
Viewing 221 - 240 of 956 results

6 · 7:02am Dec 4th, 2019


also, blog 1500 :P


What is in a rating? · 11:02pm Jul 12th, 2021

I am stuck with a problem. I am wondering if my main story should stay Rated T or if for safety I should up it to Rated M and go for the gold. Nothing that I have planned I see as very bad. But others may disagree.

I am not sure what to do but I may go for the safest option and up it to rated M.

I don't want to scar any little fillies and colts in the audience.

If putting it to rated M would make people mad I may keep it at rated T and write around what I was thinking.

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Report Shadow Hound · 195 views · #ratings #blood #mlp #main 6.

MLP Season 6 Party Saturday, March 26th, Dragon's Lair Austin TX 7PM-Midnight · 5:22am Mar 26th, 2016

Hey there! I'll be hosting the following party later tonight.

My email is if you need more info:


Meetup Name: Dragon's Lair Comics and Games in AUSTIN, TX
City/State/Country: Austin/Texas/USA
Time: 7PM-Midnight Central Standard Time (5 Hours)

Rules and Description:
(1) You may (and probably should) bring food and drinks if you like. There are some drinks and snack food available for purchase at Dragon's Lair as well.

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Angel Hare Tape 1 - 6 · 6:49pm Nov 24th, 2023


Minecraft: From the Fog #6 - 10 · 7:24am Mar 30th, 2023


Site Post » S6E5 - Gauntlet of Fire · 3:30pm Apr 16th, 2016

It's an episode that sounds an awful lot like my time in Dark Souls this week.


Nitpecking: Gauntlet of Fire · 6:57pm Apr 16th, 2016

Wow. My hopes for Season 6 are up again. That episode was awesome. Love the message. Love the worldbuilding. Just loved the episode. Also, this is Dragon Quest done ... I don't wanna say right, but ... better.

The only downside is that one character almost does a 180 near the end.

Btw, forget Snips and Snails. This guy just took the cake for my most hated character. God, I loved to see him get hurt.


A OFFICAL mlp (season 6) with a GAME OF THRONES THEME OPENNING · 8:26pm Mar 7th, 2016

Me (when first watching this): MLP meets Game of Thrones? Cool!

Wait a MINUTE, is this OFFICIAL??? O.o SO MUCH YES!
Now i am even more curious about the new season than ever.

Here is just me doing a quick (and plain) analysis:
*More dragons? I hope with this we get a female dragon as a villain (like in G3.) and will be going to DragonLand too.
* something important might happen in Manehattan/Canterlot.

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Site Post » S6E7 - Newbie Dash · 3:31pm May 7th, 2016

It's horse time

Report knighty · 5,775 views · #season 6 #s6e7 #newbie dash

S6E08: "A Hearth's Warming Tail" · 9:01pm May 14th, 2016

Very quick, non-spoilery review: I really liked it. Okay, not the most original idea for an episode, but done very nicely and with much better pacing than some eps I could name. A couple of relatively minor faults, but it was good enough to overcome the weirdness of being shown in May. This might be my favourite ep of the season, and it's close enough to a five that it stands a chance (a small one, admittedly) of being upgraded on re-watching. Edit: it was indeed upgraded! This is a

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A nice short hiatus · 9:49pm Jan 28th, 2016

Unlike the extremely long gap between season 4 and season 5, it looks like we are going to have another normal 4-5 month hiatus for any show. It just happened that I was looking at twitter when I got the good news that we had our first spoilers of season 6. I immediately dashed over to Equestria Daily where I saw that the site was buzzing with new information. Not only were there clips of Twilight's new niece with the name "Flurry" but that season 6 will be out in the spring as well.

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S6E18: "Buckball Season" · 8:17pm Sep 3rd, 2016

Other than the sad lack of a Looney Tunes joke to go with the title, I don't have many complaints about this one. This is the sort of old-season stuff I really like, and for the most part I thought it worked very well. Fluttershy was great, Pinkie was great... and Snails(!) was great too. Rainbow and Applejack were a tad more uneven, but mostly they got away with it. Another filler episode, I suppose, but in my view a very good filler episode. I'll definitely be rewatching this one.

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s6 Finale (PSOILERS) · 11:22pm Oct 7th, 2016

Season 2 finale

'Changelings aren't evil!'

'They were just looking for food...'

'What if they're not really so bad?'

'They can't all be bad, right?'

'Changelings are good guys! Really!'

'Would it Matter if I Was?'

Season 6 finale, changelings literally get redeemed


'Oh of course, redemption. So dumb!'

'What the fuck are these designs...'

'The writing's so bad!'

'It's so dumb!'



S6E23: "Where the Apple Lies" · 11:46pm Oct 8th, 2016

Yes, I've seen the finale. Of course I have! Review coming after the US airing, however. As for episode 23, which was dropped from Tiny Pop because of cider referenes, I really enjoyed it. More than quite a few other people, so it seems from initial reactions. There are a few obvious plot holes, but it was another of the "could almost have been S2" episodes that this season has done quite a bit now. Three stars on first viewing, but a high three. Has potential to be a four if I really

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S6E22: "P.P.O.V. (Pony Point of View)" · 5:09pm Oct 1st, 2016

Hmm. I appreciate the innovation, but it's not as successful in that regard as "The Saddle Row Review" was. There are some great bits, and Applejack has a fantastic episode, but they don't quite add up to a great whole. Part of this is because the resolution is colossally stupid. Unfortunately, I'll know it's coming now, and it'll irritate me every time. As a mystery, "Rarity Investigates!" blows this -- ahem -- out of the water. ★★/★★★


When inspiration strikes. · 2:27am Aug 9th, 2017

When you come up with multiple scenarios for these genderbent mares and you just have to commit, lest you make a liar out of yourself!

Pseudo spin off to my previous story, A Stallion Among Mares, where in this universe, all of the mane six have been born as dudes instead of just Twilight.

(Try and humor me by guessing what the scenario for each of these duders are. :trixieshiftright: )

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S6E25&25: "To Where and Back Again" · 2:12pm Oct 26th, 2016

Great fun, at least as long as you don't hate Starlight Glimmer being central. Has some obvious plot holes (the changeling!Mane Six are really obvious, so how did they take over so easily?) but it's one of those episodes that's best watched for entertainment. Trixie and Discord are a brilliant double act. Chrysalis's appearance from behind the cocoons is tremendously creepy, too. I'm glad they didn't reform her -- I suspect she'll be back, and not alone either. Still uncertain about

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Credit Given Where Credit is Due · 10:34am Nov 10th, 2015

There's a saying in writing "Take from one source, it's plagiarism. Take from ten sources, it's theft. Take from thirty sources, it's considered a tribute. Take from a hundred sources, it's considered worldbuilding." Sometimes, when reading a fic, I find an idea I like. This post will be comprised of ideas I like, where I found them and who wrote the stories the idea came from.

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S6E12: "Spice Up Your Life" · 2:55pm Jun 19th, 2016

I'm back from a week's holiday, so here's a very late episode review! No need to avoid spoilers after a week, so: I thought this was a solid episode, but one that could have been so much better. In particular, why wasn't the song turned into a huge, all-dancing Bollywood extravaganza? I was confidently expecting the reprise to be just that... and then it wasn't. :raritycry: Okay, it was Bollywood-ish, but where was the completely ridiculous sudden entrance of 200 whirling dancers,

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Reminds me of something somepony already wrote before... · 9:38pm Dec 13th, 2015

You guys have probably seen this screencap already.

I remember of this one story about some alicorn that kind of didn't have her wings for a while.

Viewing 221 - 240 of 956 results