
Viewing 201 - 220 of 702 results

New Story Coming! · 6:35pm Oct 8th, 2022

Well, good news, the Heroes of Bite Apple is finished, proofread and ready for release next Tuesday.

Thank you all so much for your support. I hope that you will all enjoy the story when it comes out. I have another quick (hopefully) project that I plan on talking about soon, so stick around for that.

I hope you all have a great day. :scootangel:


The next part of SWWC Side stories is here as we continue the mystery · 9:58pm January 24th

Yeah, the next story is here. This time, we see Apple Bloom's POV of the events as she tries to understand her intense emotions around a certain stallion, neither knowing the truth of things happening around them nor the doom overlooking them.

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Mini Re-Reviews: "Apple Family Reunion" - Season 3 Episode 8 · 9:32pm May 5th, 2020

APPLEJACK: "Was there even any doubt as to the image for this cold open? This Apple Family photo here inspired so many countless similar photos of Bronies at conventions globally, it'd be a disservice to do anything else here."
APPLE BLOOM: "Ooh! Does that mean they're still taking photos like this these days too, sis?

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Brand New Side Stories to Something Wrong With Canterlot Are Here · 10:05pm Dec 13th, 2023

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This is the first post of many and if you already a big fan of SWWC, then there is plenty of clues here. Sure, on the surface, its just any random clop, but behind that are all kind of details that connect back to the main story as well as connect to other side stories yet to be posted. Another one is coming next month so be pumped for things to come.


MLP FIM Season 3 Episode 8 Review "Apple Family Reunion" · 9:13pm Jun 26th, 2020

This was a pretty fun episode, if not extremely memorable or masterfully executed. But that doesn’t mean I don’t have anything to say about it, even if it’s less than usual.

Scale of Ratings

 1 - Disgustingly Bad (the worst of the worst; has absolutely nothing to make up for the huge flaws that riddle the section/episode)

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Question of the Week #134 · 3:25am Dec 13th, 2023

Hello everyone and welcome back to the question of the week.

Well, for those of you who don't know, today I posted my new story, Nightmare Night and Chill...

TNightmare Night and Chill...
After a sudden rainstorm ruins their time trick or treating, Hitch and Zipp go back to Hitch's place to watch some Nightmare Night movies on Netfilly and chill. Will they just watch some movies or will their love for one another blossom?
Robipony · 5.4k words  ·  39  1 · 1000 views

Just a fun Nightmare Night story, shipping Hitch and Zipp.

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March Music Monday 7 (bonus 3!) · 11:19pm April 15th

I promised you Silver Apples and you're gonna get Silver Apples. No, that's not a pony, but it sounds like it could be.


Betcha can't name 'em all

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Finally Caught Up on MLP, and Overthinking Things · 5:17pm Nov 2nd, 2015

I got behind, not least of all because my daughter is a weirdo -- she finds the show too scary, and would rather watch terrifying documentaries on the Weather Channel. Anyway, there's a lot of good stuff in there -- especially Hearthbreakers. Let's see -- unpacking holiday traditions in different regions of Equestria. That's priceless, fanfic-wise. The Pies are a strange lot, as well -- their thees and thous and odd rock rituals could be easily spun into them being part of some kind of

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I am in love! · 10:19am Dec 18th, 2015

(I do actually have interesting things to say in this blog post. They're just towards the bottom.)

With Apple Bloom!

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Apple and Lime · 9:32pm Jan 6th, 2016

One of them is a farmer who is pragmatic about looking after her home and family.

The other is a farmer with a tendency to be incredibly stubborn and angry.

So clearly the top one is Applejack and the bottom is Limestone, right?

Let's delve into Applejack and Limestone and figure why they might not be so different from each other after all...

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The Cancellation Row: The Doom Patrol: A Midwinter's Nightmare · 5:24am Sep 1st, 2016

An another one bites to dust. This time is The Doom Patrol: A Midwinter's Nightmare

What was I thinking?

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Catching up on the Season 6 Episodes... · 1:21am Apr 20th, 2016

So, I saw the premise for 'On Your Marks', and was thinking it looks interesting. And it was OK, I guess. There's just one teeny, tiny, little basically ended up being an Apple Bloom episode.

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Fic On The Way · 4:11am Mar 26th, 2019

Coming soon, a Spiritual Successor to 2014's "The Spunky Chicken" (see Tagged Story).

Apple Bloom doesn't mean to embody rural pony stereotypes, but she just does. She's got an ack-cent, she wears denim shorts and plaid, and is pretty darn handy with a wrench or brute force to fix something farm-related.

And she didn't mean to sleep with a cousin; that just sort of happened.

That's not her real problem, though.

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Songfic on the way · 3:06pm May 26th, 2016

So, I wrote a chapter of How Love Works, which features a few things, namely: a swordfight (floating building and lightsa-I mean, phaseblade included) and one of my favorite pony songs.

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Sweetie Void, Apple Death, and Phantom · 2:32pm Dec 23rd, 2020

SWEETIE VOID (Sweetie Belle)
Princess/Alicorn of the Void
Queen of Floralia
Half-Goddess (3rd category Goddess in maturing)
Controls the Void Energy, letting her create, control, and shape pretty much everything to an extend. Has great martial art skills and masters a lot of kinds of weapons. Knows about the writing and can break the fourth wall (and with her other powers, can act like Pinkie Pie or a Looney Tune). Can unleash her Soul form.

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Three Entirely Explicit Pony Dreams · 4:43am Dec 18th, 2019

If you don't like explicit things, then don't read them; So basically, warning: mature.

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New story up! Double Wide Apple Pie! · 4:00pm Aug 24th, 2021

New story is up now, the one ya'll been waiting for! Give it a read and let me know what you think! As for what's next, well...we'll just have to see! Not much time left until G5 appears, so we'll see what comes our way. Until then, enjoy yourselves!

-Steel Quill


Friendship may be magic, but sometimes it's also tragic... · 3:29pm Jun 8th, 2019

How far are you willing to go to save a friend? That's the question Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom will have to answer when their attempt to help Scootaloo ends up in a tragedy.

To find out more, read the next chapter:

TFriendship Is Magic! ... Unless You Are a Human
After a catastrophic introduction, a former soldier is struggling to adjust to his new life – facing ponies prejudice. Observing his ordeal - Celestia is starting to question how kind and forgiving her subjects really are...
Huk · 126k words  ·  282  46 · 6.2k views

Please, remember to leave a comment :twilightsmile:


Hearth's Warming Extra Tidbit 1: The Wolf's Apple. · 6:15pm Aug 23rd, 2018

Now we get to the first of the tidbits. First off, I'm this got posted late yesterday was a very terrible day for me. Not only did all my laptops stop working but I got into a massive argument. But that over with now and I'm trying to move forward. Today, I will provide extra information for the Wolf's Apple, the tavern that Starlight and Twilight worked at and lived in while in the past. This place is the starting point in the story and this tavern, as well as the village itself, will be the

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Agent Orange and other Wonderful Colors · 9:36pm Nov 8th, 2015

Tuesday is a very special day. A day of orange soda, Cheetos, and deforestation. It is a day of, Tradition!

What? No I will not put a Fiddler on the roof clip here. Instead I will tell of my tradition on Orange Day.

Okay so what if it's a made up holiday? It originally came about when I first bought The Orange Box, a bag of Cheetos and a bottle of orange soda. I did not work that day so I simply turned on my console ate Cheetos, drank soda, and played Portal start to finish.

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Viewing 201 - 220 of 702 results