
Viewing 2281 - 2300 of 2,640 results

A wave to crash Against · 10:05pm May 7th, 2021

A rush of adrenaline gets a human being through a lot more than they would expect. Limitations broken, and new horizons located in those brief glimpses of time. To reach beyond the possible.
Of course, such acts carry a price, an overdose of the impossible sends shock waves through the material, and can leave ones strong bones brittle, and wills reduced to rubble. There is a price to reach the impossible, but how far we need to reach, lessens gradually.

Happy Clean Filthy Friday~


1 year anniversary over at Eka's. · 10:21pm May 19th, 2017

Over on Eka's portal, I have been posting stories for a whole year. 52 weeks, 52 uploads. So that is most of what I want to have said this weeks.

New pony projects will come as well~.

Wishing all you lewd ponies a happy new year of filthy fun~.


Oh god it's so beautiful. My new Muse. [Image] · 7:08pm May 28th, 2018

Roseluck is great but she has company. This is my basic idea for what a Highborne thestral looks like in Foolers Rush In. Very underrated piece. The "bat pony" tag with a +200 upvote filter is some of the best fanart you'll ever find, if not explicitly, intensely, flamboyantly gay unless you filter out mature. You have been warned.

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He's Not Dead, Jim. · 7:39pm Feb 24th, 2016

Hey you! Do you read blog posts made by me? Let's hope you do since you appear to be doing that right now. Do you also enjoy the horror/gore genera of stories? Again, let's hope you do, or this whole minute of your life will be completely wasted. Do you like seeing characters you know and love go insane? Let's... actually, this one is pretty OK to say no to. I don't even enjoy that most days.

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Tip of the dawn · 11:45pm Jun 15th, 2018

Today we are having a new story uploaded~

This one involving some ponies being hypnotized and some filthy, naughty situations brought on by a large predatory pony. Who is to say which pony is willing or not?

The story can be found uploaded right on the profile.

while this is not the full sunrise we are seeing on the horizon of what is to come, it is a peek.

Have a delightfully Filthy Weekend~.


What's this? The first story of 2021? · 5:53am Jan 21st, 2021

Yeah. It is, and it's probably going to be the only one I release for a while. I've just had enough of this written, plus I'm absolutely sick of just editing and revising my older stuff. Staring at my older prose so much can get boring just because I don't really like editing. Though I do like reading, sometimes all work and no play is just awful.

So have a story about Ivory Scroll.

TVictory for the Dark Horse
Ever since Twilight Sparkle has taken the steps to princesshood, Ivory Scroll has become obsolete as Ponyville's Mayor-Mare. Nothing could be more devastating to her, and she aims to renew her sense of purpose in the world.
Ice Star · 14k words  ·  54  11 · 791 views

Return of Weirduary · 12:00am Mar 3rd, 2018

it is the end of Weirduary, for real this time.
And I am at a convention, so I am spent, exhausted, drained.

But I am probably uploading something pony next week. yay.

See you all then, have another great week aftet this Filthy Friday~.


New Story "Social Distancing" Being Released Tomorrow · 5:19pm Apr 18th, 2020

I'd sample the story to give you an idea but on this particular occasion, I'd have to break the rules of the site. :pinkiesad2:

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Post Vore day~ · 10:16pm Aug 9th, 2019

Fester, thoughts believed banished, rising foam of doubt and terror sprawling through our mind. A call of falsehood only fuels them, the more we think of them, the more life they are granted. The past is only real because we recall it, our memory dictates what remains in our reality, and what falls by the wayside. Despite being selective, there can always be the hermit thoughts, those too deep to pluck, who foament doubt and sorrow, we believed to have banished. A hole in a puzzle, is as much

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Psst, I snuck in from Eka's, heelp · 11:57pm Jul 26th, 2019

As easy as it flies in our grasp, it flutters forth into the abyss. Who is to say they have any grip on this world? Every moment is fleeting, every action meant for not. Time mends suffering, the only way it can.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Twin Month Approaches~. · 11:54pm Jan 28th, 2022

As nature iterates it divides, branches spreading ad finding their niche, burrowing through the grounds and soils of life to approach its place in the whole. Some branches fall short, and yet they still nourish the whole of the tree, allowing the others ones to reach further than they ever could hope to achieve alone. Together, whole.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Times of Hats in Darkness · 1:20am Jul 6th, 2019

One mushroom, a foot in a cap lounging in place, defying expectation in shying away from sunlight, towards the crannies of comfortable darkness where other plants stray far from. Course, they are not flora. They feed elseway, they drain their nourishment, cleaning the underbelly of nature of the sickened, or create the cause of the sickness. So inconspicuous, so small, creatures of the dark need not impress with their volume, their size is as their preference: secluded in darkness.

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Double up On Twin Month · 11:30pm Feb 11th, 2022

It is the second week of Twin Month 2022, and we are releasing the other half of last week's story, which fittingly contains the "conclusion" to the happy twins therein~.

There once was a crab on the beach, it polished its scale on a smooth rock.
It wondered, "how come my shell is rigid, yet the stone here's a polished block?"
The tides answered. First one wave, then another. Washing over crab and rock, a briny breeze of the ocean.

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Remember, remember, the Fifth of November... · 6:13pm Nov 5th, 2019

Happy Bonfire Night to all you brits out there!

As for me, I’m celebrating the day as it’s the debut of my main project that’ll probably go on for quite some time now. A new, proper “Elements” story, exploring the characters set up in the original.

I hope all of my lovely readers enjoy the new tales and tell me what you think.


Wait Today is What? · 8:14pm Apr 1st, 2022

I was thinking now,
That I would write a poem,
But this is ramble.

is rarely what we write here,
Potassium, yum.

Wishing you a happy Filthy Friday, and a Wholesome Weekend.


Sneak-Peak Saturday #42 · 3:42pm Dec 7th, 2019

Wednesday, December 11th

All the events of the seasons of FiM have happened before. Maestro Spectrum knows all of the events from the start, and crafted an artificial 7th Element of Harmony to try and stop it. However, he is tired of failing ... Something needs to change.
The REAL Mister Pkmn · 42k words  ·  24  2 · 841 views

Chapter 22 Excerpt:

Sure, it was a bit hard, knowing that she wasn’t the first that he had tried to show this all to among the six of them. But… she didn’t really mind so much anymore.

TTo Find Purpose
Back in 2011, there was a young man who felt ostracized by the world. He felt that absolutely nobody cared, but he pushed on anyway. This is a tale of if he found his way to Equestria back then...
The REAL Mister Pkmn · 76k words  ·  20  5 · 1.3k views

Chapter 12 Excerpt:

“It’s alright, Rena. It’s alright.”

Wednesday, December 18th

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New Chaotic Friends and a Bunch of Stuff · 2:57pm Jul 8th, 2019

First off: I'M BACK! Woo! My time away was great but I'm also glad to be back.

SECOND: One of the best old ponyfics of ALL TIME has gone up to fimfiction: GO. GO AND GIVE IT LIKES AND PRAISE! It has a ten out of ten rating from me so much! LOAD IT WITH PRAISE.

TCRISIS: Equestria
The Elements of Harmony find themselves transported to a world full of evil and darkness. On the journey home they make new friends, as well as new enemies in the form of evil counterparts to themselves.
GanonFLCL · 711k words  ·  160  5 · 3.9k views

It's rated M, but I think it doesn't have to be necessarily. It's being featured in LSB and it's still keeping the T rating.

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From One Dark Friday to a Whole Dark Month · 12:22am Dec 2nd, 2017

December is here, what a lovely time, it gets cold and frosty and chilly and icy and the temperature also drops.
One could say: it gets cool.

But enough breaking the ice, you should all be relaxing and enjoying some fun stories.
While you are at ti, plan ahead for hearts warming, you'll thank yourself for it~.

With that, have a fantastic filthy Friday~.


Coming Soon: A new story! · 3:35am Jun 19th, 2015

Anyone who is following my other two stories that I have open are face palming hard right now -- but have no fear!

I've been writing on this next story for a good two weeks now, and have just finished the synopsis for the whole thing. That means that I know all of the story, and how it's going to go. And THAT means that this story is more than likely going to be finished once it's started (which is already is, technically)!

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A Venture of Foil · 12:31am Jan 26th, 2019

As night showers from on high, there is relief flooding through the the internal web of brawn and musculature. A sense of ending, a sense of rest, and a promise of passing. Each time it comes, whether rest be night or day, the constants are welcome. For the road on which we tred changes by each step, it gives us something to adhere to. Despite, even this promise, is not to last forever.

Happy Filthy Friday, and keep your eyes sharp~.

Viewing 2281 - 2300 of 2,640 results