The Writers' Group 9,325 members · 56,780 stories
Comments ( 731 )
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Cinder Vel
Group Admin

Can't say I have noticed, must be either minor change or not affecting the dark mode. Or I could be blind.


Could just be the new computer. I think I used to view this site more zoomed in on my old one, so that would explain why the layout feels weird, but I don't recall this place being so... beige. :rainbowhuh:

Cinder Vel
Group Admin

Yeah that sounds like something I wouldn't notice in dark mode.


Right, in light mode the background is this beige/khaki/tan color and to me right now it looks way darker than I feel it should be. I know the colors are a bit washed out on my old screen but the contrast here is far stronger than I would have expected.

In your headcanon is G5 an alternate timeline or alternate universe?

Out of curiosity cause I would agree

So, not sure if yu guys have seen the ai pony covers, but while a lot are cool, they also bug the hell out of me.

The reason is cause they are using the original artists and layering over with the pony voices, for example, there was a fluttershy ai cover singing last resort by pop a roach, and it bugged me cause the accent of the singer is obvious, if they used say, hailstorm’s cover, then it would work for flutters. Actually, if they replaced the male vocalist witth rainbow, that would be epic. I would also think friend like me cover by anna pantsu layered with pinkie’s voice would be perfect.


my bad if this isn't the right place to discuss this, but i didn't know where else to point this out

all the caches on fimfetch seem to be broken, they just redirect to the main description of its story for some reason

if this isn't a weird issue that only effects me and is permanent... has all the stories that are removed from this site and arent saved anywhere else been practically erased?

Cinder Vel
Group Admin

From what I see download section on stories posted there work just fine. You just can't read directly from fimfetch. Didn't check on a deleted story cuz I can't remember any.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Bear in mind that there's still also fimfarchive.

Last archive there was all stories on the site from 2023/09/01, and there are different archives all the way back to 2013. Of course, you're downloading 7.5 GB if you download the current one...

--Sweetie Belle

Group Admin

Howdy folks! This is a quick heads up to welcome a new admin, Winter_Solstice!

I know for sure I've been less active (much against my own will, but alas my current job is a bit more time-demanding than being a PhD student, and they get a lot grumpier about me scrolling fimfic when I'm on the clock), and we've all agreed the additional help would be great. I'm personally familiar with Winter_Solstice from years ago when I still reviewed stories, and SweetAI knows them as well, and we're both confident they'll be a good help.

Cheers for the help Winter, and good luck!

Cinder Vel
Group Admin

I for one welcome our newest overlord.

Cinder Vel
Group Admin

Happy New Year! :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

7921399 Hap new year!

Good luck and may much fun find you.

Merry new year and everything, guys... Hello I am new, I am just looking for a place to chat about mlp fim stuff, I would do this on the intro thread but I don't really see anybody doing it, so how are you guys? Anything interesting to share?

Cinder Vel
Group Admin

Welcome to the writers' group, home for discussion about writing and ponies.

And interesting to share... well last night was Orthodox New Year so that was fun for me.

Merry orthodox christmas then! Thank you for the warm welcome

Well, I have survived my first heart attack. The pain was considerable, though being stuck at the hospital for tests and observation over four days also sucked.

On the other hand, my heart is now reinforced with metal, which I assume makes me more powerful.

Cinder Vel
Group Admin

Damn, sorry to hear that. Glad you are better now.

Group Admin

7928902 Hopefully your only heart attack. Happy you're all right.


Thanks, guys. Apparently it was a small one and the doctor couldn't find any noticeable damage to the heart. Doesn't seem to have affected my stamina either (such as it is) and after the angioplasty I actually feel better than I did before.

Group Admin

7929036 Well then hot damn sign me up.

Was there a cause or just a random confluence of biology and misfortune?


Well then hot damn sign me up.

I mean, I didn't feel great before. I had some issues and pains but I thought it was, like, in the muscles. I didn't know I was heading for a myocardial infarction.

Was there a cause or just a random confluence of biology and misfortune?

Well, I have diabetes and high blood pressure due to a sedentary lifestyle, if that's what you mean.

If you're asking about what triggered it, it's weird because I wasn't doing anything strenuous. I had just gotten out of bed and was making coffee. I think I may have sneezed a few times, so that might have been it. Otherwise it just sorta came out of nowhere.

I have no idea where to ask, but where can I find a group for something specific that can't be easily found on search engine? I wanted to make a group but I wanted to check if I wasn't the first to think of it.

Cinder Vel
Group Admin


There should be a search bar on the group page specifically for searching groups. No idea what you are looking for and even if the idea may exist the group might be long dead anyway.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Glad you're all right. A heart attack's nothing to sneeze at.

OTOH, having a metal reinforced heart might qualify you as a cyborg?

--Sweetie Belle


Glad you're all right. A heart attack's nothing to sneeze at.

I see what you did there.

OTOH, having a metal reinforced heart might qualify you as a cyborg?

Heeeell yeah!

Cinder Vel
Group Admin

But will you keep you huma- er, goatanity or will you embrace the machine. The lure of the cybernetic side is hard to resist.


Look, I'll be straight with you: From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the blessed machine.

See, your kind cling to your flesh as if it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass that you call a temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you.

But I am already saved, for the machine is immortal.

Hopefully I can ask the question here

How much does Discovery Family still owned of FiM?

Is it all of it or just Seasons 5 through 9?

And how much of Seasons 5 through 9 do they own?

Does Hasbro for G5 have to get have to get premission to not just characters from there but events from those seasons too?

Been trying to get back to writing with some original fantasy projects lately.

I've come to realize that the first hurdle I always run into is naming my characters. I always start by defining the characters and then the setting and story tends to form around them, but for some reason I need to give the character a definitive name before I can work with them because otherwise they just don't seem real to me. I don't even consider myself that bad at coming up with names, but I do have to spend an inordinate amount of time trying to find the perfect names for the main cast before I can even consider working on the story itself.


Hope your day has gone well. Sweetie Belle=Best CMC, although the other two are great.

Cringe brohoof. "/)"

Guess I'll post a song to abide by the free-for-allness.

Tightrope, the first song on the 1976 Electric Light Orchestra album A New World Record.

Jeff Lynne (guitar and lead singer) is an absolute genius.

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