Twilestia is Bestia 3,275 members · 956 stories
Comments ( 84 )
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Group Admin

Let me put away a bottle or two and I'll get right on that.

Hmmm... that gives me an idea.:unsuresweetie:

4. Stories which attack or threaten group members and their authors are banned.

Doesn't Fimfiction already ban those for meta/"circlejerking?"

I can't wait til I write that Mirror Universe Grimdark I'm planning that has Twilight as Celestia's Personal Concubine to see if it sparks a shitstorm over here.

Are you sure your first decree isn't having sex with Dash?


But rape is just surprise sex! ...Sorry, I had to based off of a picture that I saw. I completely disagree with I just said and agree with you on how there is no such thing as consensual rape. Usually people would refer to it as other things.


I like rules, but is this really necessary? I feel like I'm looking at a Tails Doll voodoo doll that is controlling all of the real Tails Dolls in the world...trying to kill me. And so I ask, what is the third impact?

2337486 Third Impact is what happens when you tell angsty traumatized fourteen-year-olds to defend Terminal Dogma from angels with the help of their mothers.
Don't do that.


So doing that to my sister is out of the question? Well that's a let down.

2337502 Depends. Would you consider "end of humanity as we know it" an acceptable price to pay?


We're ponies, here, so we'll be fine!

2337510 No, we'd be jam. And not the good sort, like strawberry.

We'd be orange!

And even worse, if we recover, two of those aforementioned whiny teenagers will be the progenitors to a new civilization, and we'll probably have to live in it. All that for getting rid of your sister? You would do that to us?


But wouldn't the mighty Faust save us all in the end? Or even Twilight, Celestia or Luna? They would surely use their love to save us. And if that doesn't work I can always figure out someway to make my sister my slave! ...No, I might get a warning for saying that. FORGET THAT I SAID ANYTHING!

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2337531 Your Faust is no match for my giant naked fourteen year old.

2336713 The authors themselves have been problematic in the past. After repeated attempts to reason with them, they continually insulted and attacked me and then used a personal connection to a site mod to levey a threat. It was...unpleasant. Anyway, all of that to say that stories by authors attacking group members are banned.

In addition, sometimes you find unpleasant surprises in the Author's Notes. We've never had that problem here, but it does exist.

2337531 Just drop a tank on her. Works like a charm.

2337589 Well, we each see who we want most. So Rainbow Dash, for example, should have a giant naked Daring Do book, anthropomorphized. Or Spitfire. Also giant and naked.
For you, it'd probably be a Kyubey made out of lots and lots of contracts. Giant and naked.

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2337967 Aaaaaand now I'm thinking of Twilight as Shinji seeing Giant Naked Celestia.

2337971 We need a GNC-tag. I'm sure some authors could use it.

Also, after my last, I went to browse the latest updates. There was a story called "Komm suesser Tod". Someone from outside is watching this discussion.

2337984 Ear worm, yes, but sounds much to cheerful, for both lyrics and title. "Komm her, Tod, bringen wir's hinter uns" would probably no better.

And by the way, thanks for telling us how to defeat the Incubators. The Lance of Longinus is all it takes! This should be easy.

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2338064 Only when we're giant and naked.

Group Admin

So then the rules thread went to a strange place.

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2338453 We are nerds. Most of us are strange people. *shrug*

2338574 Maybe we need an Off-Topic-thread where we can just go nuts.
Like what some of us are doing everywhere else, but now sanctioned.

On the other hand, maybe we can get off topic from off topic, and have the most twilestia thread ever.

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2338724 The main social thread is meant to be sorta off topic.

Regardless, the important thing is that people accept the rules ^^

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

Updated the group rules. This is to encompass protection against stories that attack minorities rather than direct users on the group, and to also let users know that we're not allowing stories that promote pedophilia in the group. This was part of Varanus' terms for dealing with the rape/grimdark policy.

Also, I'd like to apologize to Tomification for how I ended our debate on the Season Four discussion thread. It was unfair to him, and, while not technically an attack on his character, was poor conduct for an admin. :ajsleepy:

2570442 Would it be an idea to put a link to the rules post on the front page? Or alternatively sticky the rules thread so it is easier to find either way?

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2571098 This is a good point. I think I'll make it a link on the front page. We want the Social Forum front and centre, since the point of this group is to enjoy Twilestia, not to find creative ways to ban people.

2572054 As appealing as "creative ways to ban people" sounds.

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

2575377 Well, some days....

2576666 Alright, I'll shut up already! :derpytongue2:

"This one I'll ban while jumping through a burning hoop! This one I'll ban while my keyboard and mouse are immersed in jelly! This one I'll ban three days later after sending cryptic symbols per PM!"

Knight of varanus: I am formally petitioning you under rule 7 of the rules as stated in the rules kyubey issued me a two warning two strike for one offennse he claimed was listed in the rules spoilers but is not in the rules anywhere see above rules since the rule does not exist the two strikes should be removed as they were falsely given and he should be reprimanded severely under the rule 2 for commenting and posting
thank you

4266185 Are you sure it wasn't for your god awful grammar. We who use the English language use these things called commas and periods.

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

4266185 Your strikes were in the Twilestia Skype chat under the Twilestia Skype chat's rules, which means they got you kicked from the Twilestia chat and not from the group. For the record, you didn't get just two strikes. You totally got banned. If those warnings carried over to this group, you'd be gone from it, too. As for those rules you're looking at up there? I wrote them. And his name is Varanus, not Knight of Varanus. Lastly, considering fellow mod Fuzzyfurvert saw what I was doing in regards to your behavior and attitude and agreed with my actions (to the point that he apologized for ever inviting you into the chat once you were gone) and Varanus did not, you have no way of possibly getting these changes made. You have two-to-one at best and the word of two mods against yours, and I can bring in other chat members as witnesses if I need to.

4290051 What kind of kerfuffle did I miss?

Group Admin

A Skype chat group type kerfuffle. There was some bruhaha in the chat about spoilers when the premier happened.

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

4290084 Nothing important. Just somebody being rude and unpleasant to a large group of people and me reacting accordingly.

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