
Viewing 201 - 220 of 847 results

WoW... 7 followers!!! Thank you for the follow, how ever i earned it. · 4:05pm Aug 1st, 2015


Over 50 Followers · 11:53pm Feb 1st, 2020

I know it's not a big list of followers, and everyone has a different reason for following me, but I do feel that I should say I appreciate you all. Honestly I should have probably made this post at 50, kind of a land mark thing, but I try to not say something unless I have something to say. I guess this is an exception to that. Unfortunately as some of you know, I don't always have something good to say, or I sometimes put my foot in my mouth.
But ultimately I just wanted to say this:

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It's Been a Year · 8:23pm Mar 6th, 2021

I'm late to responding but after checking the date I joined, its been a while year since I (re)joined the site. Some good times, some meh but I will say I'm grateful for the people that have stayed with me throughout the year. To think 2020 would be crazy and yet, I still managed to keep a hold of everyone I know. I know I've made... some enemies and had some people even hate me for the choices I've made but I can say I hold no hate nor resentment for them.

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Report SunTwi06 · 298 views · #Freinds #Followers #Year

Update: And Hell Followed Chapter 17 "Heart to Heart" · 11:06pm Jun 2nd, 2021

Okay, so I finished revising the chapter I put out today. I added about one thousand words total to it, so I would suggest reading it again if you already have. I didn't tear down Cheerilee's section completely, but I heavily revised her and AJ's conversation and added bits and pieces to her and Elytra.

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Hm · 7:46am Jul 21st, 2019

What if for 250 followers I'd let y'all pitch in on whatever story I decide to write next?

Public, free-for-all Google Doc style writing. No restrictions, no nothing. Just pure insanity incarnate.


100 follows · 8:24pm Oct 12th, 2020

Wow i can't believe how suddenly i reach 100 follows, im certain all of them came from Deergenerate but i appreciate it none the less and i promise i will do my best to deliver the Side character Deer story to the best of my abilities thank y'all so much



100. · 3:47am Sep 18th, 2020

Boy's and girls.

I've hit 100 followers!

I've gotta' say, I didn't expect to get this many. From starting off with a... well, questionable start with 'The Diary' I've made it here! I'm glad people have liked my stuff, and I'm glad that I was able to get onto featured dozens of times. I question if I'm even deserving of that praise.

Since I've hit 100 followers, I plan to do something for you all!

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over 100 followers · 4:04pm Apr 26th, 2019

Oh wow i've made it to one hundred Followers. This is awesome, maybe i should do something, as a way to celebrate this. Maybe a contest? What would you guys like to see, as a way to Celebrate this small but nice feat for myself as a writer. If you guys want a contest i have something in mind, with a rather interesting Prize in mind but i want to hear from you guys.


Blog Entry #50-200 Followers! · 8:03pm Nov 13th, 2019

Yep, you read that right. I've reached 200 followers and its thanks to all of you. I honestly didn't think I ever would to be honest. Even now, I still don't believe it. I have a story already planned for this very occasion. It should be out before the end of the year. I hope I can reach 300 before five more years again:rainbowlaugh:. Again, thank you all for the support and I hope to continue making good content(even though it's been ahwile). Have a good day.


And Hell Followed Fanart! · 10:44pm Oct 9th, 2021

I can't believe I got my first piece of AHF fanart today. Probably the happiest I've been in a long time knowing someone took the time to draw something I made. I love it so much.

Art by Snowberry (NSFW)

Feral Twi best Twi.


Another Milestone hit · 7:15am Apr 24th, 2019

So I noticed I hit 200 followers now, I know to some this might seem like not too big of a deal but to me it is. I have said it before but I am quite thankful for any follower I get or anyone who enjoys my stories in any way. So once again I know this is cliche but sometimes cliches are good but thank you everyone

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Updates · 9:55pm Oct 20th, 2021

Hey everypony. I'm back with some updates for you.

While I am busy with my (late) 100 follower special and a story that I am collaborating with someone special, I have decided to reread my older stories to get back into them.

To be quite honest with you all, I haven't really been able to write much recently. Between my job, my music, and my emotions, writer's block became really crippling for me.

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500 Followers! · 5:03pm Jun 18th, 2020

I JUST noticed this, I have 500 Followers! Wow! I knew my stories were decent, but I didn't realize they were THAT good!

Now, I'm taking suggestions of what should I do for this milestone, and no, new chapters of my stories do not count, it's a work in progress and cannot be rushed, thank you very much.

Have a good day and stay brony, my friends! :scootangel:


10 Followers and season 7 · 11:58pm Aug 20th, 2017

So, i reached 10 Followers :pinkiehappy:

Honestly when i originally posted my first story i didn't see myself continuing, but i did and now i am both proud and thankful to you guys to have reached the double-digits.

On a sidenote, i just got done watching “triple threat“, and even though it isn't even complete yet i have to say season seven is nothing but amazing, probably my favourite season.

Well, that concludes my first blog post :twilightsmile:

Report Fedairkid · 158 views · #10 #Followers #season #7

And Hell Followed Fan-fanfic · 6:39am Jan 19th, 2022

Hey so the first And Hell followed fan spin-off came out! This is a pretty big moment for me and I couldn’t be happier that my story inspired another. The first chapter is pretty good and I really can’t wait to see where it goes and how it builds on AHF as a whole.

Go give it a read if you can!

TAnd Hell Followed: Antique Lands
The world ended. In the rebuilding, an isolated group of holdouts makes contact.
Write Flyer · 2.3k words  ·  32  2 · 714 views

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100 Followers! · 1:08am Feb 21st, 2022

Hello there everyone! Just a quick little update from me.

Yesterday was a very special day for me: I made it to 100 followers. I know that might not seem like a major thing for a lot of people here, but for me, seeing that 100 people have liked what I have written gives me all sorts of warm feelings, and makes me think that maybe, just maybe, I’m doing well.

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Report GTthe4th · 1,254 views · #100 followers #thank you

Sun and Shield · 3:10pm Oct 29th, 2023

The two ponies trotted up the nearby staircase towards the castle’s wall and when they arrived at the top, they took position against the stone crenellations. The view from the Royal Guard barracks courtyard was unmatched. It was one of the higher points in the city that wasn’t in a tower and was on the southern side, so it overlooked vast swathes of the country. The rolling hills of green stretched out to the horizon, only really interrupted by the patch of untamed wilds known as the Everfree

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Useless but we Should Still Join · 3:54am Jan 22nd, 2020


The Real Explosion Was The Friends We Made Along The Way · 1:16am April 6th


On March 31st, after about a month's work on a secret project, Silk Rose and I published a 1 chapter story titled "This Story Will Explode In 24 Hours". Over the course of those 24 hours the story was updated on a strict schedule, until finally, after a long wait at zero hours and zero minutes, the exploding story...

EThis Story Did Not Explode
Phew! That was a close one.
PseudoBob Delightus · 6.6k words  ·  295  13 · 8.8k views

... didn't.

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I've Reached 600 Followers! Milestone Event Time! · 3:02pm May 30th

Yup, that's right, I just recently noticed that I've reached 600 followers on this site! Man, it feels like just yesterday that I first signed up and logged in...

But that's enough nostalgia, let's get to the point :twilightblush:

I want to do an event to commemorate this milestone, but that's the thing: I'm at a loss on what to do. I've got PLENTY of stories in the works, published and not, and don't even get me started on my IRL responsibilities. So...I'm gonna let you guys decide.

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Viewing 201 - 220 of 847 results