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I started to write Boredom...
Then the page refreshed. :flutterrage:

Here's Review (got the right prompt this time)

A peaceful mid-morning lie in was just what Octavia needed. Vinyl had been on edge for the past week and, subsequently, Octavia had been too. It’s not that she wanted to be, but whenever her marefriend worried about something, it was usually serious. Vinyl usually, in her words, ‘didn’t give a flying buck’ about anything.

Sadly, today threw something at her that was anything but usual for the unicorn. As soon as the mailmare arrived with this morning’s paper, Vinyl had left the bed and shot straight into the kitchen to start reading, lulling Octavia into the false security of a luxury lie in, but life rarely let her have such indulgences.

“AHHHHHHH!” Octavia sat bolt upright in bed after the unmistakable sound of Vinyl’s scream. It took a moment for her to notice but her body was moving on its own, speeding towards the kitchen.

When she arrived, she didn’t expect to see Vinyl’s face lit up with a smile bright enough to rival that of Celestia’s sun just above their house. The newspaper lay on the table, open towards the back pages.

“Vinyl, sweetie,” Octavia began as soon as she had caught her breath, “why did you scream?”

It took a while for the white mare to notice Octavia, but when she looked up all that could be seen in her uncovered, magenta eyes was unbridled euphoria, “I made it!” she cheered, “I’m in the top 40!”

The grey mare took another look at the paper and, sure enough, it was open to the music chart pages.

“That’s brilliant, Vinyl,” Octavia galloped around the table to embrace her marefriend, “I’m so proud of you.”

“I know, it’s awesome!” the joy never leaving her voice, “I even got a review.”

True to her word, on the following page were several small reviews regarding the artists and tracks in the charts. Near the bottom was one titled ‘Vinylicious’:

Vinylicious by DJ PON-3
The up-and-coming DJ and producer DJ PON-3, or Vinyl Scratch to her friends, has made her Equestria top 40 debut at number 37 with her first original track, Vinylicious. The track features the DJ’s vocals and a compulsive beat that ponies have been, quite literally, raving about for the past week since its release. It may be her first time in the charts but don’t forget the name DJ PON-3, I predict great things for this young mare in the future.

Octavia read and re-read the review, her smile growing at the little piece dedicated to her special somepony, “This is fantastic, Vinyl,” she beamed, “I propose we do something special tonight.”

“My choice, my choice!” Vinyl clapped her hooves together like a school filly.

“Okay, Vinyl, what would you like to do?”

“Me. You. That new club in town,” Vinyl said as she inched closer to Octavia, “then maybe we come back here for a ‘private performance’.”

“I think I can live with that,” Octavia replied as she closed the gap between their muzzles, kissing Vinyl gently.

Well, that happened :derpytongue2:
Next prompt Finale

3816306 Declaiming Boredom, claiming Finale. I had a good idea for this one. :pinkiehappy:

That's everypony, at least on this page. :twilightsmile:

Wrote Finale!

The curtains rose gracefully and the crowd was greeted with the full ensemble of musicians; a group of trumpets on the left, a number of rows of violinists on the right and, of course, the centrepiece; a beautiful earth pony with a mane like silky chocolate and a large, antiquated cello carved from smooth, glossy wood.

There was a short round of welcoming applause from the sea of Canterlot ponies, but it quickly died down and silence filled the room. Said silence was split by a wonderfully performed low note from the cello, its owner skilfully holding the bow across the string and pinning a fret down with her hoof. Then, as quickly as it had started, the rest of the instruments took their parts; first a number of the violins, followed by a few trumpets. The piece built higher and higher, pitch building, before breaking into a glorious series of chords and vibrant explosions of orchestral sounds.

From one of the higher booths a white unicorn sighed irritably and placed her head in her hoof, bored entirely with the performance. She didn't like classical music at all. It wasn't terrible, just old-fashioned and boring. Nothing like the beats and wubs that she blasted out of her speaker system at numerous gigs and concerts she enjoyed performing at. With a roll of her eyes she turned to her friend alongside her, another unicorn.
"Tell me again, Lyra..." She said, voice barely audible over the loud orchestral piece being played from the stage, "Why did you think I would like this? You know classical isn't my thing."
"I already explained this, Vinyl," Lyra said with a slight groan, "We're here to see my friend perform. She's the cellist."
"Then... Then why didn't we just visit her another time?"
"Because, y'know, isn't it nice to listen to her play? And besides, we had a table booked for three at a restaurant right afterwards."

Vinyl had to admit, for someone who didn't like classical music, the cellist wasn't terrible to her ears. Something about the music she was playing was most peaceful, almost serene. If the unicorn wasn't so stubborn with her arguments she might even have been swaying to the sound of it.
"And besides..." Lyra said slowly, "She told me the other day she was feeling lonely, and I know how you feel for other mares..." The white unicorn once again turned her attention to the mare on-stage. It was true, she was very beautiful. Dainty yet refined movements, a flowing mane like a river of silk. Lyra giggled quietly at the blush which started to twinge on her friend's cheeks, then perked up a little.
"Oh, we'd best be quiet now," She said to nopony in particular, "The finale is coming up."

I'm... not sure how I feel about this one. It could have been a lot better. :trixieshiftleft:
Next prompt, Falling!

I'll claim Boredom!

Reclaiming Mi Amore Cadenza!
EDIT: Claiming Mi Amore Cadenza. Claiming Falling.
Making a story with both.

Claims registered, darlings~

Prompt:Falling , sequel to Wedding

Weightless. That's how she felt. Her dress flapped around her as everypony in the vincity stared at her, digging into her, asking her why she had stood up, declaring a statement to a question that should never be answered.
The silence attempted to swallow her in its hollowness. It had to have been at least a minute, and her legs were starting to ache. No one had moved yet except her brother, who was preparing to scold her harshly. Carrot Top had fainted in shock, along with several others in attendance. Colgate was among the many that was absolutely silent, still processing the words that had come forth from her friend's mouth.
And Amethyst sat there, the cocky smile still tugging the sides of her mouth up.
The silence was broken by a solemn pink alicorn, who murmured, "What have you said?"
'I do," Octavia yelled, the sound echoing throughout the cathedral.
Arpeggio attempted to tug his sister down into her seat, but Amethyst knocked his hoof out of the way. She glared at him, and he backed off despite the uneasiness he still had towards the situation.
Princess Cadence looked around at the assembled group, who were starting to come around.
"That's not fair!" somepony yelped.
"Yeah! They love each other! They should be together!" another pony shouted.
Exactly. Me and her. Octavia thought.
Princess Cadence scanned the crowd thoughtfully.
"I'm sorry, but it is in accordance to the ancient rules of our land. She has objected, and so she has ten days to prove to both that their marriage is not supposed to be. NO magic allowed."
Collective groans from the crowd hinted at their disgust with the law. But they understood it.
Everypony began to file out, displeased that they would probably have to travel back out here in only ten days time.
Soon only Octavia, the to be married couple, and the medics, who were picking up the last of the fainted ponies, were left.
Vinyl stormed down the steps of the altar, rushing towards Octavia.
She swung her hoof, barely missing as Octavia ducked under the pew.
"Ya-you!" Vinyl whimpered.
She sat on her rump, tears running down her face.
"Why?" she murmured. "WHY?!"
"Because I love you."
"Then if you really did, then why did you stand up? Why not be happy for me?"
"Because I can't live without you. Look at the wreck I've become without you. Out of the orchestra, not even on the top five hundred most influential musicians of the year since you've been gone! When we were together, I used to place on top. Every. Single Time!"
Both quieted, breathing rapidly.
Octavia looked up at Vinyl, who had scrunched herself up into a ball.
"I need you Vinyl. You're my inspiration, my lifebloo-"
But she was cut off when Neon Lights swooped down from above, picking Vinyl up and kissing her gently, forcing a few weak giggles from the alabaster unicorn.
The DJ was put down softly on a pew a few rows in front of Octavia, who had become distracted by Vinyl's swooping curves.
"Hey, you," Neon chuckled, his cheeks flushed. He was obviously very annoyed with the gray earth pony before him.
"You don't get to talk to her. You just had your chance. Scram, earthie."
"Ah, you don't need to even make the effort, Neo! There's no chance she'll convince me!"
"I know Vins, but better safe than sorry, ya know?"
"I know."
The two lovers shared a moment of passionate kissing while Octavia recoiled slightly.
"I was so ready for a post wedding night tonight," Neon whispered lustfully in Vinyl's ear.
"Sto-op! She's still here!" Vinyl giggled as her stallion tackled her, nuzzling her gently.
How am I ever going to compete with that? Octavia thought. Her hope plummeted into a dark, swirling abyss of depression as she slinked away as the couple continued their heated makeout session.

Keeping Mi Amore Cadenza for another one.
Next Prompt: Bon Bon

3820754 Oh dear God, my heart just melted, swirled into an abstract paste, was consumed and excreted by a dog and then converged back into a heart again. :fluttershbad:
That story is truly a heart-wrenching waterslide of despair and sorrow. It comes as a source of great regret to me that I have but one thumb to give. :fluttercry:

... Come to think of it, on a site with a large pony following and thus hooves, why do we have a thumb up or down feature? :rainbowderp:

3822313 Thanks!
And yes, why aren't they hooves? Hmmmmmmm?:duck:

3822394 I'll file a complaint to knighty right away, hmm? :moustache:

Kidding, just would be cool....

3822486 That being said, what would hoof emoji for the thumb icons even look like? One pointing up, one pointing down? Isn't that the same as just raising and lowering one's hand? :rainbowhuh:

3822520 Yeah, the thumbs are actually a better idea, now that I think about it.

3822523 Bit of a paradox, though. Hooves would work better but look terrible. :rainbowderp:

Quickly, let's get back to writing and such before the world collapses in on itself.

3822548 Yes, I can already feel the fabric of time starting to shred.

3822567 I would claim a prompt but Divine Path seems to be absent, so I am unaware what remains open. Can't say I blame her, actually, it's the weekend and I rarely see her off this site in the daylight hours for the other five days.
That being said I would rarely leave this site if school didn't constrict me so.
She's lucky to be so available all the time here.

3822572 Here's a few, just waiting for you:
Bon Bon
Daft Punk

Is there any prompt to claim? I feel urge to write some dj love.

3822573 Excellent! Hmmmmmm... I'd like City, please! I'll put some time into this one, I need to make a habit of it. My others were far too short. :rainbowwild:

3822576 Just above your last comment.

Just had too. Don't know why.

Comment posted by Arctic Inferno deleted Nov 22nd, 2014

3822599 Cool, if not a little irrelevant. Sweet addition to my folders, though. :rainbowdetermined2:
Rainbow-maned wing horse is bestest pony.

Alright, here it is; City.

Octavia held her head in one of her hooves and gazed out of the carriage window as it was pulled swiftly through the streets of the big city of Canterlot by two stallions up front. Canterlot; her home, the place where she had been born and grew up. She knew this district well from her foalhood, perhaps even better than the back of her hoof. The bakery, the nightclub where her marefriend worked. Octavia smiled at the mere thought of her marefriend; a white unicorn DJ named Vinyl Scratch. She constantly did nightshifts and this was one of those. She was possibly in there using her gizmos and gadgets to make music now, but she had promised to Octavia not to let it get too loud and disrupt her concert. A few shops and houses followed and then her destination stood towering over her.

Said destination wasn't any normal building. It was the Grand Hall, possibly the most prestigious of Canterlot's performance halls. The outside was a beautifully carved structure of archaic design and the inside was a stage surrounded by thousands and thousands of seats for the audience. Only the most gifted and worthy musicians were permitted to play there, and Octavia and her band had been honoured when the royal seal came and confirmed their place amongst the countless famous ensembles and orchestras that had performed in the past. Her fellow band members were seated alongside her and broke into an excited chatter as the carriage pulled to a stop, breaking the previously silent atmosphere.
"Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh! Came the silence-breaker from the harpist, an aquamarine unicorn with a grayish cyan mane and sparkling golden eyes, matching the colour of her beloved harp that lay in her lap, "I still can't believe we were selected to play here!"
"I know, dear," Came the more subtle response from the band's singer, Lyrica, an earth pony with a light violet coat and frilly yellow hair tied into an eye-catching bun. "It is quite an honour for her majesty to select us of all possibilities."

Octavia merely smiled at their ensuing conversation as the carriage door opened. Some ponies were waiting outside and clapped for them as they entered, causing her to blush and Lyra to cover her face a little in embarrassment. The trio may have been an aspiring group but had no experience at all with any kind of crowd attention, especially not at such a high-class event.

It was later that the three gave each other nervous smiles and hugs for luck before entering the main hall. Octavia carried with her her prized possession; her cello, built out of smooth, glossy mahogany, gifted to her by her mother at a young age. Lyra carried her golden harp, same as always as she seemed to be reluctant putting it down. Lyrica had an enchanted earpiece to broadcast her voice so the audience could hear properly, and she fiddled with her necklace nervously as the group were greeted with a sea of esteemed ponies, all clapping to celebrate their arrival. Octavia tried to occupy her mind with the thought of Vinyl and how she was probably cheering for her right now and sighed contently, calming down a little. The trio prepared to play on the stage as the audience made as much noise as was deemed socially acceptable, but said noise quickly died down as Octavia placed a bow against the strings of her cello, ready to play a long note.

She was interrupted in her action by a loud noise; it was deafening and reverberated through the room, long and unstable. Recognisable as music, but certainly not produced by any sort of instrument. A large amount of Canterlot ponies in the crowd looked around in confusion and distaste. Some of the mares fainted.
Octavia merely gritted her teeth and turned to Lyra, who nodded in agreement before they spoke in unison, the venom clear in both of the mares' voices.

Octavia had never left a building to enter another so quickly in her whole life, and soon a heated argument was echoing through the streets of the great city.

I'm still getting the feeling that these are just terrible. I need to catch up with you guys. :facehoof:

3822860 Not really too sure what happened or what it really has to do with OctaScratch, but it was well written :pinkiesmile:

3822879 Mm-hmm, I definitely didn't make that clear enough, I apologise. Vinyl was in the nightclub that the carriage passed at the start and was Octavia's marefriend, turning her music up at the worst time and wubbing it through the hall. I'm probably going to take it down. :facehoof:

3822888 I got that Vinyl was Octi's marefriend, just had no idea what she did :twilightsheepish:
Don't take it down, just edit/polish it a bit so things have a bit more of a solid conclusion, something like that

Comment posted by Arctic Inferno deleted Nov 22nd, 2014

3822911 Alright, u-um, is that a little better?

Ahem. Sorry a bout that, everypony. I was busy today. Nonetheless, the list should still be on this page should you seek to place a claim.

3822933 Sorry about late reply, but yes, I like this one :pinkiesmile:, sorry about being a meanie-pants earlier

3824005 Oh, that's OK! I try not to post horsemanure like I so often do, so an ounce of help is always appreciated! :pinkiehappy:

Well, I've procrastinated for too long. Here's prompt: Boredom

  “I’m bored!” exclaimed the unicorn.
  “I’m very well aware; so is everyone in a 5 mile radius from here,” floated the sarcastic reply from the living room.
   “But this time I mean it! There’s nothing to do, nowhere to do, no one to ---”
  “Vinyl!” heaved the exasperated pony.
  “What? It’s true.” The one addressed as Vinyl trotted into the room.
  “You’re a DJ, go break some records or something.”
  “Hey! It’s scratching, it’s not breaking, and it’s an art form.” Vinyl huffed.
  Giggling, Octavia replied. “Sure it is. So is six year old crayon drawings.”
  “Octy! Wait, what are you even doing?” Vinyl inquired, after noticing Octavia was buried flank high in sheet music.
   “Nothing much, just memorizing the longest concerto piece in existence.” With no reply to that, the unicorn backed out of the room, only to walk back after a few minutes had passed.
  “Wait a minute, you’re bored too!” Vinyl concluded.
   “What would ever give you that impression?” Again with the sarcasm.
  “Because nopony could even pretend that this was fun.” The DJ pointed toward the music.
  “Yes, you’re a regular Sherclop, I’m bored.”
  “Well, you’re bored, and I’m bored --”

  “But --”
  “Fine.” The alabaster pony sulked back to her room. Silence followed for a few short minutes, with Octavia reveling in the stillness of her ears.
  “Octy! I’m bored!” came the familiar words from the DJ’s room. With a sigh, the cellist jotted down another tally mark on a separate piece of paper.
  “That’s 279, by my count,” the mare chuckled.

Next Prompt: Love Potion

So, how does the collab work again? is it a one prompt at a time thing or do ya'll have multiple at once

3826309 Pick one avaliable, do it. We were just doing the 100th special, so now you pick one avaliable

Declaiming Mi Amore Cadenza (now available) and claiming Love Potion.

3827078 I think I can see where this is going, and Cobalt approves :pinkiecrazy:

Prompt: Love Potion

Lyra chuckled softly as she trotted in front of her friends, Vinyl Scratch and Octavia Harmonica. The three ponies were making their way through the Everfree Forest, Octavia jumping and squealing adorkably at every sound and movement.
Smoke could be seen curling above the trees, and Lyra sped up her gait in intent to reach the smoke's causer in a shorter amount of time.
Octavia and Vinyl were a bit wary, and the slight awkwardness was not helping matters. The two had only met in several, short instances at one of Lyra or Bon Bon's parties.
Lyra, the little scheming matchmaker that she was, could see how perfect they were for each other, but she required a special brew to get their love up and running...
Zecora's hut soon came into view. The garish masks and oddly tinted smoke pouring out the door scared the wits out of the two, but lyra told them to wait outside while she ventured in.
Zecora noticed the mint colored pony the second she stepped in.
"Hello Lyra, how is Guyra?"
"We're not supposed to talk about that, remember?"
"Ah, I do. Now, what can I do for you?"
"I need a love potion. Stat."
"This isn't another scheme of yours, I hope. Because if it is, my services for you are a nope."
"Nah, its just to liven up things with Bon Bon..."
"Oh, I see. Some birds and the bees?"
"That's personal."
"Never mind. I shall make your brew, starting with orange rinds."
The zebra then proceeded to quickly put together the potion in her bubbling cauldron. It was soon ready, and Zecora bottled the shimmering potion.
"Goobye. I hope you did not lie!"
"Don't worry, I didn't!"
Lyra quickly sped outside and instructed Vinyl and Octy to open their mouths.
They both did so willingly, and Lyra chucked the potion down their throats.
The two mares stared at each other for a moment before tackling each other into the bushes where smooching noises could be heard.
"Oh, fiesty..." Lyra murmured as she trotted away.

Next Prompt: Hello

Okay, what is open?

Prompt List as of 24-11-14

"Beat" is claimed by Meltian

"Tetris" is claimed by CT
"Sniffles" is claimed by TaviPlaysTheBass
"Cartilage" is claimed by Divine Path

"Daft Punk" is open.

"Arpeggio" is open.

"Hello" is claimed by Bekdrontaz
"Brain freeze" is claimed by lyra_lover777
"Vivacious" is open.
"Mafia" is open.

3827149 How does it work that every fic I read that features Zecora, including this one, has witty and intelligent rhyming? I can't think of any at all! :pinkiehappy:

3827149 Aww, I was expecting a dark sequel to Wedding and Falling :fluttercry:


I'll claim Soul to follow Falling and Wedding.

3829160 Tsk tsk tsk, I expected more from you LyLy :raritywink:
Second try with Soul then

3829298 Not being pushy or anything, but I was just wondering how Cartilage was coming. I just can't wait to read it!

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