
Viewing 2261 - 2280 of 2,599 results

How Long Are Ponies Pregnant? Google and Rarity Attempt to Answer That Question. · 12:29am Nov 28th, 2016


Original Trollfic: Rainbew Darsh Becums A Leggo Brikk · 2:15am Nov 1st, 2016

Picture credit goes to kitkatyj on Deviant Art. Check out the original picture here:

Original Trollfic: Rainbew Darsh Becums A Leggo Brikk

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Character Development · 1:48pm Nov 29th, 2015

Not my best animation really, but still screw that Mandopony.

Diamond Tiara was voiced by the generously helpful Nerdz. (Ipz Nerdz on YouTube). Please give her a bit of attention. Also give some love to GemsTheUnicorn who was originally going to voice DT but had her own personal things to take care of.

Now I must work on the Christmas animation. It shall be fabulously awesome!

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F/F/T3K15 8/22: Mykan part two! · 3:48am Aug 23rd, 2015

Sorry for being so late with my own announcement tonight. I was spending a last day with a friend who's moving out of state.

First off, it's a wrap on "A Friendship Broken by Loyalty." Y'all got brutal with it, and I'm proud.

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My Cosplay: Part Two · 5:41pm Nov 15th, 2015

My Cosplay Part Two:

I just thought I would share some of the costumes I have made over the years. These were all made by hand, including the accessories. I hope that you like them.

The costumes in this blog post are some of my older ones. But I still thought I would share them for fun.

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The Hooffields and McColts - Pony Palaver · 10:56pm Nov 15th, 2015

It's that time again, time to hear what some random fat brony thinks about the newest episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Specifically, we're dealing with The Hooffields and McColts here, folks. Really, it was an okay episode. I like how there was further character development of Twilight Sparkle (along with more evidence she is not a Mary Sue) and Fluttershy. Unfortunately, the plot

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Goku VERSUS Frieza (new forms) SPOILERS AHEAD! · 12:23am Nov 19th, 2015

For anyone who hasn't been able to see this epic moment in DBZ history, here's the battle you should see to believe.


Japanese Pony Animation · 1:04am Oct 9th, 2015

My last contribution to the world for tonight. I was going to have the ending explode into green and black and blue colors, but those two particular people who don't have much time remaining for them just kinda made me panic and rush ahead at the end just to keep subscribers on my team. Still, I hope those of you who are online and thinking of me in your thoughts - both perverted and otherwise - will enjoy this video. Next time, I'll stick to short animations. I don't like spending a month

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The best reaction to the CMC cuties marks ever on YouTube · 9:03pm Oct 11th, 2015

Seriously, look at this guy's eyes. He was so close to watering up completely.

Gonna be honest, I had a similar reaction myself, not gonna lie. Holy crap, just think where everything goes from here now!


So I got quite upset the other day... · 7:42pm Oct 6th, 2015

Apparently, my poster orders never went through when I made them, for some reason. So now I have to wait until next week for one poster to arrive just so I can analyze VistaPrint's poster-production qualities, before I decide to order larger quantities from them should I be satisfied with the quality.

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In honor of "Friendship Games" · 1:58am Sep 28th, 2015

New avatar!

It combines the cuteness of filly Vinyl Scratch, the amazing expression of G2 BIONICLE Gali from episode 15 (I think?) and the adorableness that is humanworld!Twilight!

Basically, I just threw spaghetti at a wall.

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Hello my amazing Followers! I'm still alive folks and oh my god you all NEED this game right now! · 12:40am Mar 28th, 2016

Pokken Tournament looks and and could possibly be the greatest fighting game of 2016, and considering Street Fighter 5 was such a massive letdown for me, this comment is saying a f**king lot, people. Seriously, if you all want a great fighting, either get Mortal Kombat X (if you're stupid enough to cough out loads of money for DLC fighters cough cough), or you can get this game and play as that awesome wrestling Pikachu!


It's been two years..... · 11:05pm Mar 2nd, 2016

Today, it's exactly two years ago that I finished the first chapter of "Journeys and Destinations: A Friendship for Eternity", my first Cutie Mark Crusaders fanfiction, and that I sent it in to Equestria Daily for the Writer's Training Grounds for "Twilight Time".
And since then, I barely continued it, despite how much this story means to me.
This story has gone through some really crazy times.

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Content Worth Checking Out #1 · 2:36pm Jan 5th, 2016


You Ever Think This Could Happen? · 3:17pm Feb 19th, 2017

Well, it looks like Twilight has finally grown utterly tired of all of Pinkie Pie's shenanigans. I mean, it's probably not the best idea to frustrate an almighty alicorn princess, after all!:facehoof:

Find out more about what in Equestria I'm talking about below the break...

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Will Sunset Shimmer Return To Equestria? · 3:36pm Mar 7th, 2017

As we know, all creatures in Equestria have a double (in some form) in the human world. Eventually Sunset Shimmer's double is bound to appear. When that happens, Sunset Shimmer will have to return to Equestria.

But then what will that mean for the Elements of Harmony? Will there now be eight; Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Starlight Glimmer, and Sunset Shimmer?

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Dealing with Jealousy and Broken Friendships · 5:33pm Jun 1st, 2017

Dealing with Jealousy and Broken Friendships

Jealousy can be a tough thing to deal with. You want to believe that as someone who tries to do the right thing or generally be a good person that jealously can't effect you. But the reality is that it is something that everyone has experienced in one form or another in their lives. It it is a natural human emotion and it is okay to feel jealous about a situation, just as long as you also work to resolve the issue at the same time.

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Big Mac Has A New Ship · 5:40pm May 13th, 2017

I'm sure the fandom will take this well.

-Ten minutes later.-

Everything outside of Hasbro Studios has been burned down and the fans are ready to storm and raid the studio until the staff agrees to ship Big Mac with Cheerilee or Marble Pie.

Yep. They are totally taking this well. I don't foresee this being a problem in the near future at all. XD


My Thoughts On Honest Apple · 3:15pm May 16th, 2017

This obviously will contain some spoilers. If you haven't seen the new episodes released early because of the Canadian broadcast schedule, do not read this blog post. With that said, let's get into things.

Well, here we go again. Another Applejack episode that everyone in the fandom is complaining about because Applejack actually has a character flaw. Heaven forbid, right? How dare they add interest and dimension to a character? This is a G rated show!

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AFDP: Clearly, I Saw The Future · 2:40am Jun 15th, 2015

So this was written up and submitted, completely unedited, as a response to some released info about EQG3, and particularly the new characters that will be in it.

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Viewing 2261 - 2280 of 2,599 results