AppleDash 3,013 members · 1,068 stories
Comments ( 506 )
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4855761 OMG RD is totally me when playing soul scalibur, mortal kombat ans everything in the middle XD like I don't pay attention at how the character dress or if it is so sexy outfit. I only care about the story and the how to control the character XD

But is cool and funny!!!

Group Contributor

4860305 I actually don't play fighting games all that much.

I just thought it'd be funny for Rainbow to have an overly sexualized character, and not notice. Applejack notices, though.

Nothing escapes the Applejack.

:rainbowdetermined2:"Ha! I won! In your face, AJ! In your face!"

:ajsmug:"I feel like we're all winners today, Rainbow. We're all winners."

:rainbowkiss:"Hey, I've got a victory dance animation."

:ajsmug::heart:"Mmh hmm."

Y'know, from now on, I think I'll start reading the stories when they get posted here, rather than when the fic gets updated. That way, I'll get a slow but steady stream of AppleDash (not that the "lots of stories every once in a while" approach didn't have its perks :derpytongue2:).
Also, is there going to be another collab story for #300?

Done! Another EQG one for the prompt: String

Applejack sat in a fold-out chair, next to the red pickup truck in her family's barn. She had her guitar in her lap, and was fiddling with the tuning. A few feet away, Rainbow Dash sat in a chair like her own, fitting new strings to her electric, with the old ones discarded beside it. The whole gang was supposed to be meeting there for practise, but Rainbow had turned up early.

“I swear you're fittin' new strings to that thing every time I see you,” Applejack said, picking at a couple of her own to test the sound.

“Uh, that's 'cause I'm always buying better ones,” said Rainbow, as if it was obvious. “You can't just stick with the same old strings all the time, else it just gets boring to play.”

“Heh, speak for yourself – I ain't changed the strings on this gal since I got her.” Applejack patted her guitar, smiling.

“Yeah, well I--”


The string Rainbow had been fitting flicked up and caught her right in the mouth. She recoiled and dropped the guitar as she jumped to her feet. “Ow! Son-of-a--”

“Holy Hannah, Dash! You alright?”

“Yeah, I'm fine,” said Rainbow, with a grimace. “Damn it, ow...” She looked down her nose and pinched her lip between her fingers, trying to get a look at it. “Am I bleeding?”

Applejack got up and walked over to her, leaning in to check it over. There was no cut. “Nope. Just grazed ya.”

Rainbow let go of her lip and huffed, rubbing her jaw. “Well, it's sore as hell.”

Applejack smirked. “Want me to kiss it better?” she teased.

Rainbow stopped in the middle of a snarky comeback, mouth hanging part-open and eyes slightly unfocused. Then she looked at Applejack. “W-what?” Rainbow asked.

“I said, do y--” Applejack's face caught fire as she realised what she'd just suggested. “O-oh shoot, I didn't mean, uh--”

“No-no,” said Rainbow, shaking her head. “Just, uh, forget that. I, uh... Yes.”

Applejack stared at her. It took her a moment to pick her way through that 'sentence'. “Yes, what?” she asked.

Rainbow stared back, and there was a glint of nervous fear in her rosy eyes. “Yes, please,” she said.

“No, I mean--” Applejack broke off. Her eyes went wide. “Oh.”

They both fell silent. The air in the barn suddenly became very thick when Applejack realised just how close together they were standing. She gulped, and saw Rainbow do the same. Then, as if watching her body on autopilot, she felt herself drawing in towards Rainbow's lips.

Part of her wanted to slow down and think about what she was doing, but the rest of her would much rather have acted first and thought later. And that part was winning. The closer she got, the less of everything else seemed to matter, and before she knew what was happening, she could only see Rainbow.

Their lips met. Everything melted away for Applejack, and she closed her eyes to revel in the sudden pleasure of the touch. The softness, the warmth, the way they both shook with nervous anticipation. Taken by the moment, she found Rainbow's hand with one of hers, and held it. Right then, the only two people in the world were she and Rainbow...

“Ooo, what's goin' on in here?”

They both broke away with a jolt, and pretended to be interested in anything but one another as Pinkie poked her head into the barn.

“Nothin',” they chorused, cheeks blazing.


For the next prompt, let's try... Ribbon


It's always Pinkie, idnit?

4866426 I can't help it, she just keeps showing up :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin

:ajbemused: Damned pink menace always ruinin' moments...

4866426 4867122 4867124
Maybe Pinkie Sense has a cue for "I can create a hilariously (for me) awkward situation"?

This one is humanised (not specifically EQG, but it can be if you prefer) for the prompt: Ribbon

It was a simple piece of ribbon really. Half red, half green. One look at it and Rarity would have insisted that it be thrown away and replaced with something with a little more sparkle, and after all, silk and lace were the height of popularity in Manehattan right now and the correct shade of periwinkle would be just darling with-

The point was, Rarity wouldn't appreciate it in the same way Rainbow did. But as she eyed the tattered old piece of ribbon, she admitted to herself that maybe it was because it didn't have any memories for Rarity...

Rainbow still remembered the day she first laid eyes on that piece of ribbon. It had been tied around one of Applejack's birthday presents. The present itself hadn't struck Rainbow as especially amazing. It was one of those old school portable CD players. Second hand, battered and, like the Apple family themselves, hilariously behind the times. Rainbow had been tempted to point out that A.J would do better with a proper mp3 player.

But she couldn't bring herself to say it. Applejack was never one to show off, but on this occasion she couldn't stop raving about her amazing CD player. Rainbow knew the Apples didn't have a lot of money, so this was likely all that Granny, Mac and Applebloom could afford for her. Nonetheless, Applejack was so proud of it, one would think they had given her a top of the range stereo system.

There was one advantage for Rainbow though. She hadn't been able to think of something to get for A.J, but the CD player inspired her. She cut class that afternoon to head into town to buy it. She had forgotten to get anything to wrap it in, but knowing how careful Applejack was about preserving things, she had sneaked into her bedroom and, sure enough, the red and green ribbon had been safely tucked away in her drawer.

She remembered how A.J had walked in to find Rainbow, still frantically tying the gift up. What followed was a lecture about how foolish it was to skip school and something about not breaking into other people's houses (Rainbow hadn't really been paying attention), but that all changed when she finally saw what Rainbow had bought for her.

It was a very simple thing really. It was a small cable that split in two. The idea was to allow two sets of headphones to be plugged into one socket at the same time. Rainbow stilled remembered how Applejack had hugged her. The two then plugged their own headphones (again, Applejack's were hopelessly out of date) into the CD player and spent the evening rocking out together. It probably would have lasted longer had Big Mac not come up to get A.J for her birthday dinner. Not that Rainbow minded. The Apples had naturally offered to let her join them and that was some of the best birthday cake she'd ever had.

After that, something of an unspoken tradition sprang up between them. Whenever one of them had a birthday, the other would give them a new CD, always wrapped up in that same red and green ribbon. A.J would run and get her CD player, Rainbow would get the headphone splitter, and the two would spend hours head-banging and air-guitaring together. Whoever's birthday it was, would then carefully store the red and green ribbon away, waiting for the other's birthday when it would again be brought out. It was probably the one possession that Rainbow had even taken genuine care of.

But the ribbon held other memories. Two of the most important happened one winter morning when the two girls were walking to school together. There was ice on the ground and Applejack wasn't paying attention. She slipped and fell heavily on her side. Rainbow wasn't worried. Applejack was used to rough work on the farm, she had new cuts and bruises practically every day. So a little fall would be something she would laugh off, right?

Not that day. That day was one of the only times in her life that Rainbow had ever seen Applejack cry. She didn't understand at first, not until Applejack pulled out the remains of the broken CD player from her pocket. A.J had spent the rest of the day at school unusually quiet and sullen. Rainbow had broken enough of her own stuff over the years to not care much about it. But seeing how Applejack was affected by this gnawed at her.

So once again, Rainbow ducked out of class. Once again she went into the town and once again she sneaked into Applejack's bedroom for that familiar piece of ribbon (to be fair, if Applejack didn't want Rainbow sneaking into her room, she shouldn't keep leaving the window unlocked, it was her own fault really).

Rainbow waited in that bedroom until Applejack came home, still rather puffy eyed and down in the dumps. After she saw Rainbow, another lecture about playing hookey followed, which once again came to a halt when she saw the item Rainbow had tied up in the red and green ribbon.

Rainbow had been tempted to buy A.J a proper mp3 player this time around, but when she had been at the music store it just felt wrong somehow. Besides, it would be a shame for all of their CDs to go to waste. And so she presented the new CD player. It was a little more expensive, brand new, no scratches and the sound quality was far superior (Rainbow hoped it would make all that country music a little more tolerable).

The first important memory of that day had been seeing Applejack cry. The second memory was the moment Applejack saw the gift wrapped in the red and green ribbon.

Because that was the moment just before Applejack kissed her.

A.J had sprang back, blushing and stammering out an apology, but that was quickly cut off when Rainbow kissed her back.

There were other memories as well. Their relationship had grown from that ribbon over the next few years, but it wasn't all paradise. There was a time when things had been rocky for them. In fact, there was a time when they had decided to break up.

Rainbow had been in Applejack's room again. They hadn't reached the point of moving in together or anything, but both had left things at each other's places. Rainbow was going through the CDs they had bought each other through the years, trying to figure out the best way to split them up. She was glad it was over really. She wouldn't ever have to set foot in this dusty room again. Stupid dust, making her eyes water.

The biggest problem with dividing up the things though was when it came to the music player. The player itself would go to Applejack of course, it had been a gift. And they would each keep their own headphones obviously. But what about the cable splitter? How do you split up something that's already designed to split things up? In that moment, Rainbow imagined what it would be like to never listen to tunes with A.J ever again. The dust made her eyes water again.

When Applejack got home that night, hoping Rainbow would already have come and gone, she found the girl lying on her bed, wearing that old red and green ribbon around her neck like a bowtie and...well, not much else really...

Yes that red and green ribbon had many memories for the two. So as Rainbow looked at it now, tied around that small box on the restaurant table, with Applejack down on one knee...

What else could she say but yes?

Next prompt: Drool

Group Admin

4882504 You had me worried there for a moment! :rainbowderp:

Surely you didn't think an Appledash story on an Appledash thread, in an Appledash forum, wouldn't end with them getting back together, did you? :P
Thank you! :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

4885633 Knowing some people on here? I had my doubts :P

Wow! I was not expecting that. Beautiful work and great ending :rainbowkiss:

and something about not breaking into other people's houses

Also that bit made me laugh :pinkiehappy:

Group Contributor


Twilight has become a princess of Equestria. Rarity is in charge of an international fashion franchise. Fluttershy is out... doing animal-y things, I guess. (Maybe I should pay more attention to Fluttershy?) And Pinkie is heading big events for ponies that make more money than me by a few dozen digits.

And where are you?

Drooling all over my back, that's where.

Oh, you think I don't notice, but what you fail to realize is that I wake up super early. Ha. You only think I'm really lazy, but surprise! I'm not. I'm actually hyperactive and stuff. I'm basically awesome.

So yeah. I notice when you drool all over me in your sleep. You silly thing.

Oh, yeah, one more thing: that stuff doesn't come out easily, y'know. Good thing I shower every morning with special anti-earth-pony shampoo. And you laughed at me when I dragged my bag of special wing-products over. Well, who's laughing now, huh?

Ugh. It's going in-between the feathers again.

This'd all be so much easier if, I dunno, we slept on opposite sides of the bed? Yeah, who'd a' thunk it? Rainbow Dash, solving problems since that year I can't remember that I was born on.


How old am I?

Oh, shoot. Now you're chewing on my mane.

Applejack, you're one of the weirdest ponies I've ever slept with.

Short list, I know, but still.


Very short list, now that I think about it. Huh.

I guess I've been busy a lot. Ah well. Making up for lost time is cool. Right, AJ?

Right. You're still asleep.


You gonna move any time soon?

I'm kinda trapped, here.


Let go.


Ah well.

I can think of worse ponies to drool on me.

Sweet dreams, and all that. See you in the morning.

Next prompt: Ego


This was the best prompt yet. Period.

You can't control Rainbow! You can only hope to contain her! :rainbowwild:

Nice! The chewing on the mane bit was my favourite :rainbowkiss:

Thank you! :pinkiehappy:

Well, I was going to say that no one wanted to take the prompt, but then I remembered that there is a competion going on.:twilightblush:

Group Contributor

It's over, now; it's judging time. But some of us might still be a bit AppleDashed out. :unsuresweetie:

Sounds like it. It's all good though.:twilightsmile:

Well, I'm hoping to practice my writing muscles, so now that the contest's over, I can hopefully start making contributions to this thing. So, here's my first shot at this.
Prompt: Ego.

"You know, girls..."

"Yes, Twilight?"

"Recently, I've noticed something," said Twilight as she sat with her friends in front of the horse statue at Canterlot High. "Namely, all of you — excluding Sunset, of course — are a little different than the pony versions of you."

"How so?" Rarity raised an eyebrow. "Please do elaborate, darling."

"Well, there's nothing major from what I've seen, but for example, you seem to be even more gung-ho about dressmaking than your counterpart in Ponyville. In addition, the Equestrian version of Fluttershy has much more trouble with stage fright, though she's gone some way into overcoming it."

This time, it was Sunset Shimmer who spoke up. "That's odd. Do you know what's causing this?"

"Some of it I can pin down to events that have happened in one world or the other, but others are still a mystery. It's quite fascinating, really."

"How about me?" Rainbow asked. "Am I more awesome than the other me?"

"Well..." Twilight pondered the question a little. "While I don't think that's a judgment I can make without your expertise on what, exactly, constitutes as 'awesome', I can say that the pegasus Rainbow Dash has managed to tone down her ego a little bit better. Er, no offence."

"Hey, I only brag about things I know I'm great at. It's not my fault there's so many of them," the girl said with a grin.

Applejack gave her a dull stare. "Rainbow, you've boasted about nearly every other thing you've done. Heck, just last week you said you're the best kisser in the whole school."

"Oh yeah?" Rainbow waggled her eyebrows. "Care to try and prove me wrong?"

Applejack continued staring at the athlete, completely deadpan. She then moved next to her, held her head in her hands, and planted her lips against Rainbow's.

Neither of the girls moved, apart from their mouths.

"Umm... Applejack? Rainbow?"

"Are... you okay, girls?"

"Earth to Dashie!"

After a rather long while during which the other five girls stared in awkward silence, Rainbow Dash and Applejack finally separated, both panting for breath.

"I... I think we can call that one a draw," Rainbow said.

Once she caught her breath, Applejack smirked ever so slightly. "Well, we can't just leave it that, now can we?"


"Last time I checked, you weren't the kind of person to settle for a draw just like that. Which means we gotta have a tiebreaker, doesn't it?"

As comprehension dawned on her face, Rainbow started to grin.

"So, sugarcube," Applejack said, tossing a flirty gaze at her. "Ready for Round Two?"

Rainbow returned the expression. "Oh, yeah."

I'm actually surprised I managed to write this in a single night once I got the idea for it.
Next prompt: Puns.

5005544 I want to imagine the faces of the other girls while this is happening XD jajajaj!!!

Actually, I just noticed my entry here is the 299th one, so it begs the question... once the contest has been judged, is there going to be a collab story like there were for #100 and #200?

Group Admin

Possibly. We're also overdue for our 2000th member whatever-it-is.

Group Contributor


Prompt: Puns

Applejack lay with her hooves wrapped around her pony, eyeing her with faint concern. Rainbow was shiverring, and would turn and toss in Applejack's grip. The sheets had become clammy and damp from the sweat and now and then, a whimper punctuated the silence in the bedroom.

"RD?" Applejack whispered, trying to shake her fillyfriend awake. "Having a nightmare?"

Rainbow did not respond. Applejack bit her lip. It hadn't been a question so much as a statement that might wake her up.

"Hey?" she asked, and squeezed Rainbow's barrel. "Hey, c'mon, you're worryin' me."

At last, Rainbow shot up, a shout erupting from her lips. She panted in the dark, her eyes shut tight.

"Oh, jeez..." she whispered. "That was... Oh, boy."

Applejack pulled Rainbow closer to her, and gently massaged Rainbow's shoulders. "It's okay. Bad dream?"

"Mmh..." Rainbow grunted. "Myeah."

"Wanna talk about it?"

"It was silly. There was... Uh... There were cities and towns and... everything was different and creepy. And the puns..."


"Yeah. Everything... everything was horse puns," Rainbow said. "Like, Manhattan was Manehattan, and Philadelphia was Fillydelphia... and..."

Applejack frowned. "Sugarcube?"


"Those are what they're called," Applejack said. "What the hay is a 'Manhattan'?"

Rainbow opened her eyes, swallowing. "Oh, sweet Jesus..." she mouthed, looking at Applejack from hooves to withers.

Applejack tilted her head. "We're ponies, remember?"

Rainbow Dash leapt from the bed with a scream, disentangling herself from Applejack's arms and tripping away from the bed in fright. She held out her hands and began to touch herself furiously.

"Hands... nose... feet... Oh, thank Christ, I'm still human..."

She collapsed against the wall as Applejack flicked the bedside lamp on, looking at Rainbow Dash with wide eyes.

"What is it, sugar'?"

Rainbow Dash slid down to the floor, panting.

"AJ, I'm never letting you take me to the stables ever again if you keep saying those awful puns."

"That's what've been giving you nightmares for the past week?"

Rainbow ran her hands over her face. "I didn't want to say anything, I know it's dumb, but..."

"It's darn-tootin' hilarious."

"Hey! Appreciate my struggles!"

Applejack slid out of bed after Rainbow, and wrapped her hands around Rainbow's hips. She leaned over Rainbow's smaller frame, letting her body press into hers with a smile.

"I appreciate 'em. I promise I won't make fun," she said quietly.

Rainbow brushed her hair out her eyes, and pouted.

"Well... good." She narrowed her eyes. "And no more making me think what it'd be like to be a pony!" she added, prodding Applejack's chest with her finger.

Applejack kissed Rainbow's cheek. "No problem. Wouldn't want you to scream yourself horse."

"I hate you."

"I love you too."

Guess who's ba-a-ack?

Next prompt: Runner

Tsk AJ, you shouldn't pun-ish Rainbow so...

Group Contributor

5063133 She didn't use to, once upun a time.

Then she entered a stable relationship with Rainbow. She couldn't help but horse around a little after that. She always makes it up to her, though.


I don't know, it would behoove her to be a little more considerate. She shouldn't stirrup trouble like that.

Still, as far as lovers go, Rainbow could have been saddled with someone a lot worse.

Group Contributor

5063162 I guess she hopes that making pancakes will canter the odd quip. Besides, she already adjusts for a lot of Rainbow's mane quirks.

brace for obscure horse terminology

Still, if she ever gets too cavalier with her jokes, Rainbow'll just dock Applejack's sleeping priviledges. Thankfully the two barrel through their problems with gusto, even if they're as silly as Rainbow being afraid they were farrier.

Group Contributor

5063204 I guess you could say this thread is foal of puns now.

I think we're being given the colt shoulder

Group Contributor

5063412 I have a filly-ng our puns aren't getting the appreciation they deserve.

Yes, I've herd some people just don't like puns as much as they should. It's a trotten shame, really.

Group Contributor

5063600 Someone really needs to write the next prompt soon, or else I'll pun out of things to say. I canter-k this any more.

Wow. It's like my dad has been absorbed into this thread.

Group Contributor

5065292 Additionally, if 5019809 is correct, then we've just gone over prompt number 300.

Is this cause for come mane-r of celebration? Is there gonna be a thing?

Group Admin

5065654 Maybe! We might still be on cooldown from the last contest. Also I think there's a twidash version going on at the moment, which might take away some interest from us. But it'll probably be discussed :P

Group Contributor

5065683 Sweet. I did think it'd be soon after the last thing, but personally, I can never get quite enough AppleDash stuff.

And yes, I have officially run out of puns.

Group Admin

5065690 Likewise. Need more quality appledash stuff to read. Emphasis on quality.

Group Contributor

5065698 I personally don't see what's wrong with quality and quantity.

A bit of both never hurt anyone.

Hey guys got a favor to ask. I was wondering if anybody could do the cover image for my story, A tale of an Autumn Glow. if you can please contact me and I will speak to you further. (P.s. I'm looking for good artists and the like so if that's you then flip me a message!)
Sincerely yours,

Group Contributor

>post in prompt tag thread
>get my hopes up for new minific
>ask for coverart—for free
>only 'good artists' at that

I'm flipping you something, that's for sure.

Group Contributor

(has Runner killed the thread? Was it the puns? Was it the art request? Who knows? I just want more AppleDash!)

Group Contributor

Life killed the thread. :unsuresweetie:
But just to spite it, I'll take Runner.

The thread really is dead.

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