Twilestia is Bestia 3,277 members · 956 stories
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Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2406869 Are you on Pokemon Online?

2406989 I use too, until my nephew broke my DS. :twilightangry2:

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2407008 Pokemon Online is on the computer...

2407049 Wait, what?! Time to look it up! :pinkiehappy:


And you are talking about everything! :pinkiecrazy:

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2410074 Indeed we are. Competitive Pokemon is awesome! :pinkiehappy:

2410113 Which Pokemon is it based on?

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2410165 Every generation is accounted for. You can play Red/Blue's competitive game all the way up to X/Y's. In addition, there are tiers for every kind of Pokemon. You have Overused for the heavy-hitters like Dragonite, Alakzam, Tyranitar and Scizor, NeverEverUsed for garbage like Butterfree, Luvdisc and Magcargo and NeverUsed, RarelyUsed and UnderUsed in between for the stuff like Arcanine, Slowking, Milotic and Feraligatr that just doesn't make the cut for OU but is still good on some level.

There are a lot of different playstyles. :pinkiesmile:

2410179 Is there a "pretty"-tier with only pokemon like Gardevoir, Evee and green flying snake thingy whose name escapes me?

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2410188 Well, er, no....:twilightoops:

And the snake is named Serperior :twistnerd:

2410201 Ah! Just remembered, it was Rayquaza!

Serperior needs legs.

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2410215 Well, there's always Snivy for that....

2410224 Hm, funny how priorities change. When I played as a kid, I basically only leveled the starter until it could fight nearly everything alone. Then I got my hands on Emerald last year, and I nearly immediately ditched the starter 'cause it looked stupid, and mainly used those I liked the look of.
But competitive MP... well, what's your rank? Does it have a ladder or something?

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2410287 It does, and my rank depends on the tier I'm playing in. It goes all the way from 35/21000 in Under Used to 11/300 in Ruby/Sapphire Over Used to 200/100000 in Black 2/White 2 OverUsed, depending upon the day. My best rank ever was probably either 46/100000 in Black 2/White 2 Over Used or 5/18000 in Black/White Rarely Used. :twilightsheepish:

2410334 Hm, not bad at all, if I'm reading the numbers correctly.

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2410542 You are :twilightblush:

I'm good at it, but not professionally so.

And I thought I was good back when I played on my DS in whatever that last set was. Diamond and pearl I think. No wait last set was black white and it was before that. I think it was diamond, man it's been awhile. But yea I only placed second in the global tourney thing they had, I never held numbers like that. I'm a little impressed knight

2411266 Tell me something, would you care to share the size of your "Pictures of Kyubey in various situations"-folder?

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2411481 I usually just browse the internet for them. I should be making a folder of them, now that you mention it... :pinkiecrazy:

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

So is anybody else getting tired of peaches? 'Cause I'm about one story away.

What's the worst meme you've ever seen in the fandom? Twilicane? Gak?

And what's your favourite?

2417448 I like peaches, they're very tasty. If Twilight wants to eat them, more power to her, I say.

Worst meme is, no question, "Molestia". Nobody insults my favorite alicorn goddess/ perfect example for The High Queen trope and gets away unscathed.

And since I started this year with the words, "20% cooler" probably has to be my favorite meme, but then, I probably don't even know a fifth of all that exist.

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

4 members away from 1200.

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

Time to abuse the "story advertisement" portion of this thread.

I wrote a thing. Go and check it out! Or else contract!

2428509 your contract requires the contractee to have a soul of which I have none. Well technically I do but they aren't my souls, they are my payments

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

EDIT: My thing just made the mini-featured box :pinkiesmile:

So, now that I'm slightly drunk on Feuerzangenbowle, let me use this opportunity to wish you all Merry Christmas and stuff. Every heathen saying that Christmas is tomorrow will receive coal in their stockings.

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2450614 I have something better then coal: crack.:pinkiecrazy:


Merry Christmas to you

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

Merry Christmas to all!

If anybody wants me to write them something for Christmas, I will. :twilightsmile:

2454825 Nope, sorry, your seasonal greetings are too late. I don't like you anymore. :trollestia:

2454888 The only way you can redeem yourself is by a really great Christmas present. Possibly involving Twilestia and Magical Lesbian Offspring. Just an example.

Why, yes, I did receive half a pound of first-rate subtlety yesterday. How nice of you to notice!

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2454899 I will be releasing it very shortly. Just have to find time where my family isn't breathing down my neck with chores and outings. :unsuresweetie:

2455840 You are forgiven. I like you again.

Happy Hearth's Warming folks. If I wasn't alread in the midst of a story then I would help with the TwiLestia magical lesbian byproduct

Happy New Year, everyone. Let's hope we get twice, nay, thrice the amount of Twilestia this year. If not, as someone said, what's the point?

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2499022 This will also be the first full year of my moderation, so that prediction is not implausible. :pinkiehappy:

So I decided to write a thing.

It's being fairly well received so far. Probably not featurebox material, but I hope y'all enjoy it.

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

So recently I had a very, very unpleasant experience on this site, and as a result I'd like to ask y'all. What's the worst experience you've ever had on Fimfiction?

2852657 Well, my worst experience remains that one poster during the rules debate. I'm all for free speech and all, but there is such a thing as an opinion, and there is just wrong. And I did leave the group, until you convinced me to come back, thanks for that.
So, just to clarify, everything I do here from now on is Knight of Cerebus' fault.

Totally irrelevant question, if I manage to usurp become an admin, could I ban whoever I like?

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2853420 Nope. We have rules on this stuff.
If we didn't, there's one or two people in this group that would be long gone. As stands, I have only had to delete three posts and temp ban one user, and since then the group has been pretty friendly, open and accepting.

Group Admin


So, just to clarify, everything I do here from now on is Knight of Cerebus' fault.


Bad experiences? I can honestly say I haven't had many. I'm very picky about who I talk to online and I try my best to keep the worse parts of myself separate from my online presence here, so I haven't been in much drama. There have been a few arguments here and there, but nothing turned nasty. A couple of users HAVE rubbed me in a very wrong way, so I've simply avoided them and the types of fics they favor.

2853610 Hm, I see your point. I suppose that's why we have three admins. One of these... checks and balances.
Also, I did not really plan on banning anyone. I would like to, just as a matter of principle, but, well...

2853624 I have yet so sign the contract. But I would consider it if that would mean the damn game would give me my Rhino faster.
Also, the regulars around here I like quite a bit. But during THAT debate, there were a few pretty mean-spirited people I never saw before (and hope I never see again).


Not exactly on fimfic, but related. I had one of my stories plagiarized and posted with very minor changes to I guess that means I've made it into the big time.

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2853624 Believe me, if you're an editor/admin/critic, you can't help but encounter those kinds of people. And then you have to deal with them. Reasonably and politely and such. It's a massive pain.

2853860 Vimbert is sort of nominally an admin, given that he's got so much IRL stuff going on that contacting him is sort of...iffy. He was behind the group's creation, but he doesn't really do any monitoring or forum posts or story filtration duties. But that is the main reason why Varanus is an admin still, even though I'm behind most of the group's activities. He does things I don't and keeps me in check in case I do something stupid.


I think that I didn't have bad experiences here for now.

I haven't had any really horrible experiences here, just lots of mild frustration. Especially with the comments people leave on my stuff. Like... I do not mind getting criticism, but when it's just complaints about things like using fannon names for characters, (I don't think I can win on that one, I'd get complaints if I made up brand new original names for them too) or taking too long between updates, (huge pet peeve of mine, slamming somebody for not writing fast enough to suit you is really rude) it gets frustrating.

Compliments are great. Constructive criticism is hard to take, but I'll take it. Whining without offering useful critique couldn't be better calculated to drive me nuts. And it's also frustrating to see things that aren't terribly well written get in the featured box. But there's really nothing I can do about any of that.

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