OctaScratch 1,616 members · 585 stories
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I'm afraid I haven't been able to work much at it. Though if you insist, I suppose I can continue with it and actually get it released.:twilightsheepish:

3829320 As I said, not being pushy. Take as much time as you need.

Thank you then. :)

Claiming Mi Amore Cadenza

Mi Amore Cadenza

Cheerful humming rang across the palace, due to the fact that crystal walls had some great acoustics. It was a particular habit of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza while she worked. Currently located in her private chambers, she sat at the low sitting table, presiding over a rather large crystal ball. Horn aglow, her magic was wrapped around a few knick knacks which were in orbit around the ball at the time. Having an idea, tendrils of magic wrapped around another oddity and it started to spin along with it’s brethren. Her cadence was heard as her husband trotted into the room.

“Playing goddess again, are we?” The unicorn’s eyebrow raised.

“Sorry, old habits are hard to break.” She giggled. Putting down her playthings she walked over to Shining and gave him a small peck. Turning back to the contraption, she resumed the orbits.

“Just don’t do anything to extraordinary.” He smiled. “Like that one guard and my sister thing you were trying to get going.” All too well remembering young Flash.

“Don’t worry, this one is actually going to be really good, one of my best works.” She mused, focused on her intent. Shining took a glance over her mane at the ball.

“Wait, you’re attempting to work a Canterlot elite with a DJ? Let me know how well that turns out.”

“Silly, they’re already together, I’m just, ah, sprucing it up a bit.” Her laugh rang true to her name, as their chiming could very well be mistaken for music.

“I swear I don’t get this love stuff at all.” He facehoofed as he started back out of the room.

“That’s not entirely true,” the mare said, “Just look at who you tied yourself with.”


“You know Vinyl, you’re rather mushy today.” Said one Octavia Philharmonica from her position on the couch.

“I know right? I don’t know why.” replied the unicorn, getting up to look at her compatriot. To which the cellist protested.

“I didn’t mean it in a bad way.” She complained. “Can we go back to cuddling?”

“Duh.” Came the response.

Next prompt: Diarchy

Hm this is my first time on one of these threads. Just to confirm, I just need to claim a prompt, post a story and then suggest a new prompt?

I'll claim Bon Bon.

3831249 Yay, new author, hope you enjoy your time here :twilightsmile:

3827774 So it's either diarchy or my own prompt? Can anyone give me a new prompt?

Fine I'll take diarchy.

Daft Punk is also available, but nonetheless, registered.:twilightsmile:

The mare intertwined her neck with the neck of her marefriend. She loved the smell of her mane, and she gladly took a whiff as she stared at the pages the other mare was reading. Vinyl had no idea of how Octavia could keep her focus, specially on such a boric topic as that. She wrinkled her muzzle at the title of the topic.


“Yes Vinyl” – Octavia didn’t even look back, so focused she was on reading. – “It’s what we have, two princesses, or rulers, ruling together, hence dia, duo, two.”

“And that is important because...” – Vinyl didn’t understand the reason that was important or why Octavia, who had a guaranteed career on an orchestra somewhere, was reading up on politics. She certainly didn’t, though her wave was more artistic than social (at least in studies).

“Because someone decided to put it on my list of readings...” – Vinyl softly kissed Octavia, throwing her concentration away, and she couldn’t let the other mare get the best of her. – “Seriously Vinyl, stop!”

But Vinyl didn’t stop and soon enough diarchy was replaced with “oh goodness” and “I love you so much”.

3832557 I'm not going to write about two robots (plus that's my prompt, plus I already did diarchy)

I suggest, "Brain freeze"

Oh, I see then. Still, I believe there was another alternative.

3832590 But I was the one who suggested "Daft Punk" (not that anybody took it)

Arpeggio is open. Well, that's a shame.

3832627 I don't know what an "Arperggio" is, though, what is it?

It's a series of notes played in succession, either ascending or descending.:twilightsmile:

3832718 Oh, like you do with an harp? Why is everything music related?

I'm not going to take it then, let's wait.

Because friendship is lyrical, and lyrical is magic, and magic is friendship while two musicians are in love?:yay:

Prompt: Soul, sequel to both Wedding and Falling.

The shattering effect that overcame Octavia's entire being made her quiver, made her tremble and want to die.
And she realized she could very easily end it. With a knife, a noose, jumping off of her apartment...
But before those things became options she had to at least try once more to get Vinyl back to her.
"Oh, Vinyl...."
But it was hopeless. She had tried to pick herself up constantly for the past two days. She had barely been able to wobble back to apartment before she had become to cracked, to shattered.
Octavia, on the third day of uncontrollable shaking, finally coaxed herself out of bed for just something to eat. She ate a decent meal, a few pieces of wheat toast with butter. At least it was better than the few small morsels she had been scavenging from around her room for the past few days.
She put on her crisp bow tie, looking outside. Twilight was approaching. The perfect time for a serenade.
She picked up her cello, its case as black as the steadily darkening night. She knew it was either run or stay, for her heart pounded to fast and hard for her to idly make her way to the abode of "Vins", quote of "Neo."
Ugh. The nicknames.
Octavia did a quick sweep through with her comb, but taming her wild bedhead was impossible without a proper wetting, Without the time or drive to go in the shower(she probably stank as well), Octavia proceeded down the steps of her apartment and out into the cobblestone streets, where she fled into a full out gallop.
After a few minutes of twisting through the streets, she found the home of her former fillyfriend and her current significant other. They lived rather close due to the fact that they both wanted to live in the rather compact Canterlot Music District, for all three were musicians through and through,
She saw the balcony, where Vinyl sat, distracted as she spun a record on her hoof absentmindedly. Neon Lights seemed to be gone for the moment, and Octavia took this opportunity.
She pulled out her cello, its glossy wood a bit dusty from its lack of use in the previous days.
Her bow struck the strings, and Vinyl's head instinctively turned towards the melody that wafted to her ears on the light breeze.
Octavia, a single tear rolling down her face, began to sing, to sing a song that came from the bottom of her heart. It poure dout of her, totally unexpected.
"We could've had it alllllll, ah alllllllllll, rollin' in the deeeeeeeeeeeee-e-ep."
Vinyl, her mouth wide open. watched as Octavia began to break down in front of her, tears rolling down her face.
"You had my heart insiiiiiiiiiiiide of your ho-o-oof, but you played it, but you played it, to the beat."
Vinyl was obviously experiencing mixed emotions from the performance. She looked as though she wanted to cry, scream, and forgive all at the same time.
Octavia struck the bow wildly, her voice breaking as her bow frayed, a few of the strings snapping. Soon Octavia was a puddle of sadness seeping into the ground, the wreckage of a once elegant cello splayed around her.
Vinyl had a single tear running down her cheek. Both of their souls had cracked, cracked in half. They had broken each others, and no matter how much they wanted, there wasn't a plausible solution.
Vinyl whispered one word, one single word.
Octavia looked up, her countenance one of pure grief.

The third installment!
Next Prompt: Vivacious

I'll take Brain Freeze.

Registered. Excellent work.:twilightsmile:

You're very welcome.:raritywink:

Well here ya guys go:
Bon Bon Prompt
I don't write short stories often and through writing this I realized why.
next prompt: Mafia

Do feel free to post your stories directly here in the future. I just thought you should know.:twilightblush:
On that note, you just beat my word count of 1493 words. You may choose to take two prompts at any point once they are available, provided there are at least three open prompts. Though, you may want to consult with lyra regarding the size of of the story (above 1 500 words.)

Haha yeah, it'll probably be better to that next time. The word count also went over what I originally planned mostly due to the lack of any planning.
Taking two prompts sounds pretty interesting though I need a short break from writing since I've been neglecting my studies as of late...

Best of fortune on your studies then. I hope you can find a healthy balance, because your work was quite decent.:yay:

Thanks, I got a long way to go though. I have an idea for a long term OctaScratch story but I wanna build up my skills a bit more before I can write it.

Best of fortune then.:raritywink:

My lordy, how did this thread go so long in my dashboard without me ever once clicking on it? I've never written anything fictional before, at least not that I've let anypony see, but hey, there's always a first! I'll hop on my laptop later tonight and see if I can't pump out something quick. I tend to get really wordy, though...

3837008 With all these new guys joining up, what prompts do we all have to work with?

Please search the page using Ctrl or CMD + F "Prompt List" :yay:

3837282 Huh, never knew you could do that, cheers

You're very welcome. .:3

Yay! We'll be looking forward to this.:yay:

3837282 Never knew that either.

Then now you know!:yay:

But wait! Michelle shouts to the winds as they draw by. It's thanksgiving, no one has a thanksgiving prompt? No?

Prompt: Brain Freeze

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Vinyl shrieked as she pulled her head away from the bottle, clutching her head in pain.
"What?" Octavia asked her marefriend. The two sat at a mahogany table in one corner of the Cake establishment known as Sugarcube Corner.
"C-cold," Vinyl muttered as she massaged her head. Vinyl pushed the empty drink cup to the far corner of the table
"Yeah, well that's why you don't drink a Freezie in one gulp." Octy answered, a smug smile adorning her face.
"Oh, shush you. Do you want me to bring up the Cyan Pepper incident? Huh?"
"We vowed never to speak of that again!"
"Maybe I crossed my hooves."

Next Prompt:
For you,
Next prompt: Turkey

I'm so sorry for taking to this section, but you have evidently not noticed my e-mails. I suspect you may have blocked me, because I'm unable to respond to your PMs and to comment on your page, and according to Eldorado, this would be an accurate diagnosis. Using a phone must be awkward, yeah?:twilightblush:
EDIT: Resolved. Yay~!

Apparently we're getting to the end of the avaliable prompts, and I have to get turkey, even though no one eats turkeys there.


“That is a crazy idea”

Vinyl grinned, she knew the plan to be crazy, but through the oil spots in her cheeks and mane, the crazy grin in her face, and the shine on her eyes, she looked like a beautiful pony, at least to Octavia.


But the contraption was done, with a “Pluck” it stood up, giving Vinyl room to breathe, and it flew up in the air. Turkeys didn’t fly, but Vinyl had reckoned it’d be pretty cool if they did, so she fetched up a metal plate, and stuffed some wiring in there. She didn’t know how it worked, but it worked, the few parts of mechanical knowledge she had aqquired, in order to build her own set of speakers, had been applied.

A deep, thick smoke began to rise, before the heat also appeared. Octavia ran, and Vinyl followed.

“It’s gonna go boom”

And so it did. It went boom and stinged the two mares.

Octavia (whose hair was already gray) pushed some of the dust and sooth away before looking at the other mare, who still had that crazy look.


Next prompt is "Super-sonic"

Prompt List as of 01-12-14

"Beat" is claimed by Meltian

"Tetris" is claimed by CT

"Cartilage" is claimed by Divine Path
"Daft Punk" is open.
"Arpeggio" is claimed by TaviPlaysTheBass
"Hello" is claimed by Bekdrontaz
"Vivacious" is open.
"Mafia" is open.
"Super-sonic" is open.
"Storm" is open.

3843941 Oh right! I was kinda getting worried for a moment. Are you saying we should transition to emails for our conversations? :pinkiehappy:

I'll check but I haven't tried to block you.

It could be you just brushed against the button whilst on your phone. Either way, it would be nice to check your e-mail at occasion in case your recipient can't contact you.:twilightsheepish:
I'm going to test if I can send to you.

3845723 Do you think I could replace "Mafia" with mob in the prompt? I have something but It only makes sense with "Mob", I can edit it out but...

3845723 I have a hypothesis as to what happened, I'll message it to you. :rainbowhuh:

I think making use of that theme would be fine even if you retain the title. You could place the alternate somewhere within the text.:twilightsmile:

3845731 Let us celebrate on this, the day of my daughter's wedding then.

(I never watched the sopranos or godfather, I'm just going by parodies, here)

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