
Viewing 181 - 200 of 956 results

S6E15: "28 Pranks Later" · 11:08pm Aug 13th, 2016

Thanks to GBR annoyingly choosing an episode day to do very well at the Olympics, this will be short. Another miss for me, I'm afraid. A potentially fabulous premise executed rather disappointingly, and with characterisation that simply didn't feel right for Season Six. Several very funny moments, but in terms of entertainment the episode as a whole was about on a par with last week's. ★★


S6E21: "Every Little Thing She Does" · 6:06pm Sep 24th, 2016

The season is really on a good streak now. This was by far my favourite post-reformation Starlight Glimmer story. By far. There was one innovation I really disliked, but for the most part it was a fine way for Michael Vogel and Sabrina Alberghetti (Sibsy) to bow out of Pony. ★★★★

A few extra comments, with spoilers, past the break.

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S6E19: "The Fault in Our Cutie Marks" · 10:41pm Sep 10th, 2016

Not bad, not bad. Not the greatest CMC episode in history, but it was fun and amusing for the most part. The guest character is going to divide fans, I suspect, but I'm mostly pro. One particular disappointment, however. Another episode not to pick apart too much, but just to sit and enjoy, I feel. Not quite up to "Buckball Season", but generally solid. ★★★

More, with spoilers, past the break.

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S6E05: Gauntlet of Fire · 8:06am Apr 17th, 2016

A good Spike episode. A good Spike episode. I'm going to go and lie down now. ★★★★


S6E07: "Newbie Dash" · 8:31pm May 7th, 2016

I'm a bit surprised by how much criticism this one is getting; I enjoyed it. I wouldn't say it was quite up in classic territory, but it held its own with most of the rest of S6 so far. I do think it lost its way a bit in the second half (during the first half it was on course for an easy four-star rating), but on the whole a pretty solid debut by new writer Dave Rapp. ★★★/★★★★ (I really can't decide)

A little more (with spoilers) after the break...

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Report Loganberry · 333 views · #show #season 6 #ma larson

Site Post » S6E11 - Flutter Brutter · 3:58pm Jun 4th, 2016


S6E04: On Your Marks · 11:40am Apr 11th, 2016

Very quick, non-spoilery review now, as I haven't had much time this weekend. Three stars again, but in the upper reaches of that band. I liked the concept, which explored some interesting territory, as well as the song. Pacing was a bit off, and one of the early secondary characters is someone I just don't much like. May come to be seen in the future as a jumping-off point for other things. Surprisingly short on funny quotes for a Dave Polsky episode, but some nice visual gags. So far, this

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Holy moly (so many spoilers) · 7:06pm Jan 28th, 2016

There are season 6 spoilers in this post.

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Favorite Episode Countdown #6 - Gauntlet of Fire · 10:14pm Mar 18th, 2018

Gauntlet of Fire

What? What?! WHAT?!

That was my reaction upon seeing this episode (and the head to toe, Ember-filled feature box immediately afterward). We got an episode exploring dragon culture and introducing entirely new dragon characters. Those two things hadn't been done in just about 5 years.

Holy crap.

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Season 6 Opening · 11:04pm Mar 26th, 2016

I'm going to start by saying I'm not stuck on the season 6 opener. Now for those of you who know, there was one part that made my jaw drop because it's been the complaint I've been preaching since I became a Brony, Twilight's parents, I've been begging, yelling and groaning over how they should be involved and I finally got what I wanted but that doesn't excuse the opening. Now I did like large parts like Shining Armour getting some development, Interesting Crystal Ponies, Starlight

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The Crystalling · 12:52am Mar 27th, 2016

At first I thought the title was a reference to Kubrick's The Shining. I have yet to see The Shining, so I'm unsure of the references. However, I do have several thoughts about the newest episode. Spoilers below, if you haven't seen the episode yet.

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Well then... · 3:47pm Jun 5th, 2018

I just took a quiz to find out which Pony would date/fall for me ETC.(No Princesses other than Twi on the quiz...:raritydespair:) and I got Pinkie Pie. Pinkie. Pie. Now, I like her, we'd get along well, and she's so sweet, and I'll admit, I could see myself falling for her... But she'd drive me up the fucking wall. And I couldn't keep up with her! Same reason I couldn't date Dash tbh. I'd give it a try with her though. I mean, why not?

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S6E09: "The Saddle Row Review" · 8:36pm May 21st, 2016

(That's what the episode was called on-screen. Not "Saddle Row & Rec", despite what some sources suggested beforehand!) And I'm... not sure what to make of it, really. A provisional three-star review, but it could easily end up anywhere between two and four by the time my blog review goes up on Monday. Edit: I was obviously in a bad mood when I watched it first. I laughed more second time around and, though it's still not perfect, it can have the fourth star now. ★★★★

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Update Chapter 5 and 6 · 10:50pm Jan 14th, 2019

I have finally posted Chapter 5 and 6 back to back! :pinkiehappy: Thanks for your patience. :scootangel:

Also, I have some artwork ideas for them and will work on them when I can. :twilightsmile:


Who? Where? · 10:34pm Dec 3rd, 2018

In Harvest Blaze, I'm at a bit of an impasse. It's a minor thing, but it's part of the story, and I'm not sure what to do. I think its insignificance is actually making it harder, as I can't use the situation to determine the who and where. I need two ponies and a location for the map quest. It probably won't come up again, so just pick some ponies and a place, and let me know! The one I like the most will be used! Thanks for your help! :twilightsmile:

Report JaninnaMaynz · 238 views · #Mane 6 #Cutie Map #Help

It's Scripty's Birthday!!! · 4:55pm Nov 19th, 2018

That's right everypony! Today is Scripty's birthday today and we're all so excited~! We're throwing a super special party just for him! Oooh, I can't wait! So in honor of his super extra special day, let's all give him a BIG happy birthday to show how much we appreciate him!
I think that's a great idea, Pinkie!
Yeah! Let's let him know how much he means to us!

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S6E20: "Viva Las Pegasus" · 6:21pm Sep 17th, 2016

The second half of Season Six seems to be doing pretty well, and this episode is no exception. It's about time Fluttershy and Applejack had a team-up (well, there's "Bats!", but they're at each other's throats for most of that) and it's done nicely. 'Shy in particular was great this time around; these writers seem like keepers. The layered nature of the reveal was interesting, though inevitably a little hurried in a programme this length. I liked the fact that Flim and Flam weren't... well,

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S6E11: "Flutter Brutter" · 8:16pm Jun 4th, 2016

Horrible title pun aside, I enjoyed this one, despite one character being unbearable almost throughout. The main reason I liked it was that they did something both interesting and believable with Fluttershy -- something they couldn't possibly have done in the early days. I'm currently thinking it's a high three rather than a low four, though there's not much in it. ★★★

More, with spoilers, past the break.

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Halfway through this season... · 12:04am Mar 30th, 2016

Twilight Sparkle will have been an alicorn for more episodes than she hasn't been one.


S6E03: The Gift of Maud Pie · 12:42am Apr 3rd, 2016

Another three-star episode, though in this case it starts rather poorly and gets better. More past the break. ★★★

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Viewing 181 - 200 of 956 results