
Viewing 201 - 220 of 699 results

MLP the Movie Art (Poster Style) · 8:05am Oct 2nd, 2017

So, I went and did a thing.

I watch many MLP reactors to pass my time. One in particular named Applegeek said that there should be art for specific scene in the second MLP Movie Trailer, and this is it. Commander tempest Shadow with the date of the upcoming movie with lighting.


(Spoilers and Poll) To those who have seen the Movie... · 7:53pm Oct 8th, 2017

Hey, I thought it was good. I sometimes hear moaning that it was a lot like an normal MLP episode (complete with the Princesses being captured/defeated/etc), but honestly, I think that's what it was aiming for: the quintessential MLP episode, songs and all, but ramped up to 11.

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Which One? · 4:08pm Oct 18th, 2016

Well I can't decide which story I should work on, because one I need to continue A New Beginning, but I'm stuck between which chapter I should finish for which story.

Shadows of a Sunset


A New Destiny

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Today's chapter is brought to you by · 10:05pm Nov 7th, 2020

A warm drink with the ones you care about

Ironically I'm home alone this weekend and that pic was taken in mid-October. I had a bit of a delay with writing due to a surplus of commissions, but that's mostly calmed down now, so hopefully the next chapter comes out quicker. I also need to update No Second Chances, I know.

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He a Reflex Boi · 3:32am Nov 25th, 2020

*Hero was on the combat simulator, planning out which simulator he was gonna be doing. He been wanting to test his reflexes, so that was what he was gonna be doing*

“So, how are you doing this?”

*Holding two sabers, one yellow, the other blue* “Simple. With help from a song. I’ll time my swings with the beat.”

“If you say so.”

“Please just be safe!”

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Chapter 13 and Upcoming Rewrite (Important) · 3:10pm Jun 22nd, 2018


It's been a while since I've posted a new chapter, and there's a reason for that. Chapter 12, the last one I posted, took a while mainly because my motivation for working on this story dropped too far. Chapter 13, however, has been taking so long because of indecision more than procrastination. Essentially, I don't know how I want the story to continue from here.

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Beware the shadows... · 12:48pm Oct 4th, 2017

Think the Shadow King be forgotten? The next time you walk the streets, beware the shadows.

His minions are everywhere...


weekly art blog 3:Dawn Shadow · 8:20am Dec 30th, 2017

Well thought I would continue the trend of Eternal Shadows characters that appear here. (Next week I will be doing one from a story I like instead of one I am writing)

So this week's Character is actually a carry over from my original fallout fic Brave Dawn that was cancelled, though she won't be introduced until a few chapters down the road.

any who here is the pic

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Reddit AMA in One Hour! · 6:00pm May 25th, 2018

It’s one hour away folks. Get your questions ready now!


Addiction 2 · 12:33am Aug 28th, 2020


Blue looked at Broken with wide eyes. “B-But... I was excited about this mission! I-I had my equipment ready and everything!”

Broken shook his head. “After that stunt you pulled, I’m passing the mission onto Tempest.”

“But she can’t—”

“My decision is final. Tempest will take this mission.”

Tempest smiled and walked past. “See ya later Blue Tooth.”

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The Shadow and the Star Finale Plan, Windigo Whisperer Reaches 3,000 Views · 1:12am Nov 20th, 2021

The planned final chapter for The Shadow and the Star, I intend to post next month on the 21st of December. I hope all of you enjoy the twist in the finale that I have been planning EVEN BEFORE I began writing the first chapter. In other news, the first chapter of Windigo Whisperer finally made it to 3,000 views. Admittedly, part of me wishes more of WW's success would rub off on TSatS, but it doesn't make me any less grateful for the people who read my stuff. Hope you're all pumped for

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Shadows of the Revenants is Released! · 5:05am Oct 31st, 2020

Took a bit longer than anticipated, but it's finally out!!! Here is my 2020 Halloween Special featuring Revenant and the Young Six!!! Hope y'all enjoy! Thanks to Closeted Brony for Proofreading!


Shadow of an Empire News! · 7:46am Jul 20th, 2016

So ... just minutes ago, I typed out the final line of Shadow of an Empire.

That's right. It's done. After 14 straight hours of writing (one hour of which was finishing this week's BaBW) and 13,000 words, Shadow of an Empire is officially a complete Alpha 1 draft.

Tomorrow, I will celebrate. Sands, I'll do that right now! But it's finally DONE!

So, some final numbers for those curious.

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Depths - Author's Notes · 12:50am Sep 13th, 2016

tl;dr: Even the toughest of us are afraid of the dark, of being trapped and held back, but usually it’s secretly a fear of weakness.


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Two Background Ponies Quickie: "Shadow Play" Aftermath · 1:54am Nov 1st, 2017

Mrs. Cake's laughter cut itself short as she noticed the ground was giving rhythmic tremors that were progressively growing stronger. She turned to the source, and her mouth opened in shock as she saw the biggest pony in recorded history walk up to her, cast his Warshovel down on the counter, and then sit and square her with his gaze.

"I hear you make the hardest punch in this...'Ponyville'." Rockhoof grunted. "I'll take a pint."

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The Reddit AMA is Live! [NOW CLOSED] · 7:00pm May 25th, 2018

Well guys, this is it, and here's proof for you all:

You don't have to ask about books and writing, just to be clear. But it helps, since that is the area of expertise I'm AMAing for.

You can reach the AMA here! Come and bring a question!

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War of Shadows Reborn Plans · 10:13pm Aug 23rd, 2018

I've been reworking the WoS GREATLY, and am currently opening tryouts. If your interested, PM me.

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New Story: Shades and Tails · 5:49pm Feb 21st, 2017

Herrroooo everypony! I'm new on this site, but I hope that I can make a name for myself. I love to write, and have lots of experience doing so. I have written quite a bit of my own original stories, one of which I have a copyright on and I'm going to look for publishers soon. Anyway, I have just gotten into the MLP fandom just last year and have begun writing stories for it. My friend BlackJewel101 got me started. I have posted quite a bit of my story, Shades and Tails, onto, and

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Reddit AMA Reminder! · 6:32pm May 24th, 2018

Heads up, readers! Just a reminder that I will be doing a Reddit AMA tomorrow, starting at 1 PM Mountain Time, and I could really use your help getting some traction! So come, bring a question or two (about Shadow of an Empire, writing, or something else), upvote, and share the AMA! The more eyes it gets, the better an AMA it can become, so let’s get it some views!

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Revelations · 6:17pm Apr 4th, 2017

The pre-finale of Princess Trixie Sparkle. It's only the second time I saw it... the first was the day after it came out... I can't wait for the finale!

Viewing 201 - 220 of 699 results