Protect Celestia 1,954 members · 1,767 stories
Comments ( 71 )
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Like many of you, I'm here as a reaction. The very things that tear Celestia down for no reason - Trollestia, Tyrantlestia, and the antics of Luna's cultists - are what solidified me into this camp. I feel the urge to protect her because she is utterly undeserving of such bile, and it is so incessantly heaped upon her.

It was funny, oh, about the first fifty times. Then it got old.

I've gotten a lot more enthusiastic for the cause recently, with EQD seeming to jump on the 'Luna rules, Celestia drools' bandwagon. I'm trying to turn my feelings into productivity with a fic I have in the works... it'll be a long time coming, but I intend to make it turn out well.

Well, I don't know much in this secret war between the Regal Sisters' followers, but Celesia has done much to help Griffon and Pony relations over the course of her rule. Why, I sometimes read her heartfelt words after she tragically banished her sister to the moon. Her resolution to eliminate war from Equestrian foreign policy was a revelation and an inspiration to us all.

I am Nostromos, a Griffon scholar who, until recently, lived in L-Space. I wish to study pony culture during my stay until I figure out a way home. Until that time, I hope to enjoy the endless tales and stories held here, as well as offer my written and illustration contributions :pinkiehappy:

Hi, Cannicus here. As much as I love Luna as a character I also love Celestia as the embodiment of everything good in Equestria, whilst also holding enough character flaws to make her relate-able. Sure she has made mistakes, sure we sometimes question her plans, but the important thing is she seems like the sort of ruler who would listen to those who have doubts, she isn't a monster or tyrant, she's no maniac and apart from an obscure few moments in the show, there's no absolute proof she's a troll. To last 1,000 years without going mad with power and facing tragedy that would destroy lesser people (again we don't see much of it but I think it is there), that's an impressive feat. I think some members of the fan base just hate her because of her affiliation with autocratic government. All governments have strengths and weaknesses, all down to humanities strengths and weaknesses. Why do you think autocratic government lasted so long, the majority of human history in-fact, if there was nothing good about it? The masses can be just as big a Tyrant, if not more so, than a single person.

If Tirek is the closest thing to the Devil that the MLP universe has, Celestia is the opposite. She is more than a monarch, she's that rare kind of Goddess that cares for and loves her people. But more, she's one part of a whole. She and Luna are meant to be together. They are literally Night and Day (at least the good parts of them). So I support both.

Hi, I'm Mayhew and I write "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" fanfiction... and none of you got that joke... jeeze rough croud tonight, am I right?

Anyway... Um I've been a brony since mid-December 2013 and started writing fanfiction with something I still want to go back to and make better... and finish... ETA on that is sometime in the next fifty years or so... Then I found a contest which gave me inspiration to write my most popular story. That story was the vehicle for writing more and different things, not the least of which are some stories featuring Celestia Princess of the Sun and small packets of salt. I will admit that I at times overthink canon Celestia to the point of thinking of her as... kind of inconsiderate... but for the last time, Celestia is not an evil dictator, she is not a sexual deviant, and she is most certainly not Twilight Sparkle's magic teacher... wait no she is the last one... So I am all for protecting her image... unless that image besmirches the name of her holiness, Princess Luna, Lady Protector of the High Spire and friend to defenseless rodents.

Hmm... what else... I am a cook... I like sunsets(Because the vicious evil sun is put to bed and the moon can take its rightful place in the sky... sorry) and a cartoon whose target audience is little girls... Derpy Hooves will always be my favorite pony because she shaped who I am as a brony today, but following close behind Derpy is... Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash... Then is Luna then, Applejack, Octavia, then Twilight... um... Okay Celestia is in my top ten...

So I think that's all... any questions should be directed to my secretary.

Celestias Paladin
Group Admin

There is nothing wrong with liking Luna over Celestia. You at least acknowledge that the fandom has Celestia a great disservice. Welcome to the group

3544995 Thanks and also thanks for building a group like this. Heck I'm all for any group that wants to show their appreciation for a character who has gotten an undeserved bad reputation. Most specifically, Celestia and Luna.

I'll introduce myself, since that's always fun.

I'm an English student hoping to be an Editing Minor, so I'm actually here for a reason, as I hope to get paid for this someday (editing, not writing. No one gets paid to write).

I've been a brony for very nearly three years now (gosh), but just started doing this thing a few months ago. I found this group just now while looking for Celestia-centric groups. Happy to be here!

Well, short introduction: I'm actually not from some english-speaking country, but I still enjoy reading and writing once in a while.

I do bond strongly to Luna, but that also means that I have of course ties to Celestia in a way.

I hope I'm not too late for this group as it seems that most activity has died down.

Comet Burst
Group Admin

No, you're not. Welcome aboard!

Thank you very much!

Hey guys and greetings from The Great State of Idaho! I have been in this group for a while. I forgot to do this thing when I joined. I became a Brony in Sept of '12. I was at first drawn strongly to Luna. However I took notice of how much hate this fandom had toward Celestia. Mostly due to the memes some art work and stories depicting Celestia in a very bad way. As a result it made me a lot more sympathetic toward her rather then Luna. While I will admit that Luna is a neat character but Celestia was receiving to much unwarranted hate coming from the fans. Especially coming from the NLR. Granted I am not saying the all Luna fans are this obnoxious. But a damn sight some of them were and some still are. So I looked for groups that was going to be in support of my favorite Character so I came across some groups on Deviant Art. One of which had a link to this bunch here on FiM. So I joined Celestia fan groups on DA and here on FiM. So it's good to see some fans of Celestia. Since I joined this group the Celestia hate has toned down a lot due to the Season 4 opening episodes. So praise the sun! Much thanks has to go to Celetia's Paladin for setting this group up. ^_^

I am her Harbringer of Dawn to those who seek to defile her name and image. I have been a brony for four years and I felt I should leave a mark here at Fimfiction so I created this account. Praise the Sun and may your days be bright.

Hey everypony! I know it seems like this conversation has not been used in many weeks, but I'm Hideona. I'm just a filly who loves reading, researching, and speculating whenever I can. I have been a pegasister for about 3 years, but stopped when season 2 started. I then rejoined when the end of season 2 came. I noticed that I am very much like Twilight - which is why she is my personal favourite :twilightsmile:- but Celestia is really suited to be placed along side my #1. Celestia is somepony that you want to look up to all throughout your life. Especially whenever you feel sad, depressed, or lonely. Whenever you need help, she will guide you to what you need to do and know. She really brings the Sun up to lighten anypony's day. Without her, I guess Equestria (and the brony fandom) would not be who they are today. And thank you Celestia's Paladin for making this wonderful group. :scootangel:

Hi, name's the Bricklayer and yes by my name I am a LEGO fan. Okay, now that we've got that over with I joined this group because I prefer the canon Celestia, although I do wish she'd get a episode focused on her or at least some more development. Is that too much to ask? Anyways, nice to meet you all!

Well, I should have done this when I first joined.

I'm Black Kyurem, the self-proclaimed ultimate anti-brony. I started here by writing seven fan fiction stories all based on my two cents of the series. "Sister Dash" was intended to show any bronies who created their fanon/headcanon incarnations of Celestia just what they are like when they carry things to a ridiculous level. And the story "Wrath of the Shadow General" was intended to poke fun at the brony community in general over all the immature whining over Alicorn Twilight. But in recent days, weeks, and months, struggling to prove that non-bronies can join to write fan fiction and just how whiny some bronies can be over a children's cartoon that never intended to pick up such a split demographic has become a bust for me, so I decided to take it down a peg.

The unusual thing about me is that I personally see Celestia as the worst character in the series, yet she doesn't deserve the maltreatment that some bronies are giving her, simply because she's either a Mary sue or just plain weak. The truth is that she's probably more underrated, written poorly, and maybe needs more screen time (e.g. King Sombra was an awesome villain, but we knew so little about him, so he wasn't as great as we anticipated he would be). So here I am, in the hopes that Celestia can be written as a much better character, given her status as one of the high rulers of Equestria.

Hello everyone. My name is Phantom Dragon and I like Celestia because she is merciful, kind and helped Twilight grow.
I also think Celestia often get the short end of the stick and I wish more was done with her.

5551688 That's a good way to introduce yourself, and yeah poor Celly does seem to get the short end of the stick a lot, either by the writers or us in the fandom.

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