Twilestia is Bestia 3,277 members · 956 stories
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I read a fic where Celestia was stressed out and had Vinyl in her chambers to help her unwind. By playing really loud dubstep. While nothing sexual was even implied, it sort of struck a chord with me, so to speak.

Yes. White on White is appealing.

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2360935 White supremacist :raritydespair:

*stares at the list of ships and starts to froth at the mouth* to*passes out from overload*

2360957 You should go to hell for that pun. :ajbemused:



First: I like Rarilestia, I readed once one of Rarity being Celestia's mistress

Second: Maybe they can say that, and I'm fine with some of Candance's pairings. Like Misago exposed. Maybe... TwiShiDance?

Third: Aaaah, Dark Eldar. The only real son of a bitches in Warhammer 40.000 universe. I mean, the only REAL evil, psycopaths and twisted race of all. The Chaos Marines (my guys ^^) looked as good guys at their side.

I have some Dark Eldars and the project of do an army of them in the future ^^

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2361009 Dem Dark Eldar. *shudder*

I had a solid 1500point army (significantly over $1kUSD) in progress that I lost several years ago. I had an awesome painting scheme started too. Arctic rather than the stereotypical black/purple/gold everyone seemed to do.

This was also before 3rd ed came out.

2360958 Was sagen sie? Nehmen sie das sofort zurück! Ich sollte mit Schnitzeln nach ihnen werfen!
Interesting to see where people draw the line. Throw all your support behind the magic casting races, but the color of the coat is where you're racist :rainbowlaugh:

But now that I think about it, it is kind of suspect that nearly all white ponies are either alicorns or unicorns...

Edit: Uh, please forgive me for double posting.

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2361040 Nurse Redheart. But that is kind of unnerving, it's true... Moreover, they're all high society unicorns, too. Fleur, Rarity, Shining Armor, Celestia, Fancypants, Blueblood. :trixieshiftleft:

Having said that, pony racism is everywhere. It's hard not to see why, what with those filthy mudponies ruining everything all the time.



Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2361065 This is true. And he's sort of far from the high society. Same with Vinyl.'s kind of...troubling...


Not really high society either.

I do see your point though. How many non-white high society ponies are there?

and others.

2361071 By the way, why haven't Hasbro given speaking roles to Vinyl/Octavia and Lyra/Bon Bon yet? I mean, Derpy got hers, and those four shouldn't be that far behind in popularity.

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2361081 True. it just feels like 80% of all white ponies are high society. It's a mite bit....odd.

Especially when all the black ponies are villains or Thunderlane.

I imagine this is all about the whole Western colour assosciation of light with good and dark with evil, and not racism, however. The brown ponies are a range of heroes and villains and assorted others.

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2361090 Vinyl got a line in Magical Mystery Cure. But you're right, that would be cool. I imagine after Derpygate they're hesitant, though.

Bonsy has had speaking roles.

So have Roseluck and a few other Ponyville denizens.

Overall I'd say that most ponies are simply colorful, and the distribution of the comparitively few white ones is a fluke at best.

It might also be due to coat dying; Celestia was a sole ruler for a thousand years, white coloring probably was at least subconsciously favored as a result.

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2361118 Probably. It'd be interesting to see a Time Skip to the triumvirate rule to see if the ponies begin to wear blue and purple coats at court, too.

2361099 Yes, multiple different ones, even. Which I shouldn't complain about, since it gave us the greatness that is Mendacity.

Well, Lyra is probably a bit farfetched, but Vinyl and Octavia should really have a more prominent role. Especially Octavia, as she is commonly portrayed, would be really good to show that refinement is not dependent on race.

Also, Octavilight is another one of those ships that seems to work crazy well when people attempt it.

Problem with Octavia is that she was in what, one episode and then only in Canterlot?

Lyra and Bons have more opportunities to get roles I think because they're in Ponyville.

As for Vinyl Scratch, dunno. She seemed more like a gag than anything, honestly. Do we see her anywhere but at the end of ACW?

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2361157 Tavi has two episodes, both in Canterlot. The Best Night Ever and Sweet And Elite.

As for Vinyl, she first shows up in Suited For Success and makes a speaking cameo in Magical Mystery Cure.

2361157 Well, Derpy is basically a gag, too. Point taken about Octavia not being in Ponyville, though.

Depending on how long the series keeps going, it could be nice to have an episode focused on a few background ponies though, just for fun.

Just for Sidekicks. Yes, Spike is a background character, as are the CMC. :P

I do agree though. It would be nice to see the lives of the other ponies.

She has a speaking role in MMC? I somehow totally missed that. Rewatch time!

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2361201 Yeah, I want a Below Deck episode, too. A Big Mac focus episode would be welcome, for instance.

2361218 Okay, I can't find Vinyl's speaking part for the life of me. Do you know the timestamp?

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2361244 It's very brief, and I believe it's during the song. Perhaps I'm miss remembering and she only makes a sound? She's front and centre, that said.

2361252 Hm, Tvtropes tells me the only "speaking" part she had was in one of the comics, apparently.

Since I was watching it just now: I don't claim to know a lot about fashion (I don't, I really, really don't) but what is the deal with the princesses' formal dresses? Why doesn't Rarity faint just being in the room with them? Why doesn't any mare in the room swoon at Rarity's scoundrel look?

And why is Celestia wearing a spiky king's crown? Or is that just in chess?

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2361311 I...found the costumes for the episode ridiculous. I love Celestia's giant crown, though.


Uf, that hurts....
Sweet, sweet Dark Eldars... Sweet, twisted and crazy Dark Eldar, who cut one sloooooooooooowly and please on his pain. Ah, and they rejuvenate for that :pinkiecrazy:

2361316 It is a sign of things to come. She is presenting herself as the queen regent. Obviously, she has to search for a consort of sufficiently high standing to secure her claim on the throne. And by staggering coincidence, suddenly there is a princess not related to her!


and then there is all the futa magic to make an heir with.

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2361433 As if Twilight wouldn't present herself with a giant grin on her face the instant Celestia mentioned it.

:trollestia: Let's have sec--
:twilightsmile: YES!
:trollestia: ...conds. I was feeling...famished...Though I seem to have lost my appetite...

Eh, don't mind me. I'm something of a purist. I like my lesbians to be lesbians and have lesbian sex. I understand how others like futa, but I relate to my own gender and experiences better, even if I'm the minority.

I was not saying anything about Twi's willingness. Just the methodology.

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2361473 I'll pretend to believe you about being a girl on the internet. :applejackconfused:

But yeah, I prefer the lesbian-ish characters to stay lesbian, too. Same thing with gay shipping, actually. I like Kaworu to stay gay, for instance.

2361473>>2361519 Exactly, thank you.
This is MLP, a show in which a rainbow-colored Starlight Breaker magical beam of friendship is used to defeat villains. If any of the lesbian pairings want offspring, they should not have to change themselves. As cheesy as it sounds, I always thought the magic of harmony/love should be all that is needed to conceive a child, whether it is between two females, two males or a female and a male.

I remember reading a story on 30 minutes ponies where a group of Canterlot ponies complained about two mares making out, only for one of the complainers to point out that no pony had anything between the hindlegs (and he felt that this was important for procreation). The group realized that the equestrian process of procreating seemed to amount to " Be in love -> Have foals ". So they decided to approach the still oblivious couple and congratulate them on their commitment.

2361648 the awkwardness that must have ensued. Hmm but then again the lack of male ponies portrayed could mean that homosexual pairings are common place within Equestria unless the show is miss representing and there is a decently even split but because the stallions would be more likely to do hard labor based upon a physical difference in stature we might see less of them or possibly they have an older view on mares in the workplace so the mares end up with more free time than the men. Hmmmm, well anyway I love me so gay ponies because tosser stories are GENERALLY written more plot (not that kind) oriented rather than physical attraction though physical attraction is still present

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2361648 I believe Winningverse has a concept like what you're saying, with Surprise and G3 Rainbow Dash being G4 RBD's parents.

2362346 is the winningverse worth it. I have/am reading the study of a winning pony and is ok but are the rest any good

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2362903 The Incredibly Troubled Mind of Rainbow Dash is excellent. In fact, any story with "The Incredibly __ ___ of Rainbow Dash" is worth it.

2363046 isn't that the pinkie dash story. Not a fan of the pink menace am I

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2363623 You talkin' shiz about Pinkie Pie? :twilightangry2:

2359326 I love crack ships as well; preferably with my favorite character, Spike. Chrysalis/Spike OTP. :moustache:

2363720 perhaps I am *twirls his evil moostache*

2362346 Now that I think about it, I do remember there was that "whole family tree filled with females"-thing. Well.

Also, I believe that if an author wants to be cynical about the magic of love, Twilight could perfect iPS technology. Those machines in her basement have to be good for something.


TwiDashLestia Triad?

2366132 How in the name of all that is holy would these three spend an evening together without either tying Rainbow Dash down or drip-feeding both princesses sugar and energy drinks?

2366432 They balance eachother out. Twilight is a leveled influence, Celkestia is a grounding influence and Rainbow brings the adventure. THey all bring something to the table that balances them out, that;s how it works. Don;t ruin the idea od what could be the most awesome ship ever for me.

2366444 No can do. TwiRarilestia is obviously a superior ship. Rarity pulls the princesses out of their shell, and they in turn keep her calm. when she goes into ham mode. And what better models for her dresses than Twilight an Celestia? Plus, lessons. Rarity could develop her magic further with Twilight's help, while Celestia can tell her about fashion trends throughout the ages.

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2366132 As I've mentioned, I'm lobbying Wizard Of Words for it. :pinkiehappy:

2364944 The plot twist is that you're secretly Pinkie Pie.

2365750 That could work. I like any variation, myself.

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