
Viewing 2301 - 2320 of 2,640 results

Fallout Oasis Reviewed and Working on a New Story · 12:01am Apr 12th, 2020

Aren't they just beautiful? I love Grypher's artwork!

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A brand new dancing Tale · 1:46am Feb 2nd, 2019

We have a new story today, and it is a naughty one. Beware of promiscuouse filth and lewdness.

About time I got a commission for a pony story again, has been a bit, but it was enjoyable to work on it and the process was quite smooth.

This means no poem or journey text this week.

Ahhhh, we can have one either way.

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What is real, are you real? · 11:26pm Jun 1st, 2018

What are you doing here? There is no new story this week, and there is summer outside.
Go out and eat some green grass.
You will thank me later.

Enjoy yourself~.


Spaceflight Picnic · 9:08pm Oct 7th, 2022

How many years old am I, if we disregard hours slept?
Would you consider yourself alive in your sleep? You are only so many steps removed from the alternative. What constitutes as an active-life age? Perhaps it does not matter. We have all lived as many days as our age shows. Then again, days is a concept, a dream we share together. Our life, is what we do. Perhaps some who sleep less, have more experience, or would their opposites, be able to use their energy in more elegant manners.

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My very first commissioned story just went up! - Diamond Don't · 2:13pm Jul 15th, 2020

I've never ever written a commissioned story before now, so this is all new territory to me. I'm pleased to announce that my first commission is finally published and ready for the viewing!

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Anal Vore Autumn Art Pack Unleashes · 9:44pm Oct 15th, 2021

I have collaborated with some great artists to bring out another pony artpack.

Anal vore Autumn

It contains animations, over 30 illustrations, and a new story of mine that has a tie in comic by Dendollae.
Blazeblue, Augustbebel, Crazy Water, novaspark, Ladytechna and more are all involved.

Head to Derpibooru or Eka's portal for the announcement, since I cannot post links to it.

The artpack itself is on E-junkie.

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Butterflies and Balloons + Updates · 9:19pm Jan 31st, 2021

To the two or three of you who care:

Just released the first chapter of Butterflies and Balloons, my Fluttershy x Pinkie Pie romance story. Scheduled to be eight chapters long. Won't give a timeline for its completion, but I am hoping by the end of March.

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An expected ill · 10:58pm May 1st, 2020

Wash your hands.

A branch knocked onto the explorer's head,
they thought nothing of it, and went on instead.
A branch knocked onto the explorer's chest,
they thought nothing of it, ill time for a rest.
A branch knocked onto the explorer's neck,
they thought nothing of it, and continued their trek.
they paid no attention to what latched onto their nape,
for while out exploring, every branch looks like a snake.

Happy Clean Filthy Friday~.


Summer Ponder · 9:40pm Apr 21st, 2023

Sweet summer sun and the taste of oranges underneath the calming winds beneath a tall tree. I can taste the citrus nectar on my lips, the brisk air, and shadows of rustling leaves. Were I close my eyes, I would be there once more. Though, there is no time to shut them, there is work to be done, and when it slips my memory, it will never exist again.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


A Familiar Visage · 1:44am Nov 12th, 2022

Two brothers quarrel to split their family asunder,
one side grows strong while the other goes under.
Together sparks fly and the tension grows high,
but neither brother bid the other goodbye.
In but one frail moment, all was lost,
the brothers left to lament the cost.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Late Work / Merry Christmas / New Stuff / New Stories · 4:11pm Dec 27th, 2019

Hello everypony, as you might have noticed the next chapter to Journey To Heartwarming is not up yet, this is because I was so busy this week with other stuff. I do plan to still post this beast of a winter finale but I need to finish it first. This chapter was almost finished at the beginning of this month, but then I had to do writes to fine-tune each to have them fit better into place. Due to that, I am currently finishing the chapter even right now. So here is what is going to happen, if I

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Ginger Ape Madness · 1:50am Mar 11th, 2023

Time draws close to all, a string of events as beads on a chain, the further we draw it the more beads correlate throughout our vision, we make beads every moment, but never to see the chain we've made, or where this chain will lead.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Second Week of Matte Month · 8:56pm Dec 9th, 2022

Fortune is in high demand, though they stopped making it years ago. With only so much to go around, the one reliable way of acquisition is to pilfer from others. Some who has fortune to spare, for others it is all they have. There is a balance, equilibrium can be achieved, though this would not benefit those who carries the largest fortune.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


New Story That's Actually Good!: Killing Me Softy · 7:08pm May 31st, 2022

TKilling Me Softly
Starlight Glimmer: the best thing to ever happen to me. She's by my side through thick & thin, & whatever hardships we face, we always face together. She's truly an amazing friend. But I want to be more than just friends. Tonight, I say those 3 words
Super Trampoline · 6.6k words  ·  77  6 · 1.3k views

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End of Pony Month · 10:01pm Jun 30th, 2023

I like today's story. It has a buffalo in it.
And was part of an early Pony Vore art pack, which is now made available.

Loss can take away more than what was ever there, a it makes you see what was always there, and how much more of it you could be bereft of. It feels like nothing can add to what was erased. And in a way it true. You can only fit so much through a square hole.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


A While In the Sun · 10:38pm Jul 9th, 2021

Sleep as you would under the stars, with body bare and legs apart.
hang if you will by the worlds handlebars, away from influences that would impart.
But wake each moment,
the world's not patient,
it comes to you with judgement insistent.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


A Desire for Summer · 9:39pm Jul 23rd, 2021

There is a new pony artpack, summer edition, which I can not link to here, but if you find my other Septia accounts then you can find a link to the artpack~. A lot of artists making some fun content for it.

Sometimes, it does not go the way I wanted it to.
It still goes.
And while I can, it is how I react to the changes that determine my path. The path has but one end, until then, it only forks.

Happy Clean Filthy Friday~.


Happy New Year! · 2:56pm Jan 1st, 2019

Hey Everypony!

As promised, the New Year has brought with it a new story for all to enjoy!

The first chapter of Fallout Equestria: Clockwork Precision has already gone live and is ready for you to take a peek.

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Oops, I dropped thi--OH CRAP, IT'S SPOILERS! · 11:55pm Apr 23rd, 2020


Steps Towards the Outside · 8:41pm Jun 17th, 2022

I rest in the shadow of a young, sprig tree. Its branches reach just past the tip of my boot. The air here is crisp, freshly brewed and vented, by the same aamaritan providing cloak from the sun. Yet all around it stand grander trees, with grander branches, soaking up sun, sighing cool air. My tree is dwarfed, in the company of the ageless, those who savour the same world, drink the same atmosphere, and yet are a distance away, greater than any journey. I may never know the experiences of a

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Viewing 2301 - 2320 of 2,640 results