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Twilight’s hooves thudded against the ground at a rapid pace. The thick grass muffled her hoof-falls and threatened to steal her grip. Panting heavily, she turned her head back to tighten the straps on her saddlebag. It would be a tremendous loss if she lost its precious contents now.

She glanced to the horizon. How much time did they have left? She momentarily dimmed the magical headlamp strapped above her horn to get a better gauge of the level of ambient light.

The first trickles of morning light teased at the horizon.

This was bad. “Rainbow! We’re running out of time.” She struggled to keep pace as she yelled into the dawn. “Sunrise is coming. If we don’t make it to the compound--”

“I know!” The reply was harsh and heated. “Just run!”

Focusing on the tail in front of her, she put forth an extra burst of speed. She wasn’t going to die out here. And, she wasn’t going to let the ponies depending on these herbs to die.

They crested over the last set of hills together just as yellow started to fill the sky. The faint light gleamed across the metal structure in the distance. The paved concrete which extended several hundred feet from the tall walls held back the encroaching wilderness. It also represented the safe zone they desperately needed to be within.

She allowed herself a sigh of relief. They were going to make it.

Lustrous reds, oranges and yellows painted the canvas above as her hooves clacked onto the reinforced concrete. She smiled at her good fortune.

Snap. Crash.

Her back hoof shot sharp needles of pain up her leg and she collapsed at the edge of the threshold. In a panic, she looked back and found her leg bleeding. An early riser latched onto to her flesh and sucked away viciously. She screamed in agony as the blood seeped from her body.

In a flash, Rainbow was beside her. A sharp pair of jaws shredded the green vine and splattered its owner with crimson. “Common Twi, just a little further.”

Twilight strained to her hooves, but collapsed several feet into the safe zone. Her fluids oozed from the open wound and the tranquilizing chemicals in the jaws of the plant robbed her of her senses.

Rainbow glanced at the compound and back at the mass of green slowly coming to life with the early light. “Damnit Twi... I can’t just leave you here.” She cursed inwardly and looked at the wound. She needed something to staunch the wound. Lifting her wing, she buried her muzzle in the soft down feathers at the base and tore them from their sockets. She fought back the pain and pressed the fluff against the wound. It would have to do for now.

She lowered her body and slid the unmoving body of her partner onto her back and painfully crossed the last hundred feet to the compound door. She slammed her hoof against it. “Let us in! Twilight’s been hurt! She needs a detox now!”

The doors swung open and Rainbow trudged inside. She dropped Twilight carefully on the waiting stretcher and kissed the forehead of the feverish unicorn. “It’s okay Twi. You’re going to be okay.”

Beautiful colors graced the land as the compound was sealed away from the overgrown environment outside. The dawn of a new day.
Dark/Adventure? Who knew! I tried. :twilightblush:
Prompt: Overpower

You are evil, you know that? Eeeeeeevil

I prefer morally different.

The best kind of different!

Group Admin


What the hell, sleep is for the weak. Claimed.

Agreed, sleep is for the weak.

Hopefully I'll be able to grab myself a prompt tomorrow. So far all the ones I've wanted were taken, or I just couldn't come up with any ideas.

Great work so far everyone.

Group Admin

Definitely shoulda gone to bed instead

Prompt: Overpower

Hooves thundered a rapid percussion along the worn dirt roads, racing through the outset of Ponyville. A heard of ponies raced across the landscape, leaves a rich spectrum of reds, yellows, and browns falling gently from the trees in their wake. Towards the front of the group, Rainbow Dash and Twilight galloped shoulder to shoulder.

Rainbow’s voice was measured and even, her words spaced between controlled breaths. “Doin’ alright, Twi’?”

The unicorn’s breathing was more labored and unsteady, but her tone was bright and upbeat. “Yeah. Piece a’ cake.”

“If you need to slow down, just let me know; we’re doin’ this together.” Twilight nodded as she galloped, shooting Rainbow Dash a slightly strained smile.

The procession weaved through the forest for the remainder of the afternoon. Positions were swapped among the ponies, but the blue and purple pair remained side by side. Leaves cascading around them, they made their way slowly to the finish line.


“Whew!” Rainbow Dash breathed, “That was a work-out!” Gulping in deep breaths, she settled down next to Twilight, resting a hoof on her back. “You make it through okay?”

Twilight turned a bleary eye to the pegasus, her legs wobbly despite already sitting. “I’m sorry,” she struggled out between gasps, “You could’ve won, Rainbow. I slowed you down.”

“How’d I call it a win if you weren’t there, Twi’? AJ won, so what?” A wing unfurled and pulled Twilight in close.

“You’re not disappointed?”

“I’ve had enough feelin’ down about not winning stuff that isn’t important, Twi’. This was for fun and that’s what I had. I’d trade comin’ in first in a race by myself for comin’ in second with the mare of my dreams any day.” The grip of her wing tightened. “I love you, Twi’.”

Sudden strength swam through Twilight’s body. She leapt and tackled the blue mare to the ground, forcefully pressing their muzzles together. Rainbow flailed in surprise, but found herself well and truly pinned. After a moment, her brain caught up with her body and she stopped fighting.

A few catcalls snapped Twilight to her senses and she sat back sheepishly, coughing into a hoof. Rainbow sat up, directing a glare at the few ponies giggling and whistling lewdly. Blushing, Twilight whispered, “I don’t know what came over me.”

Wrapping a hoof and wing back around the unicorn’s side, Rainbow Dash leaned in close. “Well whatever it was, you better do it again later.” Twilight’s face darkened further.

Next Prompt: Moonlight

I have no idea--site error? I was responding to the latest prompt.


Holy crap. That idea deserves a multi-chapter adventure!

By the way...
claimed. :rainbowwild:

Comment posted by Incredible Blunderbolt deleted Feb 24th, 2013
Comment posted by Incredible Blunderbolt deleted Feb 24th, 2013

Prompt: Moonlight

Princess Luna inhaled the sweet, cool air of the night as she soared through the air and basked in the glow of her sky. If there was one thing that she was proudest of in her whole life, it was the idea of moonlight; it was not as harsh as her sister's sun, nor was it as beneficial, but little else could compare in the sense of sheer natural beauty.

Her moon was full tonight, and it cast its light wondrously upon the landscape. Luna loved to drift across the Equestrian skylines on these most gorgeous of nights—something she'd found herself doing much more often than before she... left.

In the air beside her, Princess Celestia was wore a frown as she beat her wings. "It's not that she can't take care of herself," she said, a touch of anxiety breaching her carefully constructed mask of confidence. "Far from it, it's just that she's so new to flying; I can't help but worry..."

"You should not, sister," Luna assured her, smiling in hopes that she might alleviate some of her sister's stress she that she too, could enjoy their flight. "Today is simply her first day as a princess, it is only natural for her to want to explore."

"But the skies..." Celestia countered, biting her lip. "The guards said their search turned up nothing. She's never flown before today—"

"And you know she won't take and needless chances," the Night Princess finished. "Twilight is a very sensible young mare, and I'm sure she's fine." That seemed to do the trick. Celestia's jagged wingbeats slowed down to a more controlled tempo.

"Besides," she added for increased effect, "isn't her friend Rainbow Dash with her? I'm sure the skies show Twilight no danger with her around."

Celestia sighed, and the sisters came to rest on a soft patch of cumulus. "You're right—I'm sure she'll be fine." When her sister didn't respond, Celestia looked up at her. "What are you looking at?"

Smiling gently, Luna gestured with a hoof at an even smaller cloud drifting below them. Cuddled up in the moonlight, laid a pegasus and a slightly larger alicorn in a shimmering tiara. Their tails were entwined, muzzles almost touching. Both were breathing deeply and facing the western horizon, where the sun had set just hours ago.

"Oh, I'm more than sure," Luna said, stifling a giggle.

That was more fun to write than the last one, for sure.

Next promt: Prank


And now I shall speculate on what the previous two comments could have been that warranted deletion...

After TwiDash obviously.


The first comment was split into three, I just combined them all and got rid of the extras.

Urg... need more coffee.


Twilight Sparkle moved about her silent house, a sandwich held within her magic.

It was gone midnight and the unicorn had been up late, experimenting on the workings of pegasus magic. But now she’d finished for the night. She’d rolled her experiment notes into a scroll and stored them within her safe where she kept her most cherished research.

Now she’d finally be able to get some sleep, if her partner allowed it that is.

She blushed, starting up the stairs and finishing her sandwich.

It was taking some… getting used to, that was for certain. But at least Twilight could easily say that it’d never been boring around the place. Far from it.

With a barely suppressed smile at her memories, Twilight opened the door into her bedroom and was immediately splattered with something viscous and dark. Before she’d even had a chance to open her mouth, that was followed by a sudden cascade of snowy feathers and a Rainbow Dash shortly after, who promptly secured a rubber beak onto Twilight’s muzzle and stood back, admiring her work.

Twilight stayed stock still, just in case there was anything else coming, but loosened up as Dash lost her cool and collapsed onto the floor into a fit of raucous laughter.

Twilight’s eyebrow twitched.

“Oh hello Rainbow Dash… nice to see you too.” I said cooly, my voice echoing oddly through the ‘beak’.

The giggles paused for a moment as Rainbow looked up at me, then came back full force as she lost it again.

Twilight sighed. So much for a nice peaceful evening.

She left Dash to her laughter, heading towards the bathroom with weary acceptance.

She paused, looking towards the large mirror that stretched across the tiles. She couldn’t help but chuckle softly at her own appearance, no wonder Rainbow had broken down like that.

Shaking her head slightly, she prepared herself for the arduous task of washing off the gunk in the shower.

Like she’d said.

Far from boring.

New Prompt: Quills

Group Contributor

740019 Thanks! I've been itching to try to squeeze a dark adventure into one of these prompts. Sunrise seemed just innocuous enough to do so. I don't have the ability to handle more than one project at a time though. So, a multi-chapter or one-shot will have to wait.

740144 This is is one of the reasons why I'm okay with the wings. There's so many cute things you can do with them. Plus, Twilight can always add sound-proofing spells and invisibility spells on top for even more fun. Unless, she's into getting spotted. :twilightblush:

740170 I suspect this is part of a long elaborate plan for Rainbow Dash to get Twilight into the shower so then can preform cray hijinks. :rainbowwild: Then again, now that I think about it. It's not particularly long or elaborate. But, it is super effective.

(not claiming)

Since nobody's claimed this, I guess I will.

Prompt: Quills

“Happy birthday Twi!” I pulled out the carefully hoofwrapped gift I had made, hoping she’d like it. She gave me a thankful smile and used her magic to tear off the wrapping. A smooth wooden box met her gaze, our cutie marks painstakingly carved into the top.
“Rainbow, its great!” I smiled at my marefriend, loving her enthusiasm even when I knew it wasn’t what she was expecting.
“Go on, open it.” She lifted the latch with her magic and opened the lid. A set of blue feathers met her eyes. Slowly, she picked one up in her magic and let out a slight gasp. The father was made into an high quality quill. “I know you’ve needed some more quills ever since Quills and Sofas shut down, so I’ve been collecting my feathers for a while. I took them to a big quill store in Manehattan and they made them into these quills.”
“Oh, Rainbow! You didn’t have to do this. I can just order my quills.”
Giving her a hug, I chuckled. “But are the quills you order enchanted to last longer and resist damage.”
“What?!” Her horn lit as she brought the quill closer to her to examine it. She cast a quick spell and the quill shimmered a rainbow of colors. “Rainbow how did you do this? It’s amazing!”
“Well, while I was in Manhattan I saw a unicorn who was doing enchantments for ponies, so I went ahead and asked if she could do it for me.”
Giving me a huge smile, Twilight brought herself up to me and kissed me. Breaking free from my mouth, she said, “Thank you so much, this is the best gift I’ve ever gotten!”
“Plus it’ll give you something to remember me by while I’m on tour. You will write to me right?”
“Of course!” She exclaimed, surprised I’d even think she wouldn’t. “Now come on, lets spend our last night for quite a while together.” With that, we both went upstairs to bed.

New Prompt: Stone





I got nothing.

Group Contributor

741223 I'll take it. And aww. Sofa and Quills is like the only store other than the dress shop and the bakery. :P

Group Admin

I claim in the name of science. Or something

Group Admin

Prompt: Stone

A soft blue hoof ran slowly over the carved stone surface of the grave marker. A heavy sigh escaped her snout, head and ears drooping as her eyes scanned the words over and over in a mantra. Her raised limb ran in circles over the stone, as much an assurance of its continued existence than anything else. Twin pools of magenta regarded the dried remains of rose wreaths littering the base of the marker. She cupped a dry petal between her forehooves. In fits and starts, Rainbow Dash began to speak.

“…Hi. It’s me again. I’m…I’m sorry I haven’t been by in a while. It’s…it’s hard to come out here. You understand, right?


“Yeah, I don’t, either. You deserve better’n that. I miss you. I miss you, and coming out to see you like this just reminds me you’re gone. It’s enough of a reminder when I can’t see you at my shows in the stands.

“It’s not fair this happened. There was so much we never said. So many things we never got to do. Everypony says time makes it easier, but they’re wrong. Every time somethin’ happens that I’d want you there for where you can’t just hurts more. So many memories we can’t share…

“I’m no good at this sorta stuff. You know that. I’m sorry. I’m sorry an’ I love you. I never said that enough to you when you could hear it. I hope you can hear it now.”

“I’m sure he can.” A purple hoof settled across Rainbow’s shoulders, drawing her close. She leaned into Twilight’s neck, nuzzling gratefully.

Rainbow Dash’s voice rose in energy, gaining strength from the unicorn’s presence. “This is that mare I was tellin’ you about. We’ve been seein’ each other for a while now and…and that’s why I came to see you today. I…I asked her to marry me an’ she said yes. I don’t know the last time I’ve been so happy.” She nuzzled Twilight again, gripping the hoof around her neck with one of her own.

“She means the world to me and I know you’d love her too. You two are a lot alike in some ways. Always tryin’ to get me to slow down and think things through first. Boring, right?” She smiled fondly at the gray stone. “She’s exactly the sorta pony you always wanted me to end up with. You’d be proud’a me. I…I wish you could be there for the day.” The unicorn’s grip tightened as Rainbow wiped her eyes with a hoof. “I guess you will be in some way. You might not be able to give me away, but you’ll be there with me in my thoughts. I’ll never forget you.” She ran her hoof over the gravestone once more before standing and wrapping a wing around Twilight. “I’ll try to come around a little more, okay? I love you, Dad.” Twilight kissed her fiancée on the cheek as they turned, cantering off through the cemetery.

Next Prompt: Cookies

Prompt: Cookies

It was a cool fall afternoon when the smell of chocolate chip cookies baking wafted through the library. Upstairs, Twilight Sparkle was wrapped in a blanket, reading the latest Daring Doo, and starting to get hungary. When she smelled the cookies, her stomach growled, breaking her focus on the book. She stood and stretched, taking a minute to bask in the wonderful smell before heading downstairs to find the cookies which were producing the wonderful aroma.
Entering the kitchen, Twilight stopped dead in her tracks. A battlefield of batter, flour, eggs, and sugar met her gaze. In the center of it all sat her marefriend, eyes closed sniffing the heavenly aroma in the air while covered in the ingredients she had been using. Hearing the gasp from Twilight, Rainbow’s eyes shot open in shock and fear. She turned slowly to the unicorn and smiled guiltily.
Twilight walked slowly towards her while purveying the mess. She stopped just in from of Dash and looked down on her. She leaned in, bringing her face close to Dash. Dash cringed in fear, wary of the wrath of her lover. Twilight opened her mouth, only to lick a bit of batter of Dash’s nose. With a chuckle, she sat down next to her surprised marefriend and smelled the air.
Dash laughed and pulled Twilight next to her and there they both sat waiting for the sweet treat to exit the oven.

Next Prompt: Beach

Prompt: Beach

Also, for sake of confusion-prevention, this is humanized.

The ocean rocked their little vessel with choppy waves and ripping winds. Planes roared above them, their engines only adding to the cacophonous roars of the ships and other, amphibious, vehicles. In one such contraption were five young women in camouflage uniforms, crowded around a large piece of parchment.

"Okay!" said their aptly-named leader, Sergeant Rainbow Dash, her multi-hued hair billowing in the wind. "Remember the mission: securing the package is the most important part of this whole thing and Celestia's asked for us personally to do the job!" The boat lurched, and the gang was forced to regain their balance. "That means everything else is secondary!" she added, eyeing her blonde friend.

Applejack nodded solemnly, rubbing a picture of a young, red-haired girl with her thumb.

"Division A is taking the left flank, Division B's got the right!" Dash shouted as the wind picked up.

“Where does that leave us?” asked the tallest one present, brushing a lock of amethyst hair out of her eyes.

“We’re going straight up the middle,” the sergeant answered boldly. “Divisions A and B are going to try to make a funnel for us to fight through, but it’s all we’ve got to work with.”

“Great.” Rarity rolled her eyes. “Send us into the fire again please, Princess!”

Dash nodded, folded up the map and placed it in her breast pocket. She looked around at her team with pride as the whistle blew and a voice came through her radio.

“T minus thirty seconds to shore.”

In the corner of their tiny vessel, Corporal Pinkie Pie sat with her bright pink hair tucked under a camouflage cover and counted her rifle cartridges with a toothy grin. “I hope changelings like beach parties," she said manically.

As they drew closer to their destination, loud pings could be heard amongst the cries of desperate fighting. Dash grabbed her rifle off its mount and stood up. “Everybody ready?” Nobody answered audibly, but each of them grabbed their weapons and fell in behind her. “Good,” she said, pleased. The boat jerked as it hit the earth. Slowly but steadily, the bow began to drop, revealing the scene ahead.

In the distance stood a tall, black, spiky structure that could be very well have been described as a fairy-tale castle from the nightmare realm. In its tallest tower lay their objective, just past the miles of barbed wire, explosive mines, sand pits and hundreds of soldiers. Bullets whizzed through the air, creating small explosions of sand on the beach before them as men and women on both sides fell to the ground, bleeding and crying.

Rainbow Dash stepped up onto the platform and gazed up at the tower. “Hang in there Twi,” she said to herself, checking the safety on her rifle. “We’re comin’ for ya.”

Next prompt: Unrequited

It's super short, but I actually kinda like this one. I could see this being the opening to an epic fic.

Prompt: Unrequited

Dear Journal,
Love is a funny thing, isn’t it? For most of our lives we have no clue what love is, only hearing of it in romance stories and from our parents. We spend much of our lives trying to find someone to fall in love with, searching for a piece of something truly special just for ourselves. Looking for that one pony who will love us in return. And sometimes when we fall in love, we still don’t get it. We don’t get that love returned to us. We can love someone who will never love us back. That pain, love given but not returned is excruciating. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.
Is love worth it? It’s hard to say. From everything I’ve felt, no it isn’t. The pain far outlasts the pleasure. Yet, I still yearn for that love everyday. It’s like a never ending torture device. Even though I want to stop I can’t. I need to find a way out, before it destroys me.
I will escape. Love will not hurt me any more.

New Prompt: Rumors

So much for deliberation...

(If I'm not done in 45, someone else take it because I won't have time to finish it.)

Well... that was worth it.


It was quiet in the library, the two ponies snuggled on the floor in front of the crackling fire paid no heed to the rain outside, nor to where they knew Luna’s moon to be beneath the cloud cover.

Rainbow Dash had her wing laid across Twilight’s back lazily, providing an extra layer of warmth, while Twilight herself had pressed herself into Rainbow, keeping as much contact between the two as she could.


The named pony stirred against her, looking up at Dash after a moment.

“I talked to my boss, Spitfire, after work today.”
“That’s good.” Came the drowsy reply.

Rainbow sighed, shifting her wing slightly, and immediately it was as if someone had turned on a switch. Twilight blinked and looked at Rainbow with sudden wakefulness,
“Sorry, what did she want?”

“She wanted to say that she was, well, happy for me.”
“Aren’t you happy Rainbow? I don’t quite get what’s wrong.”
Rainbow looked into the fire, speaking up after another moment, “Sorry, of course I’m happy. I guess that I’m just not used to ponies ruminating on my private life.”

She continued to look into the fire, then looked away into the eyes of the pony who was nuzzling her.

“Let them say what they say, we know the truth right?”

Rainbow Dash chuckled softly, returning the nuzzle and replacing her wing around Twilight again.

“We know the truth.” She echoed, resting her head atop Twilight’s own and looking into the fire again.

New Prompt: Journalists

Prompt: Journalists

It was dark under Fluttershy's deck, that was for sure. And dusty. And webby. And kinda creepy...

Nah, it wasn't scary.

Not really.

Anyway, I inched my way closer to the voices above, making sure to keep my notepad from touching the damp dirt. When I finally reached the perfect spot to listen, a laid down low and placed the journal before me for quick note-taking. Snickering, I pulled out my pencil and perked up my ears.

"I don't know, 'Shy..." Rainbow Dash's awesome voice was completely unmistakable, even through the wood of the porch. "I don't really think I'm ready for that..."

I smiled a really big smile. I'd followed Rainbow Dash all the way from school in hopes that she'd do something extremely awesome that I could totally write for the Foal Free Press but, so far, she'd given me absolutely nothing to work with! No rainbooms. No life-saving. No super-awesome tricks or totally crazy crashes! Looks like I've finally got something worth reporting!

"...nothing... afraid of... -ash," came an incredibly quiet answer. I had to strain myself just to make out the words.

Stifling a giggle, I began to jot down what I could make out.

Actually, Rainbow Dash was afraid of something? That was ridiculous—nopony was going to believe me.

I'd just have to keep listening, I decided, and find something else to report!

"But you know her! If she doesn't see something coming from a mile away, she totally flips!"

Who the hay were they talking about, anyway?

"...still tell... truth. Twi... to know! It's better...find out herself."

"Ugh," I groaned, rolling my eyes. Maybe there wasn't anything to report here—just stupid, boring grown-up talk. Seriously, how could they not be falling asleep right now?

"I know, but... I just don't know..."

"Just remember... here... no matter what."

That's it! I'm outta here! I picked up my journal and turned around to the hole in the fence. This has officially gotten more boring than math class!

I popped out from under the porch and entered the daytime world. I breathed in a really deep breath and looked at the sky. In a tree to my right, I heard a soft chirping noise.

Baby birds! I hoof-pumped excitedly. That'd be perfect for an article!

I looked up at the nest, high in the tree, then at my less-than-awesome wings.

Now, how do I get up there?

Next prompt: Crush

Prompt: Crush

“See ya later Twi,” I said as I reached out for the door of the library. My hoof made contact, but I was reluctant to push through, something was holding me back.

“Bye Rainbow, talk to you tomorrow.” And there it was. The simple joy of hearing that beautiful voice brought a smile to my face. I was so stubborn before, denying myself what I knew to be true. I mean Rainbow Dash, the coolest pegasus in all of Equestria, a filly-fooler? At first it didn’t seem to add up, but once I let go it all made so much more sense.

Twilight is the most amazing unicorn ever, she’s gorgeous, smart, kind and everything I ever think I could need in a partner. I could actually picture it all in my head, living my life with her. Waking up in the morning and the first thing I see is her face and the first thing I here is her voice. That would be bliss. I was just ignorant before, now I don’t see how I could be happy without Twilight.

Just spending the day a the library was amazing. Laying down with her in a little nook, poring over all these wondrous tomes of knowledge, burning away the daylight discussing whatever. “The what” was unimportant, “the who” is what mattered. This beautiful pony whom I could easily see in a wedding gown, speaking her vows to me.

I’ve had crushes before but this was something special. I heard footsteps behind me.

“You okay Dash?”

“I’m fine, actually, I’m great. Can I ask you something?”

New Prompt: Heist

Redacted because I need sleep.

What's this?
Another prompt?


744624 Thank goodness, I thought I'd have to change it to something easier.

Everything is easy if you have the idea ready.


The midnight burglar crept through the house, leaving no hoofprints in her wake. She’d slipped the window and made her way across the front room, climbed the stairs and navigated the landing, now all that was left was the dragons’ lair itself, literally.

Twilight Sparkle’s bedroom.

The burglar twisted the handle and opened the door, the well-oiled hinges staying silent as the thief slipped through, closing the door to behind her. The burglar allowed herself a sigh of relief before looking around the room for her prize.

Was it a collection of quills, all lined up against one another in size order? Nope.
Was it the dragon, curled up with a fat ruby in his claw? Fat chance.
Or was it what the purple unicorn herself was clutching to her chest in her sleep? Bingo.

Now all she had to do… was get it.

Nothing that hard, right?

The thief looked around the room for something, running her eyes over every little detail in the room, looking for something to help her.

Aha, that would do it.

The thief crept up alongside the bed, being careful of the squeaky floor and the sleeping unicorn within, and proceeded to pick up the object on the bedside table, grunting slightly at the weight. Another moment later, the thief had balanced the object on one hoof, already planning out the next stage in the theft.

She made her way around the bed, coming to the side which Twilight faced with the treasure within her hooves. The thief sighed again.

Surely this part would be as simple as they made it out in the adventure books dotted around this very library? Just a simple switcharoo?

Or something…

Well, thinking about it wasn’t going to get the thief anywhere, so after another calculating stare, the thief got to work, slowly sliding the tome within her hooves, into the unsuspecting embrace of the unicorn below.

And the book that the unicorn had held, closer and closer to the thief’s own reach.

Nearly there…

And yes! The thief’s face broke into a smile at her achievement, clutching her treasure to her chest tightly before stowing the treasure on her back and making her way out the silent room again.

Unbeknownst to the thief, the unicorn in the room smiled to herself.

“Completely predictable Dash.”

New Prompt: Static

"And," said the Blunderbolt, hoisting his flag high, "I shall claim this prompt in the name of RariJack—because apparently, we all like that!"

Prompt: Static

The only light in the room came from the fireplace, just like always. Twilight hummed contentedly as she dug her way deep under my wing, just like always. I ran a hoof down her mane, tracing her beautiful locks down her neck; they were silky and smooth, just like always.




Twilight craned her head up and pecked me on the cheek, just like always; it was soft and sweet, just like always. Tonight, though, her expression was different. Instead of her usual look of love and compassion, she wore a frown on her face. “Dashie?” she whispered gently, her eyes shimmering. “Are you okay?”

I frowned and looked at the fireplace. “I'm fine,” I said. “I'm perfect, actually. Everything's perfect...”

A lavender hoof settled on my cheek and steered my gaze back to its owner. “Then what's wrong?” she asked.

My ears drooped. “I'm sorry, Twi,” I muttered, “ I didn't mean to ruin our night...”

“You haven't ruined anything,” she said with a half-smile, rubbing her hoof deeper into my cheek. “Now tell me what's wrong.”

I sighed. “It's just...” I stumbled for words—there was no real way to say it other than the blunt way. “I'm bored.”

Twilight cocked an eyebrow. “You're bored?”

“Yeah,” I grumbled, looking down at the floor. “Don't you ever feel like we kinda do the same thing over and over?”

Lavender eyes narrowed. “So what, you're bored with me?”

“No!” I said quickly, tightening my hold on her before she could stomp off. “I just... I feel like we're just going through the motions, y'know? I mean, what did we do last night? And the night before? And the night before that?”

Twilight's jaw fell. “I... you're right...”

I bit my lip. Was this it? I didn't want it to be. I thought we were happy, but maybe we just weren't supposed to be together. Even after all the effort I'd put into getting her to go out with me, two months later, we were boring. Maybe she was going to just give up, and that would be that.

I hoped she didn't.

“I-I don't wanna—“ Suddenly, I was pushed to the ground and my vision was filled my lavender. My lips were sealed by hers and she pinned my forelegs to the floor.

“Wh-what're you doing?” I panted when she broke the kiss.

Standing tall over me, Twilight smirked, her eyes sparkling in the firelight. “Shaking things up a bit...”

Next Prompt: Rejection

I’m fine, I mean, it’s not the end of the world or anything. I’m Rainbow Dash for Pete’s sake. I’ve done just fine on my own for my entire life all on my own. I don’t need anyone else, I am independent. I don’t need a special somepony, and I most certainly don’t need Twilight.

Who am I kidding?

I am just sad. I can tell myself whatever I want, I want Twilight but Twilight doesn’t want me. The greatest pegasus in all of Equestria in isn’t good enough for her. Now that I think about it, that really makes sense. There is no one in this world as amazing as Twilight, and she deserves someone equally as great. I’d say that I fit the bill. but apparently she doesn’t think so.

That’s really all that matters I guess. I may think I’m great, but it doesn’t matter unless Twilight thinks so, and if she did then I wouldn’t be here, lying in my bed, skulking. I was so certain.

I had it all planned out. Show up early at the library and help her with anything she asked for. I took her to Sugarcube corner for breakfast, I even payed for her food. I took her to a movie. We got lunch at the cafe. She and I went on a walk. I was planning on taking her to a very special place. Behind Fluttershy’s cottage was a meadow, a beautiful field of lavender. At one edge of the meadow was a weeping willow, I go there all the time, it’s breathtaking.

But then my world came crashing down. She inquired as to why I was being so nice, I casually replied something about friends being nice to one another. Then she stopped dead in her tracks and asked if it was possibly anything more than friendship. I confessed, I spilled it all out. I was hoping she’d understand and maybe even share these feelings. Then she crushed me, crushed my soul. I’ll always remember her rejection.

“I’m not looking for a relationship right now, and if I was I’d look for a stallio. You’re great and all, but I don’t want to risk our friendship.”

She doesn’t get it, how can I be friends with somepony who I love so much, and yet she only feels friendship. I’ll always want more, and someday that will tear us apart. It seems selfish, but that’s who I am.

I mean I’m fine, but who am I kidding?

Next prompt: Borrowed


Finally. :twilightblush::rainbowkiss:

"So... I was just wondering if I could borrow them for a while."

"Of course you can! I'm so glad you're trying this out with her."

"Yeah, I kinda am, too."

"I mean, ever since you two started reading together, you've been such good influences for each other."

"Yup. We started reading more than just Daring Do. Fantasy, mystery... even romance, although that took a while."

"That must have been a struggle."

"It took a bit of convincing, yeah."

"Well, I'm glad of it. You two have been getting closer because of it."

"Yeah... That we have."

"And may I say... you two make such a cute couple!"

"Heh... thanks..."

"You're welcome. Now just wait right here. I'll go and get them."


"Here they are."

"Wow, these look great!"

"I've actually had these for a long time. So they're a bit old..."

"That's okay, Fluttershy. These are perfect."

"I'm glad. So you two are going to do it today?"

"Tonight, actually. She said she's been waiting for the right time, and said tonight was it."

"That sounds lovely."

"I know. Really, she tries to act all tough, but underneath, she's just a sweetheart."

"Yes, she is."

"Well, thanks again, Fluttershy."

"No problem, Twilight. I hope those goggles fit. Enjoy flying with Rainbow."

"Oh, I will. Rainbow said she's been preparing the sky for tonight, so I'm really looking forward to it..."

Hmm, whatdya think? My first attempt at all-dialogue story telling.

Next prompt: Homework

For teh lulz.


Dear Princess Celestia,

While it's natural to be proud of the things that you do well, I've learned that it's also easy to take that pride too far. It took the actions of one Mare Do Well to realize that

Rainbow Dash stared at the parchment under the flickering light of a lone candle, her quill hanging poised in the air as she wrestled with her own thoughts. Sighing, she glanced at the wastebasket, where her first attempt lay in a crumpled ball. Rainbow let her head hit the desk with a resounding thump.


A violet figure sat up in bed, squinting across the room through sleep-bleared eyes. "What are you doing up?"

Rainbow didn't move. The bed squeaked softly as Twilight arose, joining Dash at the desk. Her eyes softened as they fell upon the half-finished report. "Rainbow... do you... want to talk about it?"

No Prompt?

746485 Dash kept her head down while she considered her response. No matter how deeply she dug, she couldn't seem to find a single shred of remorse... only hurt.
Twilight blinked. "What?"
"Why'd you feel the need to go behind my back like that? Why didn't you girls just talk to me about this? I... I would've understood."
Twilight flinched. She reached for Dash, who flinched away from her touch.
"Rainbow Dash, I... you were out of control." The argument fell flat even in her own ears.
Rainbow nodded, her eyes squeezed shut. "I know that. Still... why couldn't you have just trusted me?"
Twilight opened her mouth, immediately closing it again. "You're right, Dash," she murmured at last. "You weren't the only one that made a mistake." A ravenous smile abruptly crossed her face, and she leaned down to Rainbow's ear. "I promise I'll make it up to you," she purred, running a silken hoof along the base of Dash's stiffening wings.

746510 Rainbow let out a shuddering breath, smirking up at the unicorn. "Point taken. Just let me finish this real quick."
Two hours later, the pair were sound asleep, locked in an embrace of mutual forgiveness.
Dear Princess Celestia,
While it's natural to be proud of the things that you do well, I've learned that it's also easy to take that pride too far. It took the actions of one Mare Do Well to realize that, which actually turned out to be the work of all five of my friends.
I admit, it hurt to learn that my best friends decided to scheme and plot rather than come to me directly. But that's the great thing about friendship... it stands strong in spite of mistakes.
Loyal always,
Rainbow Dash

Safe to say this is hardly my best work... never writing on a phone again.
Prompt: Nightmare

746536 ... Alright you're actually done now?
Believe it or not... there's a reason why there's only single-part posts.

Also, actually Claiming this now it has a prompt...


Please constrain responses to prompts to one post; the last thing we need is the confusion of dozens of half-stories choking the thread.

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