
Viewing 2221 - 2240 of 2,643 results

Stagnant but also Achieving · 10:47pm Dec 15th, 2023

We have a new entry in the Lustbound Chronicle today, one that is technically out of order. A look into what the future might hold for the stallion of the hour~.

Precipice of action, a weight towards stagnation and an abyss of possibility. Picking specks of sand from the broken hourglass suspended above me.
Picking, picking, picking.
The same grain appears again, again, again.
it calls, more friends come ticking.
And the balance continues ever onwards.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


New Star Wars story up! · 3:19pm Jul 5th, 2023

After a few months, we have finally got Episode V of my Star Wars series up. New characters, new locations, familar characters and locations, and I'm planning to amp up some of the grim. A bit. Taking a page from Empire Strikes Back, there's gonna be a little bit of dark turns here and there, at least I hope I can deliver on some of that.

TStar Wars Episode V, Phantoms Of The Past
As the Rebels work to build their forces, the shadows of the Empire start to loom over them once more...
FourShadow · 121k words · 474 views

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Darkest Of Days In Celebration · 9:38pm Dec 22nd, 2023

How much longer will it take to complete this task?
How often do I think about that? How often is the question not, what am I doing? Why am I doing it? But: When am I done?
Yet, sometimes, for very few tasks, this melts away. Everything revolves around the what, how, and why. And in those rare moments, if the question of when comes up... the answer is the same: There is no after, there is only this.

Happy Filthy Friday~, and Happy Darkest night.


Around Eternity · 10:32pm May 22nd, 2020

A snake coils around the word.
It has laid continents and oceans under its grasp, wading through the dirt on its quest.
It sees something rise up over the horizon, a prey befitting its hunger.
It strikes.
It feasts.
It keeps feasting.
It moves forwards, filling its mouth, yet there is always more ahead.
It continues.
It continues for an indefinite amount of time. A symbol of infinity.
If infinity has no end, and this one moment has no end, is infinity, nought but one moment long.

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A Matter Of Focalpoint · 10:37pm May 29th, 2020

There are times when you stare downwards, at your feet, your path, your problems. It is all you see, everything directly around it feels unimportant, distant. Stare too long, and you will not know where you are headed.
Once you look forwards, you cannot see yourself, problems are still there, but there is a goal.
It is uplifting, and sad, to think that is the way to handle any crisis.

What happens when you look up?

Happy Clean Filthy Friday~.


A Year Ended in Sickness · 12:02am Dec 30th, 2023

Treading towards the end, watching the cobble of the path fall apart, but the rocks staple together beneath my feet, each step progressing as if nothing happened, as if everything was right. But then, before the fall, new pathways converge, cobble clatter together, and before I have a chance to look down, the path is the same as it ever was.
And so it will be, until that fateful day.

Happy new Year~.


Burdens · 9:42pm Jul 28th, 2023

At times, there is a certain relief in letting go. I get used to burdens as they accumulate, as their compile and insinuate their presence in my life. Despite the loss and pain of letting them go, despite the agony of what I fear life would be without it, there is a wonderful sensation in being able to take deep, long, breaths.

Happy Filthy Friday~.

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WallFlower Up · 12:17pm Apr 8th, 2021

Luckily I was smart put this in the hopper when Hailey started getting sick, because I sure wouldn't be able to set the story box stuff up today. This is the last good posting day before the contest deadline, so I'd better get it up.

TNight of the Sunflower
Sunset asked Wallflower on a date, and Wallflower is in a panic. Will the coolest girl fron Canterlot High even show up?
Captain_Hairball · 4.6k words  ·  71  3 · 1.6k views

If you enjoy it, please upvote, bookshelf, and comment! The algorithm rules all.

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SO. MUCH. LORE. · 1:56am Aug 5th, 2022

So yeah, my new story Alone is coming along well. Wanted to give this quick update just to inform you all that Alone might come out a few days later than I wanted it to. There's a lot to write so I'm still shooting for trying to release it on the 9th it may however come out a little bit after that. Now don't worry on when it would come out, latest it would be after the 9th would be like the 12th or 13th. So, once more I'm still planning for an August 9th release but just wanted to

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I need a _____ · 11:46pm Aug 4th, 2023

Where did all the boy bands go?
Where are my, handsome lads?
Could they not keep up, with the flow?
Were they just a, passing fad?

Matching vests and upturned hats,
Stages bathed in bisexual lights,
Today musics sung by brats,
won't anyone hear my plight...



I need a Boy Band.

Happy Filthy Friday, and happy early Vore Day~.


Frost Ghost · 10:16pm Jan 6th, 2023

We have a new story today, great way to start the year. This one was part of another Pony art pack. And isn't particularly filthy or lewd. A story about being left in the cold, and the choices you make in the face of neglect.

Time passes by quicker than expected, only because my perception of time is flawed. After ignoring it for so long, I suppose I should have seen it coming.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


The Joys of Sight · 9:52pm Sep 18th, 2020

Are transient joys, even joys to begin with? Can you be satisfied with something if you are well aware that it is not to last? For some it is fine to live moment by moment and enjoy times as they come. For others it is not the joy itself but the promise of future pleasures that sustains them.

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Time Compensation · 10:31pm Apr 3rd, 2020

We keep contact brief
and hope it is leading,
to a sigh of relief,
once no one's left breathing.

Happy Clean Filthy Friday~.

Wash your hands, 30 seconds.


Rousing learning · 11:52pm April 5th

I look upon the fruit's grandeur: its shell vibrant with a scintilla sheen of its hues. Within housing pods of nourishing, supple syrup. Each pod holds a seed, the intended recipient of the fruit's benefits. Were it not for the seed, there would be no fruit, were it not for the seed, there would be no plant. And yet here I stand, holding the fruit, claimed for my own. What right do I have to it? Other than that which I attributed to myself.
And yet, I am playing right into the tree's trap.

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Sharp Sight · 10:02pm Jun 19th, 2020

Seeing is believing. That is what is said, right? Though that changes drastically with context. In the world as we perceive it, we trust what we can see, we all collectively believe in this interpretation. However, in belief, the object of worship is not, if ever, to be seen. Other than those who believe to have seen it.
But who sees them?

Happy Clean Filthy Friday~.


One pod at a time · 12:55am Jan 23rd, 2021

Three peas in a pod laid resting,
while the morning sun laid cresting,
the pod opened a creak,
from the peas no a peep,
as the first pea tumbled through.

In their slumber, more space felt welcome,
though keeping still neither did seldom,
and so with a bump,
an impromptu jump,
and the second pea tumbled through.

The third pea had all space it'd desire,
fading off in the dream court's choir,
but without a support,
the pod would contort,
so the third pea, tumbled through.

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Happy All Ass Day~. · 10:16pm Feb 14th, 2020

What is it like to come to terms with one's conception? That brief moment where void and existence married, the instant our lives began. What was before? A question often left by the wayside, and yet as relevant as what happens afterwards. Most conclusions draw back to the moment, where we are simply happy to be.
I am happy to be, and I will be happy to have been, for that brief instance in my future.

Happy All Flanks Day~.


And so we spinn a new wheel · 2:11am Jan 4th, 2020

Perception and interpretation: Key to the establishment of connection, between living beings, and said beings to their surrounding. Two creatures holds different perspectives, yet if they share the same interpretation, they can communicate and relate to one another. Perception is grown from birth, the moment we gain an understanding of the world around us. Interpretation is taught, and lays as the foundation for our communication and triumph.

Happy new decennium~.


Who is the beast · 8:56pm Jan 17th, 2020

A human sees flowers, all in a row, they lean in and smell them, make time as they go.
A beast sees flowers, down their list, they grasp and pick them, leaving dew in mist.
Down the list goes, the judge reads them all, passes the beast a sentence, to lay down the law.
The human keeps walking, away the judge gaze, for crime is the act of beasts, abstained the human's ways.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


A Day Where Lots Happened and nothing changed · 9:35pm June 14th

Upon a metal lattice of grand creation, cloaked in dusk drooling from the surveilling cosmic sharks, lies a ray of sunlight. Preserved in toxic amber, it is warped to a cycle of health and decay, as the universe revolves. Encased, hidden, sealed, and cloaked. Yet, its light penetrate into every eye that twinkle with inspiration.

Happy Filthy Friday~.

Viewing 2221 - 2240 of 2,643 results