
Viewing 221 - 240 of 434 results

The LTUE 2018 Report · 10:18pm Feb 16th, 2018

It's time for another LTUE (Life, The Universe, and Everything) report! And this time, not in place of Monday's Being a Better Writer post!

Why, you may ask? Okay, and you may be asking "What's LTUE?" as well. So, in reverse order then.

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Dark Fantasy Series · 6:03am May 29th, 2019

So, for those who haven't caught on, I've been branching out from the Pony fanfiction lately to start working on some Dark Fantasy Novellas under the series title of Tales from a World Corrupted. It's set on a planet that's been ruined by magic and the ways people abuse it, and it's got some wacky races too, including talking horses. I'm also working on a tabletop game set in that setting, which will hopefully have some starter material as well as a video series starting in June. As

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FFXIV OST Ravana Theme Phase 1 · 9:06pm Jan 8th, 2018


Attempting to offer some perspective · 6:53pm Mar 12th, 2021

I'm having a debate with someone on this. Anyone who's been following my most recent story knows it deals with some very dark themes (suicide and child murder namely). If you saw the most recent chapter, you know that the real intention is for My OCs' son to fight the murderer in hoof-to-hoof combat. I know it's uncomfortable, and that's the whole point. Think about some of your favorite superheroes like batman, superman, Goku, etc. Batman saw his parents murdered in front of him. Superman and

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The opening act to Dragon of Grace is finished. · 6:19pm Dec 17th, 2021

There's a neat little plot twist in the chapter I just uploaded. I think it flows pretty nicely without messing with the audience too much.


A third of the way done. · 9:09am Dec 17th, 2021

Writing a crossover story with an original dark fantasy series I started a few years ago. It's progressing pretty smoothly so far.

[Unpublished stories cannot be embedded]


JRPG Time! · 1:52pm Dec 22nd, 2021

So! A friend just let me borrow Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne, and I recently bought too a compilation of Final Fantasy 7 and 8. Soooo... Well, I won't be MIA, but I will be a bit less present for the following week(s). I know, it's sad, but it's actually homework for UME. I'm doing this for you guys (and also for myself because I always wanted to play them). SMT may help me better understand the universe/multiverse of Persona (and may mean that characters from SMT may appear in the story),

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Shameless plug: Four Job Fiesta charity stream · 11:57pm Jun 14th, 2016

Remember how I claim I'm good at self-imposed challenges? Remember how I've done charitable stuff in the past? Remember how I'm a useless piece of shit?

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In non-pony news... · 1:15am Aug 29th, 2016

I have posted the revised version of the first chapter of my original fantasy. This is in response to the fact that I am starting training for a new job, and I'm feeling more than a little jittery. While writing is probably not going to feed me if things don't work out, it can at least provide something of a safety net. Besides, this is one of the things that has kept me sane through the years and I want to reward it by finishing it. If you're interested in seeing my story, then please,

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Sneak peak #3 + Original World Introduction · 7:27pm May 21st, 2016

Like the last one, this one's another snippet from an original work that I'm writing for a game that I'm developing.
Edit 1: I didn't really make any introduction to original work's world and it probably didn't really make much sense posting the preview without any context whatsoever. The introduction is below the preview. Should make future previews much easier to understand.

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Next Chapter of Tomb Kings. · 2:13pm Aug 11th, 2018

I really should use this more often. This is just an update to say I'm editing the next chapter of Tomb Kings of Equestria, but it might be delayed as I'm preparing to go to EGX next month and need to sort out a few things. One of which is my Cuphead cosplay.

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Genre VS Literary and the Cult of Twitter · 7:53pm Jun 14th, 2019

Hey readers! Got an interesting one for you today. Sort of a call-back, almost, to last week’s post on “pulp” not being a stand-in for “fun.” Once again, brought up by an online discussion I saw in a reading sphere.

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Hot new story fresh off the press · 9:34pm Aug 7th, 2017

Well it started out as a commission but we ended up working together on several elements. It's a clop story featuring domination roleplay by Celestia and a gryphon mage. There are some extreme grimdark elements so it's not for everyone but for those who do enjoy darker stories I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Thanks again SPark for writing this for me.

The new story can be found at


Well, we've reached a million cases and other things in life, like Final Fantasy 7 Music to disract you from the Coronavirus crap!!!!! · 12:45am Apr 3rd, 2020

Well, I guess everyone has heard that the number of confirmed Coronavirus Cases has reached a million within about five or six months since it started in December.

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Some Awesome Covers of Hobbit and LOTR Songs · 3:26am Sep 21st, 2018

I discovered these guys' cover of "Far Over the Misty Mountains Cold" from The Hobbit about three or four years ago. And they have a lot of other fantastic takes on the music of Middle Earth that I felt obliged to share.

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Thank you for 100 followers · 10:32pm May 21st, 2020

Almost a decade ago, I made a character named Kaiyo...

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FFXIV Livestream at 5/11/16 1PM CST · 2:53am May 11th, 2016

As the title says, I will be holding a FFXIV livestream! Now with hopes that I can get a little interaction between me and you, the audience, I've comprised the list of all the trials, dungeons, and raids that one can reasonably do through the duty finder. And I'd like you to vote on which of each you'd like to see me do. If you're curious on which one is which I'd recommend taking a look through some youtube finding footage of every single one will keep me up for a solid hour.

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Axtara – Banking and Finance Beta Call Going Out! · 5:43pm Sep 10th, 2020

All right! It’s here! And not a moment too late, either! Axtara – Banking and Finance is ready for Beta 1!

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Question of the Week #91 · 3:04pm Feb 2nd, 2023

Hello everyone and welcome back to the question of the week.

With WotC nearly killing DnD, many groups have been trying to step up and this has motivated me to try to create my own ttrpg. Perhaps in the future I will provide more details. :raritywink:

For now everything is still in the development phase.

But that doesn't mean that I can ask questions in regards to it.

So I have two questions:

  1. What is your favorite fantasy rpg race?

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Retro's Blog: Could Square Enix be Making a Comeback? · 4:05pm Jul 15th, 2019

Viewing 221 - 240 of 434 results