
Viewing 201 - 220 of 1,167 results

About the story... · 5:29pm Sep 16th, 2020

First of all, no, is not canceled. Second, I need to know which is the best part of the story, so far? And, please, try to comment more, people. I have more than 100 followers and, at least, I need to know if you do care for others or just follow them and never pay attention to what they do.

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Help me write something · 11:21pm May 13th, 2020

2 things: 1) I'm not dead and 2) I'm still writing so I want some feedback from a bunch of well read folks.

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I have a question, and I need y'all's opinion. · 3:05am Sep 23rd, 2017

I have an idea for a book, and I need y'all's opinion on it; it's about an oc I haven't introduced to y'all yet, writing in a journal, as well as his parents. The oc's name is Drago Daggertooth, and he's a long story. Should I take my hoof at it?


To all diapered pony writers? · 8:09pm Jan 16th, 2017

Do people just hit dis-like when ever they see diapers? Or am I just a bad writer?


I want to hear your opinion · 2:27pm Jul 9th, 2017

Hello again,
so today I have a question for all of you about future chapters of The Phantom of Canterlot.

The thing is that some of my pre-readers and editors have told me they get bored/unhappy with the way Twilight act about the history stuff she is told. Also it was mentioned that it would maybe better to write more chapters from Snowys viewpoint.

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explanations and a question · 6:46pm Jun 16th, 2018

Some strange things will happen in the next chapter (which will leave some of the characters confused and unsure what the hell is going on) but before I post it I have to insist that I don't hate Princess Celestia, though I do have a headcanon that perhaps she remained distant with Sunset in a similar way that she did with Luna before the nightmare moon thing.

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Welcome new followers and a question for all... · 2:20am Feb 1st, 2018

First off, welcome to those folks that followed after I released One Lost Night! I really appreciate the follow, and you giving One Lot Night a read, and the feed I've gotten.

And now the question; would you prefer One Lost Night be continued as one whole story, or should I start a new story altogether with our little group?

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I have to ask · 12:40am Nov 18th, 2020

So, I have gotten some new watchers, the most recent being yesterday.

I have to ask though: why?

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Sooooo... · 1:40am Aug 23rd, 2020

Okay, honestly asking, what stories would you like to see me do sequels to? Answer me honestly, really. And explain, in-depth why and what you think I should do.


Do You All Miss My Clop? · 5:18pm Oct 15th, 2020

Not that I write anything but what I want to write. And not that my 'serious' fic isn't super horny, even as my clops sometimes have some heavy themes.

But if anyone wants to say, "Horatio, you need to write more blow-by-blow* fapable erotica", now is your chance.

Especially since my dance card will be clear in a few weeks. I really ought to write some of that original fiction that could, you know, get me paid? But fuck capitalism, am I right?

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Just Curious · 5:13am Jul 15th, 2023

Just going by what's been seen of them up until this point: of Quarter's nine agents (not counting Ignition), who would you say you like the most?


Clock's Return fic · 2:22am Aug 25th, 2023


Lately I've been working on a new G5 pony fic, which is half self-insert for myself and my 5 year old cousin, and half a reboot of my OC's lore.

Given that my cousin is 5, and knows about this story, I'm writing this story with an "E" rating.

I have the next few chapters lined up, and I can say with certainty that Chapter 3 will involve Izzy Moonbow.

What I haven't decided yet is whether this fic will be wholesome slice of life, or have a small adventure/quest in it.

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Okay, so here’s a couple sequel ideas · 8:55pm May 20th, 2020

So, I had three Blue Fang sequel ideas.

So for one, Blue gets hunted down by an organization for his Rage ability, forcing him to go into hiding, leaving the others behind, and going on the hunt for the leader of said organization and take him out.

Another one for Blue’s Rage was to have him be hunted down by Shining after they believe Blue was behind a murder.

The final was to have the Fangs become a Special Operations team (As seen as F&G) and hunting down a threat to Equestria.

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It's Gotta be asked · 8:54pm Mar 20th, 2023

What was your first gaming system? For me it was a Super Nintendo Entertainment System (or SNES). My mama had a friend who would often bring his new system over to play games on. It mostly ended being me and my older brother playing it, so he actually gave it to us! Mind you, I had to have been maybe 1-2 years old at the time, but understood and could work the system (just as much as I could work my brother's Playstation [1].). I remember the hours I'd alternate between reading books, playing

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Fanfic content house? · 2:59am April 22nd

One of my friends asked me what would happen if fanfic writers made content houses like some YouTubers? And honestly, it is not nearly as interesting as they would think.

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Question of the Week #3 · 3:06am Apr 6th, 2021

Welcome back to question of the week, the blog post where I ask you a question for the week. Isn't that fun? :pinkiehappy:

Hmmm... I actually had a fun question thought up yesterday... sadly, I can't remember it. :fluttershysad:

I guess I'll have to think of something else. Okay, here's one.

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How mature is Mature? · 5:03am Jul 26th, 2015

I've been told, namely here in the last month or so by people I know that Impurities is much to descriptive in terms of gore. While I can understand where they're coming from with this, at the very same time I cannot comprehend it. I've read and seen what descriptive gore is and this isn't it.

I don't know, maybe I'm just so used to such things that I readily assume everyone is as well.

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Experimental Writing Blog: Showing vs. Describing (Question Phase) · 10:39pm Jan 10th, 2016

So... I'm going to try something a little different with writing blogs and see if I can't get a little more targeted with my followup blogs. Or, in this instance, do a Question blog and an Answer blog. I've been gnawing over a dozen or so entries in my long-defunct writing blog series, so instead of trying to anticipate what you all might be interested in, I thought I might ask what you all are interested in, and then craft the answer blog out of those questions.

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Report Noble Thought · 366 views · #Writing #Q&A #Question

The answers you've all been waiting for... · 12:06am Jan 13th, 2016


In what order would you attend to the romantic needs of the Mane Six?

6. Twilight
5. Applejack
4. Rarity
3. Fluttershy
2. Rainbow Dash
1. Pinkie Pie

What's the silliest thing that you do when you're alone?


Nah, just kidding. :rainbowlaugh: Usually, I practice my "Villain dialogue". It gets pretty dark at times, so I don't really want others hearing it.

Favourite cheese?


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[Question] What would we be like if we were an Anime? · 4:20am Jan 5th, 2016

Viewing 201 - 220 of 1,167 results