
Viewing 201 - 220 of 762 results

new story coming soon. i hope. · 8:29pm Mar 29th, 2016


I need someone to talk to.... · 2:39am Sep 14th, 2017

So... I've never done this before but I really need to talk to someone about this... even if no one responds it'll make me feel a little better to have said it somewhere... So a few hours earlier today I talked with my best friend... sorta... we just sat there in silence. I read a book and she was on her phone.. I tried to start conversations but they all faded out... I texted her (we have serious talks over texts) that I didn't like that we don't talk anymore. We would talk and have fun all

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Cutie Mark Creative! · 10:18pm Apr 13th, 2017

Congrats Ryuku on reaching level 9 with my Star Points system... and earning 40 excess Star Points towards level 10!

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Sometimes risks pay off. · 4:23pm Sep 16th, 2015

I took a chance yesterday and decided to actually talk to someone I don't know in real life, and I think I made a friend. In real life I am like Fluttershy, I am so shy :fluttershyouch:, I have so much trouble talking to anyone new. I have gone to two party's in my life. The first one I just was in the kitchen helping his parents cook, and the second I was with one of my best friends the entire time, and didn't even really talk to anyone. I think we were there a hour before sneaking off to the

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EFNW Retrospective - IRL Shipping, friends, and learning friendship lessons in the process · 4:54am May 22nd, 2018

Ho boy! Everfree Northwest was this weekend, and it was one of the best, most emotionally exhausting things that I've done in about a year. The last time being last year when I ran the writing track in 2017. I volunteered as the writing track lead again, and then got to have the fun time of spending most of the weekend moderately stressed out while making sure that nothing in Twilight's Writing Room set on fire. Or stayed on fire too long.

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Best. Friends. · 2:20pm Oct 19th, 2019


A beautiful poem · 4:06pm Aug 14th, 2020

Hiya, lovely peeps!

I just wanted to share a poem with all of you. Itʼs written by a dear friend of mine. Enjoy.

The skin you inhabit is a sacred physical vessel for your soul.
So, be gentle towards your body; it keeps you alive every day.
And I know there are days where itʼs difficult to look in the mirror and smile,
We all struggle with insecurities at times.
Itʼs so easy. To glance at our reflection and think,
“I look like a mess today.”
“I donʼt feel beautiful.”

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Report Uz Naimat · 63 views · #Poem #friend #beauty #love #life

Help my new friend! · 5:23pm Aug 17th, 2020

My new friend, flora blossom, needs your help! Her goals are for her story's to be noticed, and to have 100 followers! Go and help her out!


Just Be You, Zenex · 9:03pm Dec 13th, 2020

Zenex trotted along, fabrics in his bags. He was planning to finish his dress today. Just a few more pieces and—

“Hey look! It’s doll-eyes!” a familiar voiced teased.

Zen slid to a halt, turning to see Vexer and his friends laughing at him. Vexer seemed to be laughing the hardest. “Bahahaha! What are those? Gifts for that stupid grapebug?”

Zenex whimpered, not answering. He new that if he said one word, Vexer would heckle him. And he would never see the end of it.

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"take a look" · 10:07pm Jun 16th, 2020


"Why is he making so many blogs now? Seems counter-productive"


"I agree... He should stop. Nobody actually cares."

"Don't you say that about everything?"

"Doesn't make it less true."

"Aww... C'mon ReBliss~ 'Live' a little."

"Shut up. you were the first to die."

"You hurt my feelings~ Heheh"


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New Story Incoming! · 2:38am Dec 29th, 2019

That's right, as promised earlier, I've got a late Christmas present for you all before we close out 2019. After years, the first chapter of my new project, Filly Friends, is getting ready to be posted. Now, I'ts not done, I'm working on Chapter 9 as we speak, but I've got a lot of buffer ready to go. I'm going to submit the story for review on Monday, as I'm gone all day tomorrow for DnD. As soon as it gets approved, I'll make another blog to let everyone know.

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Resident Evil 4 Remake Livestream Part 5 · 12:02am Mar 30th, 2023

Featuring my good pal, Sedah, who has only watched the movies, and never played the games.


Comic Coincidences · 4:30am Dec 3rd, 2015

So Friends Forever Issue #23....

So they do exist. Not how I imagined the pigasi, but I'll take it.


A New Chapter Is Published! :) · 3:10am Feb 16th, 2017

FNaN 2. New chapter. You should read it if you want.:rainbowderp:


Let me tell you a story · 10:34am Sep 23rd, 2017

So, I've been dealing with the emotional and physical aftermaths of how close I came to doing the big stupid. As part of that, I decided I wanted to write out a story based on what happened. The following is based solely on my impressions of what happened and of those that helped me. It is a stylized novelization of the emotions and situations I went though heavily couched in allegory and imagery based on MLP and Second Life. I've missed a great many of you in this and I'm sorry for that,

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Anyone Who Has Money, Please Help My Friend · 11:17pm Sep 7th, 2017

Hello everyone.
I don't like to ask this of people but my friend on Deviantart, LC-TV, has really hit hard times.…
If she doesn't raise £1000 in 60 days, she'll be deported and quite possibly homeless.
Please can I ask someone to donate.
If all of my followers gave £20, this could be done instantly.

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Name? · 1:27am May 28th, 2016

Anypony have a name for this stallion? I'm making him as a surprise for a friend and I need a name. He likes the outdoors, loves singing and dancing, plays music... Really nice. I'm gonna most likely redo his cutiemark, so just go offa the talents/hobbies XD and I'm considering changing everything that's blue on him (except for the teal eyes) to red, so beware. Soon I will post the final version. I'm brain dead guys...

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Report Vanilla Mocha · 189 views · #Name #OC #Friend #Art #Help

To all my friends who have been banned... · 6:16pm Mar 28th, 2017

I miss you... all of you. I'm not naming names, but I wish all my banned friends could be unbanned.

I might mention just one or two names, but there's one who was accused of plagiarism that I can't mention.

Hazel Bell, A Follower, and Lethally Insane, I miss you all... as well as a few whom I can't mention for various reasons.


All About My Picnic On Saturday! 😀 · 1:10pm Dec 21st, 2018

Hey Everypony!

How are y'all doing this fine day? I hope you're doing good enough by the grace of God. This blogpost is solely for letting you guys know what happened at my picnic on 8th of December. So, without further ado, here goes!
P.S. it's very long!

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Finally 20! 💞🌈💞 · 12:21am Oct 14th, 2020

Today is my Birthday, the 13th of October is my jam! 💞

Lol, today was pretty heartwarming and sweet.

A good way to welcome being 20!

Oi, finally closed the chapter on my teens, time to move forward and create new memories upon the horizon!

My family never wished me a Happy Birthday, I'm slightly saddened I didn't get to see my nieces today.

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Viewing 201 - 220 of 762 results