luz is just so gosh darn adorable.

Oh and Boiling Islands are a fun place, it's why I enjoy fiction in the first place. To avoid the mundane. Heck, I could gush about the show for hours... I kinda forgot how it was to actually enjoy a new show since I wasn't able to find something new in quite a long time.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

You know, the idea of someone trying to learn to be a witch was already the sort of thing I like, and it had demons in it, Christian fundamentalists hated it, and it had a Gravity Falls connection, and I loved Gravity Falls. So I figured I'd probably like it. and the first episode was free on youtube, so I watched it and enjoyed that.

But then I didn't really have a way to watch it, and I sort of settled into "Okay, I'll watch it when I can actually get it someplace" which eventually turned into me getting Disney+, and bingeing the whole series there once it was on there. So that was pretty much where the break ended up.

This time 'round, I seem to be using Disney Now.

The setting is great, and it gives me something to fill the part of me that likes magic school fiction...

--Sweetie Belle

Cinder Vel
Group Admin


Christian fundamentalists hated it

Seal of approval right there.

Also does the show remind you a tiny bit of Little Witch Academia?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Well, to be honest, I've been vaguely aware I should watch Little Witch Academia, but I never quite got to it. I did watch Zero no Tsukaima...

--Sweetie Belle

Cinder Vel
Group Admin

You could watch the special and see if you like it. Its is own thing and it was made first. And then if you are hooked up you could check the show.

And not familiar with Zero no Tsukaima. My exposure to the far east is limited due to the greatest hurdles of them all. Sheer laziness.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Sounds like a good way to approach it!

And Zero is about a witch known as Louise the Zero in magic school, who is terrible at magic, and when it's time to summon a familiar, she ends up summoning a human boy from modern Japan. Been a long time since I watched it, and she didn't treat him very well, IIRC.

I'm lazy, too, but sometimes I get interested and binge things. The premise of Melancholy of Suzumiya Hiroshi really drew me in, for example, and I liked the setup of Hyouka (A really lazy but highly intelligent main character, with an intensely curious friend who makes him solve mysteries...).

--Sweetie Belle

Cinder Vel
Group Admin

Oh, when you describe it like that Zero doesn't sound too interesting. You see, I have allergy to the whole "and then there's this human from Earth".

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Yeah, just thought of it because of a human in a school of magic and witches. I much prefer Melancholy...

--Sweetie Belle

Instructions unclear, am now in Hogwarts.

Group Contributor

Me watching the Gen 5 Netflix movie

Just checking in again.

Things are sorta returning to normal over here. Been in a bit of a sci-fi phase lately, though I'm still not really writing anything, alas.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

That time Rarity was a Koopa...

(And Twilight was, too...)

--Sweetie Belle

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

--Sweetie Belle

I binge-watched Amphibia, and I believe that it, and The Owl House are two of the greatest cartoons around nowadays.

(Do not talk about anything in S2 of either show without spoiler tags, plz, if it isn't vague)


I like how it effectively plays out the "toxic friend" trope, from the first season. Anne is obviously starting off with a pretty damn warped view of how friendships should work, based on how her friend dynamics worked back on Earth, and it's shown through her behaviors and dialogue early on, and part of her development is to learn how to stand up for herself, grow more of a moral compass/learn to be a better self, become more selfless.

It's glaringly obvious as soon as episode 1b, about her starting warped view on friendship.

Anne: Well, this is what friends do. Remember? They help each other get the things they want.
Sprig: Huh?
Anne: Look, if a friend likes a pencil case, you get it for them. If your friend likes your new shoes, you give them to her. And if a friend wants you to steal a crazy music box from a thrift store, even if you don't really want to, you do it, okay? Because if you don't, they might not want to be your friend anymore.

(S1 spoilers below)

Sasha, while she cares about the others, is a manipulative control freak who's emotionally abused Anne into falling in line (what else can you say about roping Anne into going and stealing a music box, instead of getting to her own 13th birthday party on time), and she tries to do so again in the S1 finale, and the plan to capture Hop Pop was her idea. She ultimately ends up befriending Captain Grime, who actually genuinely grew to value her, when he himself started off as just a standard Big Bad Evil Guy who would bully his troops, not even pretend to be nice to them, but as a result of his valuing her, taking her advice, he actually ended up becoming a better leader. Even after Sasha failed him by losing in a duel with Anne, he stuck his neck out to save her from falling to her death, and visibly cared about her being injured.

There's growth in their dynamic from there, afterwards, and it's a delight.

Season 2 is where the show absolutely comes into its own, and there's a lot to say about it that can involve severe spoilers. It culminates into an effective narrative, and it leaves you wanting more... and I could discuss it if anyone else has seen it. 10/10 experience at the end.

As it turned out, at the second season's end...


Andrias is an extreme opposite to Grime, in how he deals with Marcy throughout (who also isn't morally perfect either). Where Grime was upfront with Sasha, didn't act nice at first, grew to care for her, value her beyond how useful she is, Andrias from the very beginning was manipulating Marcy, heavily implied to have thrown a game of Flipwart (their equivalent of Chess), and he victim blames her for what he remorselessly did, and he does a lot of things to cement himself as an irredeemable bastard very lacking in redeeming qualities, in a short amount of time. He's a twist villain done very well, because of the ominous hints on display throughout, and Keith David's performance.

Sasha also seems to realize in that finale that her manipulative/treacherous ways are... unfulfilling, even after she gets what she thought she wanted, and she had Anne try to kill her as a result. They can work together well though, and maybe they can reconcile later. Grime is also legitimately taken aback by some of the evil actions performed and attempted here.

I very strongly recommend this series, especially if you've watched Gravity Falls, because there's an episode you'll love if you have seen it.

The Owl House

It's a story where a human ends up in a magical world, and it comes into its own in S2 especially, since it made me warm up to Lumity, and it gave us the Golden Guard in S2, that is to say Hunter, who gives me Zuko vibes.

The show has some great fight scenes, and the characters get some good development, is good at giving them new sides, like with Amity's siblings, or later on in S2, Mattholomule.

As a point of trivia, Eda is heavily implied to be Stanley Pines' ex-wife from Vegas who stole his car, from the description Stan gives in that DVD commentary matching hers perfectly (she has a coffee mug that says "Thirty and Flirty," Stan said she had a shirt of "Over Thirty and Very Flirty"), and it being confirmed in the most recent episode, as a throwaway detail, that Edalyn has used "Marilyn" as a pseudonym.

Gravity Falls, The Owl House, and Amphibia could really have a connected universe and have it fit in, based on what we know.

Wander Over Yonder got fucked over by Disney axing it at the S2 finale. Star Vs. for me got soured severely by its last season, retroactively (though it did have good parts... not that Pony Head was ever a good character at any point), Gravity Falls was great, have not seen Ducktales.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

I've basically binge watched season one of Amphibia at this point, in two sessions (1-10, and 11-20. 1-10 felt like a full season.). There are things I love about it (such as Polly and Hop Pop). OTOH, there were some episodes I really didn't get much enjoyment out of, and while I will be watching the rest, it was just enough for me not to be hopping on it right away.

A lot of it is that I don't really like plots where people are doing bad things that should know better, like Hop Pop becoming a conman, or a couple involving Sprig, I think, like the Grubhog one.

Once I get past this week, I have a lot of three and four day weekends coming up, though, so I probably will binge more eventually, and season two may change my mind. I do like Anne and Hop Pop and Polly a lot, and sometimes Sprig. And one episode, I knew I'd heard a characters voice before, looked up the actress... and it was Maleficent's VA, from the Kingdom Hearts series!

I really love Owl House, though. And you caught the picture of Hop Pop on the book and the plushie, right?

It seems to do a lot with relationships and parents that I like. I loved episode 10, and Camila and Vee were great1. Casting the VA who plays Amethyst for Vee was perfect, too. Different episode, but I also love Eda and Raine. Hope Raine makes it!.

Eda's curse and its development has been really interesting to watch, and has had a lot to say about chronic illnesses. Eda's mother's entrance into all of this fit perfectly.

And you've been catching all the Owl House season 2 OSTs over here, right? Great soundtracks!

He has started putting up Gravity Falls OST's episode by episode now, too.

Star Vs, I've only watched 1A & 1B of! I wasn't caring for the main character, then we got Princess Pony Head, and... I haven't felt like continuing since.

I have watched, oh, a bit more than half a dozen episodes of the Ducktales reboot, it was clearly brilliant, and I'm going to binge it at some point...

--Sweetie Belle

  1. Seriously, "Hello... this is all so confusing, but... who knew I had such a strong girl living under my roof this whole time?" kills me...


Once I get past this week, I have a lot of three and four day weekends coming up, though, so I probably will binge more eventually, and season two may change my mind. I do like Anne and Hop Pop and Polly a lot, and sometimes Sprig. And one episode, I knew I'd heard a characters voice before, looked up the actress... and it was Maleficent's VA, from the Kingdom Hearts series!

For me, I heard a character's voice, and I correctly recognized her as Mabel's voice actress, in S2; it was strange having her in that type of role. It is an interesting fact that that character in question on your part was also Maleficent, considering.

The thing that S2 of Amphibia did better is it was more balanced between its slice of life, and actually moving forward with the plot (felt somewhat less disjointed as a result), plus it had some genuinely good emotional moments. I mean, it managed to make my eyes mist at least once, in a way that felt perfect, in one episode I shall not name, in S2. I genuinely think it might actually go better as a last season than She-Ra's, depending on how it goes. (probably helps that nobody really rivals Catra in the "did really unsympathetic shit and repeatedly doubled down horrifically only to have some things unanswered and speedran to romance" category, as of yet)

There was an appearance of the Calamity Box/Music Box in that Actually NOT Filler episode that had a lot of things happen, in The Owl House.

Eda's mother's entrance into all of this fit perfectly.

I wonder what the hell happened to Eda and Lilith's father, in all of this. He had his eye scratched out, so did he just leave them? What is he doing?

There's also the question of whatever King's father had to say in that letter. His father gets props for outright calling him "King Clawthorne" when telling Hooty who to give the letter to, showing he respects his choice/family bond with Eda.

Star Vs, I've only watched 1A & 1B of! I wasn't caring for the main character, then we got Princess Pony Head, and... I haven't felt like continuing since.

I think that show peaked at the S3 multi-parter, and it was all downhill from there (it's unfortunate Eclipsa, who is one of the best parts, didn't get more love than the stupid romance arcs/teasing/fuckery). Like, way downhill when it got into S4. To spoil the ending: magic is destroyed, all beings made of magic are dead, realms merged, Queen Moon before that went severely out of character to "justify" why the villain got ahead (and this is coming from someone who can see Discord fucking up in MLP as plausible). The love triangles and craptastic way it handles it is just... bad.

The problem with Pony Head is, she's truly a Static Character, she doesn't really change over the course of the series, talks and acts the same whenever she shows up, and she thusly stays annoying. I have no idea what they were thinking with her.

Seriously, "Hello... this is all so confusing, but... who knew I had such a strong girl living under my roof this whole time?" kills me...

She's not asking questions, she accepts the kid. She's a good person. Also, that conclusively proved that Belos would experiment on sapient beings. Is that how he got the magic drain abilities, with any Palisman, from researching that?

On a final note, should I watch Tangled, starting with the movie?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

The character voiced by Maleficent was Valeriana from the Bizarre Bazaar, incidentally.

Good to hear season 2 is moving forward more. Things were pretty slow in season 1. We haven't even seen one of the three, IIRC. And emotional moments are things I wantr to see (while also not wanting to, sometimes).

Missed the box, but I think I'd only seen the box once or twice at the time I saw that episode.

As far as Eda's father, I'm kind of assuming he lost the eye, and the scene with her leaving was soon after. I'm thinking he is still at home, but Eda hasn't come back because she's avoiding him. I'm betting we'll see him at some point with an Abomination eyeball or something.

I don't think the person who gave Hooty the letter was King's father, though the person who wrote it might be. I'm thinking he would have actually stayed to try and see King if he'd come that far. However, King's father probably isn't the only one of his species, and if he's a king, he'd have messengers and such.

Star's ending sounds like what Belos is trying to do. And yeah, Pony Head annoyed me, and it's good to know I didn't really misjudge the character, at least.

Yeah, Camila is a really good person. Belos might've gotten his magic drain from that, but it could also be that he was trying to improve it. I am thinking that Hunter is a clone (or Grimwalker) of Belos's dead brother...

Haven't actually watched Tangled. I watched the Broadway version of Into the Woods, which has Rapunzel, but isn't really the same thing. It's been sort of vaguely on my list of things I should watch at some point...

--Sweetie Belle

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Well, I was talking a lot about things from season 2 of the Owl House, and I don't really want to spoil that for people that haven't seen that season yet. Season 2 has been very eventful!

--Sweetie Belle


Good to hear season 2 is moving forward more. Things were pretty slow in season 1. We haven't even seen one of the three, IIRC. And emotional moments are things I wantr to see (while also not wanting to, sometimes).

You would be correct, I believe, if you mean that you never see Marcy in S1. It's not her story at any point in the first season, but she does become much more prominent in S2 (and that's not "damned by faint praise," I mean it, it really sets her up/develops her as a character). To put it simply, she landed in an area... quite a ways away from where either Sasha or Anne did, so what she was doing couldn't affect them...

The status quo is definitely different from where the first season left off, pretty much right off the bat.

I'm thinking he is still at home, but Eda hasn't come back because she's avoiding him. I'm betting we'll see him at some point with an Abomination eyeball or something.

Yeah, come to think of it, I don't think we ever saw their house in the present time, at all, so he really could still be there. It was never mentioned that he left to my memory, though we have no idea if he blamed Eda for what happened, or not.

I don't think the person who gave Hooty the letter was King's father, though the person who wrote it might be. I'm thinking he would have actually stayed to try and see King if he'd come that far. However, King's father probably isn't the only one of his species, and if he's a king, he'd have messengers and such.

I think our suspect for King's father has a decent argument for being the same guy we see in Eda's Requiem, since he looks exactly like the guy who delivered the message. There is no way of knowing for sure, especially not without us having knowledge of whatever was written, until whenever Hooty throws it up. We need those puzzle pieces in that regard, because we're not even certain it's not some servant of his who can't bring himself to tell King to his face that his father got kidnapped, is missing, is dead, or some such.

I am thinking that Hunter is a clone (or Grimwalker) of Belos's dead brother...

Ah yes... there were two brothers who went to the Boiling Isles, and Belos might be one of them... Hunter has those eyes nobody else has... also, it's telling how desperate he was in fighting Amity, charging in so exhausted, throwing down with a type of magic he never used before, when coupled with this, and his psychological projection on Amity's relationship with Luz, based on how Belos' treatment of him presumably warped his perspective. Little Rascal is his presumable morality pet, encouraging him to take Amity's offer, but still sticking with him, using the honey approach, as his Palisman.

Poor guy might have an existential crisis, knowing he's not even a "real person" (he is, though, since he has agency, has a strong will, and has the literal scars to prove it), and Belos might try to kill him or something, if his plans involve sacrificing him.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

I was rather curious about Marcy...

It was never mentioned that he left to my memory, though we have no idea if he blamed Eda for what happened, or not.

When Lilith was leaving, she did say "it'll be nice to spend some time home and reconnect with Dad.". I think we're on safe ground that he's there or near, at least.

The thing with King is pretty up in the air...

Little Rascal is his presumable morality pet, encouraging him to take Amity's offer, but still sticking with him, using the honey approach, as his Palisman.

The other thing about Little Rascal is that in the picture of Phillip and his brother, his brother had a bird on his shoulder that looked similar to Little Rascal. And all the Bat Queen's palisman's had previous owners. Little Rascal could have been Phillip's brothers palisman.

Hunter definitely has issues with trying to please his controlling uncle and potentially being discarded. I liked how it was set up to parallel Amity's own parental issues...

--Sweetie Belle

Cinder Vel
Group Admin

It is well known that Disney hates animation, it is a shock they still even make it and Wander over Yonder is but one show that got axed, every other show also constantly fights to get even that one more extra season. Though I really don't understand the absolute hatred Star vs season 4 gets, I enjoyed it myself. I do think Ponyhead is the true force of evil.

And um guess I'll opt out of the heavily top secret international security talks regarding Owls.

The only real thing left to say on the Amphibia front is this, because there's really few other ways to be vague: the show is rather good at foreshadowing, it's not really much of one to pull things out of nowhere (as you might expect from something created by someone who was rather involved with Gravity Falls).

"it'll be nice to spend some time home and reconnect with Dad.".

Yeah, I did forget about that line. There was also nothing like a Freeze-Frame Bonus on Gwendolyn's part for being nervous about her bringing up Dell, so there's nothing implying he's really that bad off, besides being probably down an eye.

The other thing about Little Rascal is that in the picture of Phillip and his brother, his brother had a bird on his shoulder that looked similar to Little Rascal. And all the Bat Queen's palisman's had previous owners. Little Rascal could have been Phillip's brothers palisman.

Hunter definitely has issues with trying to please his controlling uncle and potentially being discarded. I liked how it was set up to parallel Amity's own parental issues...

I really liked how it kinda felt like Katara reaching out to Zuko, from a character perspective. Bonus points for Amity having the same voice actress. I can definitely buy that theory about Hunter's Palisman being involved in the past like that. After all, Little Rascal does have a scar, so he has been around for quite a while, right?

Though I really don't understand the absolute hatred Star vs season 4 gets, I enjoyed it myself. I do think Ponyhead is the true force of evil.

The problems I had with S4 SVTFOE, aside from the romance episodes giving false leads and blah blah blah (I personally am not the biggest Love Triangle fan), were that (Former Queen) Moon was not being set up to help Mina, at all. The motivation was really petty, flying in the face of the friendship she had with Eclipsa, and the perfect example of where it went wrong is, Moon in Ghost of Butterfly Castle had tried to talk Mina down, and called the Solarian Warriors a dark era in history, and the worst she did was being too apathetic to warn Eclipsa over what she saw as a has-been who poses no real threat.

Then suddenly, without any onscreen development up to that point, Moon is giving Mina exactly what she wants, because she arrogantly believed she could use her for her desired ends (which still don't make all that much sense, again based on how it was earlier, and begs the question of why she wouldn't come up with something else). It's a plot twist that only happened because the story contrived itself to make Mina a huge existential threat with that overpowered army, against all logic, to give a reason for Star to destroy magic, thus railroading the plot. There was no organic development leading to that, it just happened. To top it off, Moon was too easily forgiven for what she did.

Not only that, but Star, as an inevitable consequence of her actions, killed a lot of things that relied on magic to live, by destroying magic, including the sapient spells that we saw in multiple focus episodes, and in all of this, she was outrageously selfish in only caring about "but I won't see Marco again," because the fact that she's taking such an extreme action is largely unacknowledged by the narrative.

Furthermore, the ending gives very, very little in the way of actual closure, with the transdimensional merge between Earth and Mewni, not even beginning to give a satisfying resolution to what the new status quo is going to be (since the world is in chaos before it cuts to credits), and there's only more questions raised.

For another Owl House thing, this playlist of parody dubbing is freaking Golden (pun not intended okay maybe it is), regarding S2.

Group Admin

Slow on the rewatch thread (again) because meetings literally knocked me out cold for most of today. But on the plus side I haven't literally forgotten like last time.


meetings literally knocked me out cold for most of today.

Maybe you should stop fighting MMA guys with stupid names like Mr. Meetings and Mr. Presentation. Your noodle arms are used to lifting pints and rubber bands, not blocking combos.

Group Admin

7567998 At least an MMA fight wouldn't last as long.

You should do what I did. At my job we have to attend project meetings, which means travel to another country, attend a meeting or two, and have to withstand the host's organization hospitality. Which translates into them roping you to go to places you don't want to go, with people you don't really know, as they try to shove as much 'tradition' down your ears and mouth hole. It's all very hurried, you barely are given free time what with all that hospitality crap, and it's exhausting.

One day, they were like "Crimmar hasn't done one of them, send them to go with that other gal."

Freaking Turkey too.

Anyway, I started immediately doing funny 'what ifs' scenarios, like "imagine if we lose our flight, imagine if the plane crashes, there are usually 4 crashes per year, you know, there's only been 3 so far so we're due, that could be us..." and so on. It also mostly worked. One plane got a flat tire, we almost lost our flight and had to run out across the tarmac where a 5 minute frozen rain started just in time to give my coworker a very bad fever that lasted all our trip, got rescheduled, and then Turkey security kept us some extra time because they fucked up their paperwork and there was no paper trail of us getting in the country. That was on the way in, by the way. Getting back was about the same, only my coworker got to stay without sleep for 48 days due to... circumstances that I deny I brought on ourselves due to me talking smack to the universe.

In the actual meeting, I fell asleep while sitting up for about 15-20 minutes. No one but my coworker noticed. Maybe one guy from Spain, but we're not sure. I didn't really care. You think you do boring meetings? They gave up a bunch of translations in English, which I read in their entirety in 10 minutes, and then proceeded to REPEAT in speaking what they had given us written down in English and then Turkish. Really slow. It took about 5 minutes to lull me to dreamland.

That was 3 years ago. I've never been tasked again for such a meeting since.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

--Sweetie Belle

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

--Sweetie Belle

Today I found out that there is really no bottom to human stupidity. On this very site, no less.

So someone here is making some tall tales to gather up pity attention. We all know the like. Apparently they are very serious about how much DRAMA they want to make others believe they have in their life. Like: a coma; 4 suicide attempts in total; a car accident; a new boyfriend; cheating on the boyfriend; former other boyfriend going to prison; former boyfriend dying in prison; getting cysts and tumors because they threw themselves out a window; finding out they have a twin; now living with the twin's family; foster father dying in a car accident; the foster mother got killed by a car; the grandparents died; and school bullying.

Sounds a lot, right? Well, that is all within a single month!

Here is what disappoints me immensely. People fall for it. So me, being me and thus getting myself involved because I hate being carefree, asked something very simple of what are surely not alts of the same person defending themselves: what about a piece of proof? A news article about the vicious assault that drove them to a coma, or the father's obituary or news article, or the person sent to prison, or his death in prison.

Here is where the stupid almost peaks: No, they can't give proof. Daddy blacked out all the news, and even so he made it in his will that nothing becomes public until the user is 18. Apparently, they're afraid that if she learns of her father's death of which she informed everyone on the site, she will be hurt emotionally. So the father put in his will nothing will be ever told.

And here is where the stupid peaked.

I got a PM from someone.

He said it's a legitimate defense. From a legal and professional morality standpoint.

Anyway, what I am trying to say is I'm probably gonna commit suicide as I am now convinced that it is truly the only way out.

Thank you for listening to my rant. Hugs, uwu*.

*Yeah, I'm killing myself for sure.

Group Admin

7569933 I mean to be fair this is a fiction site.

Cinder Vel
Group Admin

Pretty sure it's online industry at this point to milk tragedy, real or otherwise. Mostly otherwise. And very dangerous to speak about it or else you risk the wrath of the masses.

Anyway, I'll miss you :<

Even in that context, that is a horrible thing to say whether joking or not.

Front or back?

Back! 🤸

Group Admin

Aight so I just remembered that Twilight's Kingdom is a two-parter so I'm almost certainly not going to be able to do the rewatch thread in time lol.

Hap being late is just going to be a regular feature of how he does things I guess.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Still probably faster than mine.

Twilight's Kingdom isn't the next episode in the rewatch, though. Simple Ways is, since you just did Pinkie Pride.

--Sweetie Belle

Group Admin

7571187 Good point.

In my defence when I looked it up the main result was incorrect, which is why I was so mercilessly duped.

I guess Simple Ways it is, but since I've spent so long working on the wrong episode, I'll still be late, lol.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

I usually go by this list, though there are more ads than I'd like.

I could easily see people forgetting Simple Ways, too, being right between Pinkie Pride and Filli Vanilli...

--Sweetie Belle


She's gonna make a sandwich!

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