OctaScratch 1,615 members · 585 stories
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Prompt: Princess.

Vinyl Scratch couldn't remember the last time she'd experienced so many butterflies in her tummy at one time; even that fancy shindig in Canterlot couldn't compare to this, and that had been an honest-to-goodness royal wedding for crying out loud! By sheer coincidence, her current trepidation also happened to involve castles, weddings and the aristocracy. Sucking a deep breathing into her reluctant lungs, she gingerly approached the gleaming Castle of Friendship and knocked politely on the door.
“Good morning, Vinyl,” Spike said upon answering the door. The dragon ushered the unicorn inside and led her to a small, but well-appointed sitting room. “Sorry to keep you waiting, but Twilight's finishing up some last minute reports for Princess Celestia. Can I get you a cup of tea or anything else?”
You wouldn't happen to have a keg of hard cider just lying about the place, would you? “No, thank you, Spike,” replied Vinyl with a shake of her head. As the dragon disappeared into the castle's innards, no doubt to inform Twilight of her arrival, Vinyl took the opportunity to have a quick look around the place; it was clear that its owners were still in the process of moving in, and she suspected that this might be the only room that was properly furnished for visitors.
Running through the breathing exercises taught to her by Lyra, Vinyl wondered when it was that she'd started noticing just how much stress she was under. The coolest cucumber in Ponyville, who had DJ'd parties at some of the roughest nightclubs in Equestria and lived to tell the tale, was actually checking her pulse every ten minutes to make sure that her heart wasn't on the verge of exploding.
Then again, it's not every day that you're sitting in a crystal castle waiting for an audience with a princess, she reflected sagely, rubbing her cold forehooves together until a flicker of warmth spread through them. Especially considering what I have to talk to her about.
“I'm so sorry for making you wait,” Twilight Sparkle said, looking about as regal as a dishevelled, sleep-worn alicorn could do. Still, she made a fair hoof of entering with as much dignity and élan was was possible. “That's something they don't tell you about being a princess in fairytales: there's a heck of a lot of paperwork involved with even the smallest of decisions.”
“I can imagine,” said Vinyl, greeting Twilight with a slight bow. She probably didn't look much better than the Princess of Friendship, anyway; the long nights of preparation, coupled with maintaining her work, hobbies and social life, had meant she'd been seeing less and less of her bed lately. If it weren't for the trademark sunglasses, everypony in Ponyville would see her tired, bloodshot eyes, and the beginnings of crow's feet.
“You don't have to bow. It's awkward enough with strangers, never mind friends,” said Twilight uneasily. In formal settings, it was almost mandatory for a supplicant to prostrate themselves before their ruler, but it was an aspect of royal protocol that Twilight was very uneasy about and she'd said so many times to Celestia about changing it. Just a couple of years ago, she'd been a shy, socially awkward unicorn; so wrapped up in her studies, in fact, that her acquaintanceship with the real world barely approached nodding terms, but all that had changed with what was supposed to be a short trip to Ponyville to oversee the Summer Sun Celebrations. “Uh, do you want to talk here or shall we go through to the throne room?” Twilight looked faintly embarrassed.
“I'm fine with here,” said Vinyl, biting down harder than she'd intended on her bottom lip. “It's, um, very comfortable.”
“Yes, it is.” Twilight nodded in agreement, her tiny smile suggesting that she was relieved.
“What's wrong with it?”
“With what?”
“The throne room. Sorry, you just looked a little bit queasy when you mentioned it just now,” said Vinyl.
“There's nothing wrong with it, per se, but … I really hate the idea of having to sit on that big, crystal throne and look down at other ponies like they're-”
“Mm, exactly.”
“Isn't it one of the perks of the job, though?” asked Vinyl with a wide grin. “I mean, getting to boss everypony around and-” She trailed off, noticing the aghast look on Twilight's face. “I was kidding.”
“I know, but I'm still getting used to all of this.” Twilight shook her head to try and clear it. It didn't matter how many times she spoke to Celestia, Luna or Cadance, she was simply resigned to the fact that she probably wouldn't be a very good princess in the end. “Anyway, what can I do for you?” She sank gratefully into a cushy seat opposite Vinyl.
“Okay, uh.” I can do this! I can do this! I can do this!
“Are you all right?” asked Twilight, looking concerned.
“Huh? Yeah, why?” Vinyl blinked. Even my eyelids are sweaty.
“You're hyperventilating.”
“It's not a problem. At least, not for me. It could mean that you have alkalosis, diabetes or heart failure, though. Those would be problems.”
Vinyl just stared at Twilight Sparkle, unsure as to whether or not it was appropriate to laugh in a princess' face. She'd always had the tendency to babble when she was nervous, and it seemed to be one habit that she was never going to break. Despite being a bearer of an Element of Harmony, despite the Rainbow Power, despite receiving Celestia's blessing and becoming an alicorn, Twilight still wasn't used to ponies in need coming to her for aid. How will she cope with a marriage proposal, then? “Twilight, I want you to marry me!” Vinyl flushed slightly, realising what she'd said. “Sorry, I mean, marry us.”
“You mean, you want me to perform the ceremony?” Twilight asked in surprise.
“But I've never done one before,” she said quietly. A frown crossed Twilight's face. “What if I screw it up? I don't want to ruin your special day.”
“We know this is kind of a big thing we're asking you, but you're our princess, our saviour, and more importantly than all that, you're our friend. Octavia and I have talked about it a lot and we would be honoured to have you preside over our wedding.” The corner of Vinyl's mouth twitched. “Besides, with Pinkie Pie doing the catering and Rainbow Dash handling the entertainment, there are plenty of other opportunities for stuff to go wrong.”
Twilight made a noise in her throat.
With a more serious tone, Vinyl said, “Look, you're scared. I know you're worried about making a mistake, but no more than I was when I asked Octavia to marry me in the first place. You can't let fear hold you back. As the Princess of Ponyville, you're gonna have to do something like this sooner or late, so why not start with two ponies who love you and will cut you a little slack if you aren't pitch perfect?”
Releasing a pent-up sigh, Twilight found herself feeling a lot better. “You're right, Vinyl. It's just that, ever since getting the castle, the whole princess-thing is a big deal in a way that it wasn't before. I mean, foals running around and asking for my autograph is harmless and silly, but having this thing-” she stamped her hoof on the floor “-reminding everypony that there's royalty here … I'm so afraid of letting everypony down that I keep trying to duck any sense of responsibility I may have.”
“I know this is in no way the same as your situation, but the first time I was asked to headline a gig I was nervous as heck,” said Vinyl, scratching the back of her neck. “I couldn't sleep the entire night before, I kept hoping I would fall ill or get in an accident so that I would have a good excuse for cancelling, but in the end I just had to suck it up and do it.”
“And how did it go?” asked Twilight.
“To be honest?” Vinyl raised her eyebrow. “I drank so much that the entire night's just a blur to me. But hey, I'm still DJ-ing, so it must've gone all right.”
As inspirational stories went, Twilight reckoned it was probably one of the worst she'd ever heard, and she couldn't stop herself from chuckling loudly. Fortunately, Vinyl soon joined in, and they laughed for a good few moments. Sometimes, there just wasn't anything to do but snicker at the ridiculousness of a life that saw you going from a nobody to a national hero in the space of a few short years. “So. Have you set a date yet?”
“No, not yet,” replied Vinyl, calming down enough to answer. “We wanted to make sure you were cool with the whole thing first before getting down to the nitty-gritty. We've had some vague talks, made some vague plans, but it's all-”
“-vague, got it,” said Twilight. “I'm definitely cool with it now, though.” Bringing ponies together: it was the exact mission statement of the Princess of Friendship after all, and she couldn't go through life shirking the important burden she'd been tasked to shoulder.
“Awesome! I'd better go find Octavia and tell her the good news,” Vinyl said excitedly, almost leaping for joy on the seat. “I'll let you know all the details just as soon as I find them out for myself.” She got up to leave. “Thank you.”
“Take care,” said Twilight, smiling warmly. “And good luck.”
“You, too, Princess.”

New prompt: Kelp.

But our poster hasn't logged on in weeks!

Wow, I'm late.... I've been doing a bunch of stuff that blocked my writing for a period, but I'm back :pinkiehappy:

Or at least let's get the the 100th

I'll claim Daft Punk

(how does Twilestia still churn out stories at this rate :derpyderp2:)

It might be a period of activity it was fortunate enough to receive. Registered.:twilightsmile:

Here's Daft Punk.

  The speakers blew. Octavia’s yelling grew much more comical now that deafness had moved in for a few moments. Wild hoof gestures, a face to quiet Celestia herself, and the pantomimed death threats only solidified the trouble Vinyl had gotten herself into. Now it wasn’t exactly her fault, she just wanted to listen to the new Daft Punk album... And test the speaker’s breaking point... At the same time. Okay, it was a little bit of her fault. RIIIINNNGGGGGGG. Oh hey, the hearing’s back. Octavia flinched at the intrusive sound, pausing the rage for a moment; only to return with the death threats growing a lot more intimidating, and detailed to boot.
  “Woah, Woah, Tavi, calm down maybe? No? Alright. Would it help to say that it was a new album?” Rubbing a hoof up and down the back of her neck.
  To which Octavia grew calm, a stoic look crossed her face. “Oh yes, I understand, that’s perfectly fine now that you explained that.” Hiding her sarcasm about as much as a lazy beaver would hold back the Rainbow Falls. Her hind hoof planted itself into the nearest speaker, despite the pair being broken just moments before. Grasping the gravity of the situation, Vinyl retreated to her room with her prized album, letting Tavi simmer for a while alone.
  She let out a grunt, “Consarnit, I was only half way through,” She mused, looking around the room to find another source to play the music through. Her eyes rested on the Bass Cannon. “I’m sure Tavi won’t mind.”

Next prompt: Divine Path's OC (why? cause I can, and I'm not original enough to come up with a better one)

A tad bit of shameless promotion, I've started my own Octascratch fic. :pinkiehappy:

3888297 Can't believe how long I forgot about this place for :pinkiegasp:
Might have got caught up in my own new fic, hasn't been going well but at least I feel up to writing again.
We don't seem to have many prompts, so I'll take Kelp for now. Adding few more prompts might get us up and running again

I'm sorry you haven't been able to create as well as you had liked. The resurrection of the project should hopefully remedy that! Registered~

3983382 Decided against Kelp, can't make what I want to happen happen. I think more prompts are in order though, so may I suggest Notebook, Stream and Puzzle to hope to kick things off?

But the question is....where is our poster?

3985177 There is no poster :pinkiecrazy:
They are everywhere. They are no where. They are, and they are not.
That clear things up? :trollestia:

3985224 yes, but who is posting the chapters?

3985230 It's supposed to be Lyra Lover, but as you've seen they haven't been around for ages, so who knows when this will update

3985317 Well, let us wait for it then.

eventually this will get back on

If it comes down to it, I'll make a sequel story to the last collab and post them all myself.

That'll work, or we could PM the heck outta Lyra's inbox :trollestia:

It's been 1 week and seven hours since I offered to continue posting the collab stories myself since Lyra has apparently left. As a courtesy, I will allow a final 24 hours after this post for anyone to voice objections to my taking over the posting of these minifics before I begin work on collecting the stories and posting the sequel.

4012202 Same rules, same stuff, same everything?

Alright, can do, If you go ahead reply to this post to warn me, please.

A few minor changes. There are no longer any limits to length. So long as it isn't obscenely short or some 100,000,000 and a half word monster that might be better served as it's own fic, go for it. Poetry is fine as well, but Haiku should be done in groups of maybe three.
I will also be taking the liberty of doing grammar and spelling corrections before making posts. Nothing to fundamentally change the story or add something to it that wasn't there before, just minor clean up to make it look pretty for our readers. If you object to this and want your story posted unaltered in any way simply make note of it in the post itself.

And like clockwork Murphy's Law has struck again. A lot of personal shit just went down in my life so I'm not going to have time to get any of what I just offered to do done. Sorry folks.

Best of fortune, then! I hope you'll be able to return soon.

4023678 You too. Hope you guys find someone to make the posts for you.

3985325 4023678 This is all going very well, what has happened to LL?

We don't know. They suddenly dropped offline a few weeks ago.:applejackunsure:

4085909 Oh dear, this isn't looking too good is it? :ajsleepy:

It's only a minor inconvenience. Once enough of us become available again, progress can resume on a different account.:yay:

4085938 Woo, hypothetical progress :pinkiehappy:

I might actually go ahead and write something later, but yeah, boop.

More bumping, with an announcement; I've been thinking of taking up the mantle and keep the story on my account, putting up all past stories in a jiffy, and updating whenever possible at a comfortable pace. With that, I will try to pen at last my current prompt, Cartilage. Does anyone else want to become to uploader? Should *I* do this any time soon?

Go for it.
Maybe if you ask nicely and explain that it's a collab, a mod would transfer the current story to your account. Obs might do it.

Nonetheless, it's something I'll have to let be for a little while before I start. I have a bit of life I need to get out the way first. Thank you though.:3

So, umm hows it coming?


It was a peaceful afternoon. The breeze was gentle, and blew Octavia's mane back, carrying with it the fresh scent of water and life. Birds sang in the trees high above, and grasses rustled.
She stepped off the path (much to the chagrin of the white unicorn behind her) and traveled through stomach-high grass, her hooves naturally picking out the safest path. She ignored Vinyl's grunts of surprise and hesitation; she did not have quite the connection to the earth that Octavia did.
Finally, she arrived. Octavia looked around and then took a deep breath, held it, and exhaled slowly. “We're here,” she announced.
Vinyl stumbled to a stop close behind her and lifted her sunglasses. “Where's 'here'?” she asked, looking around. “There's, like, nothing here.”
“There is plenty here,” Octavia chided gently. “You just have to slow down and see it.” She lay down on the grass and looked across the stream. “There are birds singing, there is a gentle breeze, the stream is flowing briskly, and the earth feels alive today.”
“Pshh,” Vinyl said dismissively. “Do I look like the kind of mare that slows down?”
“You really don't,” Octavia admitted, “but I suppose in time you will learn to also enjoy the simpler things of life.”
Vinyl lit her horn and retrieved a cookie from Octavia's saddlebag. “This is a simple thing, right?” she asked, waggling her eyebrows.
Octavia, long since used to Vinyl's antics, snatched it out of the air without looking and placed it back into her bag. “Not yet,” she said. “Spend some time out here with me.”
Vinyl rolled her eyes, but she stepped closer to Octavia and lay down beside her.
They lay there for a while. Octavia breathed deeply, relaxing.
Vinyl shifted in place. She tapped her hooves and looked around. Her patience ran out in a few seconds, and she fidgeted constantly.
Octavia calmly
Vinyl jumped up. “Did you see that?”
“See what?” Octavia asked, half suspecting a diversion to obtain that cookie.
“There, in the stream!” She pointed. “A fish jumped!”
“Yes, they do that,” Octavia said guardedly.
Vinyl looked back. “I'm gonna go catch it.”
Octavia frowned. “You're going to-?”
“Hold these!” And she tossed her glasses in Octavia's general direction and bounded towards the stream. They fell and bounced off Octavia's muzzle, and she stared as Vinyl bounced around in the water splashing like a filly a third of her age, horn glowing and water flying everywhere as she hunted the elusive fish. Octavia couldn't help but chuckle at the sight.
Eventually, Vinyl tired herself out. Now soaking wet, she trudged back to the bank and grinned sheepishly at Octavia. “I didn't get it,” she said.
Octavia cracked a smile. She reached back into her saddlebag. “I suppose you've enjoyed nature long enough. Shall we eat?”
“Aw, yeah!” Vinyl said, scampering up on the bank, all signs of her tiredness vanishing. She skidded around Octavia and sat up, hooves tapping patiently like a schoolfilly waiting for her lunch.
Octavia shook her head and set up the picnic she'd packed.
And, of course, she gave Vinyl a cookie to start.

Have we done 'cookie' yet?

Prompt List as of 01-12-14

"Beat" is claimed by Meltian (Inactive)

"Tetris" is claimed by CT (Inactive)

"Cartilage" is claimed by Divine Path

"Arpeggio" is claimed by TaviPlaysTheBass (Inactive)
"Hello" is claimed by Bekdrontaz (Inactive)
"Vivacious" is open.

"Super-sonic" is claimed by MichelleTwistaloo
"Storm" is claimed by Arctic Inferno (Inactive)

"Kelp" is claimed open.
"Divine Path's OC" is open.
"Notebook" is claimed by Azure Ravenscroft

"Cookie" is claimed by Thenugget777

"Hard Sax" is open.

I will, likely, soon.

4335679 Octascratch is so gay and lesbian. I won't join.

Okie-dokie, miss denial~

4335719 Not Michelle here, just a friend and I'll take puzzle.

Not for Michelle for me.

She was a puzzle.

Not today, not never, would she ever understand the other mare.

She was simultaneously so high energy and yet so lazy, enough to power through the night and sleep all day.

She was simultaneously a party beast, capable of staying up, drinking and giving out the wubs, and a delicate sensitive flower, though she didn’t like to admit it. One who stayed there for Octavia and kissed her lips.

Her lips were simultaneously soft, humid and perfect for the snog sessions they occasionally had, but tough, hardened by all the drinks they had drunk, whether in the years, months, weeks or days.

She was capable of ignoring Octavia’s yells of “Vinyl!”, telling her to do that or this, but she could hear and sometimes do things even before they became a problem.

Vinyl Scratch was a puzzle.

4341978 Bloated

heheh, I'd like to see that one.

Now off michelle's account!

4335672 Holy crap I've got a claim here?

I've sent a message now. Oh gosh, anticipation.

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