
Viewing 201 - 220 of 982 results

The EDF Chant · 1:59am Oct 25th, 2017

I Cant get this out of My head!

"To save our mother Earth from any alien attack
From vicious giant insects who have once again come back
We'll unleash all our forces, we won't cut them any slack
The EDF deploys!

Our soldiers are prepared for any alien threats
The navy launches ships, the air force send their jets
And nothing can withstand our fixed bayonets
The EDF deploys!

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Onto round two · 1:56am Sep 8th, 2015

Well, I made it past round one of the OC Hunger Games due to forfeit. Lets see if I can make it past round two. As I said in an earlier blogpost, it's basically hunger games where you submit an OC and write them through a series of challenges. It's being hosted by GodOfBBQ. My OC's being thrown into a random biome and has to survive for four days. Hunger Games!


My life changelings needed badly · 3:22pm Jul 17th, 2016

Hi it's Jamie again I need some changelings for chapter 3 I already have Bella, Shadow and Lobis, plus my own one called silver but I need 6 more for an infiltration squad please either comment them in here or pm me all the help is appreciated and please put as much detail as possible the first six will be used


Bradel's Second Annual Summer from Hell · 2:07am Aug 5th, 2017

So PresentPerfect is doing this "Tell Me About Your Job" thing, and it's gotten a lot of responses from people and is just generally interesting. I filled it out earlier today, but I completely missed the opportunity to discuss my worst-ever job experience. And when I finally realized that this thing counted as a job experience, I also

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Report Bradel · 1,418 views · #dogs #roommates #drama #summer fun

Fun facts about me (2022 Update) · 4:47pm Sep 28th, 2021

* Date of Birth: April 8, 1999

* Current Residence: Boston/Massachusets/USA

* Current Occupation: College Student (Senior)

* Gender: I AM A MAN!

* Hobbies: Swimming, jogging, reading, writing, traveling, playing tennis and video games, watching movies and TV shows

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Wiggly Christmas. · 3:20pm Nov 21st, 2023

Since Christmas is coming soon I though maybe I make another wiggly adventure for the Crusaders! They will have a Wiggly Christmas!!


Happy Twenty-Foursday! (24'sday Wednesday) 4/24/24! · 11:58pm April 24th

This is an even nicer sounding date than 4/4/24! :)


SOME FUN FACTS ABOUT ME · 1:18pm Aug 21st, 2020

* Real Name: Selim Umit
* Date of Birth: April 8, 1999
* Place of Residence: Boston/Massachusets/USA
* Hobbies: Swimming, playing tennis, jogging, reading, writing, watching movies, traveling, playing videogames, karaoke
* Favorite Franchises: My Little Pony, Transformers, Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Assassin's Creed, Mortal Kombat
* Favorite MLP Character: Sunset Shimmer
* Favorite MLP Ship: SunPie
* Favorite MLP Episode: It’s About Time


New Chaotic Friends and a Bunch of Stuff · 2:57pm Jul 8th, 2019

First off: I'M BACK! Woo! My time away was great but I'm also glad to be back.

SECOND: One of the best old ponyfics of ALL TIME has gone up to fimfiction: GO. GO AND GIVE IT LIKES AND PRAISE! It has a ten out of ten rating from me so much! LOAD IT WITH PRAISE.

TCRISIS: Equestria
The Elements of Harmony find themselves transported to a world full of evil and darkness. On the journey home they make new friends, as well as new enemies in the form of evil counterparts to themselves.
GanonFLCL · 711k words  ·  160  5 · 3.9k views

It's rated M, but I think it doesn't have to be necessarily. It's being featured in LSB and it's still keeping the T rating.

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What I've been up to for the last couple weeks. · 6:43am Feb 24th, 2016

World of Tanks. Lots and lots of World of Tanks. I'd cry for help if I wasn't so addicted and having so much fun*.

More after the break, if you please. :pinkiehappy:

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Godhand is fun Finale · 2:39am May 13th


Squeaky-Clean Fun Now in Korean · 9:32pm Feb 23rd, 2016

Hey, friendos. Just wanted to let you know that Squeaky-Clean Fun is now available in Korean, thanks to the efforts of hanel2527!
It can be found here, and on the story page itself.

This will be useful if:
1) You speak Korean
2) You enjoyed Squeaky-Clean Fun in English, but have since lost the ability to read the language and must rely on Korean

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I know why Hau exists in Pokemon Sun and Moon · 4:02pm Jun 30th, 2016

Believe it or not, this is actually an in-depth discussion about Hau and his role in SM, but if you want me to get the meme out of the way, then YES; Hau is a precious cinnamon roll that is too pure for this world and must be protected at all costs.

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Report SuperKamek · 362 views · #pokemon #sun #moon #hau #friend #fun

Want to Be a Part of Something Big? Or just selflessly help? · 4:58pm Nov 18th, 2015

Hey, so... odd request.

I am currently working on a video game and I have a system akin to the FFVII Materia equipment mechanic on weapons and equipment. The problem is, I need to come up with a bunch of different names and abilities for the Materia, if you will.
So, I am asking for help with this process. Contribute if ya want, or not. I'll remember you, and I'll remember if you helped. IF this helps, the description for the orbs are placed below:

Upgrade Orbs: Kai

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Report Kaf_Kraked_Poni · 445 views · #game #help #fun #gah #not #pony #related

Quick Colony Update + TWO Distractions! · 6:04pm Oct 7th, 2016

Just the usual quick update for all you readers out there! Colony's Beta is progressing at a truly impressive rate. So impressive, in fact, that my current crop of Beta Readers have outpaced me in both their eagerness to finish the story and their heeding of my own words about my time constraints. Outpaced to the degree that they have now finished their Beta 1 read-through, while I find myself just over halfway through my own meticulous read-through.

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This Weeks Episode: Slice of Life · 6:18pm Jun 13th, 2015

So, my normal style of going through what happened won't be easy because of all the scene transitions, but really the plot was a backseat to why everyone wanted to see this episode anyway, so I'll just give you guys what headcanons are correct and give final thoughts so shall I? Side note some of these I didn't know were things so feel free to tell me where they came from, also I'll be saying if I'm a fan, don't care, or not a fan of the things done (because there's one interpretation I wasn't

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I'm Dreaming of a Purple Christmas · 3:17pm Dec 25th, 2017

So I was in Monochromatic's Enchanted Library Discord server last night, when our Patron Saint of RariTwi gave us a simple request:

People proceeded to post short, paragraph-length drabbles featuring everyone's favorite Purple Girlfriends and it was wonderful. I decided to give it a shot as well for fun.

Things got a bit out of hand.

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Author Spotlight #2 - PegasusMesa · 7:51pm Jun 17th, 2017

Hello, one and all!

As promised, I'm back with another Author Spotlight episode. Just to recap, there aren't any specific rules to who I choose for these, they just have to be someone who writes stuff I like. Also, I'm trying for one or two a week at this time, and I'll probably keep at this pace until I run through my initial planned list.

Anywho, without further ado, let us welcome this weeks featured author...

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A timeline for Evolution · 8:11pm May 16th, 2018

Ahem. For this blog, I decided to do something different. I am going to give you a small little timeline of events of Evolution. See this as a way to say what has happened in this world and where everyone is. Don’t worry, none of this is really nessecary to understand the fic, just consider it a fun extra from a guy who works too hard on this.


Codename: Oracle
Password: HotP8nt*lu^

Welcome Barbra, what do you wish to access.

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The True Nightmare: Third Story Questions & Answers · 5:49pm Mar 4th, 2017

Sorry this took so long. Had to deal with school. And it took up... well, a lot of my free time. But don't worry. I'll try and get some writing done with the story. For now, here are the answers to the questions that everybody has been looking forward too. Hope you enjoy it!

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Viewing 201 - 220 of 982 results