
Viewing 201 - 220 of 744 results

Why Woundsalt's taking his sweet time again... · 4:33am Sep 11th, 2015

How many of you have already guessed 'laptop trouble?'

It's battery trouble this time, so at least it's a new laptop problem.

It also doesn't help it being the rap battle. It's going to be a long chapter.
Anyway, I'm using G-docs on a G-drive so I can at least get it from wherever I go and work till my heart's content. That being said, however, expect delays.

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Happy Nightmare Night Everypony! · 2:24pm Oct 31st, 2015

Hope you are all having a lovely day! Happy fright night!


I am the darkness · 11:26pm Oct 31st, 2015

I am the newborn the king of lies
the one who can never be seen undisguised
Those who say mine name know of my power
and those who don't are at their zero hour

He amalgamation of all I loved
is what I became and a how I've devolved
Even though I am all I can be
Is what I am now what I call me?

I became the the being that none shall assume
when I took one foot outside of my room
my life until only knew of terror and suffering
until I finally became the one below nothing

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Halloween Special · 6:06am Nov 1st, 2015

I had a great idea a few hours ago, so I decided to write and see where it would go.

..... I suck at rhyming, so I'll say it in haiku.

Changelings and Queen learn
Of Nightmare Moon and Luna's
Holiday of fright.

DJ and I have
worked to bring you this story.
.... Haiku doesn't work.


Spoopy Halloween Yay!! · 5:46am Nov 2nd, 2015

So, I'm sorry I didn't actually post yesterday, but I had invited my friends over and we totally didn't hide from trick-or-treaters in my room. So that was fun. I've also been spending my time wondering about where Dolly's been :rainbowlaugh:

So, yeah, that's all on my part. Tell me about your Halloween. Please. If you want.:derpytongue2:

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Countdown to Nightmare Night. Day-6 · 11:18pm Oct 25th, 2015

Well here we are again. A mere seven days until Halloween/ Nightmare Night.
So I thought I'd post a few of my favorite eclectic little vids that most people probably haven't seen or heard of, as we count our way down to the best of all nights.

First up is a dark little offering made back in 2006, based on a comic book one shot by the same name from way back in 2002 from Dark Horse (see what I did there) Comics.

Without further ado, I give you The Amazing Screw-On Head.

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A Halloween Contribution Notice · 3:20pm Sep 18th, 2016

So I just wanted to put out there that I have several plans for the upcoming month of October, and as the title suggests it's mostly just wanting to have some new dark- or Halloween-themed stories, as well as finishing one in particular, for the holiday festivities.

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Ponyville Ciderfest · 10:51pm Oct 10th, 2016

Hey folks.

I will be at Ponyville Ciderfest in Milwaukee from October 28th-30th.

There's apparently an EQG panel and a fanfic panel, so best bet if you want to run into me. Otherwise shoot me a PM or something.

(also i'm spooky now grr)


So much nope... · 12:39am Oct 2nd, 2013

I was never a fan of horror, but now I am mass producing it for Halloween. Huh.

At the End work is going on a temporary suspension until I finish up this project, but believe me, this is going to be worth it. Unless you are not a fan of horror, but I digress. This is going to be awesomely spooky. I might have even made Skeeter the Lurker fudge himself a little.

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So, how was your Halloween? · 3:16pm Nov 1st, 2016

Okay, I had a great Halloween last night. Firstly I should probably explain what I did on Halloween. Wanted to dress up as a Vampire, but as it turns out the Vampire costume I got from Walmart actually had a Little Bo Peep costume inside the package, so I had to do make do with just a cape and some regular clothes. My job last night was to function as a chaperone for the children of a former next door neighbor of mine and help them get them their candy for the night (I got some as well, you're

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Report The Bricklayer · 287 views · #So #how #was #your #Halloween

Halloween Horror Review Teaser: Carnosaur (Probably Delayed) · 7:19am Oct 28th, 2016

Due to a mix of school projects and a collaboration, probably won't get this done in time for Halloween; but I thought it be fun to upload this little portion I had a lot of fun riffing.


Pumpkin Tempest is Really Passive Agressive · 4:02am Nov 2nd, 2017

I was pretty dang proud of my Tempest Shadow pumpkin this year. The trick-or-treaters loved it.

When I came home from school I found it smashed. I suspected the idiot kid from downstairs (we rent out our basement), and footprint analysis confirmed my suspicions. (We had our first snowfall yesterday.)

So, I put the broken pieces on the back porch. "I know you did it."

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Hunters Interlude · 3:27am Nov 1st, 2016

Made another one. It's a bit shorter, though.

Still, hope you enjoy~ ^^

Soarin and Flash are dorks.

Also, none of this is canon to the main story.


Update! · 8:49pm Mar 21st, 2020

Hello, all!

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Report Muramasa · 392 views · #halloween #horror #April

Halloween Coming Soon · 2:50am Oct 29th, 2016

Hey Everybody , Echo here. Just sending a blog shout out about Halloween and Nightmare Night coming up in 3 days. I know it's a little early , but just gonna give you guys an early Halloween and Nightmare Night shout out.

Happy Early Halloween & Nightmare Night , Everyone!

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Halloween/Nightmare night · 3:57pm Oct 31st, 2017

And so it begins!

I have no idea what to do for tonight, so I think I'll just read Cupcakes for the first time. Wish me luck!

P.S. what are you all doing tonight for this holiday?


Happy Nightmare Night 2018~! · 1:43am Nov 1st, 2018

And Halloween of course! :ajsmug:

View on Derpibooru - Original source

Enjoy the candy! As Pinkie says: never too old for free candy! :pinkiehappy:


Month of Monsters · 9:59am Oct 31st, 2019

πŸ•ΈπŸ•· Happy Halloween!πŸ•·πŸ•Έ

Hows everybody doing!? Been a while eh? Well I got some news for you all and hopefully it will put you in that Halloween spirit!

Firstly, one of my 'fang'-tastic Betas Ladrian has decided to retire from working on the fic! Please give them a big thank you and fond farewell as they proof-read their way to bigger and better thing! They did a good three years of work, for free might I add, and I wish them the best!

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(In-character) A Multiverse Halloween Announcement · 4:06am Oct 6th, 2020


Update 10/13/15 · 2:00pm Oct 13th, 2015

Good morning fellow writers!

Well, apart from me missing school yesterday because I was told it was a day off for Columbus Day, everything else is going great.

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Viewing 201 - 220 of 744 results