
Viewing 2361 - 2380 of 2,597 results

Quiet (Metal Gear The Phantom Pain) Cosplay by SSSniperWolf. · 10:39pm Oct 1st, 2015

I'll admit I MIGHT have clicked on the video for...other reasons...besides her cosplaying Quiet, but still it's a good cosplay.


Top three MLP videos that got lots of views with little effort · 12:30pm Oct 2nd, 2015

Does it annoy you when you try your best to make good videos on YouTube, but don't? Well, prepare to be more annoyed because here's some videos that got waaaaay more views than you, and had little to no work done on them at all.

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I want something horrible to read so I can have a laugh. · 12:04am Oct 9th, 2015

After that masterpiece of a Shrek fanfiction, I feel like doing a special playlist on my YT channel devoted to reading awful fanfiction, MLP or not.

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Live Reading! · 11:31pm Dec 25th, 2016


I Made An Art Patreon · 11:04pm Nov 23rd, 2016

I figured that I didn't have much to lose, so due to the suggestion of a friend, I made an art Patreon account. It is tied to my art YouTube page which I am working on building.

Here's the link to my art Patreon:

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Original Trollfic: Aplejek Getz Stuk In A Barel · 2:56pm Nov 1st, 2016

Original Trollfic: Aplejek Getz Stuk In A Barel

One day Aplejek, one of teh most famus dirt ponies in all of teh wurld, wuz workin on teh farm becuz despite savin teh wurld 20 millonz of timz she was still a poor aple pesent wit no moniez. It wuz okay tho as farm pony wuz too stupid to relize she never got paid for saving teh world like teh other ponies did.

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BronyCon Day 1: The people · 7:31am Jul 9th, 2016

An incomplete list of people I met:

Bad Horse (he gave me a hat. And many people hats. The Evil League of Evil got a few glances, but while the initial reaction was muted, we made quite the collective impression)
Admiral Biscuit
Pav Fiera
Not_a_hat (properly this time)
Cerulean Voice
MaskedFerret (she said I’m not as scary as she thought)
Trick Question

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UniqueSKD is a Level Three Artist! · 7:41pm Sep 9th, 2016

UniqueSKD Artwork submission can be seen at 9:57

I was worried I was going to be a level two, but as you see here folks, UniqueSKD - that's me obviously - has been designated a level three artist! I am sitting here with a goofy smile right now because I am so happy to see this. So, so happy!

So, this now means I CAN charge money for posters! Pay up, freeloaders! Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

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Things Bronies Say: Part One · 2:33pm Apr 13th, 2017

Things Bronies Say: Part One

Here is part one of Things Bronies Say. I am thinking of making this a series of sorts. I hope you enjoy the first part.


1. They better not have Starlight Glimmer in season six or I'm going to stop watching the show!

*One season later.*

They better not have Starlight Glimmer in season seven or I am leaving the fandom for good this time!!

2. Brony One: There is no MLP after Lauren Faust stopped working on the show!

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I'm Scared For The Future Of MLP: FIM · 1:21am May 21st, 2017

I am scared for the future of Friendship Is Magic but it isn't for the reason you might think. I do not think the show has declined in quality since season two. In fact, I tend to like seasons 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 a lot better than the first two seasons which looking back are a little too childish and had too low of stakes involved in each episode.

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A new approach to multi-chapter fanfiction · 8:00pm May 27th, 2016

A while ago, back when I first started writing MLP fan fiction and posting it here, I wrote a fanfiction called "Nightmares Never Cease". It was my first multi-chapter fan fiction and I was, for a while, very proud of it. I had a lot of excellent ideas for future chapters, or so I thought at the time. However, one day, I started losing interest in it. It happened gradually. I got used to writing one chapter or at least a significant amount of a chapter once a day. Then it was once every

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My Little Pony Makeup Line?? · 9:20pm Aug 11th, 2017

My Little Pony Makeup Line??

My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic has a makeup line now. :/

As in with an actual makeup company/ line (not for kids, not an off-brand).

It was put out by a makeup company called PÜR Cosmetics.

Whelp, now I've seen everything.

The Makeup Line:

Product Closeups:

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Most and Least Favorite Bronies/Pegasisters this year... · 12:05pm Dec 19th, 2017

Most Favorite Brony; That Gray Cartoon Pony
(I think his videos are quite unique. Can't immediately think of anyone else who puts cartoon animations into 3D SFM videos)

Least Favorite Brony; Mandopony
(I actually wanted to put Nevercake's name here because I want that man to neverwake again, but he's not a brony so I went with last year's choice instead)

Most Favorite Pegasister; Scribbler Productions

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Why are our fics My Little Pony? · 10:11pm Jul 22nd, 2017

This is an idea that has been in the back of my mind for a while now, and since I still don’t have any story ideas I suppose I will talk about this here.

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All December, UniqueSKD will sing Christmas Carols on YouTube (God save us all!) · 3:21am Dec 1st, 2017


F/F/T3K15 11/1: Long time coming. · 1:48am Nov 2nd, 2017

This marks the end of part five of "Purple Monkey Dishwasher." Read it here before my nonsense titles for it devolve to the point I'm not even using words anymore.

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UniqueSKD Plays Dark Souls For His YouTube Channel (so check it out cause' it's awesome) · 12:49pm May 7th, 2018

Finally, my first episode of my Dark Souls series is up on my channel, after staying up for 5 FUCKING HOURS last night making sure the upload didn't crash or anything. I've spent a lot of money for my capture card and my Blue Yeti Microphone (which ironically came in a red color, ha ha ha) so I am determined to get some mileage out of this garbage. If you want to see idiot me play Dark Souls and possibly be unfunny then follow the link down below and enjoy what this retard has put out on the

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Princess Luna is your Dreamkeeper · 11:03pm Jun 24th, 2017

Another dumb little MLP animation by the god-awful UniqueSKD. Enjoy the video, or not. Most likely not, but who gives a monkeys? It's already uploaded onto my crappy channel so it's on the internet to stay. You mad? You're not? then.


Under the Moonlight - song written by UniqueSKD · 8:58pm Oct 14th, 2015

Hey pretty lady, I see you there in the corner
Dressed like a queen and standing all alone
Well I couldn't help but wonder if you wanna
Come and dance with me cause' I'm on my own

I think you look so damn pretty
Your eyes are twinkling like the stars above
What the hell is this feeling coming over me?
I think I'm falling head over heels in love

Honey, before you go and leave me behind
I was kinda hoping you wouldn't mind
If I took your hand, led you out into the night

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Laptop system fixed, and "Yang VERSUS Tifa Deathbattle!" · 10:38pm Oct 24th, 2015

Today, my computer got really messed up. Google Chrome would not open and soon no other program would either. I tried to find information to fix the problem, and wound up refreshing my laptop system, losing a bunch of applications and stuff.

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Viewing 2361 - 2380 of 2,597 results