
Viewing 181 - 200 of 532 results

Break Time · 1:45pm Jul 13th, 2021


There is a lot of work going on.. A lot of people going on vacation, other sick, and I am working almost all by my lonesome in the burning sun... At least the money is good. :ajsmug:

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In Which I Beg for Sweet Release From Breaking Dawn: Chapter 36 -- Bloodlust · 10:43am Jul 27th, 2018

Hmm. “Bloodlust” implies a throwdown. Could we actually end this series with a big vampire fight? Here’s hoping!

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In Which I Beg for Sweet Release From Breaking Dawn: Chapter 25 -- Favor · 10:52am Jul 16th, 2018

Bella and Edward pork all night, and she’s still not satisfied. It takes Edward saying Nessie’s name to snap her out of it. They get changed; we get another mention of how the closet is filled with lotsa clothes and can’t ANYTHING come hard to this couple?! In the middle of changing, we get yet another reminder of how so frigging hot like whoa Edward is that somehow manages to double as a reminder that their sex is TOATELLY GRAET EWE GAIS:

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In Which I Beg for Sweet Release From Breaking Dawn: Chapter 30 -- Irresistible · 1:16pm Jul 21st, 2018

Bella’s stressing out about everything: the Volturi, Alice’s desertion, the fact that she’ll have to learn how to fight, J. Jenks, the vampires who’ll be coming over, everything. She tries to talk to Edward about it, but before she can get the words out, he’s kissing her. And then she just forgets about asking questions for the night.

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In Which I Beg for Sweet Release From Breaking Dawn: Chapter 15 -- Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock · 10:33am Jul 6th, 2018

Snide phrase that connects back to the chapter title in some way.

While Jacob and Seth are on patrol, Jacob wonders why the Cullens just don’t take Bella somewhere else, away from Sam. Seth says he’s already asked that; the Cullens have too many medical supplies to transport easily, and collecting them takes a lot of time. This debate takes two whole pages. I hate this book.

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Very, Very Short Break · 3:22am Jan 28th, 2022

Just wanted to let those following me and M.L.G. know that I'm going to take a break from writing for a few days.

Want to know why?

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Happy Thanksgiving! 🦃 · 11:27pm Nov 25th, 2021

To all who celebrate it, have a good one!

Art by: WeirdoFish


In Which I Beg for Sweet Release From Breaking Dawn: Chapter 39 -- The Happily Ever After · 10:46am Jul 30th, 2018

If it means this book is finally over, yes it’s happy.

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In Which I Beg for Sweet Release From Breaking Dawn: Chapter 31 -- Talented · 12:46pm Jul 22nd, 2018


In Which I Beg for Sweet Release From Breaking Dawn: Chapter 19 -- Burning · 10:42am Jul 10th, 2018

Bella turns into a vampire and it hurts.

And that’s literally the whole chapter.

I am not fucking kidding.

We go back to Bella’s perspective right as she vomits blood. We get a brief recap of what she saw from the last chapter, only with a lot of descriptions of pain. Bella manages to cling to consciousness long enough to see (blalgh) Renesmee before blacking out.

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In Which I Beg for Sweet Release From Breaking Dawn: Chapter 18 -- There Are No Words for This · 10:41am Jul 9th, 2018

…There really aren’t. This is ugly.

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In Which I Beg for Sweet Release From Breaking Dawn: Chapter 28 -- The Future · 10:50am Jul 19th, 2018

Edward and Carlisle are unable to find Irina, so they let the matter drop. Days go by with nothing bad happening, so the Cullens decide to go about business as usual. But one day, while arranging some vases, Alice gets a vision so shocking that she drops one: the Volturi are coming for the Cullens. All of them. They’ll be arriving in about a month. Because there’s so many of them, it can’t just be to check up on Bella’s current life/undeath status; it’s about Nessie. When Irina saw Nessie

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In Which I Beg for Sweet Release From Breaking Dawn: Chapter 16 -- Too-Much-Information Alert · 12:46pm Jul 7th, 2018

Too-much-bullshit alert.

Jacob, Leah, and Seth run another patrol around the Cullen house, and I feel like I’ve said something along those lines twenty times in the past eight chapters. Leah awkwardly thanks Jacob for putting up with her and promises to try to not get on his nerves. They do nothing of consequence for nine pages and this book is so padded a La-Z-Boy factory would find it excessive. Eventually, Leah speaks up again:

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Update on Everything...almost · 11:03pm Jul 17th, 2015

Hi y'all...
I just started becoming a role-player in a forum, and would like to be more active there. I won't exactly be leaving Fimfiction like last time, but I won't be here everyday like I usually am. To those that are still looking forwards to my new stories:

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The Nature of Inspirations · 2:01pm Jun 24th, 2017

I've been starting to feel my inspiration for MLP works wane for a while now, which means I either am losing interest or just need a break from doing the work, for some time now but just recently it's been making itself more known in how I feel about it all. Yes, I want to watch those new episodes, but the drive to continue watching or actually go and find where to watch them isn't as evident as it was. The inspiration within the fandom I have is not as strong as it used to be, so I'll be

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In Which I Beg for Sweet Release From Breaking Dawn: Chapter 10 -- Why Didn’t I Just Walk Away? Oh Right, Because I’m an Idiot · 12:46pm Jul 1st, 2018

Why didn’t I just stop reading? Oh, right, because I’m a glutton for punishment.

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Fantastic Reading for "Pony Break"! · 6:40pm Dec 26th, 2018

Hello. Short and sweet.

Here's a really swell reading for an old sad, slice of life story of mine. "Pony Break"! About a human office company that hires Fluttershy to help reduce stress levels. Or maybe it's about a human going through a mid-life crisis. Who knows. Regardless, check it out below. It has music and voice acting and everything! Well, no. Not cake, but...

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I Hath Returned! · 8:09pm May 12th, 2017

Once again fellow writers and readers I speaketh to you. Why? Because I have returned from my spiritual journey. After 90 days without mlp or electronics I am ready and happy to once again join in all the debacle.


In Which I Beg for Sweet Release From Breaking Dawn: Chapter 37 -- Contrivances · 12:31pm Jul 28th, 2018

That describes most of the book. Most of the series, actually.

Aro and Caius, another one of the Volturi, discuss Nessie, and Bella overhears. Aro is adamant that Nessie isn’t an immortal child and the Cullens don’t deserve to die for that. Then Caius brings up the werewolves:

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In Which I Beg for Sweet Release From Breaking Dawn: Chapter 32 -- Company · 10:43am Jul 23rd, 2018

More and more vamps start hanging out at the Cullens’. Naturally, they need to hunt humans. Jacob’s miffed at the killing, but he shuts up for Nessie’s sake. In the space of three sentences. Really:

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Viewing 181 - 200 of 532 results