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The cloud-house slowly appeared, coming closer and closer as a large hot air balloon rose to meet it. Its lone occupant was currently talking to her companion, flying by her own wings alongside it.

“So remind me again why you never showed any of the girls around here?”

The pegasus rubbed her head somewhat bashfully, pushing a lock of rainbow-coloured hair over her eyes in the process.

“Well, you know I’ve always been eager for the attention?” she replied sheepishly. Twilight Sparkle nodded and Rainbow Dash continued, “Well, getting away from the world is nice too… I just like having a place which no-pony else really knows about if you get me.”

Twilight nodded again as Rainbow started guiding the balloon forwards towards her house by a small rope hanging over the side, “I suppose so, so why are you showing me around then?” Twilight replied, a hoof around one of the supports as Rainbow propelled them onwards, closer and closer towards the house.

Rainbow said something unintelligible around the rope in her mouth and sped up slightly, letting go of the rope when they were almost at the house, “I guess because, well, what with everything going on lately and that…” Twilight winced, “Well, I thought you might like to borrow a bit of haven too, I know the library isn’t exactly isolated.”

Twilight smiled faintly at Rainbow, the events from a week ago still raw in her memory, “Thanks Rainbow… I don’t really know what to say.” She said, choking up slightly before taking a deep breath and hopping out the balloon onto the clouds below, cloud-walking spell already firmly in place. “So, are you going to give me the tour?” she asked, looking back at Rainbow, only now alighting on the cloud next to her.

The effect was instantaneous, Rainbow smiled brightly at Twilight before taking her hoof and all-but dragging her to the door, pushing it open and bringing Twilight along for the ride as she sped into her house, the door slamming shut behind her as it rebounded off the wall.

New Prompt: New

Bump... This thread is a mite dead.

It was before the crack of dawn in Ponyville, just as it was for most of Equestria. The streets were empty, the doors were closed and ponies laid in bed, sleeping the remnants of the night away.

Yet some ponies refused sleep, rushing around their rooms, fixing up telescopes and binoculars, all working tirelessly to prepare the delicate equipment for this, the first solar eclipse in a millennium, to happen at five minutes past five in the morning.

Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle were not rushing around and setting up their own stargazing equipment, Rainbow’s own kit consisting of little more than a spyglass she used for detecting rogue Pinkie Pies. Twilight on the other hand, did have her own kit, but Rainbow had flat-out refused to carry it for her after getting a look at it. All several tonnes of glass, steel, aluminium and notepaper.

Instead they sat against a tree, out in a field a few miles out of town, gazing with their eyes alone as the two spheres drew steadily nearer to each other.

“Remind me why there hasn’t been one of these ecliptical thingies for a thousand years again?” Rainbow asked.
“It’s an eclipse, and mainly because it was incredibly hard to keep the moon and the sun going in two completely different orbits around the Earth,” Twilight started, “and also because Celestia never liked to look at the moon while her Sun was in the sky, I suppose it brought back some bad memories.”

They sat there watching the sun silently as it began its journey behind the moon. Twilight shivered slightly as a cool breeze blew across the field, the shadows already visible as they made their way across the landscape.
Rainbow looked to her side as Twilight shivered, unfurling a wing and slipping it around Twilight before drawing it tight, causing Twilight to glance down in surprise before relaxing against Rainbow with a muted “Thanks.”
Rainbow smiled, resting her own head atop Twilights, keeping an eye on the eclipse as the sun disappeared completely behind the moon.

And that’s where they stayed, watching the sun emerge again, framing the new moon in their minds as they sat together, neither willing to break the embrace.

New Prompt: Jade
(Hopefully someone answers this one)


Saved by the Fluttershy. :fluttershysad:

Jade :rainbowlaugh:

Rainbow Dash sat in the jewelry store and pondered about what to give Twilight for her birthday.
She was about to leave when a beautiful jade necklace caught her eyes.
Rainbow grabbed it and practically threw it onto the counter, asking how many bits it was.
Her face fell. Twenty bits. She was two bits short.
Quickly Dash spotted Rarity and Pinkie Pie outside.
Dash zoomed outside. "Oh, hiya Dashie," Pinkie exclaims at the sight of Rainbow.
"Hi Pinkie. Hi Rares. I need two bits, I'm just a tiny bit short of the price for Twi's gift."
Pinkie immediately hands over a bit. "Sorry, just one."
Suddenly, Rarity levitates three bits into Dash's hoof.
"Here darling, take them all. That's enough to buy the gift and then go get something to eat later." she said, pointing at Rainbow's growling stomach. Rarity's suspicions were right. Dash was so busy looking for the gift she had forgotten lunch. "Thanks, Rarity." she says, zooming back into the store and paying for the necklace. Dash smiles as she walks to the local restaurant and orders herself some food. Later that afternoon, a certain lavender unicorn hugs her friend. "Thank you, Rainbow Dash! I had been eyeing this necklace for ages, but I never had enough money! How did you do...." Twilight gives Dash a knowing smile as she hears Pinkie exclaiming, "I helped! Me and Rarity helped!"



Salt water doesn't make wounds hurt though...:rainbowderp:

I go swimming all the time with lacerations and open wounds; the sea actually helps heal them faster...

Cute, nonetheless, though.


“Say Twi?”
“Where does Owlicious go after he finishes up here?”

Twilight paused in her eternal writing, turning towards Rainbow Dash, sat behind her and looking at her owl’s perch.

“I’m… not sure really, I’ve never exactly followed him, I just assumed that he went into the forest somewhere to sleep or to hunt, why’d you ask?”

“Just thinking…” Rainbow replied distractedly, still staring at the perch, the book in front of her long-forgotten.

Twilight shrugged and turned back to her studies, dipping her quill into the inkpot again and resuming her scratchy writing.

“Yes Rainbow?”

“Fancy finding out?”

New Prompt: Sharing


Really? I went swimming in the ocean once with a few scrapes on my legs and they stung pretty bad...


Where are you from, my friend? I live in Maine, right on the coast. The sea is cold, you may have felt the sting of the chill. Besides, when you stop to think about it, Saline solution (Sodium Bicarbonate, aka: that stuff that's in IV bags,) is more or less warm, sterile salt water.

Regardless, I'm not trying to be an ass. The fic was cute and I enjoyed it.:pinkiehappy:

Prompt: Sharing

Twilight Sparkle was shivering cold. 'Where had it all gone wrong,' she wondered. Two days ago she'd received a letter from Princess Celestia, informing her that a large quantity of changelings had been spotted near the still relatively new Crystal Empire. Gathering her friends she'd quickly set off for the Empire to investigate.
Of course what they hadn't expected was an ambush. Said surprise ended up with the train derailed and the group scattered. Twilight had the fortune of waking up next to Rainbow Dash, glad she wasn't alone. She gently shook the unconscious pegasus awake, checking for injuries. Thankfully she had only found superficial cuts.
Rainbow groaned, “Ugh my head, feels like I got hit by a train... oh.” Looking around she noticed the debris. “What happened?”
“I don't know. One second I hear loud stomps, next thing I know is I'm waking up next to you.” The unicorn explained, thankful to be alive. Twilight was not without her own injuries, the largest a cut right on her brow. “I'm not going to lie Rainbow, we're in really bad shape. Most of our supplies are ruined, our friends are scattered and night is setting in. It's already cold, we need to find some shelter and quick!”
Both of them searched through the wreckage, coming up with only a single tattered sleeping bag and some other miscellaneous items. “We need to find shelter, and get a fire going.” Twilight repeated, her teeth chattering. At least the cold was helping the blood to coagulate.
“I can fly up and look for the rest-” Rainbow was cut off by Twilight biting her tail, keeping her grounded.
“No. P-please do-don't leave me alone... I-I'm scared Rainbow.” Twilight cried, still in shock from the crash and the unknown surroundings.
Rainbow's determination softened and she fluttered down. “Fine. First thing tomorrow morning though, we're looking for them. Alright?” A nod from Twilight and they looked around.
Twilight, having regained some confidence spoke up, “We can sleep in one of the more intact train cars. That one should be good.” She pointed to a relatively intact coach. They quickly trotted over, looking over the metal box. Most of the roof was sheared off, but the windows and doors were fine.
Darkness had now fully set in, a flickering fire the only source of light. Twilight had cleaned up the inside of the train car, ensuring they wouldn't injure themselves further. The sleeping bag lay unfurled, near the fire. “We're going to have to... share.” Twilight mentioned, light blush staining her cheeks. While they'd been going out for a few weeks now, they had yet to sleep in the same bed, or in this case sack.
“It'll be okay Twilight. I promise.” Rainbow mentioned, before crawling in the bag. Twilight wiggled in after her, Rainbow wrapping her hooves around Twilight to comfort the distraught unicorn. The librarian melted into Rainbow's embrace, squirming closer.
No matter what would happen tomorrow, for now she felt safe in the shared embrace of Rainbow Dash, her fearless protector...

This was an interesting fill, makes me want to write a full story based on it. Maybe in the future.
Prompt: Tag

No offense taken. I live in Canada, but this was during a vacation to Cuba. Could have been something in the water. Doesn't matter though, let's get back on topic, shall we? :twilightblush:


Prompt: Tag

There was an enormous crash as the window gave way, spreading millions of tiny fragments into the building along with Rainbow Dash, out of control as she plummeted into the library along with most of the window.

Then she stopped in mid-air, surrounded by a purple aura as she was lowered gently towards the glittering ground. As she drew nearer, the glass directly beneath her started rolling away, fleeing from her as she landed on the floor of the library before stopping, surrounding her in a circle.

Twilight Sparkle sighed, closing the book in front of her and turning around to face the disturbance in what had been a very engrossing book.

“Afternoon Rainbow, third time today right?” she asked, an almost bored-like tone to her voice as she surveyed the damage.

Rainbow herself looked fine, slightly dizzy but fine nonetheless, then there was the window. The Same window, now resting in pieces on the floor with Rainbow in the middle, looking around sheepishly.

“Um… sorry?” Rainbow offered, her smile hopeful.
Twilight sighed, she couldn’t stay mad at her really… well she could, but that wasn’t going to repair the window. “Fine… I suppose there’s no use in me saying not to do it again?”
Rainbow shook her head, her smile transformed into a grin. “None at all.” She vocalised.

Twilight snorted, a small smile barely hidden as she gathered her magic and focussed on the floor in front of her. All around Rainbow, the glass which had laid still moments before started rising. Then one by one, they all started rolling into collections in mid-air.
Rainbow stopped paying attention.

She’d seen it twice already today, first she’d gather the glass, then she’d melt it, then she’d press it back into the hole where the window had once been and hey presto, new window. Not really that interesting.

“Anyway, Twi?”
“Yes Rainbow?” Twilight replied, still focussing on the clouds of glass Rainbow knew to be just above her head.
“Guess what I found?” she asked in a sing-song voice, subconsciously pressing her wing to her side to make sure the package was still there.
“Hmm?” Twilight enquired, looking over at her friend as the cloud of glass started spinning, glowing a light red.

Rainbow leant her head into the crook of her wing and brought forth a book, the cover depicting a neon star inside a circle with the words ‘The Restaurant at the End of the Universe’ raised up from the book and Twilight knew that on the bottom of the cover somewhere, the author would read ‘Douglas Adams’.

Twilight’s eyes widened and she dove at Rainbow, all but snatching the book from her with her hooves, running one down the cover reverently, “But this looks like the first edition, Rainbow, where did you find this?” she asked, amazed.

Rainbow smiled at Twilight, “Found it in one of those antique bookshops you’re always telling us about, you like it then?”
Twilight nodded emphatically, “I love it, but how much did you have to pay for this? It must have cost you a hoof and a leg.”
Rainbow’s smile faltered slightly before reinstating itself, Twilight was right, it had been an amazingly large sum to get that one book, but the smile on Twilight’s face made it worth it, “Don’t worry about it, like I said, it’s a gift.”

A moment later the scent of coconut filled her nostrils as Twilight engulfed her in a hug. Rainbow awkwardly tried to return it, patting Twilight on the back until she drew away.

“Thanks Rainbow” Twilight said, smiling widely at her friend, “I’ll get straight to it after I finish fixing the win… dow.” Rainbow followed Twilights gaze to the ceiling at the glob of molten glass that had attached itself there when Twilight had ran forwards to claim the book.

Her work done, Rainbow turned around and flapped her wings once or twice, “Well nice seeing you again Twilight, sorry about the window… again.” She said before giving her wings a mighty flap and zooming towards the still-empty window pane.

Or at least she would have been zooming towards it if Twilight hadn’t caught her tail within her magic and yanked her down again.

“You think I’m going to let you go so you can inevitably smash my window again?” Twilight asked incredulously, out of Rainbows field of view.
“You might have done?” Rainbow said hopefully.
She heard Twilight chuckle and saw a few boards start floating over to the missing window, already boarding it up. “No, my windows are safer while you’re here, come on, let’s read that book.”

New Prompt: Normal

Group Contributor

Twilight woke up to the morning Summer sun streaming in through her windows and a rather unwieldy blue forehoof draped across her face. She groaned and turned until she could snuggle against the warm plumage of the pony she shared her bed with.

The pony protested her actions with a groan. “Nng... Twi, that tickles. Stop it.”

She stretched out her forehoof and wrapped it around Rainbow—unwilling to let go. “Mm... but you’re so comfy, Dashie.” She giggled as the feathers tickled her stomach and squirmed away with a pout. “You’re no fun,” she complained with a touch of mischief.

“Twi... I was plenty of fun last night. I just need another hour. You’re even starting to wear me out.” Rainbow rolled over as she spoke. She opened her eyes just a little—squinting at the sudden infusion of light into her vision.

Twilight giggled at the sight of Rainbow squinting and leaned in for a playful kiss. This evolved into a longer kiss which grew in depth and passion until Twilight rolled on top. They peppered one another with kisses for as long as they could before collapsing against one another in a panting heap.

After a lengthy shower together, Twilight proceeded with her scheduled tasks for the day and Rainbow dashed off, late to work again, to handle her weather duties. They met up at lunch and traded stories, though it was mostly Rainbow talking. Apparently, she lucked out because the cloud delivery wasn’t scheduled until later in the day. Twilight smiled inwardly, the cloud delivery was always late on Fridays, so she tended to coax Rainbow for a little morning fun on Fridays as a result.

By the time the afternoon rolled around, Rainbow was done with weather work. She joined Twilight in the library and quietly read the latest adventure series she had taken a liking to. An hour in, Twilight joined her on the sofa with a book of her own and they shared in the mutual joys of reading and relaxing together.

In the evening, Spike returned back from gem hunting with the remainder of his haul: a single blue sapphire. He declared the trip a tasty success, ignoring the knowing grins of Twilight and Rainbow, and set to work cooking up dinner. Dinner was delicious and the evening concluded with a few board games. Rainbow won all of them, as was expected.

Sharing yawns, Rainbow and Twilight headed back to bed. Not particularly tired from the activities of the day, but they gladly leaned against one another up the stairs to their shared bedroom. Rainbow stretched and hopped into bed. “Pretty normal day today wasn’t it, Twi?”, she remarked casually.

Twilight joined her in the bed with a smile. “Yeah, it’s nice not have to fight some crazy monster or save the world for once. Though, I’ve grown kind of the fond of the excitement it provides from time to time.”

Rainbow grinned and rolled on top of Twilight. “How about I make things a little exciting tonight?”

“I’d love that Rainbow,” Twilight responded with a saucy grin in return.

And, Rainbow was true to her word. A perfectly normal day with a perfect finish.
I think this one is kind of rough. I didn't really pay too much attention to mechanics when writing it.
Prompt: Applejack

Group Admin

823771 Been over a week and I have yet to do anything for this thread, so Claimed

Group Admin

823771 So here's what I came up with after about 30 minutes of thinking while reading through the other posts here and about 15-20 minutes of writing. I give you unedited mini-thing that's probably fairly awful. Let me know how awful and I would be grateful.

Prompt: Applejack

Applejack grumbled to herself as she slowly walked up to the old family barn. Mere minutes ago Apple Bloom had come running into her room and ducked under her bed, crying her eyes out. When Applejack was able to coax the filly from her hiding place and calm her down some, all she could get out of her was something along the lines of ‘monster,’ ‘strange noises,’ and ‘in the barn.’

Apparently her sister was looking for some tools for another crusade with her friends tomorrow. Knowing Apple Bloom, Applejack was fairly certain she just knocked over a few pieces of scrap metal and it startled to poor little filly, but she was adamant something was in the barn that shouldn’t be there.

She was also adamant that Applejack go investigate. What kind of big sister would she be if she ignored the cries for help from her own blood?

Applejack sighed as she opened the old, faded barn door with a slow, ominous creak. With an irritated look she glanced over the barn and as expected saw nothing hiding in the stalls or bales of hay. She was just about to leave when she picked up the faintest sound of movement from behind her.

She blood froze in her veins as she slowly turned her head. Nothing. Something fishy was going on here, and it warranted further investigation.

Applejack moved to the back of the barn, where she was confident the sound came from, and after a little looking saw something lying by an old supply crate. It would have been easily missed by anypony not looking for it. She picked up the small object to discover that she had found…a book? What was that doing in here? It almost looked like one of Twilight’s…but what would Twilight be doing sneaking around her barn?

She moved her gaze to the right and saw something else that caught her eye, a single sky blue feather lying on the ground. There was only one pegasus in all of Ponyville with feathers like those. Applejack should know, she constantly found said pegasus napping in her trees almost on a daily basis.

So Twilight and Rainbow Dash were hiding out in her barn and must have accidentally scared Apple Bloom. Applejack scratched her neck with a hoof as she deduced the meaning behind all of this. Those two had been dating for the last couple of months, but what would they have been doing in her…oh.


Meanwhile, up above in the rafters two ponies watched in fear as Applejack pieced the puzzle together.

“Think she’ll catch us?” a unicorn whispered to her pegasus partner-in-crime.

“Nah, there’s no way she’ll…”

“I swear if I find y’all having a roll through the hay IN MY BARN I’ll keelhaul the both of ya!”

“We should run,” the pegasus concluded as she saw literal steam coming out of the earth pony’s ears, “Like right now.”
First attempt at writing anything vaguely comedic. I probably shouldn't make another attempt.
New Prompt: Protest


“No, nuh-uh, anything but that.”

Twilight just smiled a grin and advanced slowly upon the retreating Rainbow Dash, matching her step for step with her evil grin.

“I’m serious Twilight, anything, you can do anything, anything but that,” Rainbow said, looking behind her at the oncoming wall every few paces and gulping at how close it was.

Her tormentor finally spoke, “I think it’s an acceptable remuneration for your antics with the socks, now I think it’s my turn,” she replied, grinning widely and continuing her advance.

Rainbow gulped, looking behind her again just as she met the wall.

“Oh ponyfeathers,” She muttered, turning back to face Twilight as she pounced upon Rainbow, holding her still beneath her. “I suppose begging for mercy is out of the question?” Rainbow asked hopefully, laid flat below Twilight.

“Completely,” came the reply as Twilight lifted a single blue feather, twirling it within her magic and slowly lowering it towards Rainbow’s chest, giving no quarter as the pegasus squirmed beneath her.

But just as the feather was about to begin its treacherous deed, it stopped, barely a hoof above Rainbow’s chest as Twilight’s grin widened further. “No… I seem to remember somewhere else that could use some experimentation.”

It took Rainbow all of two seconds to realise what her captor was planning, “no, please, I beg you!” she cried out, writhing and trying to throw Twilight off balance, yet she to no effect, both of their eyes following the feather as it closed in on the defenceless target.

Peals of laughter echoed up and down the library as the pegasus within Twilight’s domain broke down, howling helplessly as the torture continued. Rainbow attempted to withdraw away from the wretched instrument of torture, finding moments later that Twilight was a lot stronger than she looked as another guffaw wrenched its way up her throat.

All as Twilight swished the feather back and forth about the tip of Rainbow’s hoof.

New Prompt: Mercy

Prompt: Mercy

An ominous, dark layer of clouds was spread out over Ponyville on a cold spring evening. Rain was pouring from them, a thunderclap being heard every now and again, adding to the gloom present with such clouds. The usually lively streets where abandoned – everypony huddled inside, away from the rain and the wind, foals cowering at each thunderclap.

Near the edge of town stood the Golden Oak library, casting a jagged shadow with each flash of lightning, the tree still mostly barren after the long winter. Only one of many windows was illuminated, higher up in the tree, probably near the bedroom. All of this was normal. However, the many cries that echoed from within the building were not.

“AaaAAhahaha, stop it!” was shouted by a mare with a high pitched, slightly raspy voice. There came another scream from the tormented pony inside, cutting through the air.

Inside the room, lavender hooves were assaulting celeste blue wings, prodding, stroking and poking them relentlessly. A feather was being levitated as well, doing the same thing under a nose of the same colour as the wings. This all combined caused the owner of the wings - a light cerulean pegasus by the name of Rainbow Dash - to giggle uncontrollably.

“Ehehehe, Twi, serious-Aha!-, stop it!” the pegasus brought out in between giggles with some trouble, tears of laughter already formed in her eyes. When the unicorn tickling her didn’t stop, she added “Please my lady, have mercy!”

This wasn’t much, but hopefully just enough to get this thread going again.

Next Prompt: Basement


Might drop it later, but I'll have a go.

Edit: Never mind, dropped

Rainbow Dash stood outside the door of the Golden Oaks library, dressed in her Daring Do outfit. Twilight had suggested the idea that they dress up together for Nightmare Night, and when she suggested a Daring Do theme, Rainbow had immediately jumped on the idea.

She raised her hoof and knocked on the door for the third time, surprised at the lack of response from either of the library’s occupants. Growing impatient, she tried the doorknob and found it unlocked. Upon entering, she noticed that all the lights in the library were off, save a glow emanating from the crack under the basement door.

“Twi? Spike? You guys here?” She called out as she headed over to the door.

Pressing her ear up to the door, she could barely make out muffled noised coming from the other side. A smirk appeared on her muzzle as her mind worked.

“Trying to prank the Dash, eh?” She muttered to herself.

She opened the door as quietly as possible, a slight creak coming from the hinges causing her to freeze, listening intently to see if she had been given away. After hearing nothing after a few moments, she continued to sneak down the stairs. As she went further down, the light from the lone lantern at the top of the stairs grew dimmer and dimmer forcing her to squint to see anything when she reached the bottom.

Her ears perked up as she heard a muffled voice coming through the darkness. Closing her eyes, she strained her hearing, trying to make out the voice.

“Oh, will nopony save me?” Her eyes snapped open, that was Twilight’s voice!

Her heart raced as she searched for the direction the voice was coming from. She carefully made her way through the dim basement and found her way to another doorway with light coming from beyond.

“Somepony save me!” Came Twilight’s voice again.

Pushing the door open, she saw Twilight strapped to a table, leather straps holding each of her legs in place. She was dressed in a costume that resembled the museum curator from the Daring Do books. She had to admit to herself that Twilight looked good in the outfit, a slight blush coming to her cheeks as she thought of different things they could do with it.

Twilight’s head turned as she heard the door open.

“Daring! You've come for me!” She exclaimed in an over-dramatic tone as Rainbow entered the room. Before Rainbow could say anything, Twilight’s eyes suddenly went wide.

“Look out!” She exclaimed.

Rainbow quickly turned around, seeing two poorly made puppet monsters being held aloft by a faint purple glow. Her smirk returned and she decided to play along.

“I’ll save you!” She shouted as leapt at one of the monsters.

After a short battle which she inevitably won, she made her way over to where Twilight was being held ‘captive’ and undid the restraints. Twilight immediately jumped up and hugged her.

“My hero!” She announced before pulling Rainbow into a passionate kiss. Twilight pulled away, looking at her with lidded eyes.

“Now for your reward.” She said, going in for another kiss. Her horn lit up, and the door swung shut behind them.

Next Prompt: Clouds


The sky was silent, the clouds so high above that they appeared as mere wisps from far down below on the ground. Twilight didn’t come out here very often anymore but it still served its purpose, it was still her last safe haven. The field around her was far away from Ponyville, along the other side of the Everfree.

She sighed, lying back against the tree, hiding in the shade. It’d just be her luck for Rainbow Dash to see her like this; she was the only one who would even have a chance of finding this place.

Twilight had made sure of that.

If she looked into the sky, towards the Everfree forest, she could almost kid herself that she saw a small speck of cerulean against the sky, looping and twisting through the air without a care in the world.

She let out another sigh, sending her gaze directly skywards to the clouds far, far above. She trusted Rainbow to know when to give her some space, but surely there was no better space than the sky? It was the odd times like this where she wished she’d been born with wings rather than magic.

Flying away would have been so much easier.

New Prompt: Silver

A Dash of Silver

A sharp scream shattered the morning birdsong symphony around Golden Oaks Library. Twilight leapt from her bed, sprinted down the stairs, and slid to a halt at the bottom. Anything that could make her wife scream like that had to be a serious threat. She pricked up her ears, pinpointing the sound.

Twilight burst through the bathroom door. Her horn pulsed with power; her blue, grey, and violet mane frazzled by pillows and pegasus drool. She would have struck fear into the heart of even a battle-hardened royal guard, but the sole occupant of the bathroom merely turned and pointed a hoof at her rainbow-striped forelock.

"Have you seen my mane lately Twily? Why didn't you tell me about this? How long has it been there?"

Letting the magic drain from her horn, Twilight took a moment to clear the morning gunk from her eyes. She summoned her glasses--which appeared on her nose with a quiet popping sound--and examined her lover's mane more closely.

"I'm not sure what you're talking about Dash. I don't see anything wrong."

"Besides the giant patch of grey you mean? The beginning of the end of my coolness?"

On closer inspection there were a trio of silver hairs near the edge of her orange streak. Twilight wrapped a leg around her wife and pulled her in for a hug.

"Oh Dash, I've had grey hairs for years now and nopony has even noticed. It's nothing to worry about."

"You've got that sexy librarian thing going on. You make it look good." Dash's leer faded back into a frown. "But 'Rainbow' is my name. Pretty soon I'm gonna have to change it to Dull Dash. I'm not as fast as I used to be either. 'Grey Slowpoke' has a nice ring to it, don't you think?"

"I can conceal them with an illusion spell if you like, but I think they make you look dignified. You of all ponies could stand to have a little more dignity you know."

Rainbow looked up hopefully. "You really think I'd look good with grey hair, Twi?"

"You always look good, weren't you just telling me that yesterday?" Twilight gave Dash an even more smoldering leer than she'd received. "I'm getting old enough now that I'd rather be with a distinguished flight school professor anyway, not some show-pony."

At this Dash looked back into the mirror. She puffed out her chest and made what she presumably thought was a serious face. Twilight concentrated for a moment and temporarily turned Rainbow's entire mane to varying stripes of greys and silvers. Both mares admired her sleek--and undeniably more distinguished--features. She did look good.

"And if you're serious about the name change, might I suggest 'Quicksilver'?"


Group Contributor

926131 This is wonderful in a very bittersweet way. Time gets to all of us.
(not claiming)

Group Contributor

A crisp spring breeze gusted in through the open window and ruffled Rainbow awake. Snapped to consciousness, she pulled her head off of the covers of the bed with a start. A cursory glance outside revealed a dimming sky hearkening in the evening. She wasn’t sure how long she’d been out but the moist patch of blanket from her drool implied at least a few hours of restless slumber.

The other occupant in bed, Twilight, breathed shallowly while buried under several warm layers. Her cheeks reddened from an unnatural heat and her forehead speckled with droplets of sweat. Wordlessly, Rainbow scooped up the lukewarm towel resting in the bedside bowl and dabbed away the signs of fatigue, but the condition remained.

The cool towel elicited a quiet gasp from Twilight and the unicorn briefly opened up her eyes. Rainbow smiled just a little and moved her hoof away to return the towel to the bowl. A slight whine of discontent filled her ears and she returned her hoof. Soft. Twilight’s cheek nuzzled against her hoof ever so slightly, her reddened cheeks blushing further.

“T—Thanks Dashie...” The words came slow and strained, each syllable punctuated with a pained pause which Rainbow quietly endured. For Twilight, but mostly for herself.

“Heh, anytime, Twi. You did the same for me when I caught the ponyflu a couple months back.”

“This isn’t the ponyflu, though...”

Rainbow shook her head. She could never get over how silly Twilight was sometimes. Even in times like these, the little details still mattered to Twilight. It always put her in the most difficult of positions, since, she never knew how to respond afterward.

“Yeah, that’s true.”

A passable response at best. Not wanting to dwell on her lame response, she moved on to the next step of a routine established by days of practice. Fetching a nearby thermometer from the nightstand and she gently eased it into Twilight’s mouth. The viscous red fluid pooled in the base slowly rose up the marked tube. Her smile fading from her face as the red liquid rose higher and higher.

Twilight nuzzled Rainbow’s hoof once more, oblivious to the escalating value of her condition. The nuzzling gradually gave way to quiet gasping breaths as the red liquid came to a rest.

“One-Oh-Six.” Rainbow breathed out quietly and tugged the thermometer from Twilight’s mouth. In the back of Rainbow’s mind, something nagged her about the temperature, it just seemed a little off. Like another one of those little details Twilight would insist upon explaining.


Rainbow looked to Twilight and found the unicorn on the verge of tears. The moisture budding at the corner of her eyes. Even odder, Twilight sported the happiest smile she’d ever seen.

“I...I do, Dashie...”

A spark of realization filled Rainbow’s face, and she couldn’t help but smile a little herself. She leaned down and wrapped her hooves around Twilght’s neck in a hug. She held Twilight until the dream passed, a happy dream she would fulfil in the not distant future.
I don't know what I'm doing.
Prompt: Pills


Rainbow Dash groaned, wincing as she stretched her wing and she felt her under-used muscles protest against her. It was yet another pitfall of her frequent visits to the hospital and even more crashes.

All of a sudden, she heard a small click from her wing and the pain flooded in moments later, causing her to grit her teeth and hiss loudly, trying to hop away from the pain somehow.

“Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow,” she hissed under her breath, trying to manoeuvre her frantic hopping towards the bathroom and associated medicine cabinet. Closing her eyes against the pain, she somehow managed to find her way onto the tiled floor of the bathroom. She grimaced in triumph before turning around and managing to whap her head against the cabinet.

“Ow…” she groaned, attempting to raise a hoof up to massage her sore head before another bolt of pain shot through her side and she quickly lowered it.

A single eye cracked itself open and began its search for the cabinet in the blindingly bright white room. She stepped forwards and nosed open the culprit of her banging head, trying to focus on the brightly coloured bottles inside.

The colours blurred and span, making reading the labels impossible, so she simply reached inside the cabinet as far as she could and brought her head back. The bottles span in the air before clattering to the floor and smashing themselves open, spilling their contents all across the bathroom floor.

A loud ‘bang’ echoed up through the house, resonating in her eardrums and making her wince, sinking down to the floor and groaning loudly as somepony shouted into the house, making her ears ring.

She groaned in reply, covering her ears and eyes with her hooves and simply laying her stomach flat against the pill-ridden floor. Everything hurt so much…

The muffled cry of a pony reached through her defences and set her ears humming again. Some force surrounded her hooves and tried to pry them away from her eyes and ears but she resisted, shaking her head side-to-side pitifully as her assailant tried to play her like a puppet only to stop a moment later.

She felt the force disappear from around her forehooves and move around her midriff, lifting her up into the air and around the house. She groaned pitifully as another bolt rocked its way through her.

After some time, she was placed carefully onto something which felt very much like a mattress and someone scurried off seconds later. She tentatively opened her eyes and thanked Luna that the pony had thought to turn the lights off in the room. The dim moonlight shone through the curtains, too slight to cause her harm, and revealing her surroundings.

She was interrupted from her musings when the sound of the pony climbing the stairs two at a time reached her ears which no-longer hummed. Twilight Sparkle burst through the door, shutting it behind her and pausing. Rainbow thought that she could just make out the outline of a glass suspended in mid-air.

Twilight approached Rainbow, smiling benevolently at her and proffering the glass and two small pills. Rainbow immediately swallowed the pills dry, only pausing to take a gulp of the water when she felt the pair catch against her dry throat.

“I thought I told you to stay laid down.” Twilight accused, still smiling as Rainbow bit her lip. Twilight chuckled, “Try to get some sleep Rainbow, that’s the best medicine for you at the moment.”

New Prompt: improbable


"I love you," Rainbow Dash told Twilight, "You're my sweet munchkins, my app- twilight pie, my radiant, beautiful, stunning, cool marefriend. I love you more than anything in the world." Twilight's reply was a bemused look. Sure, they were in bed together, with Twilight on top of Rainbow. They were all alone, with just each other - but Rainbow was never this sappy. It was completely ridiculous on every level. "You're my sexy-wexy libraian, my hot mistress, my radical mare in the bedroom, you're my coolest of cool ponies. Twi, you're even cooler than me and I love you so much." Rainbow continued, then she reached up and brought Twilight into a sloppy kiss.

"Rainbow Dash," Twilight began sternly.

"Yes, my cuddly-wuddly, cutie-wutie, nerdy-werdy mare?" Rainbow replied obliviously. She smiled at Twi, batting her eyelids like Rarity when she wants to seduce a stallion.

"How much have you had to drink tonight?"

"My hot, sexy, buckable-"

"Answer me, Rainbow," Twilight interrupted.

"You're such a spoily-woily sport," Rainbow whined. Upon seeing Twilight's face, Rainbow quickly replied. "One, two, three, four... Four drinks!" she said triumphantly.

"Only four?" Twilight inquired.

"That I remember, miss uptighty-whity Twilighty."

Twilight just sighed. She disentangled herself from Rainbow Dash and lay her down in the bed with her.

"Go to sleep, Rainbow Dash."

Rainbow Dash moaned and rolled over. Twilight settled into bed with a happy smile.

Who knew Rainbow Dash was a lightweight, and a cuddly, sappy drunk?

Prompt: Selfish


„Rainbow Dash!” Rarity, appalled by the other mare’s rude action, gasped. “I really don’t understand what you are thinking!” She added panting, underpinned her statement with a dramatic gesture and threw a despising glance at the blue pegasus.

“What?” Rainbow replied with wide opened, inquiringly eyes and a surprised expression on her face while she swallowed down the delicious chocolate cookie. As she didn’t receive a response from the still in shock panting unicorn for several seconds, she directed her view at Twilight and gave her marefriend, in search for help, a not just confused, but also slightly abashed look because she obviously did something wrong once again.

“Don’t take it too hard Rarity, she didn’t mean it bad or anything,” Twilight said with tranquil voice and took a sip from her tea. “It’s absolutely fine, I also don’t really mind at all,” she complemented with a wide smile on her snout in hope that her words would calm the upset chaperone down. They didn’t.

“No, it absolutely is not!” Rarity wheezed and angrily beat the table with one of her hooves, making both other mares wince in reaction. “It is, in fact, indisputably inexcusable to do something like that,” she explained using a dominant tone and sat down again.

“I- I’m sorry. Really sorry... for whatever I did.” Rainbow Dash gulped, some sweat ran down her forehead. She wanted to add more words of excuse, however got cut off by Rarity just the second she opened her mouth to do so.

“This is not the issue at all Rainbow Dash.” Rarity, still puffing heavily in commotion, took a sip from her tea as well and a few seconds to calm down and even her breath again. As her heart had finally stopped pounding wildly, she earnestly looked at Dash and continued. “The real problem is that you don’t even know what you did wrong,” she said gently, in hope that the pegasus would recap her doings and understand the matter of cause. However, Dash didn’t.

“But… how am I supposed to understand what I did wrong when you don’t tell me?” Rainbow Dash asked, also in hope that Twilight would eventually jump in and explain it to her before Rarity would get caught up herself and snap again. Unfortunately, Twilight didn’t.

“Okay Rainbow, I’ll tell you what you did wrong, for the very last time.” Rarity put a hoof on Dash’s shoulder, trying to stay as calm as possible as the thoughts about blue mare’s horrendous faux-pas crossed her mind again. “Not asking me if I want the last of the cookies is certainly not nice, but still excusable,” Rarity explained slightly upset, with even voice. “But not asking Twilight, your own marefriend, is-“ she couldn’t even find a matching phrase to describe the level of her outrage. All of a sudden, Rarity started heavily panting and her eyes twitched in agitation once again, giving the other two mares the impression that she would start hyperventilating and fall from her chair the very next second. Just the moment Rarity was about to scream in exasperation, she felt Twilight’s hoof being gently placed on her shoulder.

“Don’t worry Rarity, Rainbow has a very good reason for what she did,” Twilight explained, removed her hoof from the baffled unicorn’s shoulder and approached the blue pegasus. Before Rainbow Dash could notice, Twilight has engaged her in a very affectionate kiss and pressed her tongue deep in her marefriend’s mouth. They wildly let their tongues play with each other and as their lips parted after around half a minute, Twilight directed her view at Rarity again. “You see, the cookies taste much better this way,” she kittenishly said and licked over her lips.

Rarity, at the pure thought that both of them were invited to a royal dinner at Canterlot Castle the next day, dramatically fainted.


huh, why not…prompt: royal dinner

Royal Dinner

Royal Dinner

"OH MY GOSH! I'M LATE!" yelled a cyan pegasus mare as she flew towards the royal palace in Canterlot. She was invited to a private dinner with Equestria's newest princess; Twilight Sparkle.

As always, she was so busy with her flying maneuvers that she completely forgot the time. She promised six o'clock and it was seven.

"I hope she won't be upset" thought Dash, as she feared the worst. Even after Twilight became princess, they both continued their secret love affair with each other. Dash thought back at how a simple act of impulse turned into something...more.

She quickly shook herself out of those thoughts as she saw the large palace in front of her. She immediately spotted a balcony, and on it, was the love of her life; Twilight Sparkle.

"About time you made it here for the royal dinner Rainbow." Twilight smugly stated.

"Sorry about that." nervously grinned the pegasus. "I was practicing my flying"

"Typical." the princess rolled her eyes sarcastically. "Well, get inside, the food is getting cold" she stated before she walked inside.

The pegasus nervously followed her marefriend, she took a few quick glances at the purple unicorn's butt while she followed her.

"Oh, and to make up for your tardiness, we will wait an hour after eating before any 'fun time' starts," the princess turned around to face the pegasus. "understood?"

"Oh come on! No fair!"

"Want to make it two?"

Dash just gave a defeated sigh. "Understood your highness." grudgingly stated the defeated pegasus.

"Great, now sit down and enjoy your one-on-one royal dinner with your marefriend." she led Dash inside and sat her down in her seat. Twilight was about to sit at her seat, but was quickly pulled into a deep kiss from the pegasus.

"What the buck Dash?!" Twilight broke the kiss in shock.

"You said nothing about kissing." Dash exclaimed in playfully

" I didn't..." Twilight seductively smiled before she resumed her kiss. Although it wouldn't be long before Twilight would forget her ruling, dinner completely untouched.

next prompt: Awkwardness

2520434 Claimed. Let's get this ball rolling again! :pinkiehappy:

"They're bowing again."

"Mwuguuh?" Rainbow Dash blinked open an eye from the castle's library's couch. "Wa' is it Twi?"

"I thought that we were past everypony deferring to me all the time, but in the market today, half the stalls wouldn't even let me pay." Twilight was beginning to pace.

Rainbow looked at her marefriend and judged that this was not a problem that would go away if she tried to go back to sleep. She sat up, hoping to head off the full freak-out. "So what's the problem Twi?" the Daring Do she had been reading slid of her chest, only to be caught by a wing and placed next to her.

Twilight turned to her. "It's this stupid title! The castle seems to have reminded everypony that I'm a Princess, and they're back to treating me differently." she stamped a hoof. "It's Highness this and Highness that and I can do no wrong. I made an obvious mistake talking to Lyra today and she didn't even point it out. Everyone knows that Beethooven's 3rd String Quartet was in D major, not C major!"

"So you're upset that now that you're royalty, everyone treats you like royalty?" Dash yawned.

"Well, when you put it like that I guess I should have expected this. I wish they would at least use my name; I don't like being called 'Your Highness' all the time." Twilight switched to a silly voice to show her dislike of the title. "It makes it feel like they only see the crown instead of me."

Dash nodded "That does sound annoying Twi, don't know what to tell you." she put a hoof to her chin for a few seconds before an idea came to her. She quickly swooped over to Twilight's writing desk and grabbed a quill. She quickly scribbled something down and darted over to show Twilight.

Twilight looked down at the paper and read:

By Royal Decree of Princess Twilight Sparkle:
I hereby state my intent to change my formal title.
If my subjects wish to address me by a formal title, they may call me "Your Royal Twi-ness"

"See, this way they will still use your name as part of your title!" Rainbow looked very proud of herself. "What do you think Twi, am I good, or am I good."


"What was that Twi?" Rainbow had missed her friend's response while boasting.

"HAHAHAHAHA" Twilight collapsed laughing.

"So is that a no then?"

Twilight managed to stand long enough to draw Rainbow into a hug "Thanks, I needed that." she said through chuckles.

"Anytime, Your Royal Twi-" Rainbow started to respond before Twilight silenced her with a glare and a kiss.

"What am I going to do with you?"

next prompt: Regrowth

Group Admin


Okay, so over 18 weeks later I'm gonna claim this prompt and breathe some life back into this thread. The prompt was Regrowth

“Quit laughing already, will ya?” Rainbow yelled, wincing at the higher-pitched and even more scratchy quality to her voice. She flapped her tiny wings, only to fall head-over-hoof and land with a muffled thump on the sofa. Letting out a groan, she scrambled to her hooves and glared at Twilight, who was not-so-subtly hiding her giggles behind a hoof.

Rainbow pouted and crossed her now-miniature forelegs over her chest with a small huff, sending Twilight deeper into her giggle fit. “I-I’m sorry,” Twilight said between giggles. A wide, mirthful grin had spread over her face.

“It’s not funny!”

“No, it’s not really, but...” Twilight managed to regain her composure long enough to trot over to Rainbow. Rainbow glared up at Twilight, who now towered over her. “You’re just so adorable!”

“I’m not adorable!” Rainbow protested, struggling to get out of an all-consuming embrace Twilight wrapped her up in. She broke free of Twilight’s hooves and landed with her wings spread and her chest puffed out. “Will you just fix this? Please?”

“Okay, okay.” Twilight raised her hooves placatingly before walking over to her desk. “I’m sure there’s a reversal spell in here somewhere.”

Stumbling over her own hooves, Rainbow clumsily made her way over to Twilight and sat down in front of her expectantly. “Good!” She inspected her wings while Twilight read. Were they ever really this small when she was a foal? She groaned and pouted again. “How’d you even do this, Twi?”

“I don’t know,” Twilight said, looking over her desk at the now-filly-sized Rainbow and smiling. “The spell was supposed to help with reducing the stress in your wing muscles, not shrink you down to a foal.”

“Yeah, well, it did. And now I’m stuck like this.” Rainbow hung her head. Thoughts of what Applejack or Pinkie or anypony would say if they saw her like this filled her mind. She swallowed thickly. “You can fix this, right?”

Twilight’s face softened and she trotted around her desk to Rainbow before wrapping her wing around her. “Of course I can.” Rainbow took comfort in the warmth of Twilight’s wing as Twilight levitated a book from her desk over to her. “And I think I found just the spell for it.”

“You did?” Rainbow asked, her face instantly brightening.

“Yes, I think so.” Twilight nodded her head and her horn started to glow. “A ‘regrowth’ spell that should do the trick.”

“Then what’re you waiting for?” Rainbow sprung away from Twilight. “Get me back to normal already!”

“Alright.” Twilight shook her head, a playful smile playing across her face. “Okay, now this might tingle a bit...”

A few seconds later followed by a blinding flash of light, Rainbow did indeed feel a tingling sensation as it felt like her entire body was being stretched out. She blinked open her eyes and was met with the sight of a smiling Twilight Sparkle standing at eye-level. Rainbow extended her wings, and grinned when she saw that they were restored to their normal, fully-grown length.

“Aww, yeah!” Rainbow cheered before flapping into the air. “This is more I like it!” She landed next to Twilight and blew a tuft of orange mane out of her face. “I have way too much awesome for that little foal body.”

“Maybe...” Twilight leaned in and captured Rainbow’s lips in a quick kiss. “As cute as the foal you was, I think I prefer this Rainbow Dash. Kissing a foal would have just been weird.”

Rainbow huffed but drew herself closer to Twilight. “I wasn’t cute, alright? I was radical.”

“I don’t know.” Twilight grinned impishly and wrapped her hooves around Rainbow’s neck. “You looked pretty adorable. And you know what?” She darted in and pecked Rainbow on the cheek. “You still are.”

Game's back on, guys. Next prompt is Thunder.

Um... Tentative claim! I've got the idea, I might have the time... all I need is the right headspace.



It wasn't even two o'clock in the morning when the library was hit by a train.

Twilight shrieked as she heaved herself upright. Her horn glowed bright as she brought into being a sphere of magenta energy around the entire bed. She turned to face her wife with wild eyes. "What's ha--"

Rainbow Dash wasn't there.

Twilight's heart leaped into her stomach. "Rainbow?!" She could barely hear herself over the roar of the engine below, the vibrations that shook the library so violently her teeth buzzed against each other. She lurched to her hooves, wincing at the electric touch of the shuddering wood below them, and galloped toward the stairs.

It stopped as suddenly as it came; the echoes rang out into the distance. Fearing the worst, Twilight took the stairs one at a time, as quickly and as carefully as she could on trembling hooves. "R-Rainbow?" she called.

Down below, somepony cleared their throat. "Y-" Muttering echoed up the stairs. Two voices? Three? "Hey, Twi."

"Oh, thank the stars!" Twilight threw herself down the rest of the stairs and rounded the doorway to see Rainbow Dash... standing in the center of the room, a bright orange, pointy-looking electric guitar slung over her shoulder. Her mane was a mess, her eyes were wide, and her grin was sheepish enough for three ponies. Behind her stood a familiar set of speakers and a turntable; Twilight could see the top of a striped blue mane and a spangled purple hat peeking out from behind it.

Rainbow shifted uneasily as Twilight tried to pick her chin up off of the floor. "So..."

"Are you kidding me, Rainbow Dash?!"

The hat disappeared behind the turntable.

Rainbow's eyes widened. "Whoa, calm down!" she said softly. "Let's just calm..."

"I don't think she's gonna calm down, Dash," Vinyl advised her.

Rainbow glanced over her shoulder at her, then back to the mare who held her heart in her hooves and was capable of crushing it if she made the wrong move. "...Down?"

"I told you I was exhausted!" she snarled, her hoofsteps loud as bombs. "I told you I was going to get some sleep, finally!"

"A-a-and you did," Rainbow said quickly. "That's good, right?" Twilight growled like a feral dog. "'Cause you've been working so hard lately and, and, and you really need to get some sleep!"

"Yes, Rainbow Dash, that's right," she said softly. "So could you please explain to me why you're making a racket louder than the Canterlot Symphony Orchestra right beneath my bed?" Her anger shook the guitar's strings enough to cause feedback.

"We were just gonna jam a little! I didn't know it was gonna be so loud."

"That was reeeally loud," Vinyl half-shouted helpfully.

"Vinyl forgot to turn it down after her show."

"I forgot!" she agreed with a grin. "I'm a big jerk!"

"Vinyl is a jerk," a fourth voice added primly. "I did nothing wrong."

Vinyl threw her shoulder into Trixie's, nearly sending them both to the floor. "Don't make me plug that big mouth of yours..."

Trixie beamed up at her. "It wouldn't be the first time," she said slyly.

"Girls!" The three froze in horror. Twilight's chest heaved with fury barely held in check. "I don't care whose fault it is," she said sharply. "No more music tonight!"

Rainbow clutched the guitar to her chest. "Aww, Twi..."

"No more! It's time to go home, girls."

Rainbow took a step back, putting herself between Twilight and the turntable. "Look, Twi. Vinyl and Trixie need a place to crash. They're only gonna be in town for one night and I said they could sleep here."

Twilight's eye twitched. "Fine," she said finally. "I won't turn them away, but that's all they'll be doing, okay?" She rounded on the other two and threw a hoof toward the guest bedroom. "Sleeping!"

Vinyl smirked. "Or, we could--"

Trixie plugged that big mouth of hers with a hoof. "Certainly. Good night, Sparkle!" she sang; she jerked Vinyl to her hooves and dragged her along in her wake.

Twilight watched them go until the door slammed behind them, leaving their muffled words to her imagination. "Now, as for you, Rainbow Dash..."

Rainbow wilted. "Okay, I know you're mad, but hear me out. We've got a good thing going here!"

"Good enough that it's worth waking me up at two in the morning?"

"Y-- N--" She glanced down at the guitar with a nervous frown. "Look, Vinyl and I were jamming and she says I'm really good! Just listen to this!" She slapped her pastern against the strings and strummed the guitar.

Twilight caught the strings in her magic before they could wake the neighborhood once more. "Really, Rainbow Dash?" she said blandly.

Rainbow stared at her for a brief moment before realization dawned. "Oh, right." She reached behind her and turned the speakers down to a reasonable level. "Get ready to feel the thunder!"

Twilight facehoofed.

Rainbow's pastern fell against the strings once more, holding them steady as she struck them with her hoof. Out came a sound like a crocodile being stepped on by a marching band; a roar of crunchy, heavy noise. Her hoof chugged along like the train Twilight had heard crashing through the library earlier, plucking out a slow and scattered riff on the first few strings. All the while Rainbow stared at her with eyes wide and smile wider, basking in the roar of the guitar.

"Aren't you supposed to use your other hoof too?" Twilight shouted over it.

Rainbow frowned with a hint of a blush. "I'm getting there!" she scowled. She continued the same riff, but used her left hoof to bend the strings here and there, adding the bare minimum of variety to the music. "Heavy, huh?" she said, her smile returning.

"Um..." Twilight cocked her head. "Yes?"

"Yeah!" she whooped, lost in her own music. "Yeah, feel that? That's the thunder!"

"That's the thunder?" she smirked.

"Not impressed?" She gave the strings one last bend and slid her hooves together to meet in the middle. "Well, here comes the lightning!"

The guitar squealed, making Twilight cringe away, as she slammed the tip of her hoof against the fretboard. Her hooftips tapped fiercely against it, abusing the thinnest and highest string, two frets apart. They danced down the neck of the instrument, across the strings, tapping out a staccato rhythm of highs and lows that hit the mares like a barrage of sonic missiles.

Finally she slammed her left hoof down across the fretboard, sent her right across the strings as hard as she could, and gave Twilight a wink before another warmer chord rang out to finish it off.

Rainbow smiled and panted, her muzzle set in a look of satisfaction Twilight knew well. "What do you think?"

Twilight stared.

"Sweet guitar, right? It's got seven strings!" she crowed. "That makes it awesome."

Rainbow Dash had grown so much in the last decade... but she still had a lot of growing to do. "Rainbow Dash," Twilight said softly.

The firm set of Twi's jaw knocked Rainbow's ears flat. "Oh," she mumbled. Her shoulders began to tighten. "...Sorry?"

"I love you." Her eyes softened as she tried to force a smile.

Rainbow sighed with relief. "I love you more, egghea--"

"But some days you make me want to throttle you." She turned and stomped away, shaking her head as she walked. "I'm going back to bed. Leave that thing downstairs if you're coming."

Rainbow watched her turn up the staircase, torn between her two loves -- awesome things and awesome wife. "Was it good?" she asked uncertainly.

Twilight didn't turn her head as she called back to her. "Ask me again when can you actually play music!"


There we go! That's the first thing I've written in months. I'm pretty content with it... Not the worst thing I've done in a few hours' work. Whaddya think?

Anyway, the new prompt is...


It's almost Nightmare Night, after all. Have fun!

I just realized that I wrote three times as much as I was supposed to for the game. Hay, I could publish this as a standard fic if I thought it was good enough. :twilightsheepish: I'm terrible at being concise.

Aww! Thanks, hon. It's good to know I haven't lost that much of my talent during this accidental hiatus.

Group Admin


Ah, that was fun to read. I'll lay a tentative claim on this next prompt to keep the ball rolling, but if anyone else has anything in mind please snag it while you can!

I'm just lurking in the shadows, waiting for a decent prompt to some along, so I can sink my teeth in.

Although, 'fear' isn't really the prompt that I can get behind.

Maybe soon enough.



Laying a claim on this now. Your 4 hours have expired. :P

Blundyyyy! How exciting. :rainbowkiss:



It all started with a single drop. Just a little blue drop on the floor under Rainbow's belly. She probably wouldn't have even noticed it if Rarity hadn't pointed it out as she made to leave the library.

"You'll regret that Rainbow," she'd said, viscously rubbing at her mane with a dark stained towel. "Nopony slips dye into my shampoo! And look out for that paint there by your hoof."

She'd been about to call Rarity out on not understanding the intricacies of Nightmare Night pranks when she paused. "Paint?" She and Twilight hadn't painted anything since they'd moved Spike out of their room. Her eyes drifted down to the floor where, sure enough, a little wet dot of blue--almost indistiguishable from the sky-blue color of her coat--lay like it had every right in the world to be there.

"I have to get back to the boutique and was this mess out of my mane," Rarity huffed as she opened the door. She cast Rainbow a firey look. "I trust now you're finished with me and it's somepony else's turn in the barrel?"

Rainbow tore her eyes from the dot and nodded Rarity's way. "Yeah, yeah," she said, waving her off. "It's cool, I forgive you for yelling."

Rarity spluttered and looked at her, aghast. "F-f-forgive?! Why, I never--"

"Have fun, Rarity!" Dash said offhandedly. She turned her eyes back to the paint dot.


[i/Where did those other two come from?

Her eyes drifted to the ceiling and surveyed the wood for any signs of a leak or wet paint. She found neither. Just wooden planks and tree branches. What the...

"Hey, Twi? Is Spike on a painting kick again?"

When Rainbow didn't get an answer from the stairs, she checked the clock and rolled her eyes. Right. Six thirty is subatomic physics time... She knew better than to interrupt her marefriend in the middle of a study session, so she shrugged decided to clean up the mess and have a talk with Spike when he got home from Apple Bloom's treehouse.

Without sparing a moment, she left for the kitchen to grab a towel. Who knew how long those flecks of paint had been sitting there? If they dried, she was sure Twilight would freak about how it messed up the color of the floor. She'd even probably demand the whole thing be repainted just to alleviate her own stress.

When she reached the kitchen, Dash grabbed a hoof towel out of the sink and, whistling, turned around to make for the lobby again. Then, she saw it. A whole trail of it, to be exact.

"Okay!" she said indignantly, "Just what the heck is goin' on here?!"

It was everywhere! Little blue dots littered the entire floor from where she was standing, all the way to the door that Rarity'd just left through. She hadn't done any painting at all, so it sure as heck wasn't her, and if it wasn't her then who the heck was it?

With a frustrated huff, Dash bent down and set about sopping up the dots with her towel. Or tried to, at least. It seemed that the harder she pressed, the bluer the floor became, and the bluer the floor became, the harder she pressed. Eventually, through grunts and groans, she'd managed to do nothing but work herself up. A bead of sweat rolled off her forehead, and she raised her fetlock to wipe it off, flicking the wetness off her leg. A splattering sound rang through the air to her left as a bunch of little wet drops hit the pots she'd left in the dish strainer the night before. Rainbow's jaw dropped. Those weren't sweat drops. Last time she'd checked, sweat drops were clear, not red--and most certainly not blue or yellow!

A chill ran down her spine as she checked her hoof. There wasn't any coloring on it at all.

"What the heck..." She gave her leg a practice shake, and watched with wide eyes as a glob of blue pulled itself out of her hoof and lobbed itself into the air, landing with a mighty sploosh onto the floor. Rainbow's heart skipped a beat, and her chest suddenly felt about a thousand times colder. Twilight had told her about this once. How ponies--good ponies who never did anything wrong!--would sometimes melt down into puddles without any explanation. It had happened to that Unicorn of the West pony from Twilight's magic book, and now it was happening to her!

Rainbow's breathing quickened sharpened. Her pulse quickened, even as tears filled her eyes, she watched a big drop of orange fall from her mane. They weren't just little drops anymore! At this rate, she'd be a pony puddle in just a few minutes! She didn't want to melt! She wanted to be a pony!

She had to do something! She had to think of someth--


She'd know what to do! Twilight always had the answer! She could fix this! She had to! And, Rainbow begrudgingly admitted as she scrambled for the stairs, screaming for her marefriend, on the off chance that she couldn't stop this, at least she'd get to say goodbye to the pony she cared about most in the world.

Rainbow lept to the stairs and spun around the rail without missing a motion. Walking was getting difficult, she noticed, as her legs began to shake. They were tired now, but she powered on through. She couldn't give up! She couldn't just melt like this! She reached up for the rail but, to her horror, found she couldn't reach it anymore! The stairs looked more like small platforms and reached her knees now!

"Twilight!" she screamed desperately as more blue and magenta tears flowed down her face, joining the drops of what used to be her body on the steps and riding the current of fluids down the stairs. "Twilight! Help!" There were just a few stairs left! If she could make it up them, the run to Twilight's room should only take a few seconds. She noted, as her tail finished dripping off her flank, that a few seconds might be all she had left.

"Twilight!" Rainbow heaved and hollered as she climbed the stairs. Each step was agony--a small mountain that she wasn't sure she'd ever manage to climb. The stairs were up to her mid-chest now, and growing rapidly. There was only one left, but she didn't know if she'd be able to make it.

Her heart pounded in her chest as she flapped her wings for every ounce of strength they were worth. They didn't carry her very high, but the slight boost was enough for her to set her forehooves on the top of the floor and allow her to pull herself up. A sickening squishing, squelching sound ripped through her ears as her right wing dropped a glob of blue and vanished from her side. Any other time, she would have considered the loss of her flight as the worst thing imaginable, but right now, all she wanted to do was get down the hall and find her marefriend.

"Twilight!" She raced down the hall, stumbling and staggering into the walls as her legs worked to keep her going forward. "Twili~ight!" A sob tore its way out of her chest. She couldn't see anymore! The world was black! This was it! She was going to--A sharp pain blasted her nose as she slammed headfirst into a large wooden object.

Twilight's door!

With a monumental effort, she pulled herself back and slammed her forehead against the door again. "Twilight!" she sobbed, "Open the door! I'm dying out here!" She reared on her back hooves with what little strength she had left, and placed her forehooves on the door. She didn't have to have her sight to know she wasn't even close to the knob. Then, the world gave way, and she fell...

* * * * *

"Rainbow? What's wrong? Why are your eyes closed?"

Huh? Her eyes weren't closed! They'd melted out! She was blind! She was--clenchin her eyes shut? She took a deep breath, relaxed her face and, sure enough, there was Twilight standing over her.

"Twilight!" she shrieked, wings flaring as she scrambled over to her and wrapped her forelegs around one of Twilight's fetlocks. "Help! I'm melting just like that unicorn from your book! I'm gonna--"

Wait a minute... Didn't my wing fall off? Rainbow blinked and checked her side. Sure enough, her wing was gone. But I can still feel it...

"You're melting?"

"Yes!" Rainbow screamed. "I'm--I--" Then, she saw it. Off in the corner, right where she bet Twilight knew she'd see it. Standard Illusions for Non-Standard Uses: A Beginner's Guide to Magical Pranking.

"Are you sure? You look fine to me."

Rainbow's jaw dropped. She felt so used. Twilight just... She'd...

"Maybe now you realize just how unfun your Nightmare Night pranks can be," a high-class voice chimed in from behind her. Rainbow rolled over and saw Rarity in the doorway with the smuggiest of smug grins she'd ever seen.

But she'd been so sure... Twilight had told her! She thought she was going to... to...

"Die!" Rainbow screamed as tears continued to flow down her cheeks. She glared at her friend, and shot a nasty look at Twilight. "I thought I was dying!" She jumped to her hooves and shivered as she watched the illusion fall. It had all felt so real... "That wasn't funny!" Her face was hot. Her hearbeat thundered in her ears. "I came up here to say goodbye, dammit!"

Rarity's smile faded a bit, and she cast Twilight a worried glance.

"Rainbow..." Twilight whispered. She reached out with a hoof. "I'm so sorry... I didn't think... It was only supposed to be a joke..."

"Just a prank, darling..." Rarity echoed softly. "We only wanted to give you a little fright, not..."

"Well you definitely made a job of it!" Rainbow yelled. Her legs were shaking. Her lip quivered. A warm foreleg draped itself over her shoulders.

"We went way to far, Rainbow," Twilight said. She pulled her close and held her tight. Rainbow squeezed her with all her might, burrowing her head into her neck.

"I was so scared, Twilight..." she said through her quivers. "I promise, I won't ever prank anypony ever again. Just don't---"

"Nonsense," Rarity interjected, placing a comforting hoof on Dash's shoulder. "We were in the wrong, darling. A simple pie would have been sufficient, but I wanted to go big, and..."

"We're sorry, Rainbow," Twilight said gently, pulling the pegasus's face out of her shoulder and looking deep into her eyes. "How about we go out for dinner to make it up to you? My treat."

"Mine as well," Rarity chimed in. "Wherever you wish to go, Darling. Money is no object."

Rainbow nodded jerkily and let a final shiver run down her spine. "S-Sure," she said. "I guess it w-was kinda funny..."

Twilight shook her head. "It wasn't. It was mean, and I promise we won't do it again. Okay?"

This time, Rainbow's nod was a bit easier, and she pulled herself back into Twilight's embrace, thankful she could still be in it. If anything, she'd at least learned to appreciate her marefriend for what she was. "Okay," she answered. "But I'm totally getting you back for this..."

Definitely went on longer than I planned. I wrote this in about a half hour, so I'm sorry if it's shitty; I just got off work about an hour ago.

Next prompt is...


Group Admin


I'll scoop this one up for sure this time.

Shitty? Are you kidding me? That was fantastic, especially for something written in half an hour! You even had me convinced that Twi was getting her back through her research into subatomic physics, not illusions, which made it even funnier when it turned out to be nothing at all.

Group Admin


Twilight’s lips left Rainbow’s with a small pecking sound. Smiling from ear to ear, Twilight fell back into her seat, a dreamy look on her face. She felt elated, there was no other way to describe it. After weeks of planning, beating around the bush, and working up the courage to ask Rainbow Dash to dinner, they had finally shared their first—of hopefully many—kisses.

Her stomach doing somersaults, Twilight blinked through the haze of euphoria that clouded her eyes and looked to Rainbow, expecting to see a similar drunken smile on her face. Twilight was sure her cheeks must have been glowing red when she stared into Rainbow’s cerise eyes, looking to see the same spark of excitement and anticipation that Twilight hoped shined in her own eyes.

It came as a great shock for Twilight when she was met with an aghast Rainbow Dash. Her smile faltered when Rainbow looked down in horror at Twilight’s lips with a slack jaw and an expression of horror drawn over her features.

“Wh-what the hay was that?!”

Twilight’s blood ran cold and drained from her formerly blushing cheeks. “I-I...” Twilight sputtered, her heart falling to her stomach. “A-a kiss?” she asked quietly.

“The hay did you kiss me for?!” Rainbow shook her head, a pink hue showing through her fur. She looked at Twilight in disbelief before shaking her head again and staring resolutely at her half-eaten dinner.

“Um...” Twilight fidgeted with her hooves. “Y-you mean you’re not... we’re not...” Her gaze drifted down to the tablecloth as she scrunched shut her suddenly burning eyes.

“We’re not what?”

Steeling herself, Twilight inhaled deeply and dared herself to meet Rainbow’s gaze. The blank look on her face managed to make Twilight exhale and deflate. “S-so... this isn’t a date?”

“A date?!” Rainbow’s eyes widened and she gaped at Twilight, making the alicorn look down in shame. “I— But— what made you think this was a date?”

“Um...” Twilight gestured to the candlelit dinner set before them, idly noting how the dim light from the candles managed to make Rainbow’s eyes glow like a pair of rubies.

“Yeah, but this is just a dinner!” Rainbow said, a note of panic in her voice. “No romantic junk or anything! Just two friends having a totally friendly dinner...” She bit her lip and her ears pinned against her skull. “...Right?”

“B-but I did everything the book said!” Twilight protested weakly. Her mind raced. Where did she go wrong? A flash of her horn later, and Twilight was flipping through red-covered book. “A-all the signs were there! I thought I did everything right!”

“Book? Signs?” Rainbow asked feebly. “What are you talkin’ about, Twi?”

“Us!” Twilight snapped the book shut and looked desperately at Rainbow. “I thought that you... Ugh!” Twilight groaned and rubbed her face roughly. “You mean you really don’t have any feelings for me?”

Rainbow’s gaze wandered, seeming to want to look at everything except Twilight. “I... dunno,” she said lamely.

“But what about all those nights we spent cuddled up in front of the fireplace?”

“Th-those were just reading nights!” Rainbow wrung her hooves and her wings twitched by her sides. “We’ve been doing that since forever.”

Twilight’s heart fell in time with her head. “Y-you put your wing over me...”

“You were shivering,” Rainbow said immediately. “Like I would let my best friend freeze.”

“We’ve spent the last few days together...” Twilight swallowed thickly and blinked the forming tears from her eyes. Her head hit the table with a small thump and she held back a sniffle.

“I’ve had a couple extra shifts, and we just kinda hung out, I guess.” Twilight heard Rainbow’s chair squeak as it was pushed across the kitchen floor. Not a few seconds later she felt a hoof tentatively grip her shoulder. “Twilight?”

“I got you a bouquet of roses,” Twilight said more to the floor than to Rainbow. “And when I asked you to dinner, I thought—” she clicked her jaw shut. “Nevermind.”

There was a pregnant moment of silence, leaving both mares to their thoughts. “Yeah...” Rainbow mumbled slowly, a dawning realization growing in her voice. “You did....”

“And when you said I was one of the most important ponies in your life, I thought that you...” Twilight let out something between a sob and a snarl and pushed her chair back. “I-I’m sorry, I was wrong,” she said without looking at Rainbow. “I should go.”

Before Twilight could turn to leave she felt a strong pair of forelegs grab her by the shoulders, spin her around, and pull her into a tight embrace. Twilight’s eyes snapped open, freezing in Rainbow’s hooves. It was only when she felt a pair of wings wrap around her back that she let herself return the hug, burying her head in the crook of Rainbow’s neck.

“I’m an idiot, aren’t I?” Rainbow sighed into Twilight’s neck, sending a shiver down her spine. Rainbow pulled away from Twilight, her eyes flicking around the room. Finally, they settled back on Twilight, who brushed away a lingering tear from her eye as a sheepish smile formed on Rainbow’s face. “So... I don’t suppose we could, y’know, try this again?”

Alright, we seem to be starting a trend of making these things longer than they're actually supposed to be. I apologize for any lack of quality with these things, I've been so busy going between writing and studying and family that my head is starting to spin and I'm losing track of life @_@

Next prompt's gonna be... Shenanigans


Four hours to think of a story? Let's see what I can do.



Pinkie barely suppressed her chuckles as she crouched down low amongst the twisted branches and waving leaves of a bush. Every time one of her giggles escaped the hoof covering her mouth, an quick and decisive “shush” was uttered in her direction from a bush right next to her own.

“Sorry Dashie,” Pinkie whispered, quickly clasping her hooves back over her mouth before she could start laughing. When she regained control, she once again lowered her hooves. “I think is one of the best pranks yet. Do we have a target yet?”

The bush next to Pinkie's shook. “Nah, the only pony close enough is Twilight, and I am not pranking Twilight.”

“Awww, don't wanna anger your marefriend?” Pinkie taunted in a hushed, sing-song voice.

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “You don't understand, Pinkie. Now that we are together, it's dangerous for me to prank her unless I want to start a full-on war. I think I may have rubbed off on her too much.”

Pinkie gave her most exaggerated pout, even if it was hidden by the leaves of her bush. “C'mon Dashie! What trouble can one little prank cause?”

“A lot.” Rainbow shuddered as she remembered the last prank she'd pulled on Twilight, and in turn the pranks that had been pulled on her.

“Dashieeeeeee,” Pinkie whined. “Please? I haven't pranked Twilight in so long...”

“I said no Pinkie, we'll just have to- Pinkie?” Rainbow paused, watching as Pinkie reached down and brought a small hose to her lips. “Pinkie don't you dare, she's gonna-”

Pinkie took in a deep breath and blew through the hose. The air rushed through it to its destination; a small whistle set between the roots of a nearby tree. The whistle, specially carved to make a specific kind of noise, sang its song – that of an injured bird.

Rainbow Dash bit her lip, looking out of the bush to see fi Twilight took the bait. To her horror, the unicorn stood from the bench she'd been reading on and tilted her head towards the tree. Breathing a sigh of relief when she didn't actually move, Rainbow shot a glare at Pinkie's bush. “She didn't take it. I'm telling you Pinkie, you have no idea-”

Without waiting for another warning Pinkie blew on the hose once again, long and low. This time Twilight took the bait and came marching over tot he tree with a concerned frown stretched across her muzzle. Rainbow's eyes widened in fear. “Pinkie no, please.”

“C'mon, Dashie,” Pinkie whispered as Twilight got into position beneath the tree. “Live a little.” Then she bit on a length of rope hidden behind the tree and pulled.

In a moment of slow-motion horror, stretched out for seemingly eternity, Rainbow watched as a bucket nestled safely within the branches of the tree came tumbling from its perched, dumping its contents onto the purple unicorn beneath it. A fine, red-tinted powder poured out, coating Twilight from head to hoof.

A beat of Rainbow's heart thrummed through her ears, and then the powder took affect.

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight screeched as she fell onto her side, hooves desperately working across her skin and scratching at everything the itching powder had touched. Writhing about in the dirt beneath he tree, Twilight did her best to still her head for long enough to shoot a glare directly into Rainbow's hiding spot before losing focus and rubbing her neck desperately against the rough ground.

Eve as all the possibilities for Twilight's revenge raced through her mind, Rainbow couldn't help but snicker at her marefriend.

Suddenly,t he unicorn jumped up onto her hooves, trembling as her entire body continued to burn with an insatiable itch. Without thinking she made a mad dash for the only source of relief within range; the fountain in the middle of the park, currently surrounded by multiple groups of ponies. With a mighty splash Twilight dove into the shallow waters, rolling around in the fountain and struggling to wash the itching powder out of her coat and mane.

Rainbow Dash fell backwards out of her bush, laughing hysterically as Pinkie did the same. “See!” Pinkie prompted through her laughter. “Told you it was worth it!”

Unable to respond, Rainbow just kept laughing, knowing it wouldn't be long until she was on the receiving end of a prank. Staring up at the sun, Rainbow's laughter died in her throat as a silhouette leaned over her face and blocked out the sky.

“Hello, Rainbow Dash,” Twilight muttered darkly, mane and coat dripping and the remaining traces of itching powder making her rub at her forelegs. “I take it you've had fun today.”

Rainbow swallowed nervously. “It was Pinkie's idea?”

Twilight raised a single eyebrow. “Funny, I haven't seen PinkiePie anywhere.”

Face falling, Rainbow turned to the side and, sure enough, Pinkie had vanished. “No way... she's seriously gonna let me take the fall for this?” She muttered to herself, mentally noting to prank the party mare good for this little betrayal.

Leaning down, Twilight placed a single kiss on Rainbow's cheek before placing her muzzle right next to the pegasus's ear. “Be prepared, Rainbow Dash.” With those final, ominous words, Twilight lit her horn and teleported away with a flash.

Over the course of the following week, Rainbow found herself literal bathing in itching powder, tarred and feathered, covered in a green slime she didn't want to know the origin of, and every time she was somewhere very public. Not even her usual napping grounds were safe from her marefriend's vengeance, armed with a cloud walking enchantment and nearly limitless teleportation, Twilight was nearly inescapable.

Twilight would occasionally find herself on the receiving end of a prank – Rainbow's conscience would not let her humiliation go unpunished – but they were rare and nothing like the level Twilight's pranks were on.

Eventually, after finding her favourite napping cloud filled with cake batter rather than water and enchanted to rain upwards, Rainbow came stumbling through the front door of the library, exhausted and looking more like a batter-monster than a pony.

“That's it!” She cried, flopping to the floor and spattering batter everywhere. “I'm done. I give; you win.”

From somewhere within the library, a voice echoed. “Are you sure? You are the one who started this.”

“I'm done, Twi,” Rainbow insisted. “Besides, it was Pinkie, not me.”

“Oh I know,” Twilight's voice echoed. “And she'll get what she deserves soon enough. But you... I think one more good prank is in order. Accept it, and you'll be cleared of any transgressions.”

Rainbow sighed. “Can I at least shower first? This batter's starting to dry...”

Twilight's voice giggled wearily as a magical flash cleaned Rainbow's coat. “Ready?”

“Hit me.”

Hit her Twilight did. In an instant a thick, warm liquid flowed down over her head, rapidly coating her body and a small area of the floor beneath her. Rainbow squeezed her eyes shut, but a familiar scent made her open them even as the dark brown liquid continued to cover her.

“Wait... this is...” she stuck her tongue out, taking a small dollop of the stuff and tasting it.


Twilight giggled again, finally walking to the front room of the library where Rainbow could see her. “Three.... two.... one... yep! Chocolate.” Her eyes narrowed. “Solidifies fast, doesn't it?”

Rainbow quirked and eyebrow, taking a step forward once the shower had stopped, only to realize the chocolate had indeed solidified, and had encased her hooves, along with the rest of her body. From head to hoof, she was now a life-size, chocolate pony.

Licking her lips eagerly, Twilight sauntered forward, circling her entrapped marefriend. “I felt like having some chocolate today. So... where should I start?”

“Uhh...” Rainbow's cheeks lit up a scarlet blush beneath their chocolate coating.

“Up here?” Twilight asked herself, nibbling some chocolate off the tip of Rainbow's ear. “Or maybe... somewhere else...?

I uh... Yeah... I got really far off topic by the end there and umm... don't look at me like that.... I'm sorry...

Not my best writing, but meh, pretty good for an hour of writing. Also, aren't these things supposed to be pretty short? Cuz... err... 1.3 K words...

Whatever. I declareth the next prompt to be miracle

Group Admin


Dat ending though. And yeah, these are technically supposed to be between 100-500 words, but the last four posts now haven't exactly been doing that. Oh well, it's no harm to anybody :scootangel:

My usual prompts on RariJack are way over 1k :rainbowlaugh:


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